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"That Kid" Thread
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Last thread died, though I'd make another one.

>that girl in middle school who had HUGE tits, at least bigger than pic related
I definitely jerked off to my memories of such a girl in the bathroom while looking at a lingerie ad in the newspaper after taking a shit
>that kid who didn't exist outside school
>that kid who always disappeared at break and lunch
>that kid who always sat alone in class
>that kid was me
>tfw 7th grade
>sit next to kinda ugly girl but really big tits for 13 year old
>she ends up talking to me and we become friends
>im the first person she ever sends nudes too
>just sent them randomly to me
>she ends up over time sending them to all kinds of dudes
>never talk to her again after 7th grade
>she invited me over a month ago
>go to her house and fuck her face and tits like the whore she is
>cum 1000 buckets in her mouth
>leave 10 minutes after
how old are you now, 9th grade?
>tfw first gf had small tits but big ass
>tfw wasn't an ass man until long after we broke up
>wasn't an ass man
no 21
let the hate flow through you virginboy
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>that kid that talked about sex non-stop in elementery school
>that kid that ate his own scabs and flipped shit at everyone
>that kid who did hard drugs in grade 7
>that kid who threw all the chairs and tables in the cafeteria and caused a lockdown at the school
>that kid who dared to say "gay" in grade 3
>that chick who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom in grade 7

Going to school with the trailer park kids was interesting
I'm 26 and have fucked 2.5 girls
Is that .5 a trap?
>>that chick who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom in grade 7
They caught her behind the gymnasium at my school. She was charging money too.
He dipped one ball in her pussy, so it only counts as half a sex. Or she was a lv.19 chaos dwarf.
no it's an amputee you vanilla normalfag
>>that chick who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom in grade 7

Yeah that was a scandal for sure. Some white girl sucking off some sex-crazed pudgy nigger. Props to him though, she wasn't that bad.
How big were her tits?
>>that kid who dared to say "gay" in grade 3
I got detention for doing just that. Guess what, the kid I was calling gay turned out to be a faggot
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>that kid whose parents were poor
>that kid who had toilet humor
>that kid who had all the porn
>that kid who was the first one to get a gf
>that kid whose dad died
>that girl who put on a loose tank top one day and her tits were the first ones you ever saw
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>that ginger who would finger herself in class and stare at you and sometimes even moan and flash you
>tfw you didn't like it but at the same thought it was hot as hell and years later you would have sexual fantasies about her
>tfw you feel a boner coming on right now thinking about it
They almost always do. Same shit happened with me and this faggot in elementary. I barely even knew what the word gay meant but my little brain must have sensed his inner cocksucker
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>That kid who went to class twice a week at most
>That kid who was friends with dindus and nerds
>that kid who got shot
>that girl who put on a loose tank top one day and her tits were the first ones you ever saw

When was this? Even then they were probably mosquito bites, no?
>>that chick who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom
freshmen year, my school had to make a rule where nobody except for teachers were allowed at school past 2:15 since there were so many incidents of people hiding around and fucking after school.
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>That kid who went to class twice a week at most
>that kid who lived in a trailer with a dozen cats and never showered

Once I walked up to him and had this exchange:

>Anon, take a shower.
>...You only started showering four weeks ago?

He moved to Florida and dyed his hair pink.
>that kid whose parents were poor
I knew that guy. He was a great person, really fun to be around.

>that kid who threw all the chairs and tables in the cafeteria and caused a lockdown at the school
Post story pls
7th grade. They were indeed mosquito bites, basically just two puffy nipples. I still couldn't stop staring, she was my kindergarden sweetheart too.
That sounds like some grade 2 shit
Ah. Chestlet, but regardless congrats dude
No, it was 7th grade and maybe a bit of 8th grade.
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>That kid who was in multiple grades
>Had his picture in both the 7th and 8th grade pages in the yearbook
It's a shitty thing to say now but the poor kid was just embarrassing to be around. He would always say retarded things that he heard from his retarded redneck parents and no one understood. He was also that kid who had like 4 older brothers.
>girl masturbates in class
>sounds like grade 2
Are you in a cult or something?
Nice quads m80
Quads of Disdain
>grade 2
>gets quad 2's
>that kid who talked shit to everyone
>that kid who was never in any yearbook photos
>that kid who was on tv
>that kid with public access television
>that kid that made one teacher lose her shit
>that one kid that somehow passed
>that kid that owned a fedora
>that kid was me

