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Post a letter to someone who may or may not read it.
Dear Fabio,
Just checked your facebook today.
Glad to see your LDR worked out.
Mine failed, as expected.... but I guess we have to pick ourselves up and keep going.... even if we have nothing...
To whom it may concern,

I'd like to say I'm sorry for the way I am.

I'm not.
Dear piece of shit,

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." Is what I wish I could say without feeling like I'm lying to myself, but I can't. When I was younger you used to touch me in places, that quite frankly, shouldn't have been touched. I was only 9 or 10, and and you made it seem like it was my fault...like I deserved being sexually molested by you. I wish I could say I'm angry, upset, filled with hatred, at what you did but I can't, which is quite annoying. It's just something that happened that can't be changed. It's like the expression 'No use crying over spilled milk' right? The only thing that irritates me is the fact that I have to live with the fucking memories. I have to keep remembering what you did to me, I don't want to do that...I dont I dont I dont I dont . Sometimes I think you've forgotten, you say hi to me without even the slightest lick of guilt.

Must be nice not having a conscious.
Watz gud my nigga
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Dear Mom,
I'm doing good in school but it's getting pretty hard
I miss sleeping in your arms and feeling your warmth and I miss your bedtime songs and you dressing me up for school in the morning.
I'll especially miss being woken up by your voice in the morning. Even though you shouldn't stay for long I think you did a great job raising me and the only reason I'm still here fighting is good you ma.
I miss you so much

Love Damien
It varies from state to state in US, but Canada has no statute of limitations of sexual assault charges. It may not be too late to press charges.
You confront people like you're in an anime and it honestly makes me happy and excited because I am an antagonistic person and knowing you're perturbed is delightful to improperly wired parts of my brain. Don't engage me, or I will escalate things due to a moral disconnect I have regarding the internet- it is only upon reflection that I can evaluate the moral impact of my shitposts. You're a cool dude but I think you're possibly more delicate than you consider, and if you get hurt that would be terrible. If it seems like I'm trying to bait you, avoid it. You've always been the better person- so just keep being the better person.
Dear A,

You were my first friend at uni. I don't know why you stopped messaging me as often after winter break - and stopped all together now. At first, your friendship meant nothing to me other than an opportunity to feed my ego. However, i now see that I enjoy your company far more than i ever expected to. You must understand that i feel nothing romantic for you. I just sincerely want your friendship back.

That almost made me want to cry. If you don't mind me asking, did your mom pass away?
Whats the last letter in your name?
First name? A
Yup, I think you're who I'm thinking of.
I dream about hurting you. I daydream about smashing your fucking face in. Do you believe I deserved to get punished for everything I did for you? Because I'm paying for it. I'm paying for it bad. You better hope karma isn't real, because if it is its going to fuck you up worse than I ever could.
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Yes when I was 16

Sorry about all that talk about you being disgusting and any other sort comment I might have made, that was just me being an insecure faggot.

do you remember those first letters I wrote to you, I meant every single word, you are the closest I have ever come to female companionship, and it has been quite intoxicating, but this shit is unhealthy for me and it is unhealthy you, and I will not be responsible for you waisting your fucking life on this god damn shit hole.

you keep me coming back god damn it.
but it's about time I grow a pair.
I wanna add something.
I always considered you to be a person who was a lot better than me. You were smarter, more mature and a hell of a lot more stable.
Even after everything I can't bring myself to hate you. I really tried, but I cant.
what's the second letter of your name?
I need to know!
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Dear S I wrote you, but you still ain't calling. I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom. I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not have received them. There probably was a problem at the post office or something. Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot them. But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm about to be a father. If I have a daughter, guess what I am going to call her? I am going to name her Bonnie. I read about your Uncle Ronnie too, I'm sorry. I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him. I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan. I even got the underground shit that you did with Sk. I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man. I like the shit you did with R too, that shit was phat. Anyways, I wish you could you get this man just so that we could chat.
truly yours, your biggest fan.
I've got linguistic intelligence, but that's about it.
My empathy is entirely shot, and that's really one of the better measures of a human being.
You are so good, your beyond kind treatment of me despite all I've done is evidence of such.
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Dear C,

You haven't been in class in like a week, and I think you dropped out. I hope I don't see you there tomorrow, because seeing you is physically painful.

