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What was your first kiss like? Kissless robots need not reply.
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What was your first kiss like?

Kissless robots need not reply.
drunk, sloppy, perfect
He took me on date that lasted like 6 hours, we ate ice cream and listened to indie music and then later that evening he made his move and french kissed me. I was a terrible kisser, I just made sure not to drool.

He also groped my ass a bit which was lewd, but I didn't care, it was spicy. Later on, he asked if I was a virgin and I told him he was being rude, but I know he knew because the spaghetti was too obvious, since I felt slutty for letting him grab my butts.

But then I thought, fuck it, and let him fondle my boobs, but not under the shirt because spaghetti be damned.

I'd rate it pretty high on cool things that happened to me, along with playing Dragon's Dogma. That game was lit.
Drunk and lasted 30 seconds
My second one was great though
8th grade sadie hawkins dance. My date found out I hadn't kissed a girl.
We kissed.
It was pretty good.
We "dated" for like 2 weeks afterwards but it didn't work because at the time I was far too socially awkward to even know what to do with a girlfriend.
We haven't talked in years. No big deal though, my first love came 4 years later.
I hate this board so fucking much, fucking normies ruin everything and take pride in it, they like woman.
ITT: normies that need to get the fuck off this board
I was hanging out with her and some friends one night her roof, eventually everyone else left and it was just us, she was I guess flirting with me at the time and I sort of caught onto it and straight up asked her to kiss, which apparently is something you're not supposed to do. We kissed, I could feel the warmth of her mouth, and I just got really fucking terrified. I got terrified because I felt like I wasn't ready for it, like I was doing something I shouldn't be doing, and also I was a germophobe and my lips were chapped which I somehow connected to a possibility of getting herpes or some sort of disease or even HIV. I pulled my head away, and then her mom called us off the roof and into the house, where we watched part of a movie until my parents came.

And 5 years later I have have never been more than an acquaintance to a girl. I regret not savoring it, but even now I'm probably not mentally ready for anything more.
In the dark lying on her bed just sorta cuddling then I just couldn't hold back anymore and went for it.

I swear there were fireworks.

Now I'm sitting alone in the dark drinking myself to death.
I raped my dog and sucked her tongue and teats a bit.
I hate you because you seem cool and I'll never meet you.
If it helps, you're right, you'll get cold sores through chapped lips.
>dumb bitch gets treated like royalty just for her roasthole
Wow so amazing. A fascinating person.
Soft, neither of us knew what the fuck we were doing. We got a little more into it but then she pulled away. She seemed kinda embarrassed. So I kissed her again and that one was the better of the two. It was much more involved, arms around each other super tight, holding on like our lives depended on it. Pretty much flawless
had a weird goth gf when i was 12, she kissed me in front of her goth friends at the mall and that's when i knew i couldn't be with her anymore
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i'm not her but i'm a qt trap that likes dragons dogma and has been diagnosed with agoraphobia. I just want someone to play video games with and watch anime and sometimes go get me fast food.
Not really. I think it's clear I'm just lonely
hours of making out at the ripe old age of 23
That's what I was thinking, plus she had dated numerous high school upperclassman chads prior to kissing me(keep in mind my kiss occurred in 8th grade).

Am I still welcome here?
Thanks anon, it's a pretty fond memory, we didn't end up dating, but it gave me a taste of the normie life just once.

Why I gotta be a bitch tho

What's your vocation? Daily reminder that if you aren't a Ranger with a Warrior pawn you're fucking up big time
Wow it's an attention whoring roastie replying to multiple posts at the same time like she's the center of attention even on an anonymous message board.
The nerve of that moot to add in quick reply so that you can reply to everyone in one go instead of posting three times separately. I mean fuck, /soc/ much!?
kys family
Stolen from me by an ugly girl who looks like a witch.
>at a big party
>see girl who used to have a crush on me (I was ignorant as fuck at that time so I never made a move)
>she seems very happy to see me
>suddenly introduces me to her boyfriend
>take the first opportunity to sneak out of there
>see a cute girl I've never seen before sitting alone
>being fairly drunk I ask her if she wants to dance
>she says yes
>afterwards we sit down
>we kiss

girl most likely had no idea that it was my first, but maybe my technique was bad, i dunno. i'm pretty smooth when i'm drunk though. never saw her again. told my friend after that i fucked her in the bathroom. that was a period of my life where I was lying a lot. i can't recommend lying about stuff, only white lies about your virginity and stuff like that. few months later I made out with a second girl at a new years party. fast forward 4 years and still haven't kissed anyone or gotten laid whatsoever, but i'm not too bothered by it.
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My first kiss was when I was 10 with my cousin who was 6 at the time, he just approached me and kissed me, it wasn't even a quick peck, I was a long, sloppy kiss when I was just getting out of the bathroom.

It was embarrassing as shit when his sister just smelled his breath and assume that we were kissing, like, what the fuck, how does a 12 year old girl figure that out on the spot? She didn't even think about the idea that we ate the same thing or something, she went straight to "you're kissing"


When I was 4/5 I rimmed another boy during nap-time on several occasions.

That wasn't the worst part.

The worst part is when he brought it up, in the cafeteria (I think it like 7/8th grade) near a bunch of other people, shit was startling because at first I thought he was about to ask if we should do it again.

