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"You're asking me to WHAT!," screamed Rachel,
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"You're asking me to WHAT!," screamed Rachel, as she laughed at Anon.

Anon had been dreading this exact outcome. He had spent hundreds of hours on pick up artist forums and youtube channels to learn how to get girls. How hard could it really be, he had thought. There were much more females than males in his final year of high school. Girls looked forward to the prom and American culture had told him that they would be desperately unhappy without dates. Girls are just like guys, he was told. Girls like confidence and forwardness, he was told. People become more attracted to other people who give them attention, he was told. The internet had all the information. He didn't need to be an expert Minecraft player to put all the blocks of logic together and figure out how to salvage his miserable high school experience.


Rachel looked hysterical. Her teeth and exaggerated expression of laughter reminded Anon of a hyena. But he only realised that the next day. He had purposely talked to her when they were relatively alone, but at that moment he knew there would be a crowd forming. He couldn't figure out whether it would be less humiliating to walk away right that second or stay there...
How do normies even ask people out?

I'm so unaware how these things go down
They just do it like OP described. The difference is that everybody knows they are normal and not weird losers.
I guess he didn't explicitly describe it, but I meant this:
>He had spent hundreds of hours on pick up artist forums and youtube channels to learn how to get girls. How hard could it really be, he had thought. There were much more females than males in his final year of high school. Girls looked forward to the prom and American culture had told him that they would be desperately unhappy without dates. Girls are just like guys, he was told. Girls like confidence and forwardness, he was told. People become more attracted to other people who give them attention, he was told. The internet had all the information. He didn't need to be an expert Minecraft player to put all the blocks of logic together and figure out how to salvage his miserable high school experience.
>He didn't listen to /r9k/
This is what you get
I think it's a much bigger deal when you're younger. But as you get older you become a lot more casual about it.

>"I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime?"
>"We should go see _____, together."
It's just talking to someone for a while and then say
'You seem nice, wanna get some coffee sometime?'
If she says yes GG
I guess for you the hard part is when she says no, the act of asking out itself is not what you fear but when she says no you just have to not care, i know it sounds strange and difficult to achieve but it's really not
You have to not think about it for too long, that's the first part and believe me I've been trough all of it beta orbiter and the whole bullshit, just don't fucking wait there's never a 'better time' and once you realized asking girls out who you don't really know that well you will realize that you actually don't give a shit what because fuck it, you don't have to speak to them again
>asking 3dpd out
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