I want to wake up and realize you were just a bad dream.

I don't think I ever really cared about you, but I feel as though I did, despite not knowing much about you.

Thanks for your pity, but I think it's best that I never see you again, knowing that I'll never be anything more to you than that guy in class you sit with.
Dear granpa manfrido,

It has been a while since i have thought about you
I really hope you are doing well there in heaven, i know i have done pretty fucked up things and that i have hurt granma and mother greatly
But i know it will give you great pain to see me killing myself, so i will keep going.
I love you more than my own mother and father, i hope i get to see you again someday so we could go fishing and cook something.
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Dear Jackie

I love you with all my heart but it's over. You never take anything I say seriously and I am finished being a cuck. You said you wanted kids, so I started taking parenting classes. You said you wanted to get married, I bought you a ring (but you don't know that), then without warning you announced you are heading off to university again. In another country. To go to a scam college. I warned you it was a scam, you told me you wanted to follow your dream. You could have picked anywhere but you chose the place I could not go. Get your shit together. I hope our paths cross again.


It's just evidence that I'm stupid and immature.
I still see things and think that you'd like to see it. Then I remember that you hate me and everything.
I really wish you didnt,
I don't hate you, I miss talking about anime or looking at pictures of your pets and hearing about how they're getting on. I intend to finish Gurren Lagann when it stops making me sad.
Then why would you just cut me off like that?
I still miss the hell out of you. You were my best friend.
I don't think less of you because of how you got over your classes getting messed up or anything. I didn't even think it was a big deal.

You're really weird. I never thought you were gorgeous, you were just cute. Big difference. Your ass was weird, even though it was pretty big in proportion to your body, it was like all fat. Your breath was coffee, you're a terrible kisser, and terrible at giving BJs.

Your kinks were also weird. There was no chance in hell I was gonna let you gag me, tie me up, or cut me. Fuck that.

You were a giant attention whore who had daddy issues and constantly fished for compliments. I fed them because I wanted to sleep with you, and it worked. Now I'm glad you found someone else so you don't have to bug me anymore. He also doesn't have a beard, and I know that turns you on. Get fucked.

Dear C
We've only known each other for a month, but I've already fallen for you. I find you so innocent yet alluring, even though I know you're anything but innocent. I'm just a lonely virgin who falls for any girl that gives him attention. Please put me out of my misery. Stop saying yes every time I ask you out, just to have some random ass situation preventing you from seeing me. I hate you because I'll never have you. The memory of your smile is burnt in my brain and I can't stop dreaming about you. I guess these feelings for you demonstrate how fucking unstable I am and how much I hate myself. I love you, yet I hate you for being unreachable. I thought that my psychological therapy had finally paid off, but I've lost all the progress I made since I met you. I guess I'm not ready for a relationship, even though I'm 3 years older than you...
It was about loyalty-respecting a request that was made to me, and defending my boyfriend had become tiresome.
I've stood with him since we met as kids, and our bond fosters the both of us.
It's the way my family's always been.
three years
finally found a new crush
she doesnt like me
just like every other crush

one day a girl will like me
but it will be too late
Fuck. Anon, are you me?
If his paranoia was about me offering to let you stay with me I wasn't really serious.
I only offered so you would feel like you had options during everything because you seemed like you were cornered.

You could have told me not to comment on him when he came up and I would have. I would have done pretty much anything you'd asked me to.
Just fuck already. Fucking normies ruining my board
the truth is out

confirmed cuck
Go die in a fire.

