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Why are people arrogant / ignorant?
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So how do you guys deal with arrogant people? Ignorant?
How much of the population are complete morons (in America)?

I ask these questions because I feel like I'm surrounded by morons but because I am modest and come off as such, I am seen as some one who does not have faith in his knowledge, therefore I lose any debate to the public eye. I have a story that I was sure most of you wouldn't give a fuck about so I have it on standby in case you wanna read it.

>So how do you guys deal with arrogant people? Ignorant?
Ignore them, but its hard to do when its literally 90% of the population.

>How much of the population are complete morons (in America)?
90% or more. Its hard to find modest reasonable people now-a-days. I have only found 2 people in my life (26yrs) that understand that they can be wrong at times and give people the benefit of the doubt in most debates.
Plus these 2 are the only ones that can debate without going into a fit of rage because they dont take everything said in the debate as a personal attack.
one small example
>In fitness class in college
>Prof. Talks about food industry and how they're fucking us all over. Shows us a movie about the food industry.
>One kid that was a "Power Lifter" claims that "There is no reason to drink milk after you are 12 years old. You dont gain anything from it since your body cant process it at all after that. Its like drinking nothing!."

tell him that he cant be right and ask if hes sure.

>"Dude, I know I'm right! Research it for yourself if you dont believe me!"
I fucking already have researched it you fucking moron. WHO THE FUCK PUTS THESE IDEAS IN THESE KIDS HEADS AND WHY DO THEY PARADE THEM AS FACT.
I love America but fucking HATE AMERICANS. jesus christ.
Im seriously about to start carrying around a binder full of facts on subjects that most people are wrong about just full of fucking peer reviewed documents supporting my claims. Im so fucking sick of the morons around me. FUCK.
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>I don't know how to be confident
>I'm unsure of myself and have been cucked into believing this is a good quality
>I am so unsure of myself I have trouble sharing stories on anonymous Dutch woodcrafting boards because I care what random strangers think about me
>I am a weak nu-male pls no bully

>"I know one thing: that I know nothing"

walking around parading yourself as an alpha know it all doesn't mean you're right. No one is sure of anything, no one knows anything and all that we think we know can be proven false one way or another.

Just because I dont stomp on people that know less than me makes me a beta? I'd rather be beta and help my fellow man than be an alpha then. People like you dont deserve to call yourself human, as you have nothing but ill will towards your brothers and sisters.
>everybody reads the same research
Obviously this guy has a different view than you did and feels as though it is correct.
He's a power lifter thus his testosterone must be high.
Since his testosterone is high, he can be more aggressive.
Aggressiveness breeds confidence in one's ability.
Thus the man is naturally sure of himself, and will assume he is correct in his assumption.
Did you share your findings with him OP? Or did you shut up and look at your shoelaces?
>I'd rather be beta and help my fellow man than be an alpha then.

jesus christ, grow a dick you effeminate virtue-signalling fuck boi
The guy didn't stomp on you. He merely stated his belief and asked you to preform research into his assertion. Since you had preformed research prior to this, you were open to state your sources and relay your findings to your more muscular colleague.
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Faggot kike. You belong in a camp.
You have to be over 18 to post here, friendo.
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>virtue signaling

this is like the opposite of virtue signing because it makes him look worse

is it not possible to just be a decent person anymore without getting called shit?
in general, we do not call people who does a single cuckold behaviour for cucks. its continued and/or acceptance of doing said cucked thing that makes you a cuck

if you got fucked over in life, got a shitty personality, or autism (or whatever, you name it) then youre not a cuck.

youre a cuck when your solution to it becomes to complain, debate, and wonder on a mesoamerican frog indexing forum.

I have a belief that people dont want to stray too far from what they think they know already. I always try to put a little doubt in what they say to the rest of the people so that they go research it on their own.

If there is two sides of a story, there is inherent curiosity for the spectators. That's all I feel obligated to do. But when its information that might hurt others via changing of a lifestyle, then I speak up and hold my ground.

for that guy, I just said are you sure? and asked him to elaborate further to show others the flaws in his argument.
Initially he said
>Milk is bad for you! no one should drink at.
once I asked him to elaborate he added the 12 yrs limit on milk and I'm sure most people wouldnt believe that, so I feel like my job was done and I left it at that rather than hurt his ego.

Oh, and the "Powerlifter" thing. Hes just fat. Literally.
>"Oh, I used to bench 350+lbs until I hurt my back, now I just am trying to get back to where I was before the injury."
he is literally a fatty.
Ignorance doesn't bother me too much. Ignorance can be remedied. Arrogance is like a weed taking root in a man's heart. You can tell an Arrogant man about the Jews how they control every aspect of society, how they wish to see us enslaved and degraded. Show them videos talking openly and plainly about the destruction of our culture and race, but they will never change their mind. On places like Reddit this is very common, they usually mock those trying to spread the truth, even with facts and statistics to back it up.
If you do not believe in the crucial role confidence plays in social interaction, then there is no way you'll ever send anyone to their place. You can keep an open mind to new information, without falling into spineless submission.
I am not super built but I am more muscular than this guy. I put Power lifter in quotes due to him really just being fat. I should of made it more clear as 2 people have not understood what I meant.

my stats
>5'9" (manlet I know faggots.)
>150-160 lbs, I fluctuate.
>squat 3 pl8,
>bench I fucked up my shoulder so I dont do and dont care any more.
>curl, just got up to 45 lbs but only a 1 rep max. Really wanna get it up to 50-60lbs.
15% body fat, visible 6 pack but only when flexed, otherwise it looks like a 4 pack.

former /fit/ here, I know I should be ashamed.
confidence or arrogance? Its hard to tell now a days. I am confident in what I say but when people show no sign of changing their minds then what is the point of arguing? its not my responsibility to change peoples minds. Its my responsibility to instill a seed of doubt in their heads that will make them second guess themselves or at least research what they say. Its all in vain it seems.

at what point does it become arrogance? both sides refuse to budge, its the unstoppable force and immovable object. If both sides are confident in their beliefs then what happens? both cant be right at the same time.

