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Happy Easter to all Orthodox Christians
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Hope u will have a church mass service full of joy and a great family dinner!

Jesus Christ is lord, and no one comes to the father but through him!

God bless you!
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Pray the Lords prayer in Matthew 6:9-18 and ask Jesus Christ to show you and repent your sins, and mean it from your heart.

Afshin Javid

Ian MacCormack



Bill Wiese


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7rQow8NzZo Part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX3Ow_VEkuM Part 2

Tamara Laroux

Mickey Robinson


Howard Storm Atheist Professor

Atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker

A dying mans last message

Ex-satanist confession



Ugandan Pastor Shocked he would not enter Heaven

Orthodox Priests in a cave monastery
>orthodox Christians in Sweden
Wut? Happy Easter to you too tho
Immigrant from Yugoslavia
Most former Yugos immigrated to Sweden, Canada and Australia.
Thx dude
>Random people preach Jesus Christ outside my window
>Strangers call me Jesus in public

Fuck off I don't owe humanity shit
Thank you, Jesus, for dying for our sins.
thank you god

it was very nice of you to have yourself nailed to a cross for no apparent reason, i guess
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Orthodox christians need to learn to pray the rosary

>Everytime I make a fakebook status, I see an influx of godposting afterwards from Facebook friends
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All orthodox christians please learn to pray the rosary the jesus prayer is not enough we need both
Christos anesti
fuck off satanic kike shill
You do now, that rosary is actually in the Bible? And that theological differences between orthodox and catholics are almost illusionary?
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1 John 1:5

God is light, and in him, there is no darkness at all
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Im off for a family dinner, God bless you all!
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Eastern Orthodox Christianity Is The Red Pill

For just as each animal mates with its own tribe, so it is right that each nation should marry and cohabit not with those of another race and tongue but with those of the same tribe and speech.

►Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, DE ADMINISTRANDO IMPERIO

Q: Does God smile on interracial marriages?

A: I wish to respond to the brief comment on several levels. On the level of the issue itself, the expression "God smiles on such marriages" can be understood in a number of ways. If by it, you mean that you believe that God does not encourage racially mixed marriages, the, I believe we are not in disagreement. I feel I made it very clear that the Church does not feel such marriages are desirable, for many different reasons, many of which are practical and have to do with the chance of success for such marriages. In addition, we should also add that the Church holds that races and nations were created by God. Consequently, the total intermarriage would destroy the races which God created. The Church has never advocated or encouraged racially mixed marriages.

►Bishop Iakovos, Prof. of Orthodox Theology

A man pure, without nationality (race) is an abstraction. Since there cannot be an apple without the genetic determination of a certain kind, it is more evident that there cannot be a man without individual national (racial) determination.

►Friar Dumitru Staniloae, Orthodoxy and Nationalism
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The sixth commandment:

In most translations of the Bible, Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are translated: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." In the literal translation of the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament and in the true translation of the Ten Commandments in The Truth Unveiled, these passages are translated as: "You will not mongrelize." At issue in the Greek Septuagint and in the Greek New Testament are two Greek words: ou moicheuseis. In the Latin Vulgate, Exodus 20:13 was translated as non moechaberis and Romans 13:9 as non adulterabis. The Latin word moechaberis is an inflected form of moechari, a transliteration of the Greek moicheuo, and is of little etymological importance since what it means is merely dependent upon what the Greek word means, which we will explore. However, what is important is adulterabis, an inflected form of the word adultero, since this is the Latin word most often used in the Vulgate and elsewhere to translate the Greek word moicheuo. The Greek word ou and the Latin word non are simply negative particles, translated not. Thus, the words that we need to define in order to determine the correct translation of Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are the Greek word moicheuo and the Latin word adultero. First, in order to define the word moicheuo, let us turn to a commonly used and commonly available dictionary, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by Gerhard Kittel and translated into English by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Now let us note that Kittel was a well-renowned German Greek scholar and is held in high-esteem by the scholarly community. Under the entry word moicheuo, the following definition is given: "of the intermingling of animals and men or of different races."
Χριστός Ανέστη
Oh hey, it's Orthodox Easter? Happy Orthodox Easter all y'all!
Orthodox Easter Best Easter
Christos vokrese
Christos anesti
God bless you all brothers, enjoy your Easter
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any of you faggots participated in the old tradition of Jude burning?
What's the difference between Orthodox and Catholic?
Dat meat and chocolate lads

happy easter

Catholics, aka Papists, are heretics.

