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>Muhammad Ali criticizes Trump >dies Holy shit
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>Muhammad Ali criticizes Trump

Holy shit
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> Johnny Depp mocks Trump
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Ali supports desperation of the races
>Patton Oswalt insults Trump
>wife dies
Not really fair to criticize Muhammad Ali. He hasn't been able to function the last decade, so it probably wasn't him who criticized Trump. Plus, he was redpilled as fuck.


>took the floating way too far
>didn't sting much

clearly lost his touch
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MEME magic is real, these dubs prove it
is this true?
>Scott Weiland insults Trump
>Megyn Kelly insults Trump
>career dies
>Johnny Depp insults Trump
>gets arrested in Australia
>mother dies
>wife leaves him
>gets hit with domestic abuse allegations
>Glenn Beck insults Trump
>career dies
google you fucking chimp
dubs 4 kek
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>Scott Weiland
>Patton Oswalt('s wife)
>Johnny Depp divorce/"abuse", Alice bombs
>Muhammad Ali
>it's already basically confirmed that Bernie will die skydiving into a rally
>Hillary will get get indicted by the FBI, if she doesn't die from that CVST first
>Little Marco competes with Trump
>entire political career decimated
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>Anne Frank wrote unfavorable diary entry about Trump
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>You gotta sleep eventually Johnny-boy
>apologizes, starts shitposting on twitter
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Really? You are so Libtarded.
It's like saying
> Mohammad Ali drinks water.
> Donald trump sells water.
> ha ha funny he dead.
Can you explain the joke?
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>Everlast calls Trump a racist asshole

pls no, not before The Cull drops
I just googled and it is true btw

lazy cunt
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>Dat Britcuck going full white guilt for no reason
I'm honestly starting to believe in meme magic boys
>Ben Shapiro insults Trump
>descends into madness
Don't mock the fucking god emperor
requesting all graphics of people like depp and patton oswalt getting stumped by Trump via death
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Kek and the God Emperor do not take kindly to those slanderers and Pharisees.
Watch Your Step Depp.
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>Maddox insults Trump
>Called cuck and cancels his show

Holy shit I never realized how many people have had their careers negatively effected or decimated by Trump

Newfags from theDonald trying to fit in without doing basic research on one of the true honorary Aryans.
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You know what must happen.
Close your eyes anon, you don't need to see this.
Is this the work of kek?
I never liked Muhammad anyways, that fucker created one of the most cancerous religions to ever exist. Just look at the Middle East and parts of Europe to see what I mean. I hope ISIS knows they don't have a leader anymore and give up.
The media and whole political system has been fucking destroyed, now for better or worse the alternative media is growing on the now pissed off audiences looking for a new media.
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It's the curse of kek
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pls no

it's finally a return to pure hip hop, De La Soul is guesting on a track, I need this album
praise kek
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I think something like the concept of the psychosphere is likely real and meme magic reverberates around hence that why it works.
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Eventually they all succumb to the memes.

Seriously thought, celebrities who attack Trump are committing career suicide. Someone who is not me should put together a collage of these happenings to actually give power to the "insult Trump and have life ruined" meme
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I respect Ali as a fighter and for some of his philosophies (see >>76047389) but the dude was a bonafide Kebab wearing a darker coat of paint.
I didn't see what Ali said about Trump, what were his comments?
Made my day
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>dat username tho
This went over my head, what happened?
Someone needs to compile all these. Meme magic is real, and it's fucking dangerous.
Did this cuck get his radio show back?
I heard his wife is making a cameo Ghost Busters
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When all this is over, and the ashes and celebration is over. We must gather up the corpses as a warning for the other.
I don't get the criticism. Ali and Trump had much in common:

Both extremely successful
Both draft dodgers
Both had legal trouble
Both egomaniacs.

