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for anyone planning on voting for this maniac, you should realize
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for anyone planning on voting for this maniac, you should realize the working class is going to be cucked even more than they already are. discuss.

"Working class" is a Neo-Marxist idealism. It's a catch-all for Lower Class and Middle Class. Fitting that the liberals parrot it constantly since their entire platform intends to destroy the middle class. Just look at all these pushes to increase minimum wage across the board. More money being paid out causes inflation and higher rates of unemployment, creating a more tangible line between the Haves and Have-Nots.

Trump is the lesser evil by far. I challenge you to find one of Trump's policies that would damage the "working class" in any way. Back up your assertions with reasoning or fuck off.
>don't do x, b/c reasons
yeah ok sure champ
>joker trump
woah, trump is such a maniac XD
i'm gonna vote for him since he is cool and dark like me
I already voted. He won Georgia.
You're a fag. The first anti-globalist, anti-one-world kike candidate in decades, and you think that's a bad thing for workers.
Yes, and they will then still find a way to blame in on "liberals".

Taking jobs back and getting rid of illegals hurts the working class.

Voting for Trump protects my second amendment, so we can still keep the government from an absolute monopoly on force.

Voting for Trump protects my investment income. Hillary and Bernie would both go after that. As part of the lower middle class (50-70k), this is my best way to grow income and build wealth. And possibly retire someday.

Voting for Trump will protect our borders, in line with Lifeboat Ethics, while still allowing talent and good work ethic in. Our safety nets wont be overloaded as much, and taxes will be lower.

Sorry. Trump is the only vote that makes any sense unless you really just want to live in Europe but are too much of a shit to move there.
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your desperation, along with your tears, are delicious
Don't care. TRUMP 2016

Build the wall, stop the Muslims, beat te Chinese, destroy the GOP.

Nationalism forver.
And OP if it causes us to burn, then we all burn together faggot.
By the way I wanted to point out the irony of Bernie babbling about 'the rest of us' getting our 'piece of the wealth', but then people like him will always try to tax investment and trading income first.

If you want me to have a share of it, why are you punishing me for buying in?? Why dont you encourage people to do so? Thenwhole rhetoric is absolute horse shit.
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