You fuck off.
it was shitty and rash, but after you made the response thread I figured I'd irreparably damaged everything and attempts to re-establish communications would be rude and unwelcome.

i'm sorry. it's been over 3 years and i still miss you, i think about you almost every day. i wish i could still tell you all the things i still wanted to say to you, i wish you would have believed me.

love, a
>admits to being stupid and immature
>being told you're too kind 'despite everything'
>i would have done anything you asked

C U C K B O Y S 2 0 1 6
I freaked out for sure.
It wasn't a good time for me.
I was going through a lot in real life and you just kinda broke me. I felt so alone.
I didn't expect you to see it, I wasn't even thinking anymore.
I suggest you douse yourself in kerosene and light yourself on fire.
Randi Harper pls go
I dont know who that is but he can kill himself too.
only if you tell me one last thing

is C a girl? and is her name Catherine?
They're not named Catherine.
I felt like dumping as much anti-roastie memes in there was what you needed, because being ridiculed while in extreme pain on r9k helped me.
It didnt phase me.
The opinions of people I dont care about mean nothing to me.
what up fool!? Been awhile?!
An open letter to myself.

How the hell did it end up this way? What happened to self-improvement and those other things you used to say? Too unmotivated for that too? Not surprising seeing as though you sleep half the day away, sleeping on a 5am to 5pm schedule. How can you live with yourself, pissing away the money your father works so hard to make to pay for your college education? After what your mother put you two through your supposed to have each others backs, but here you are fearing the future because you refuse to prepare yourself for it. You came to university to study for your dream job, but how can you dream when everyone else around you is so much more superior? You used to be a dreamer, but would the younger you still dream if they saw you now? Maybe you're reluctant to wake up in the morning because you're afraid of living, in that case you're wasted space, useful to nobody. But you can't just off yourself or else your fathers toils would be for nothing, either way your a waste, you're stuck being unable to deal with life or death, are you okay with that?

The small part of you that still wants to change... desperately
Dear K,

In your last message you asked for forgiveness. I will never forgive you. Ever. Some part of me is still so in love with you and it refuses to die. I have no idea why this is, but it is effecting me horribly. I don't know how I'll feel when I see you again so I would just rather not see you. I want the piece of me that loves you to die. You are a terrible person.
Dear A,
Today is my flight back to my country. I'm glad that I was able to see you in the flesh, after all these years. I won't be able to see you before my flight unfortunately. I wanted to let you know so bad in person before I leave, but I wasn't able to tell you. Even though you're just a friend, you were the first girl I've held in my arms in 10 years. It might not be so special to you, but it was the world to me. Spending time visiting you was worth the sacrifices made, travelling 1000 miles just to see you. The day we met under the sakura was wonderful, and I felt nothing but happiness that day. Even during the silent moments, standing at your side was enough. You're just a friend after all, so I know my boundaries, but you've taught me something very important - that I still have hope to find someone. For 10 years I felt that I didn't need any girl in my life. I engrossed myself in distractions and in my work to drown out the noise. But when you held me for the first time that day, I finally broke. I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I'm not like you - strong, independent and not interested in finding someone. I can only take so many years of loneliness before I break. I want to love someone. Had I not met you, I would've finally went down the path of being alone for the rest of my life, a path I cannot recover from. However, now I have felt this feeling you gave me, even if perhaps one sided, I now want more. I will continue to pursue someone until I expire, and I will get what I truly want. I'm crushed that I could not tell this to you for the last time before I leave, but thank you. You're a very special person to me.


from _____.