You would think there would be mutual respect.
dont forget berniebaby

>Listening to Everlast

dude Eminem bodied the shit out of that pussy, he's weak af
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holy shit, if the meme caught on, and then another celebrity died, that's all it would take to make people become fearful of attacking Trump

Also checked
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Ali's brain had turned into liquid shit in these last few years.
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He is barred from Sirus for a bit for entertaining a assassination attempt, however his show is his own for a while.

His career and popularity is rolling off a cliff, he has no place in the new administration.
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Better dead than red!
Looks like Islam finally took his brain
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addin this
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>George Clooney insults Trump
>Gets caught in cheating scandal

>Barack Obama talks trash about Trump
>Makes himself look more like a stuttering motherfucker instead

>Jennifer Lawrence insults Trump
>career and reputation slowly dying
Maddox outed himself as a certified libcuck after years of trying to be that guy in the middle of the spectrum that pisses off everybody, but lately he's shown his biases against Trump. After he was called out on this in comments that rightly marked him as the cuck he is (reminder that he is raising another man's child), he got triggered so hard that he made a video explaining the 'true' definition of cuckold which just made him look even worse.
So then he canceled his podcast, kek.
Why the fuck aren't those protesters from Thursday night dropping dead en masse?
He was a coward draft doger who undermined the American way of life. He and his ilk are the reason America is in such a shitty state. I hope White Jesus finally throws that cunt Jane Fonda into hell soon.
Canada stop trying to shitpost. please
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god damn that is hilarious lol
>yfw they don't get kidnapping insurance and Rory gets kidnapped
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cokehead degenerate
Kek's sphere of influence is limited until his reach grows more. For now, meme magic only applies to popular media figures.

>Socialism Induced Death Syndrome
Every time, my sides.
Maddox started doing some anti-SJW stuff (pretty sure he was hating on Trump), and then hordes of alt-righters started calling him a cuck. He then cancelled his show.
I think it takes a while to take effect. And I don't think it's always death, for them it will most likely be mass deportations.
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>MFW Stephen Hawking
doing the Lord's work!
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>Socialism Induced Death Syndrome
this is going viral now. do u mind if i tweet it?
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Because we don't know who they are, lucky for them.

Praise the almighty KEK!
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That was based as fuck.

I think it only works on celebrities
Anne Frank didn't write the book, you do know that, right?
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It is truly getting scary all the bad things that happen to people that challenge him. I in no way sense any foul play on his part, but it's just like the universe intervening. Shit is crazy.
They're helping Trump more than hurting him, pictures and videos of it are all over social media right now.

A few protestors from the Costa Mesa rally really had the book thrown at them though, just royally assfucked by felonies. There's also that dumbass who charged the stage, he got fucked over too.
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I predict his time will come soon. The dude is 74 years old and has an illness that should have killed him a long time ago. I actually thought he would be next, but the Mohammad Ali died instead
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trump can not be stumped.jpg
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Here you go guys

Go ahead and copy and paste to normies

Ali in the bottom left
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it's all yours my friend
Rappelez-vous quand votre Seigneur a inspiré aux anges: «Je suis avec vous, fortifie ceux qui ont cru. Je vais jeter l'effroi dans les cœurs de ceux qui ont mécru, donc frapper [ eux ] sur le cou et frappe d'eux à chaque bout des doigts. Ce est parce qu'ils se sont opposés à Allah et à Son messager et celui qui oppose Allah et Son Messager - . . en effet, Allah est dur en punition ce [est à toi], donc le goûter ". Et en effet, pour les mécréants est le châtiment du Feu.

Remember when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip. That is because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. That [is yours], so taste it." And indeed for the disbelievers is the punishment of the Fire.

إِذْ يُوحِي رَبُّكَ إِلَى الْمَلَائِكَةِ أَنِّي مَعَكُمْ فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ۚ سَأُلْقِي فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا الرُّعْبَ فَاضْرِبُوا فَوْقَ الْأَعْنَاقِ وَاضْرِبُوا مِنْهُمْ كُلَّ بَنَانٍ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ شَاقُّوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ ۚ وَمَن يُشَاقِقِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ ذَٰلِكُمْ فَذُوقُوهُ وَأَنَّ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَذَابَ النَّارِ

That's all the more reason not to compile it.

