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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. pol was right, yanks got a nigress on their
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pol was right, yanks got a nigress on their new 20 dollar bills. They will never forget "muh slavery".
Well now whenever a nugger looks down at his welfare cheggz and thinks of all the friet chigginz he's gonna buy for his chillunz and the colt 45s he is going to waste his rent money on he can realize that he is still, in fact, enslaved to the white man. I love that they're putting a nigger on the 20 dollar bill because of that. Good reminder that considering niggers never let slavery go, it will always plague their so-called "culture" and let everyone know that they never truly emerged from the cocoon of white reliance and inadequate intelligence.
Dindu Dollars will still reign supreme
Cant wait to see how many of these are defaced

Dat damage control tho.
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>A slave
>On currency

Oh come on, you know this is a victory for us.

>dindu dollars

Anything else?
I work with a bunch of blacks and they all hate this idea some really really hate it.

>Mad disrespectful, is the phrase they used.
Yeah, this society is nearing critical mass. Shit's going to blow soon.
>How many $20s do you own?
Our currency is going to look like third world currency now with niggers and women no one cares about.
whoa there nigel, at least i won't have Allah on my great british pound soon

Just sayin
Wait they really did this???? Someone respond
How long until liberals say using your debit card is racist b/c you're trying to avoid using the glorious new $20?
they will regret this.
I can't wait to start defaceing these bills.
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Badonka Buck
This is too far and way too bold. This is not even funny in the least
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>Jackson forced off of the $20 bill

Sucks, doesn't it?
Wow, so progressive
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Swear by god, this Neger looks like the rustled-jimmies Gorilla Meme.
>the first black person on the currency is a thief that stole property
>it was previously a man that fought to kill the banks

absolute mad men at the fed
Y'all niggas think Drumpf is going to let this actually happen?
He's not happy about it, but I doubt there's much he can do.

>see these images the first few times
>pissed they're replacing jackson with some dindu inventor or something
>find out it's supposed to be a woman
>harriet tubman nonethless
>have a hearty kek
I knew their females were testosterone ridden but jesus christ
When you write "NIGGER" on that bill, make sure it covers the word "Reserve"

Thereby it will be known as the Federal NIGGER Note

RIP beloved Jackson
>Still carrying cash
>Get new $20
>pay black hookers, strippers & drug dealers
>see sad look they have
>got on $20 being slaves
>Remember whites have more "Tubs" then >they every will

Treasury is an executive branch. All he has to do is order his treasury secretary to not do it. or he can just issue an executive order.
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I would rather see Theodore Roosevelt on the 20.
>didn't know what Harriet Tubman looked like or was

american education system at work
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You do realize by now Obama is viciously inciting a race war in the US, right? Not for having a black figure on a dollar bill, but for constantly promoting hatred against white Americans, muh gentle niggers, muh slavery, muh reparations and the likes.
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>being this butthurt
why is she wearing a kimono?
He is still going to be on the bill, faggot.
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Only degenerates use cash.
Niggers won't realize shit. You give them way too much agency and sense of introspection. The nigger will never realize he's still enslaved, he will content himself with frivolous bullshit like cigarillos and lottery tickets until he dies
It doesn't matter, the US currency has been changed many times before and will continue to be changed and that's nothing to care about.
>britbong posting a pic of an American Revolution reenactment to look tough

Your realize your dumb country lost that war, right?
You realize we had much bigger fish to fry than you loutish thugs, right?
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British Empire.jpg
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And look where that got you.
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UK 20.jpg
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D
We still had an empire during world war 2. It's not like we lost everything as soon as you kicked us out you mong.
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should've used pic related.
Ya got me
Why is a 20 printed on a bill that's clearly 12 dollar?

Americunts are truly confusing.
That would actually be kind of badass and at least placate gunfags.
Proving, yet again. Blacks can never be happy.
Just wait until Obongo ends up on the ten.
>he doesn't know the referance

you've seriously never seen the meme picture this is edited of?
You lost that empire to the Germans and BEGGED America to come help you .
He's still going to be on the back on the $20. Which still probably sucks for him, because he was fiercely anti-bank and loathed paper money, so if he was around now he'd be pretty damn happy for some coon to take his place on shitty paper money, would maybe discourage people to use it.