I hate living here and want to kill myself

reveal those initials or even better the first names, you frightened little pussy bitch.
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*Message recorded at 15:48*
Hey, John, it's Bill from Monetary, I just wanted to call you to inform you on a few things to keep you updated on what's going on. I just got word from the DM that the quarterly report you're working on had it's due date pushed back two days, so you have more time to work on that. I know you've been stressing out on that. I also wanted to call you to let you know that the microwave in break room 3 has a problem with it's magnetron or something... it starts making a weird smell after being used for a while, so uh, if you need to use it, make sure that you only use it for like 30 seconds or less. It might be a few days before the Boss gets around to replacing it. You know how he is about spending... That's about it for now. I'll try to keep you updated on how things are going in our department as well. I can't believe I got moved to the other side of the building... Anyway, I've gotta get going. These paychecks aren't going to fill themselves out, right? I'll talk to you after work.
*message endedd at 15:53*

you're really fucking degenerate. don't just put my in limbo, you worthless cunt.
just pick up the damn phone. I only have good intentions and plans with you anyway.


Murder/ Suicide when? Alternatively, my NEET den is open to you. I want to sautee your used panties and eat the juices in my morning omelet.

- J


Holy shit it's been two fucking years. I don't want to fuck your life up with my insane ramblings, that's why I've stayed away. I stopped playing music. I don't write coherently outside of shitposts on the internet. I feel like everything's falling to shit and it's the fault of people like me, caught between trying to hard to care about everything and burning out, with easy access to all the mindless entertainment in the world.

So everything's the same as it's always been. I would probably be 1000x more fucked up if I had never met you. And that's saying something because I'm about as fucked up a human as you can get. We'll see if I can pay that forward.

- Anal Regression Lad
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dear eliza,

i'm sitting here thinking about all the things i wanted to apologize to you for. all the pain we caused each other. everything i put on you. everything i needed you to be or needed you to say. i'm sorry for that.
i'll always love you because you meant so much to me, and you helped make me who i am. i just wanted you to know that there'll be a piece of you in me always, and i'm grateful for that.
whatever someone you become, where you are in the world, i'm sending you love. you're my friend till the end.

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS8xDo-qM8w ]
Did I misclick on /soc/ or anything?
Post it faggot
What do you have to lose?
dear emili

i wish i never met you and let you so blatantly into my guard. i thought all people were worthless trash and that i'd never have a friend, until you decided to use me as a kleenex box. i legitimately thought you were my friend. i didn't want to fuck you or date you or anything, I just considered you my only friend. i told you literally everything about me, even about how much i hate myself and everyone else, yet you didn't give enough of a shit to just drop off there. you leeched your way into my daily life so you could presumably have a beta orbiter to give you attention when chad wouldn't. you dated 3 of my friends while i listened to your stupid bullshit problems about your mom not letting you stay at their house or your brother getting mad at you being a bitch, and i even tried to offer advice. whenever i brought something up that was troubling me, you just said 'oh geez' or some shit and changed the subject back to whatever stupid basic bitch problem you were dealing with. the word 'hate' doesn't describe how i feel about you. no words in no languages can describe the boiling, seething, pure malicious hatred i feel towards you. I hope you choke on your fucking ego, and when I eventually kill myself due to the emotional damage you're partly responsible for, I'm going to haunt you and drive you mad until you end up like me, a bitter, soulless shell of a person. I hope your step brother molests you again. I hope a horse rapes you to death. I wish all the harm and ill will in the world upon you. I only hope that for one second, one little moment, you can feel the misery, abandonment, and sheer hopelessness I feel every single fucking day of my useless life.

have a nice day. this will probably be the last thing I compose before I kill myself.

Noo, I just wanted to vent. Shoo, fish
Post it fagola.
>falling for such shitty bait
It's like those phishing texts you get
I just like harassing people
Dear dad

I don't forgive you
Re: Hello
I can't take it anymore, I have to tell you (...)
Dear JL

I'm going insane with jealousy here. Please just take me or leave me, this half and half thing is too painful. Don't keep pretending DB isnt into you, its obvious to everyone. And yes, he is better than me in every single way, so you should probably just drop me and accept his advances. Just give me something, even if its rejection.