"That is most powerful which remains unknown; except unto you, and you alone." - Boyd Rice

If normies realize meme magic is happening, it will start to die.
how does meme magick work, lads?
is it like the spirit bomb from DBZ?
The way I see it, there are these celebrities who are really out of touch with people's love for Trump. Many people are having a hard time with the economy, crime, and social issues (anti-white stuff at work). So people love Trump and see him as a solution.

There are many celebrities who don't have these problems, and don't get it. He just seems like a jerk for no reason, so they attack Trump. Then Trump's fan base starts attacking that person, and their career is damaged.
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Fuck u Niggers
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>Socialism Induced Death


everybody hashtag this
spread it on social media
twitter, instagram, fakebook
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Ok. You're too dumb to explain anything.You are what you hate.
>I dun says it so it dun be true, by golly.

Your intelligence is the only thing that's a joke.
Hahha seriously bros; what a time to. Be. Alive
only 13-year-old white trash ever cared about everlast. didn't even know he was still alive.
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scary, t b h
Some nobody's dying indiscriminately is no big deal and doesn't make national headlines. Some of them probably have or will but we'll never hear about it.
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Yes, and Trump is Goku
Holy shit. Is that real?
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>socialism induced death syndrome

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>Socialism Induced Death
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>mfw Trump is becoming another Stan Lee

Only Stan kills people for their lifeforce, Trump ruins and humiliates his enemies because it amuses him.
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If you guys know of any more, let me know so I can add them to the souls that had to be taken list.
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No, dude. People are legit dying.
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Yes, kek is powerful anon
isnt garry shandling that guy from captain america?
He was
Trump is literally God.
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good, kek looks after his own
No dude, Trump is the thing that even gods fear.
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Nay, anon. Trump is guarded by Kek. Prepare to be enlightened.
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If Donald Trump had been President during WW2, Anne Frank would still be alive. He'd rescue her with his personal helicopter to cater Jewish voters and then marry her off to one of his sons so he launch a hostile takeover of her father's company, Opekta.

They don't call him a good dealmaker for nothing you know.
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I can't believe we've brought a vengeful god back from extinction.
i knew there was something fucky when I saw him at first, thank you trump for giving me this intuition
>final President
>because he's the first emperor
Best post
The haters don't realize, this is not a normal election. Whereas they could, in the past, get away with criticizing a political front runner and people would just let it slide, the fervor with which Trump's supporters follow him is unprecedented. To attack Trump is to attack his followers, to attack Trump is to receive the stinging backlash of every last one of.

thanks guys. they are tweeted #TrumpCurse
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stuff like this is actual religious power.

Kek & Trump are our new religion
hahahaha holy underated batman
top kek
2nd post best post. OP is a fag and sage.
>Maduro criticizes Trump
>Venezuela is a failing state now
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I love how Trump now calls himself "The Messanger"
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He seems to be a really likeable god desu
I think it works like the Death Note: you have to know the person's name as well as face to kill them or ruin their lives.
>Little Ben criticizes Trump
>career dies
this is just nuts ok
>We wuz kangs meme becomes popular
>Mohammad Ali dies

Is meme magic real?

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.

I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.

Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.

Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.
Meme magic strikes again..
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>Socialism Induced Death Syndrome
spread #TrumpCurse like herpes or wildfire
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I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.

I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.

Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.

Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.
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excellent, cant wait to see who is next.
I'll redeem you with these -----------------^
Hey guys, don't forget that gawker media got sued by Hulk Hogan.
She reaches over to grab a rag she uses to clean up your oozing jizz. Her father looks at you approvingly, knowing that you are treating his daughter to the very best of the situation.

Suddenly, you hear a scuffle in the house below. The gestapo is searching the home, and they are threatening to discover the drawstring which will pull down the secret stairs. A loud thud signals their arrival and the end of your hiding.