Orthodox belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I'm a Catholic, happy Sunday to all fellow Christians. Divisions are just divide and conquer shite
Protestants have a different God a Jewish God, Catholics have the god.
Hey, now wait a minute. Catholics also recite during Mass that they belive in one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Had a listen to an Orthodox service the other week, and I was surprised to find out that just about everything said is something I would expect to hear, maybe with some minor variations in wording. I don't really know if we're right or you're right, but it really seems to come down to some almost esoteric disagreements from an awfully long time ago.
Happy Easter.
He's being mentally retarded.
Christ is risen!
I'd love it if the Catholics united with the Orthodox, too bad you guys are kind of heretics...
I'm sure if you put the old memes aside we could unite again
In what matter we are heretics?

In addition to the dogma of the Pope, the Roman Catholic heresy currently holds the heresies of the Dual Causation of the Holy Spirit, God as a Tripartite Energy (with Created Grace being a further heretical consequence), Purgatory and the Papal Treasury of Merits, Development of Dogma, the Divine Inspiration and Salvific Nature of all Religions (a heresy stemming from the 20th-century Freemasonic takeover of the Vatican), the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the Sacramentalogy of Opere Operato, etc., as well as the canonical violations of claiming jurisdiction for the Pope in all dioceses, adding to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, Rejection of Married Priests, Mutation or Mutilation of the Mysteries of Holy Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, and Lord’s Divine Liturgy and Eucharist (unleavened wafers, removal of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, etc.), and the papal decrees ordering or sanctioning the robbery, torture, murder, enslavement, and other forms of inhuman maltreatment of insubordinate or non-Roman Catholic persons.

Christ is enough.
In the same way they're heretics. One broke from Rome and the other broke from Constantinople.
>sanctioning the robbery, torture, murder, enslavement, and other forms of inhuman maltreatment of insubordinate or non-Roman Catholic persons.
It's almost like the Vatican is trying to play politics.
>trying to play politics.
The Vatican playing politics is pretty much the entire history of the Western world. Some parts good things, some parts bad things, but in my view it's a wealthy and powerful human institution, so of course it's going to have endless problems with corruption.
Anon, if you don't play politics you fall. Orthodoxy got fucked over by not being able to play politics, being told that a fucking emperor is higher than the Patriarch.

Christos Vokrese! Happy Easter to all my Orthodox brothers, and my sincere thanks and prayers to all the non-Orthodox well-wishers in this bread. We're all brothers in Christ, our Lord.


Voistinu Voskrese, my friend. God bless you.


Our church (Ukrainian Orthodox) is currently sharing with a Greek congregation whose cathedral is under construction. A wonderful group of people; truly.


Thanks senpai!


Indeed, He is risen!


Amen. My prayers go out to you folks, as well.
>unleavened wafers are heretical

The Orthodox are such petulant children
We have our own much older rosery you got this from us
Let us orthodox pray
Oh lord jesus son of god have mercy on me a sinner
https://oca.org/questions/romancatholicism/the-rosary http://www.spokaneorthodox.com/rosary.html
>TFW I learned the Dormition of Mary tradition can in fact be found in the Ante Nicene period.

It's in the Apocalypse of Paul somewhat, the non Gnostic version that is :3
Orthodoxy chose to preserve the church rather than get involved. Look how involvement turned out for Catholics.
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You speak my language are you a southern white orthodox too i feel this is rare but every one at my church talks like me a rebel flags everywhere
>managed to conquer a good portion of the globe
>got paganized niggers to stop being pagans
>got native before spics to become spics by fucking the natives and forcing them to follow God
Looks great.

Thanks bro :) Having a good pascha right now.
Indeed he is risen!