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Why do you wanna know ;_;
He's boisterous and gonna make you believe in yourself.
>he thinks my suffering is bait
I enjoy harassing people.
It's what I do instead of sleep
Well, I'm not going to tell you the initials anyway
Go to sleep
>Go to sleep
sleep's for real fags.
I cant until I know these initals.
Why do you want to know so badly? I'll make some up for you

To E, from C
curiosity originally
Now I think youre hiding something
I find Fish to be the opposite of that
>outright states it's a lie before saying the initials
That's not how lies work.
>he posts here

A reason why I wouldn't post the real initials

To A, from B
Fish is going to make r9k great again.
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dear j that writes (used to?) to v all the time,

i know im a complete stranger and have no idea who you really are but i always come in these threads to read your posts to see if youre doing any better. i haven't seen you since your last one saying something about how you dont know why you still write in these threads. i know it doesnt seem like much considering im an anonymous stranger on a dumb imageboard, but im rooting for you. even if you probably dont come in these threads anymore, i honestly do hope your story gets a happy ending.

wishing you the best, a stranger who genuinely cares
Are you just following my conversation with Fish?

To X, from Y
Be bold faggioli
Dont let your dreams be dreams

I'm leaving after tonight.
I keep running into someone here and it upsets me so I'm not coming back.`
Who do you keep running into? I'm curious about you now, also

to G, from H
An old friend.
Now give me real initials.
Perhaps just stop posting with a trip? You're a nice poster and it'll be sad to see you leave

I'll tell you only one initial, E
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Dear Elliot,

The door.

-A mysterious guy
No, I'll still see them posting.
Whos initial is that?
It took a lot of courage to even post one of those initials. Why do you wanna know? Think you know me?
Maybe the other party would be amenable to leaving instead of you.
I doubt it.
I wouldnt ask that of them

Probably not
I only keep around 2 people around me now.
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Why's that? You removed me from Skype btw
Dear Mom and Dad

I imagine life as a bunch of roads, all of them lead to the same place. All lead you to the bottom of the abyss but not all roads are bad, some are actually pretty good.
If you're reading this then it means I decided to take a shortcut and jump off instead of staying in this bad road.
Dear M, I'm sorry for disappointing you over and over again, I'm sorry for being such a burden all the time.
Dear D, I'm sorry for not being what you wanted me to be. But let me tell you right now that you need to change because I see in my little brother the same broken look that I see when I look into a mirror. You can't keep yelling at everyone for everything, you can't keep saying that your own children make you miserable. You can't keep saying out loud that you want to die or that you're going to kill yourself, right in front of your 12 years old son, 12 years old daughter and your wife. Can't you see what you're doing to them? Unlike me, they're good kids who don't deserve this in any way.
I don't want my little brother to follow me and jump off, so you must change. If you truly love your kids then start to see them as people, not burdens.
How many years has it been since I last heard somebody tell me that I'm important or that I'm loved? It has been so long I can't even remember the last time. Things really are better off this way, I won't bother you anymore and you'll get another chance with your other 2 children.

Whoever you are, you can add me or give me a name if you want to talk in private.
No, I don't think you wanted to talk with me all that much

You got your initial, goodnight Fish
I actually do though.
I want to know who you are.
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You're inquiring too much ;__; why do you need to know so badly? We only spoke for about an hour or less before you removed me
You that Australian girl who's younger than me?
No, I am a gay male
>gay male
Well, there's your answer.
Farewell anon. Despite how your mind distracts you away from this fact, you have a noble soul.
I don't remember any gay men.
If you dont wanna talk, then dont.

I wasn't good enough, as always and I'm sorry for this. I hope you'll find someone better than me soon, because I can't handle your pain anymore.

Dear N,
You're a fucking whore and I hope you'll get raped or worse.
No hard feelings.
Sleep tight sherlock pupper
Originally commented
If this is my A I'll be pissed.
I'm not even sad anymore. I wrote a letter about you every time about how I missed you and it's bull shit now. There were so many red flags, I don't even know why I let myself get so attached to you. You made me feel special and then broke up with me to get with another guy. Also stop dying your fucking hair. Blonde was bad enough, but when you dyed it back to brown it looked nice. Now you did like a brownish black and it looks like shit. I don't know if our last call meant anything in the moment, because it felt like you were drifting away during that time. We talked for over an hour almost every night. Also FUCK your social anxiety you don't have shit. You have friends and people you can talk to. For fuck's sake you can have a supply of boyfriends if you wanted. Why the fuck did you tell me that you were going to be my first kiss when you were just going to break up with me. Your new boyfriend gets to kiss you and I don't. Not fair haha.