Man, I was such a shit back then. I hated everything and only at age 20 did I found out I had depression and required medication
/r9k/, the kid. coming to theaters near you!
>that kid who didn't adjust the pitch of his voice when he talked
>that kid who was horribly aggressive all the time
>that kid who joined a gang
>that kid who got stabbed
>that kid who went to juvy
>that kid who punched a teacher
>going to a public school in LA
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>that girl in high school that would embarrass you in the middle of class by petting your hair and making lewd comments to make you blush

She was a twin to another (less hot sister imo) and had the greatest ass I've ever laid eyes on. No ass compares, not even asses I've seen online. She'd always wear yoga pants.
>that kid that made one teacher lose her shit
>that kid who was on tv
story please
social anxiety, huh?

found the nigger!
>that kid who talked shit to everyone
>that kid who punched a teacher
>that kid who only went to school 2 days a week
>that kid who would throw chairs and desks like a storm
>that kid who never had friends
All me
>That girl who was pregnant at the fucking start of Freshman year
one in four americans will be on TV at least once in their lives, apparently
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Not the same but, my oneitis from freshman year married some nerd, has two brand new cars, a house, and gave birth to a now two year old baby.

She's 22.
>that ginger who's hair wasn't a bright orange, but rather a warm auburn
>that kid who all the girls thought had cute hair but never actually told him
>that kid who was sometimes petted by girls
>that kid who could probably get any girl he wanted but never tried to do so
tfw I was that kid
korean, actually.
I live in a pretty wealthy area, and still sort of encountered this freshman year. Fat hispanic cunt had like a 22+ boyfriend. She had big tits, but it was because she was fat. She dropped out before halfway through the year because she got knocked up. I remember her mentioning how old her boyfriend was once and our teacher just looking at her with this most incredulous look on her face. Like what the fuck was this dude was thinking look.
And then it happened again, in sophomore year. Year started and someone in my English class was pregnant. She left only like a month and a half after the year started and never came back. Don't know why she even bothered coming in at the start, as she was obviously showing then.
Funny how these were both in English classes.
>made the teacher lose her shit
It was for a new class that was basically a structured study hall. We had assignments and homework and it was meant to improve our grade. However, it caused a lot more problems as the structure was terrible and the homework was redundant and had no real point. We were also all promised scholarships for college if we completed 4 years of the program.

A lot of kids had their own ideas of where they wanted to go their high school careers but the program somehow had influence over the advisors and made the classes picking decisions for us rather than let us decide for ourselves. This meant a lot of kids were pushed into honors classes when they weren't ready and having their grades suffer and missing out on classes that genuinely interested them in return for pointless classes like Advanced Humanities.

I told this to my teacher and she was fucking livid. Saying that the class was the best thing for us and it structures us better and improves our grades, and I told her it was the opposite.

She gave us a talk about how she did us all favors by pushing us to honors and advanced classes and we repaid her with D and C averages and told us all we were going to end up homeless and on the street and begging her for money and she'll be rich.

I always just sat around playing on the computers browsing imgur and she always hated it.

She made me do an assignment presentation and do it in front of the class about something I don't understand and how studying helped me understand. I did it on how a circle is 360 degrees but a triangle is 180
Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear you had to put up with her shit, anon. School systems can be fucky sometimes, but what can you do.
>that kid who loaned a game from someone, then moved away and never returned the game
I'm so sorry
>was on tv
At my school there was a TV crew that followed around a group of girls and showed how the average high school girl lived and stuff. It was heavily scripted and censored and the director woman was autistic as fuck about the simplest things.

I ended up dating one of the girls and they would film us just hanging out and doing whatever.

They would most of the times ask me not to talk because most of the topics I talked about they didn't like. I talked about how reality TV was shit, social media was shit, how politics was shit that people dissolved to black and white, how it must feel like to die, and how some days I hated getting up because it meant I had to do stuff.