As the first soldier pops his head up the hole, Anne's father makes a heroic effort of self-sacrifice trying to attack the soldier and wrest his weapon from his grasp. He fails, and the soldiers compatriots end her fathers life in the staccato of gunfire.

You hold your beautiful, nearly ready to burst Anne behind you, trying to keep the Nazi scum from getting to your sweet love oven. All three soldiers are up the tiny steps now, leveling a gun at your heads.

One of the guards notices Anne's condition. He says something under his breath to the other soldiers, and then gives his weapon to one of the others. He begins to take off his uniform. The other two guards force you to the side and the first gets down on his knees and places his head in front of Anne's sweet snatch. He buries his face in that pussy and begins to lick and suck out your freshly deposited jizz, hungry like a dog, sucking as if it were the fuhrer's own cock he was meant to please.

You are forced to watch as each soldiers takes a turn penetrating Anne's pussy and ass repeatedly. She tries not to enjoy their forced violations, but after a time she forgets her sorrow at her fathers death and the humiliation of her plight and begins to plead for the soldiers to go harder and faster.

You watch as their semen coats her thighs. You are helpless against the guns pointed at your head. In defeat, you begin to stroke your own cock, masturbating to the utter defeat you have suffered to the superior Nazi sexual energy.
While I'm not going to celebrate his death, Muhammad Ali was a fucking cunt. I'll never fathom why such a complete asshole would be celebrated as a hero.
Wanna laugh but I can't. He was a top dude/lad. If you disagree he'd knock your shit out. Can respect that.

> Parkinson
i dont want to google search this to find out if its copypasta or not
Ahead of his time

The fortnights of entrapment in the attic have also worn down Anne's mother and sister. They succumb to their own wanton needs, baring their bodies to the German cocks in front of them. The soldiers completely ignore the haggard Jew pussy of Anne's mother, instead focusing on cock pushing your baby around in Anne's stomach more and giving her little sister the first pleasure she has ever experienced.

Anne's mother, in desperation to cum, crawls over to you, taking your cock in her mouth. The soldiers are so busy they can barely keep their guns trained, but one of them has the presence of mind to realize what is going on. Before you are able to cum in Anne's mother's mouth, the soldier screams the words "Heil Hitler!", and shoots you and her in the heads.

Anne's final observation as she reaches orgasm again is the sight of your cock blasted off by the same bullet which blew the top off her mothers head. She can't understand the feelings of pleasure and horror she is experiencing. Neither can the soldiers, who put a bullet in her head as well.

Your child suffocates in the womb of her dead mother, it's final friends the rampaging sperm of the Nazi invasion forces.
so frog god Kek is a shinigami and Trump is Light...

can someone please make a picture of them as the Death Note characters?

#TrumpCurse should be our next meme war tactic

I wouldn't celebrate anyone's death, least of all M. Ali, but it is fun to churn out some new memes
Is pic related really a 10/10 in britain?
Go to bed, Magnum.
It doesn't help that they cannot help themselves from talking down, that national review article saying white working class communities deserve to die because of Trump support is like slitting your own throat to stop the enemy coming in.

Every attack on Trump is felt by all his supporters, its very personal so when the hacks and shills lose their shit and get dirty his base gets fucking vindictive. So the Glen Beck Zuckerberg bootlickers get the boot behind whilst the alternative media rises.

And still haven't thrown any riots or killed anyone, the only rhetoric that inspires violence is the spew spilled from the four mouths of the beast.
Posted it to the trending hastags
what's a dubs?

Good Lord, not you again.
You shut your sheep shagging mouth
She's a national icon in bongland
The crown jewel
>not celebrating Soro's coming death

You know there will be a sticky and music right?
so a nigger basically
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Something awful is going to happen to you this week and you will deserve it.
Hell be fine.

The jews fucked up both white and blacks mindset on race mixing. Fucking jews.
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Do not presume.
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or will he
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>Her father looks at you approvingly, knowing that you are treating his daughter to the very best of the situation.