Fuck you, M

P.S: That's not my real dick I sent to that black girl you might know.
Dear Mom,
I know we haven't seen in a while now and damn I miss you. I hope you know I love you but, I don't wanna see you until I get sent to the Navy or maybe afterward. Also I have a job interview today in about 8 hours and 23 minutes. Also I have no friends and I'm a loser. I'm a total fuck up. Just know that I say it with love when I say it's all your fault I'm this way.

I didn't really expect to like you. I mean you're very adorable and all but I used to think my head was broken.

We keep hanging out, despite the large gaps in between. Now each time I leave you, you leave me wanting more. How is that so? I thought my heart was broken, my head certainly is.

Are you shy? Is that why you go days without talking to me? You were so nervous when we met. And your hands were shaking when I took them in mine.

I vaguely remember telling you when I was drunk that I'd tried to kill myself last year, and you should probably run away. You said you weren't going to, and so far you've kept that promise.

Why do I like you so much.
Dear Stan I meant to write you sooner but I've been busy you said your gfs pregnant now how far along is she look I'm flattered you would call your daughter that here's an autograph for your brother I wrote it on a starter cap I'm sorry I left you at the show I must have missed you don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you what with this shit how slit your wrist too I say that shit just clowning dawg how fucked up is you and what's with this shit about us meant to be together I really think you and your girlfriend need each other Stan why are you so mad try to understand that I do want you as a fan I just don't want you to do some crazy shit I saw this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick some dude was drunk and drove his car off a bridge and in the trunk they found his girl who was pregnant with his kid they said they found a tape they didn't say who it was to come to think of it his name was... it was you... damn
Dear E
I'm sorry. It couldn't have work, but I still made you think otherwise. I know I'm horrible. Hope you forgive me one day, but I won't talk to you now because I feel how much you hate me. We're just gonna hurt eachother, maybe it's better that way.
I knew everyone here was a fucking normalfag, you were all lying to me.
you're right bro
what are you gonna do about it now that you know
Dear C.

Shame you don't know how much I actually love you, I gave up partying and getting with girls just to talk to you (normie ree ree i know, fuck off) to be the guy you want me too, quit fucking smoking and drinking just for you to see me as someone who'd change for you, damn..
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Hey E,
I like you, I've liked you for a while now. Even if I have a chance I'm scared to make a move, since it'll change our friendship and will probably even destroy our friendship. I'll just suppress these feelings when I'm around you or talking to you. Even if I come to regret this, I'm scared of regretting it more if I make a move.
Thanks for everything...
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Hey. You have been one of the only people to check if I was okay, you've been through a lot but I want you to know you've helped me in ways I can't begin to describe. I have never felt so accepted. You are perfect, beautiful and amazing, hurting yourself does not only affect you, it hurts us all.

I love you. Don't ever forget how much you mean to me.

And finally, thank you, thank you for being my friend, thank you for taking an interest in me.
>name starts with ultra rare letter
Might as well go back to feeling absolutely nothing. Bad luck runs in the family
Dear Neetly,
I finally got a gaming PC. Please play with me.
t. Alberto Barbosa

I recently tried to get back in touch with you. I was an avoidant shit back in the day and understand if you don't want anything to do with me. Still would be nice to hear a response from you, you're one of the few regrets that have stuck.
Shut the fuck up slut and don't you fucking dare ruin the life of a good man just because of a little attention you enjoyed as a kid.

