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Strawpolls about robotdom
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guys i tried to create a strawpoll that is even more precise than the ones before

this survey tries to collect some numbers about what increases the robotness of a person

30 questions was the maximun if anybody wants to add something feel free to tell me your suggestions so that i can include them in the next poll

alternatively you can always make your own poll to post it in this thread

im the promoter of the last two polls
here is the poll guys

you can always respond to the old polls too

Author of the second poll here; this one's pretty good, though I think our polls are more complementary than competitive; mine describes the robot's status in life and yours describes their ideology
is what I meant by "second", since it was created after the first
youre absolutely right thats how i should have put it and thats why im always posting the other ones too
notice guys that the question is not whether these statements are true or not but whether they contribute to constitute a robot
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cool pepe.jpg
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Foolproof way to learn any language:

>learn (3)00 most common words
>read newspapers
>watch tv
>you will pick up on the subtle nuances of sentence structure

You are now a master of the language

Works every time!

Find a flaw.
actually i learned most of my english skill by that method

also cool pepe
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cool frog.png
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thanks phamp
just trying to spread the wisdom along

what if it's chinese?
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cool guy.png
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>works for any language
jump right into it man!
Thread replies: 12
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