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>woke up at 14:00
>it is now past 2am
>been up for only 12 hours
>absolutely exhausted

why the fuck am I tired

I don't want to sleep but at the same time, I really want to
You're tired because you never fucking get out of bed or your computer chair.
Hey, I'm on holiday until the 10th so I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

At the moment I just mince around in pyjamas talking shit to women on online dating websites. In fact my biggest fear at the moment is this crazy hot blonde brazilian chick that wants to video chat with me over skype but I live nexdoor to my parents and grandma on opposite sides of my room and this house is the least soundproof in the western world. So I'm avoiding her. But I wonder how long I can avoid her before she loses interest entirely if she hasn't already.

My problems: the thread.
Well fucker, its 2 fucking am, you cant not be tired at that time unless you just waked up from sleeping a lot. And I mean anything less than 7 hours (may vary from person to person) will make you feel like shit, since we are hardwired to be asleep at that time. You cant really do much.
That's literally the best looking set i've ever seen in my life.
(so far I guess but still)
Shame the body changes and that might not be so in a year or 3. Hell maybe even a few months depending on circumstances.

Lilith Lust. Fap away.
I don't masturbate to porn. What do I look like a fucking cretin?
I just noted she had a very aesthetic pair of breasts, best i've seen.

Thanks though.
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