Your kind are nothing but fucking parasites.
Fuck off and die.

original comment!
Is your last initial c again?
What about carla?
Last initial is?
Fugggg you
Dear B,
I miss you very much. I won't forget about you ever in my life time, I hope we speak again. You showed me what true love really was. There's a special place for you in my heart.

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I'm sorry for embarrasing myself like that for 2~ years, don't know how you put up with me
Tell me more about B, anon.

i know who you really are and i get why you fucked with everyone. don't bother coming back, i don't wan't to see you again. try not to assume the identity of someone with an obvious public footprint next time you lie about your name. you were right about yourself. i won't tell anyone else, 'cause it's not worth the trouble.

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Dear bitch, I fucking hate you.

I hate you with a passion for being a Normie
whore and going for a chad that will inevitably fuck you over, fuck you. I am worth more.

Dear strange sweetheart,
I hope you still feel for me, I do miss you. I'm not sure if I love you, maybe because of my superficial nature. But I sure want to stop being a cunt and give something a chance. I guess I deserve to get my feelings hurt, as I did to you.

I hope somehow we can share more moments of intimacy and warm feelings.

Sincerely, a beta anon.
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If this is serious this is fucking tippity top kek.

Also I always see your beta ass on omegle.

Thanks for laughs, sincerely... J.
B was the greatest (imo) person I spoke to, they 'truly' understood me. We had this spiritual connection(sounds cheesy as fuck but anyways) they eventually left me 3 months ago. I still think about them though, hopefully they think about me too.

Go fuck yourself, you unforgiving twat.

Regards, Drew
ohp forgot to reply to you specifically, my response is on the thread.
What is B's name? What happened?
dear you,

I have no idea why you even like me. The time we spend together though is so nice. I'm so in love. I never want this to stop.
Their name was Benjamin, and I'm not sure what happened we were in a relationship and they decided to message me saying they didn't want contact anymore. They never did explain
That's my son's name.
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I wish I never met you, but at the same time I'm glad I did. Most people in high school just ignored me and wouldn't give me the time of day. I'm sorry for being an autistic socially retarded loser. Why were you leading me on that summer? You ripped my heart out. Oh well, that was quite a while ago and I should get over it. I miss high school, my life has been pretty boring and lonely since then.

-you know who
You know nothing of pain.
Dear Desiree,

Well I guess this is it. Before we say goodbyes I just want to say how much you mean and have always ment. Even after all the rough times and that whole year of not talking, you were always with me and you always will.

Even though we'd fight almost everyday I'd still want and wish for you to text me the next day and I'd be ready to text you, it was always a mystery to me of how even through the worst shut we'd always come through, but this time looks like it's the last stop.

I just want to say I hope you have a good future and that you keep on moving toward no matter what, I know you've been through a lot and we'll at times you can be stronger than only I wish could be. Make sure you take care and don't fall down because if you do imma come running like a ambulance.

Just know that I love you, and that I always will no matter what.



Ps. take care of Charlie, you're the only one that shows him love anymore and I want him to live a good long rest of his life, he's always happy to see you so make sure he always loves you
Dear L,

I don't know what you expected. Gauging your social standing and how often you wanted to hang out with me while simultaneously telling me you didn't want to date me, I sincerely don't know what you expected to happen. It was very obvious at some point I was going to go absolutely bonkers, and in retrospect comparing the quality of our lives, you were never the victim at all; I was. I don't really need to wish you well, you have everything you could ever want so honestly I don't really give half a fuck about you. You know what, fuck you L.

- G
Fuck off Chris
My name is not Chris
You got the first letter right though
so this is the face of eliza orbiters. 14 year old losers. thought so
she's gonna be proud of you sonny
I've been haunting these threads for a while, but maybe it's time to give up.
Probably is mate

I see you post in every one of these and it tickles me because I am J and I used to write a V. I figure since people probably think you're me.
I am getting fucked now, asshole.

i miss you

so much
Hey J.
How've you been? Things alright with D?

sorry for everything


also sorry for everything, hope you still don't hate me.