I'm personally going to continue to never carry around bills, because I don't live in some third world shithole, and I can purchase literally everything I want with a single plastic card.
it's very racist, because black people can't get credit cards because they're too stupid and have low credit ratings, so put black people on the money since only degenerate nigger criminals use cash

makes perfect sense, totally racist liberal bullshit
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Good for you, buddy.
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I wish they'd put Sherman on one dollar bill.
You mean to tell me you don't know the context?

It's suppost to represent robbery, and the theme "around blacks never relax"

How new are you, niggerkin?
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Our futur is dark.
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I'm sorry I have a real life and don't spend as much time on the internet as you. Does this upset you?
>you lost that empire to the germans
No. It was actually the US that demanded Churchill start dismantling the empire after ww2 for some fucking reason.

>US is too pussy to join the war in Europe until a year before its end
>The Empire, being the benevolent force of good that it was, decided to help the Americans and Chinese by fighting Japan in a land war taking place in China
>US feels guilty for being a useless piece of shit ally so it throws us some cash and sinks some Japanese dinghies
>US gets close to building the bomb, suddenly grows a pair of balls and joins in
>couldn't even beat the Russians to Berlin
>only attacked 2 beaches on Normandy despite being fresh on the western front, the empire, who has been fighting the Germans and Japanese for 5 years, also gets 2 beaches to attack
>destroyed a pair of Japanese civilian cities and declared themselves the sole winner of the war and if anyone denies it they'll get nuked
>Her Mr Churchill we don't want any more competition from you, dismantle empire now

I honestly hope to see your country and everyone in it reduced to ash in my lifetime.
You're not supposed to "forget" about slavery, you're suppost to not use it for "compensation" or other ideological shit.

Then again I don't even know who this fucking woman is, I'm just judging OP's text post.
Jesus that's WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET tier revisionism
>ironically falling for anti-black propaganda

you black tantrums matter shills crack me up.
Anyhow it's not happening until 2030 and by then paper currency won't be a thing or the Chinese Yuan will become the new world currency

I welcome both
>/pol/ bout to get BTFO every time they use an ATM
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We did it before and better
like one anon said, and i quote "just write we wuz kaings n sheeiiitt on every bill"
I'm not wrong. I wish I was. What a retarded end to the empire. Some fucking shitstain rebellious colony gets a nuke and starts calling the shots, takes the opportunity to take petty revenge against the greatest empire that has ever graced this earth. America is a untrustworthy, backstabbing jew nation.
You would have lost WWII without us and you would have subsequently starved to death if not for Marshall Aid
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Try again. Germany was already losing before you showed up pal.
>a 4chan post

Fantastic source, friend
B-b-but e-europoors have mudslims. YOU HAVE A NIGGER PRESIDENT AND 50% WHITE POPULATION
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>In God We Trust

Oh no wait, we've got Charles Darwin
Too based.
Would never happen.
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>I wish they'd put Sherman on one dollar bill.

burning Atlanta?
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>2024 $20 bill
Do you really need a source to know Germany was already losing before you came?

Everything was under control. The German navy was dead in the water, no German soldier ever set foot on British soil and their air force was rendered ineffective by the RAF. The North Africa campaign also went terribly well without your help and the Russians were in a maddened frenzy, getting closer and closer to Berlin by the day with no sign of slowing down.

Your contribution on the European front was merely ceremonial and symbolic, not actually necessary.
Blacks never wanted this, it was white liberals and their white guilt.
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I remember seeing these once in a news article.
That implies she was some noble hero of justice and virtue and also implies whites are evil
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This. Blacks want opportunities to get ahead in life not some token of appreciation that just assuages white guilt.
>women cry about not having females on currency
>Want womyns rights activists on notes because that's the only thing women do, complain until they get their way.
>End up with a black slave, who was highly religious
>No notable white women
>white womyn btfo

The fact a slave is on currency is somewhat hilarious.
Bonus is I look forward to creatively altered $20, i mean 12, notes.

Why am I OK with this design?

>Extremely religious woman who adored the second amendment put on the bill by liberal democrat voters

I dont even know what the fuck happened
>tfw trading 15 slaves for a new pair if sunglasses
They actually look pretty based. Better than having dead people on 'em.
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Guys, check out this video of the MSM spin on the Trump Indian Accent incident. Only one minute long, watch it now!!
Jackson on the 20 is a way to mock him.

Never would Jackson have wanted his face on a monetary note printed from a privatized central bank.