Most of the times they just asked me to stay quiet and nod in agreement to what my gf was saying, they gave her a list which was about like classes and stuff
>that girl who put on a loose tank top one day and her tits were the first ones you ever saw
Oh do I know that feel, except it was a low-cut blouse.
Have been obsessed with tits ever since.
Thanks, Emily
Marco you fucking shit, you still have my Super Mario Bros 3
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>that kid who was 20 years old
is he really a kid, anymore?
Killer Instinct on n64 ,_,
>that kid who was bullied a lot in middle school
>that kid who snapped from the bullying and broke into a locker and destroyed a kids $300 shoes
>that kid who was suspended for destroying them
>that kid who was me
>that kid who ran like pic related and would charge other kids in gym class
>he also would scream "NOT TODAY!" as he charged you
>That kid who hung himself in 6th grade
>That same was found by a friend while they were spending the night together
>That same kid left so many people confused as to why he killed himself
for like 30 seconds
>That same kid actually hung himself while performing autoerectic asphyxiation
>That same kid's friend also did it as well
>That same kid also went to a Catholic school
>That same kid got a funeral by a well liked priest in the Church, was buried in the Catholic cemetery, and was said to have gone to Heaven
>That same kid made me realize how hypocritcal religous people are and how fast they'll sweep something is ACTUALLY fucked up under the rug instead of pointless bullshit like abortion, stem cell research, or evolution
>That same kid, should the Bible be true, is burning in Hell right now
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>That kid who went to a really small high school where all the girls were 4/10 at best and nothing sexual ever happened because teachers always had an eye on us

Why didn't I go to a public school... Just why...
same senpai, there were like 15 7/10 and up at the whole school but they were all dating Chads and Tyrones at the public schools
>I love her
>A slut who probably got AIDS from some 30 year old for being, well... A slut
Love is a shared experience; you're just fixated on an ideal you've projected upon someone who is unaware and wouldn't care if she knew
>this is now a tough love thread
FIFTEEN girls? That's cute. There were TWO girls in my classroom. One was cute but was a bitch since she had money, the other one was ugly as fuck.

Also when you live in a third world shithole and go to a private school your parents pick you up because they don't usually risk you getting robbed on the way home, so no hiding after school to get your dick sucked either.
>that kid who paid $10 for a printed out picture of Android 18 nude
>that kid who would autistically roll his head around violently
>that kid who shit his pants at the end of class
>that kid whose best friend was a girl
>that kid who had uncontrollable sobbing fits during lunch
>that kid who would tug at the zipper bulge to make it look like i had a big wiener
>that kid who threw up during nap time
>that kid who called the black kid a nigger
>that kid who got his pokemon cards stolen
>that kid who got the shit beat out of him for insulting a mexican kid's mother

it was all me
>that kid whose best friend was a girl
That's incredibly unlucky -but surprising- considering all the other shit that you did

>that kid who got the shit beat out of him for insulting a mexican kid's mother
-Unfortunately- I'm Mexican. Yeah, we usually take a lot of insults like men but if you mess with one's mother you're getting an ass whoopin'.
Life is a shitter.
most were seniors/juniors in my freshman year dude.
Even then, there were like six girls in my entire school, and you're only counting the ones that were 7/10 and up in yours.
...e-eric? is that you? im gonna kms thanks
See >>29063745

Quit lying to yourself, bro
>that girl who was dating someone inappropriately older than her
Every school has one
desu i had semi qt 6/10 gf in 10th grade but lost her because she was clingy and black
Yes. I remember. The bitch that had money >>29063793
Legend of Zelda collectors edition you fuck
>that kid who always tried to talk about politics
>that kid who had actual autism and everyone avoided
>that kid who did weird shit like take off his shirt in class and wear strange hats

fucked said girl, she was a freshman i was a senior it was great
>that kid who was never in any yearbook photos
got me, fuck
>6th grade
>oneitis confides in me that she has a crush on the (~35 year old) teacher

It was horrifying to me. My faith in women was shaken at an early age.
>That kid who day dreamed all day about some random situation were he would suddenly become popular
>That kid who wanted to talk to other people but literally just couldnt whrn he tried to, especially girls.
>That kid that who thought he was smart because he knew abunch of useless facts despite having failing grades.
>That kid that would wear unique clothing styles, bring an obscure book he didnt read, draw terrible sketches, or write music all because he hoped someone would notice it and start a conversation because of it.
>THAT KID who thought he mattered at all

You must give me a (you) if atleast 2 apply to one of you.
>that kid who always tried to talk about politics
I remember that kid,
Super Republican tall fatass.
If you didn't 100 percent agree with him you were a "hypocrite"
What a fucking cunt. I hope he's a super liberal.
original comment fuck you robot
Well played anon.