Sorry for sniffing your panties and photocopying the nudes of you in your dresser. I need a girlfriend. Hahaha
why haven't you done my fiverr request Eliza?
Dear K,
I know you've been trying to contact me for a while now.
I hope he's told you what I've been unable to tell you myself.
I don't know why you've been trying to help me, but thank you. You have shown me that there may still be some hope.
But I can't see you anymore. I can't stand the rollercoaster of emotions I go through whenever I see you.
Until I get my shit together, I can't afford to go through this again.

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Thanks dude <3
Dear A,

There's not been a single day I haven't thought of you since I left the job. Which is weird since there's probably not been a single day in which you thought of me. Because of that, I will probably never tell you how I really feel, and maybe that is for the best. I don't even know what I would say.

I don't know if I even can stop honestly. I always feel compulsions to write letters whenever I see this thread now.

there seems to be a decent amount of J's writing to V's actually
people always tell me to give up on V even though I'm definitely not writing about the same V
I want you to know that you're worth so much more than you tell yourself. None of this happening to you is your fault. You're trying and I love you for that.

We've barely talked but there's already a knot in my chest just thinking that you've upped and left. I want to see you get better and get over your bumps. I miss you already.

And for some reason, I don't know why, I love you.

i have crippling anxiety that you're growing more and more bored by the day, and that in only a few short months you'll leave me and that'll be the end of our time together. it leaves me feeling so scared and every time i think about it i want to vomit.

i'm a loser that no one will ever actually ~love~ and im sure that one day soon (very soon!) you'll see that i don't deserve you and dump me. you're too good to me.

all of this scares the shit out of me and makes me feel like giving up on a daily basis. idk what im going i just don't want it to end even though i know it will because i know i'm not ACTUALLY good enough for you at all. which depresses me. and idk why i even got involved with you in the first place i knew this happen. i don't know what i'm doing. sometimes i wish i never met you. at least then i'd have no chance of getting hurt.
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Dear me,

Bitterness will consume us if we decide to go on this path. It might feel good in the short term but in the long term you know you'll look back on it and be disappointed in us. Will this feeling of anger and hollowness dissipate? Like all emotions it's very likely. Will, being the better person make me better? Does it matter? Won't it be better for me to express me this anger instead of keeping it inside. Even If I converted it to something productive it wouldn't feel as good as letting the 'problem' be expressed.
The world is crumbling around you and there's no where to go but down.

Yours truly, you.
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Dear Maddie

I love you.

I know you feel the same way and im sorry we can't be together but im no good for you and you're no good for me.

Do you remember November? Do you remember when we cuddled in my bed because you got kicked out? Do you remember telling me everything? I know I should have done more or said more but you're dating my best friend. It wouldn't be appropriate.

I love that you still wear the necklace I made for you. I love the way you smile when youre trying to look angry. I love the way you say my name. I love your eyes. I love your nose. I love your lips. I love everything that you are and everything you arent.

You really shouldn't wear that necklace though. If he knew what we did together he wouldn't want you to wear it either.

Maybe one day when we're smarter we can be together. I didnt delete your number. Text me.

Dear X,

It's been years now and I still fucking hate you. If I ever get superpowers you're the first person I'm coming after and I'll spend WEEKS killing you. I hate you so much that even bands you used to like piss me off. I was never anything but good to you no matter how autiistic you acted and I didn't deserve what you did. You had no right to go through my things while I was at work you lying sack of shit, I hope you spend the rest of your life as the same miserable, arrogant, fedora-wearing, shoplifting filth you always were. I was so naive about having a guy like me that I put up with all your bullshit, I even slept with you. That was all you wanted, and it was even more terrible than I thought it would be. You used to convince girls younger than you to go out with you because you always picked the ones with low self esteem - good luck with than now you're pushing 30. You had so much potential, it makes me sick even thinking about it. I hope you're still an arrogant, unloveable prick.

- E.
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