Ave Maria! Deus Vult~
Nah, I'm very northern. Just got curious because there are a lot of churches where I live and most of them are denominations I don't know much about, so I get curious.
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Happy Easter from a Roman Catholic.

Lord Jesus is risen! :)
>tfw catholic
>tfw I just do a few decades of the jesus praryer because I keep losing my place in which prayer is which with the rosary
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Whatever works.
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I went to pascha last night.first time. Didn't know they would mix in the Arabic service with english. I was there for three hours, I'll remeber to go early cuz I'm not gonna stay from 11 to 2 again.
There's an app for apple/android where it helps you recite the rosary desu.

God bless.
does this mean i cant race mix with a qt Ethiopian orthodox gf
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Are you Ethiopian yourself?

Southern Orthodox here.
No but I am 50% hispanic so I am almost a nigger

What sort of Orthodox church?

No. God wants you to marry within your race.
I'm glad a Romanian told something that wise. And yes, today at 0, or you may call it yesterday night, I went to the local church in order to take the light - it's a custom here when candles are lit by the priests, with holy light. Then, 75% of that mob wanted to go home, and everybody would respect the queue since the alley on which you enter the church is kinda narrow. Some gypsy family (4 adults and ~15 children) suddenly jabbed into the mob trying to leave, thrusting the people in order to have free way.
Eastern Catholics also pray this
I really want to marry a Hispanic Catholic girl. What do they think of gringos?
>I really want to race mix

We just went over this.

But anon, they're kinda white.
Χριστός Ανέστη!

Happy Easter, orthodox brothers!
If you had a choice to marry a hedonistic white woman vs. devout hispanic woman, which would you pick?

Between those two, obviously the devout Eastern Orthodox Hispanic woman.
>In addition to the dogma of the Pope
You mean that Rome have a final voice in faith matter? It was around since ever. Like St. Augustine said: "Rome has spoken; the case is closed".
>Dual Causation of the Holy Spirit
You mean filioque? But a proper understanding of the filioque shows that it is a fuller recognition of something we know to be true: all things that come from the Father, come through Christ. Also Council of Florence
>God as a Tripartite Energy
What do you mean by that?
Council of Florence
>Papal Treasury of Merits
I not see anything heretical in that
>Development of Dogma
In this matter, Orthodoxy "developed" further than us
>Divine Inspiration and Salvific Nature of all Religions
Vaticanum II is a pastoral Council not dogmatic one. Also, gates of hell (freemasonry) do not takeover Church. Also, check your KGB agents in Church.
>Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
Eastern Christianity came out with this idea first, we only adapt it.
>Sacramentalogy of Opere Operato and Mutation or Mutilation of the Mysteries of Holy Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, and Lord’s Divine Liturgy and Eucharist (unleavened wafers, removal of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, etc.)
We never theology of Sacraments. We change discipline.
>canonical violations of claiming jurisdiction for the Pope in all dioceses
What do you mean by that?
>adding to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed
We only update it and the first version is still valid.
>Rejection of Married Priests
Only to fight with nepotism and make sure that priests are focus only on God.
> the papal decrees ordering or sanctioning the robbery, torture, murder, enslavement, and other forms of inhuman maltreatment of insubordinate or non-Roman Catholic persons.
Said the cesropapists

So yeah, I do not see any heresy. Also, I recomend you see some catholic forums to
dispel any further doubts. r/Cartholicism (inb4 plebbit, they are alright, praetty much redpilled and all). God Bless You!

Depends on how pliable the white woman was. If I thought there was snowball's chance in hell of teaching her not to be such trash, I'd choose her. (Afterall, women aren't that hard to control if you know what you're doing.)
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Protestant here, agreeing with this Catholic >>72627847.

Happy Easter to all my Orthodox brothers and sisters.
Negro no, just send them to redditchan /christian/
there are actually a few orthodox missions is the poor feather nigger parts of mexico where they feel abandoned by the catholic church
Nigga I know, but I do not recommend anything that I do not checked myself. Also I wanted something more homogeneous in the matter of catholicism.
The more you know.
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>Eastern Orthodox
Get outta here, Sergei. This is now a Roman thread.

Let's be nice, senpai. It's Easter for one of the largest Christian denominations.
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