I was 1 and 3.
the two of the cringey things you listed.
>that one kid who was obessessed with Yu-Yu Hakusho.
>Told everyone he was a spirit detective
>One day this big strong nigger
>dark as the night nigger
>told him the shut the fuck up.
>He used spirit gun on.
>It failed.
>Big strong scary dark as the night nigger lvl 100
>Used boxing punches
>It was super effective
>Less then a week later He tried using shotgun
(The anime move not the actual gun)
Hilarity ensued. Infront of girls who either cringed or giggled.
>Had his picture in both the 7th and 8th grade pages in the yearbook

that was me.
>that kid who was openly a brony and had an MLP lanyard
>that kid who was openly a furry and had a sweater with wolf ears on the hood
>that kid that somehow had a full time job
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old lusternia manga.png
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>that kid who drew horrendous comics about video games
>that kid's best friend who joined him
>that pair of kids who tried selling those comics
>that pair of kids who succeeded

This page from my awful attempt at a manga is all that remains of that time. Yes, I know it's cringy. Yes, I know it's bad. No, I'm not proud of it.
I got suspended because someone else said that I called a kid gay.

Gay kid ended up being my little brother's gymnastic coach.
>the irony
>that kid who wasn't in the 10, 11th, and 12th grade yearbooks
feels good
>that kid's best friend who joined him
>that pair of kids who tried selling those comics
>that pair of kids who succeeded

>tfw no friends to start a business with
I never talk to anybody. Literally. I'm gonna have it rough...
Sorry it took so long for me to post but it's nothing too crazy anyways

>out of class going to bathroom
>hear a kid yelling down the hall in the cafeteria
>me and another kid I knew walk down to see what the deal is
>see a chair flying through the door as we get there
>the principal is there trying to talk the kid down
>it's no use
>he starts running around the whole place and knocking fucking everything over and screaming at the top of his lungs
>principal sees us and tells us to get back to class asap
>get back to class and we have a lockdown anouncment
>baricade the fucking doors etc.
>30 minutes later we get the all clear signal from the cops

All this because some kid decided to unleash his sperg rage
Were you that fat kid in ontario?
>that kid who shot up the school and left a manifesto
okay. more like
>that ginger who was self-conscious about his ginger traits but still thought it made him 'special'
>that kid who the girls whispered about because he was weird
>that kid who the teachers tried to calm down by petting him when he acted out
>that kid who thought he was The Shit but actually was just shit
>that kid who compensated for his crippling self doubt by acting like a complete asshole
>that kid who would always make shitty puns
>that qt Belgian exchange student who I never had the guts to talk to for fear of saying something autistic
>that ginger manlet who somehow got more pussy than anyone else I knew

A classmate told the girl with big tits that I had a crush on her. The timing couldn't have been worse because I was staring right at her tits when he told her. It wasn't true (my oneitis was a nerdy qt).
>he thinks hate is the same as disgust

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>That kid who imagined playing his favorite song at the talent show and winning over his classmates
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>that art kid who went from drawing fat fetish porn to actually focusing on art history and learning about animation and by senior year they were making profit off their work
>that was me
>that girl who had enormous tits and would put them on her desk and sleep on them
>but she was really fat so wasn't attractive
>tfw dated a 16 year old when I was 30
She told all her friend about us, it was fuckin embarrassing. Never fucked her, just one blowjob.
Kind of shitty of him

How big were her tits?

