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>tfw your computer is over 7 years old
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>tfw your computer is over 7 years old
I'm in the same boat as you. Just go for the upgrade man. My 7 year old pc costed 1200 when I got it. New one costed 550 and is up to date. It's worth it.

My grandad still uses his Windows 95 computer 3-4 times per week.
>laptop is almost 5 years old
>hard drive somehow went to shit
>looking into how to fix it

Should I just get a new one?
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>Macbook Pro + PS4 master race

Can still game, get to take my computer to any room, even on the shitter.
My E8400 OC'd to 3.6Ghz still does fine for browsing and even light gaming (Dota 2, CS:GO, Hearthstone)

Replacing a hard drive is easy as shit.

Look into getting an SSD, you can get a 120gb for around $35/40

You poor bro? Just build a new one.

>upgraded to 3570k overclocked etc etc last year
>not fast enough, building new 6700k box with new watercooling setup
Unless you have a fagbook pro, that's held together by glue.
>You poor bro?
not everybody is a wagekek
>tfw got a 120gb ssd for $200 in 2013
>tfw cant ever play the witcher 3 on my pc
>computer is 5 years old
>feel like I bought it yesterday

where the fuck does the time go jesus
My computer is almost 5 years old and it's fine. You need to realize that we're entering the age of barely any improvements which makes sayings like "My x is y years old," nearly meaningless. Unless the entire industry switches to a new standard any computer that's new today will suffice for years to come.
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>university student
>5 years old laptop
>wanna buy gaming desktop after
>tfw it dieded first week of last semester
>tfw need laptop because I travel back home for weekends
>tfw spend 700E on laptop instead of 980gtx
>tfw no gaming desktop for me in near future
>twf no witcher 3 for me
I should just end myself
You dumb faggot. Buy a normal pc laptop for 30% of the price. Why the fuck would you ever buy a MacBook with identical internals if it costs 300%? I don't get it.
why would you need a macbook pro if you use a ps4 for games? pretty retarded man. shoulda went with an air or an even cheaper laptop
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mine is only a year and a half old and the fan sounds like it's on its last legs
alora cazzo parliamo italiano o no?
If it is still working perfectly, who care about your computer age ? The most important thing is that a computer do the job and run the asked task.
kek show me any non-mac laptop with a trackpad that's usable and then we'll talk
>tfw your computer is a mac

Quick, /r9k/! Build me a PC for less than $1000!
>Old as shit CPU
>New graphics card

Strange feel desu.
What kind of deformity were you born with? I'm unfamiliar with the type of disability you possess that mandates you lay out over $1000 premium for the purchase of a track pad. I've used probably a dozen brands of laptop and have never struggled with a track pad.
hate to say it but this desu senpai, baka.

some of my components probably are

by computer's evolved,,, i just keep swapping out components for newer ones

>macfags are so fucking retarded they can't figure out how a trackpad works

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Nothing wrong with older computers. You don't need new hardware when the old works just fine.
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>tfw still using windows 98
windows 98 master race

Is everyone who makes a wage a wagekek?
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>You don't need newer, faster hardware
I want to be able to play multiple erotic games at once. Of course, I need it.

Freedom is earning neetbux and eating dirt cheap frozen foods.
>buying top of the line ____
how does it feel to be retarded?
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>build a 1k gaming machine
>never play games
>only shitpost on 4chan with it now
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