Aww.. You son of a bitch...

You son of a goddamned bitch.

"Her father looks at you approvingly, knowing that you are treating his daughter to the very best of the situation?!"












I'm jaded man.

Nah, I'll be fine. Kek has blessed me with his love.
#TrumpCurse would put the fear of god into the SJW's and normies.


Yeah you're right, I will celebrate his death, not that you mention it. No sorrow for Soros. I don't have anything against M. Ali though. I don't really know anything about him other than he punched a bunch of dudes
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S-should i abandon Christianity fir Meme Magic?
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Looks like Amy Whinehouse fucked garden gnome
It takes a lot to make me hate a man to the point of wishing death and destruction on his house, but Soro's hits that magic red button.
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dop kek!
Shit, you're right!
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R.I.P Ali.png
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Wait, you guys do know Trump is just another NWO puppet being masquerading around as some sort of savior, right? Like this thread is troll?
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Operation #TrumpCurse?
Operation #TrumpCurse








Trump is God saving America, Kek is his form for this century.

Jesus is the only true savior.

CNN is airing some shitty circlejerk doc about him and they just shat on nigger Vietnam veterans
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this is germany's fault.jpg
1 MB, 1952x2096

>i dont want to google search this to find out if its copypasta or not

pic related
Time to start posting this shit on other threads.
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I'm tearing up and I don't even know why ;_;
there is only one god emperor
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>falling for spiritual Jew
fag check out these dubs

if everyone who criticised donald trump died there would only be you guys and like some other retards and alex jones, gavin mcinnes and milo
You reek of fear, take a bath shill.

Christianity was a form of meme magic.
>That fucking host cucked out of his mind

Fucking hell
Thou shalt not test Kek
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expand freedom.gif
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Fucking hell it's perfect.
don is drawing essence and emotion from the cloud for his own form of meme warlockery
I guess /pol/ has officially been over ran with sheep. Sucks, this palce used to shatter the NWO, now you guys support it. 4chan really is dead.
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Holy shit....he was red-pilled as fuck. Shame they never show this on the media.
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A'ight see ya!
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>Kuk's male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman.

In order to fully bring Kek to our side, we must appease him by creating a snake woman to represent his feminine half. Work must be done
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cucked by kek.png
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makes you think
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move along, nothing to see here
orochimaru-esque figure with tits? sounds cash

where's a drawfag when you need one?
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sexy trisssh.png
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Snake woman you say?
wait so donald trump is really kuk?

and a snake headed women is really kek?

thats it im now a #shillmissile
>tfw I can read this in all 3 languages
Memes are transpiring space and time right now. Perhaps back in ancient times men gathered in forums and had ancient memes, inside jokes of sorts, and politicians came along who played along with these memes, like Trump, and began to take a god like figure making the first holy orders that man followed. We could be witnessing a new Imperial Dynasty. Kek wills it!
no no no the female half is Keket
With the amount of drugs Winehouse took, it wouldnt surprise me
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>wait so donald trump is really kuk?
he absoutely is KEK.
Holy fuck
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its true, anon
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more like kekutey
Pompeii graffiti was pretty much 4chan, they even had the vertical shitposting /sp/ started.


>I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
>I.2.23 (peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus); 3951: Restitutus says: “Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates”.
>I.4.5 (House of the Citharist; below a drawing of a man with a large nose); 2375: Amplicatus, I know that Icarus is buggering you. Salvius wrote this.
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arya triggered.png
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oh my god. that was amazing
>Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates
>people who don't like trump are such moronic shitheads that their lives are crumbling around them so fast that /pol/ thinks it's meme magic

Fucking kek
Thanks Honduras. And nice flag.
Isn't Rosie O'Donnell life a living hell now?
This doesn't apply to Muhammad of course though
Yes. :)
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If it isn't, it's about to be.
>yfw first tweet in the whitehouse is Trump holding up a sign saying I WIN ROSIE
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