Angie, that fucking whore.
Any more stories of that girl?
>That kid that would wear unique clothing styles, bring an obscure book he didnt read, draw terrible sketches, or write music all because he hoped someone would notice it and start a conversation because of it.
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>That one girl who had absurdly huge tits in year above me
>Never found out her name, but always enamoured with her
>She was cute but had very few friends, so I couldn't find her through people I knew on facebook
>Saw her a couple of years ago walking through the mall, tits even bigger now and she was in a well fitting top (I'm talking a good 30J cup here, not the 'oh man that girl with the DD's') compared to the loose schools shirts I normally saw her in
>Mind obsessed with her for weeks
>See her on the side of the road one day waiting for a bus
>I still wish I could find her and make her my wife
>Dem tits tho
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>that retarded kid who raped and nearly killed a girl
>got away with it because he was retarded
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>that one girl who developed absurdly huge breast in middle school
Post facebook pics
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>She was cute but had very few friends, so I couldn't find her through people I knew on facebook
Literally the best thing ever. Who was that girl?
Eyy b0ss you got a sauce for that gif?
>Those two normalfags who always seemed like pets of a chad since he was the only person they really talked to.
Why not just search for her name
Man....that kid was me...
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Sup Mike.

That pussy is bomb though. Feels weird dating a high schooler.

>PTP magnet activate
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>tfw i accidentally touched her tits just like anime

I don't remember her name
It's alright. Did you know how big they were?
I knew a guy who could accurately tell girl's bra size and I think he said DD or E

Karina Hart

>TFW the robot yells at you because someone has posted that name before


Ha, most men can't tell a woman's bra size for shit.

I can because I wear them (I'm not a tranny or anything, but I wear big fake water filled balloon boobs because I like boobs a crazy amount). An actual D/E is pretty small, because something like 70% of women wear the wrong size bra and then claim their boobs are that size. Imagine your perception of a DD boob. That's probably an F cup in actual sizes.

Probably at least a C cup. It was in grade 7 so they looked massive on her tiny body.
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>I wear them (I'm not a tranny or anything, but I wear big fake water filled balloon boobs because I like boobs a crazy amount)
Alright /r9k, storytime

Part 1: The Ascendance
> be me
>be a 17 year old beta that's trying to make it into chad life, on the water polo team and the debate team at the same time
>meet friend of my metalhead bro, ginger and tall
>let's call her ginger
>become friends with ginger
>ginger has a really screwed up family situation
>no dad since 3 years old, mom is screwed up, the whole thing
>ginger has daddy issues
>start getting feels for ginger
>ginger says she has feels back
>see boobs, get laid, the whole thing
>no brakes on this feels train
>so much feels that I got scared I was gonna get locked in forever
>talk to ginger about an open relationship (fuckup number 1)
>agree to an open thing

Part 2:
The Fall
> Ginger starts to get moody
> gets angry or pissed in the middle of conversation
>Already got with a different girl that I had known for a few years and always liked
>had a thing for serious bdsm
>let's call her gimp
>gimp is 17 btw
>see gimp on and off for a few months in addition to ginger
>no idea what ginger is up to besides me
>we talk about it (fuckup number 2)
>tells me she got with a 35 year old in the ER when she cut her arm
>angry but contained, since I couldn't get really that mad at her when I was messing with gimp in my spare time
>lets call the 35 year old chad
>relationship was definitely cracked
> gimp is also with a manlet that's scared of me
>start seeing gimp more because ginger is always bitchy and passive agressive
>ginger and I conclude to stop this nonsense and be exclusive
>boat was somewhat afloat after that
>I stopped seeing gimp for 5 months
>ginger becomes belligerent, twisted and passive agressive
>sex or anything of the sort is out of the question
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Part 3:
Shit hits the fan

>anything I say is an insult or is taken as one
>Gimp texts me asking to hang out
>say yes
>mess around with gimp
>ginger finds out
>rumors spread around the school that I'm an awful human being that cheated on an perfectly innocent girl
>nobody knows about the fighting or the screaming
>nobody knows how twisted she got or how snake tongued she was
>conctact with gimp is completely severed and she worships her 5' manlet
>graduate from high school
>find out she was banging 35 year old chad the whole time.
>that girl who put on a loose tank top one day and her tits were the first ones you ever saw
Happened in 9th grade, one of the more popular girls in the grade too, we must have all looked odd walking past her desk a bunch that day.
Thread replies: 128
Thread images: 23

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