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My girlfriend is the best person to be around when she's
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My girlfriend is the best person to be around when she's happy. She's literally genki incarnate, super excitable, super affectionate, and hilarious. When she's sad, she's terrifying. It's polarizing and I don't know what to do. Her being happy is enough for me to stay even though she's can be extremely toxic, abusive, and depressive when she's not. I know I need to leave her but I'd probably just end up making a tulpa of her if she ever left me.
Talk it through, anon. Talk to her, tell her how you like the way she acts when she's happy, and how she's abusive when she's sad, then provide the ultimatum. If she values you, she'll try to change, if not, then she won't, and you'll have dodged a bullet.
Imagine if it were the other way around. If you were either extremely affectionate or abusive would you think she would stay with you if you stayed that way? Talk to her, figure out what makes her pissy and tell her you're concerned.
this mtf is a beta orbiter that never had a gf

bruh have sex then leave the drama for her mama , if you dont giver her the D i will . When shes abusive you just fuck off and do your own shit ,ignore her completly for a day if she cares shell wonder where you are , dont act like a bitch being all "lets talk " chads dont talk we fuck in and we fuck out
>toxic, abusive

Like what exactly? Cite examples.

Being told harsh, untrue words hardly matters. Read some true stalking/smearing/... horror stories; I don't think you properly appreciate her.
>My girlfriend
we have absolutely no experience with this whatsoever, why are you even here
>I'd probably just end up making a tulpa of her
That wouldn't work. NEVER take that approach. Your tulpa might be based off her, but she will never BE her.
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You are treading the path to hell anon, be warned
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