It's truly sad that they are leaving his face on it at all. He's been rolling in his grave since the inception of the note. I'm sure all the founding fathers would be completely outraged at the concept.
Not to mention they completely bypass the entire race problem by having no recognizable human being on them.

Let's post some more AESTHETIC bank notes
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Well yeah, and if we had these we wouldn't have these pointless arguments of whose face is on our currency.
They look so good. I might start using cash if it looked like this.
Czech'd and kek'd
The dollar will collapse soon anyway
brits shouldn't make fun of our central bank.
briexit already.

also implying it can't be over turned or the dollar will go to shit by the time it's implemented and the going currency will be the new hotel backed Trump dollars.
It looks like a monkey-human hybrid. And the americans put one on their 20$.
>the US that demanded Churchill start dismantling the empire after ww2 for some fucking reason.
oh, fuck off you were in hoc with the jews after ww1 and you couldn't afford to keep your colonies due to piss poor management and protectionism in the mother country. America supplemented Britain as the industrial power somewhere between the end of the napoleonic wars and world war 1.
He probably would've been glad to be removed from that since he hated banks.

I've always had a feeling that the bankers putting Jackson's face on the $20 dollar bill was a way for them of saying they got the last laugh.
His face will still be on the 20. Just on the back.

No sweet relief for that glorious man; he's still fighting the bankers in the afterlife.
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When in reality... pic related
>literal gibsmedat

u gwine gibs me dat sevan fifty bix nood mufuggah!
Truth dawg
.....This would have been great except for the fact not only was the US providing GB with guns ammo planes oil and other tools but also you know... Our fucking pilots but you knew that already just left it out.. Also one guy you said in Burma was American... Fucking really?? We had scores of people in Burma medical staff air force and even army so good try on that one... Of course the KM was getting close to US waters not hard when the u-boats where the running wild throughout the world but again you knew that right? Let's also not forget most of our fleet was busy in the pacific Burma was a part but the Island campaigns was the bulk of the PTO and lets not forget the PTO was mostly a Naval War. Oh and let's not forget Hitler being sabotaged by his own command countless times because you know you knew about that I am sure as well. Oh and one more thing Brits had A LOT of US help in Africa as well as Italy.
Goddamn she is so fucking ugly too.
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That's fucking right. Slavery will forever be massive stain in America's history, asit should be.
Can Trump executive order to reverse this? This is another clear example of cultural marxism, eroding every tradition and point of pride until there is nothing left. I found out about this right after I found out about hijabs at The Citadel and marines being indoctrinated about their "innate sexist tendencies" under the new female doctrine. Obama and his cabal seem to be doing as much damage to every aspect of this country they can before they are out of power.
Pancake lobby needs to be reigned in. They've become too powerful
On the other side.
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I'm remembering the roles Jews played with communism
>Whites dindu nuffin!!!
Yeah yeah quit chimping out

Looks generic and stupid.

The Jews got tired of the Houtspa of the white american goyim
>Everything was under control. The German navy was dead in the water, no German soldier ever set foot on British soil and their air force was rendered ineffective by the RAF. The North Africa campaign also went terribly well without your help and the Russians were in a maddened frenzy, getting closer and closer to Berlin by the day with no sign of slowing down.
>Your contribution on the European front was merely ceremonial and symbolic, not actually necessary.

yeah those convoy tactics that provided air cover and corvettes/destroyers to protect said convoys delivering much needed aid to England was so not needed.

The weapons, ammo, ships and everything else that went into D Day was completely provided by English empire...yep yep yep.

Pip pip cheerio mates, we pathetic colonists were mere lookey lous.
>Hollywood movie remakes in 5 years
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I don't care as much about someone black being on currency, but this transition could have been handled a bit more logically since before now we've only ever had Presidents and Founding Fathers on our currency.

Even Frederick Douglass or someone would have been more deserving if you really really want someone black on a bill.
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i made the monkeybill first !!!

Why not Martin Luther King? A man who tried to improve America?

Harriet Tubman helped black people escape America. She didn't try to improve it. She was no patriot.
This won't happen until 2030 and hopefully paper currency will be irrelevant
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>Implying that the United States of America is not ruled from the City of London

Fucking pleb. Keep believing whatever makes you feel good, Tyrone you fat nigger. The British elites certainly have no problem with you and your smelly ilk believing that the United States of America is independent, it actually keeps them low-key.
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