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bus stop wojak.png
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Why would any decent human have sex with somebody that they wouldn't be ok with marrying? That's just cruel to the person they will eventually marry/settle down with
Because Jews.

Sex is no longer a union of two people behind closed doors, but something to be paraded to the masses. If you are not actively flaunting your sexuality, you are oppressed by the patriarchy.

You don't want the patriarchy to win, do you? No one wants that. Fight the patriarchy by blaming all of the unfavorable consequences of your life on the imaginary boogeyman who is holding you down instead of acknowledging your own character flaws and working to improve them like any rational person would. Oh, and don't forget to buy a bunch of shit you don't need so you can fight the patriarchy more effectively by using your new commodities that you didn't even know you needed to do your part in a conflict that does not exist.
Because it feels good you fucking nerd
jesus fucking christ stop it you retard youve been saying the same thing to me before on another thread

why should everyone else have to restrict their sexuality so as to accommodate your insecurities?
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Because some people have higher priorities of getting laid over actually settling down and marrying them.
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Fawn Tasty Chain.jpg
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do you think sex means the same thing for everyone?

do you think it has to?
Monogamy never existed.
this. i honestly don't care what a single person other than me does.
I fucked a whore, it didn't feel good at all.
pretty much.
which is why is good too try and find someone who shares your values before settling down with one who doesn't
If I date someone who gets that upset that I had sex before marriage needs to get out of my face.

It's a dick in my vag, get over it.
I don't even bother dating men who aren't virgins. They don't see the importance of sex.
>just cruel
Stop right there anon. The answer requires no further thought.
This this this

Only in sandnigger land where it was enforced by threat of death did it even get attempted
I'm not sure if you're saying "pretty much" as in sex should mean the same thing for everyone, but setting out to look for someone who shares your values (more or less an admirable cause) presupposes that you understand not everybody does share those values, which at least implies you acknowledge that sex doesn't mean the same thing for everyone
people have different values, pursue different things, and you should not hold them to your OWN standards w/e they might be.
it doesn't make one person superior or one inferior, it just means you both pursued different things in life.

I would like to be with someone that has gone through the same experiences as me, someone I can connect to beside the oh look we like the same music/tv/movies or w/e, that would be ideal, and what I was saying is that you should look for that first before you settle.
>which at least implies you acknowledge that sex doesn't mean the same thing for everyone

well yeah then I agree with you completely

so there you go, >>29789861, that's why a decent human would have sex with someone they wouldn't marry: it's not cruel it's just a different value system and they are looking for people who share their value system
I wouldn't even say values
values sounds to pretentious, more like
similar experiences.
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