I am asking people about how they would have confronted the situation. although I am using this to vent, the answer has revealed itself to me. Most people are idiots that care more about "confidence" than the truth. I need to find a way to hold my ground without being arrogant. I HATE arrogance and will not become a hypocrite.

any ideas guys? I mean faggots.
Ah, that's ignorance, not arrogance.
However, he's not all wrong. There are advantages to drinking milk, but the majority of individuals are lactose intolerant, milk is a strange beverage with multiple benefits and the gene that allows us to drink it is relatively new.
Fatasses are a tad slow in the head in many cases, it's entirely their fault.

You sound like an Ok guy anon.
also, the key words in your post are.
>"YOU can keep an open mind to new information"
thats the problem. some people understand this and although your postings are borderline shitposts, you realize that you are not right 100% of the time.

most people arent like that. They instead think like this.
>"THEY should keep and open mind to MY information."
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asking why people are ignorant on /pol/ is a bit like asking a fish why water is so wet

cute doggy tho
well gee anon, if i was sure in my knowledge of milk (which i am not: i know next to nothing about it) i would say whatever I believed to be correct. if that was the opposite of that one guys opinion, then god damn say that. get that ''i dont wanna be arrogant, i dont wanna tell the truth, i wanna be nice'' out of here.

i dont understand how this is a topic. if youre sure that you are right, call his bullshit. if not stay quiet. problem here is that you called his bullshit, but only in your head. thats the behaviour of a beta/cuckold/autist/anxiety ridden teen.

there IS such a thing as being too nice, you know.

90% of the population is not arrogant. I don't know what word you're thinking of but it's definitely not that. I would agree with you that pretty much everyone is ignorant to a degree though.
previous posts, I said something back to him. put it below for you.

for that guy, I just said are you sure? and asked him to elaborate further to show others the flaws in his argument.
Initially he said
>Milk is bad for you! no one should drink at.
once I asked him to elaborate he added the 12 yrs limit on milk and I'm sure most people wouldn't believe that, so I feel like my job was done and I left it at that rather than hurt his ego.
why is it bad to do it on /pol/? This is as close to a real survey any one could get and most if not all the answers to my questions have been peer reviewed by its own community.

Yes its a closed environment where we might hug-box each others beliefs, but its better than my other option, to go out and ask strangers and take a poll like that.

Very cute doggy indeed.
yes thank you, i read that. it just doesnt change anything.

if someone breaks into my house, but i manage to fight him off and have him running, but i feel like that I can catch up to him, i will sure as hell run after him. this is not due to some sort of blood lust, but because that it will ensure it does not happen again (atleast not with this guy.)

you decided ''i didnt want to show him the light, id much prefer for a meathead to sit in his own stew.'' if he is as idiotic as you have presented, i should damn well hope that you realize he wont see ''the light.''

and do you really care so much about hurting someones ''ego'' on a topic related to how good for your body milk is? are you that considerate? as I said, that is too much.
Maybe I am too considerate. I feel like I am at times. But yes that was my philosophy, to let him sit in his own ignorance, but at the same time I do understand that he probably wont "see the light".

I have to become a more moderate man. I am way too far off on the extremes of both ends of the spectrum.
>I am too kind to people I dont know yet / are friends with
>I cut people that are rude and have bad morals (my subjective view on their morals, the ones I was raised with and formed myself) out of my life and if they decide to become confrontational about it, I stand up to them and shut them down in any way I can.

There is no in between for me. I cant be nice but firm, I cant be stern but nice.
this is autistic, op.

no one knows what you actually think and feel but you, and with that in mind it seems infinitely more likely that you sperged out when wanting to confront a meathead about MILK.

then you got mildly upset/severely annoyed and decided to complain on POL (why pol, man.)

what even. it isnt hard to control your reactions. a good person acts friendly towards those who are friendly to him, acts friendly towards those he does not know yet, and acts hostile towards those who acts hostile to him. and if someone is misinformed yet too rigid, tell him that. it isnt worthy of a god damn topic.
wat. who said that I made him my mortal enemy. I treat those that wrong me in that light not a mild debate / argument.

If you steal, lie (often), talk behind peoples backs, treat people like shit ect.. I then treat you badly or cut you out of my life.

Its not like he kindly said something about milk and I exploded and screamed at him and clawed out his eyes.

This must be the "refugees" posting, disguised as Sweden.
and yet it is just about portrayed as such. your descriptions of him is either colored badly due to your hostility, or he is an actual idiot. and if he is an actual idiot who says stupid shit (regardless of how often) then the least you could do is lecture him for once, as it seems no one else does.

but yeah, it more than likely was just a very small event in your life, and yet it was so disturbing (or something along those lines) that you decided to share your thoughts on here.

why would you ask pol what they would do in an argument about whether or not milk is healthy for you? not even an argument, just a remark. its just flabbergasting that this is a fucking topic.
>I hate arrogance and will not become a hypocrite
Follow the captian Kirk formula of confidence. If you're acting more confident than Kirk, you've stepped over into arrogance, avoid talking to people with your chin in the air, and keep your hands away from your face. Keep your arms open and palms open somewhat facing who you're talking to. Back straight, good posture, ect. Avoid closing your arms to people.

A raised chin is body language for arrogance.

People do not often take the word of strangers close to heart.
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