Man, these events, the lack of an actual father figure and masturbating to gay furry porn and other shit at a young age is probably why I'm so fucked up sexually now, just a complete degenerate of a person with no hope.
it felt like absolutely nothing, and afterward i felt like i wanted to throw up for the rest of the day.
I was hanging out with a guy I had met a few days earlier on a gay "dating" site.
I was only looking for friends at first, so it was supposed to be just a friendly hang out.
He kept getting a little too close to me a lot at times, so I made a comment saying "wow I thought you were going to try to kiss me".
So he decided to kiss me, which caught me off guard.
I kiss him back with closed lips, but then he started opening his. I didn't know what to do so I just kept my lips closed while he had his open. I felt so awkward.
By the second time he started kissing me I decided to open my lips too.
He had chili a few hours before that.
some mean girls kissed me in 8th grade as I was waiting for a ride. prolly on a dare or something.

>it was not sexy
does truth or dare count as a first kiss
>kissless robots


Was 17 on my first date. We went to the prom on our first date. Didn't talk at all, just kind of danced awkwardly the whole time. I thought he was cute, was in denial about him liking me. While slow dancing asked "..if I wanted to be more than friends"? Weren't even really friends. Went to my friend's brother's empty store to hang out. His dad came to get him, he kissed me out of nowhere, without warning then left. It was dry and bad. No fireworks, I was disappointed. He asked me to be his girlfriend again the next day. I said yes this time and he hugged me and kissed me again. 10x better. We've been together for 8 years this past May.
Dle, normalfag.
It was quick and a bit awkward. Although I was confident with her so I went at it a few more times and got the hang of it.

I hate quick 1 second kisses. I like mine to last at least 5 seconds.
>Writing all of this
Why do you think a board about robots would care about the experiences of a normalfag? Shoo.
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>It's a "roastie and normies gather together to shit up a board that is not for them" episode

Every time I visit r9k you instantly remind me why I left. It's hilarious how r9k is the most normie board, even though you're trying so hard to be little special snowflakes.
>using kys

nice reddit meme, get the fuck out roastie.
i was hanging out with another robot (actual autism) and he grabbed me and shoved my tongue down his throat and tried to get my pants off. No wonder nobody likes you, jesus christ.
> he thought he was going to get the last laugh
Nice try, you little bitch. Stop replying now before you embarrass yourself you dip.
Drunk and in credibly short

It almost felt better that others had seen me do it than the kiss itself felt. It was validating.
It was 3 hours ago.

We went on a date, she tried to kiss me on the cheek, I kissed her on the lips as she was about to do it and she was surprised but liked it. I don't know if I'll get a second date or sex probably not but it wasn't all bad.
My first kiss was a make out session with my tiny blonde milf neighbor.

She was friends with my grandmother and one night she brought over some wine. All three of us drank, but she's downing big glasses of wine and when I said she was tiny, I meant tiny. 4'11", 90 lbs. Eventually she shows me something on her phone. (My answers were in nods or head shaking)

>Have you ever kissed a girl?
>I answer honestly. No.
>Do you want to?
>Do you want to kiss me?
>Show me your guitars.

>I ponder what she meant by that before coming to the realization that she didn't mean "do you desire to kiss me?", it was an offer.
>come up with some lame segway into asking her if she wants to see my guitars
>she follows me into my room
>I ask her if she is sure about this
>she scoffs and backs against the wall
>my brain turns off to prevent me from overthinking and fucking up this opportunity
>I put my right hand on the wall by her head
>close eyes and lean in
>my lips touch something wonderful
>oh, it's her lips
>I put my left arm around her waist and pull her closer
>she slowly starts incorporating tongue
>I reciprocate
>she tastes like cigarettes, wine, and beef jerky
>she gets impatient with my hesitant tonguework
>grabs me and buries her tongue in my mouth
>there's no way she's not noticing my hard dick pressed against her stomach
>I think "fuck it, see if she goes for this"
>I bury my tongue in her mouth, give her ass a rub and a squeeze, then slide my hand towards her box from behind
>she pulls away and says "No... we're not doing that. Let's go back to the living room and drink some more."
A girl had a crush on me in high school, and I sort of had a thing for her. We talked a lot and hung out, but while I did like her (and knew she had feelings for me), I was scared of being in a relationship. One day, after school, we went to this one area in the school where no cameras could see us. Keep in mind we wren't dating or anything, but I asked her what her favorite sex position was (she was a virgin btw, but girls have fantasies, too). She sat down on top of me, face to face. Then we french kissed for a while. That was my very first kiss, and apparently I wasn't too bad at it. We started dating after that, but it's over now
N0 one cares normie.
post pics
[Spoiler] if it isn't too much of an inconvenience [/Spoiler]
Being a normie feels pretty good, especially if the alternative is being a fag like you
Dragon's Dogma is the perfect game, to be hornets
I got lucky and received a random one at age 12. It was on the lips and she hopped on top of me and pushed me back on the couch. With her legs all on the couch and her pressing deeper into me as we progressed as people watched.

It was out of nowhere and fucking hot. I think it's cuz she was moving or something, can't remember. Got one of my first boners from that. She didn't mind at all.
>all these normalfags

/r9k/ is fucked

I wish I could leave but I just can't.
It was kinda cringy. There were other people (class friends) around which made it even worse. However, we basically bashed our heads into each other but I guess it was kind of cute kek
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