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Brexit - voting breakdown
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Is this a thing yet? Who voted for what, split along lines of age and gender?

I've got a feeling that fucking white males the country over voted leave and it was just daft women that voted stay.
I can't find the full breakdown at the moment but men and women voted in exactly the same proportions to leave in terms of the population as a whole (52/48).

White people voted 55/45 to Leave, Jews and Sikhs also voted by a majority to Leave whereas other ethnic and religious groups voted to stay by a huge margin.

73% of young people (18-25) who voted, voted to stay, but only at a 36% turnout.

Every age demographic over 45 voted overwhelmingly to Leave, with the margin increasing for older and older people.
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Old people voted out.

Poorer people voted out.

Men voted out.

>Men voted out.

Thanks. It's this one I'm looking for a source on. I'm also interested in a detailed breakdown of Scotland but don't know if there'll be such a thing.


>White people voted 55/45 to Leave, Jews and Sikhs also voted by a majority to Leave whereas other ethnic and religious groups voted to stay by a huge margin.

Is it time we just accept that jews are based and their quest to remove kebab is actually a noble one?
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Found some of the images for you senpai
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Huh. Kinda surprised. I expected men to be more for leave. Well done ladies. Didn't fuck it up for a change.
Israeli Jews are the modern crusaders, and I am really happy for you bongs that you are taking back your country.
But remember that non Israeli jews tend to be liberal retards - bremainers, democrats etc. etc.
I have got to include "daft" more in my conversations
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This settles it. The majority of people over 35 are racist.
Thanks for meming our country into bankruptcy and international irrelevance lads.
hmmm I know the Indian staff at my local curry house were pleased we voted out. They said it was stupid we were taking in too many people. The probably don't want anymore muslims coming to the UK too.

> But remember that non Israeli jews tend to be liberal retards - bremainers, democrats etc. etc.

But Moshe, they voted leave.


Any time m8.

How about you go deposit some salt in the Guardian comments like the other tens of thousands of 'tolerant' lefties?
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The new "class divide".
>money = happiness
at least you got your country back, eh m8?
over 45 voted for the additional nhs funding :-)
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If you understood economics you wouldn't be socialist m8.
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There you are m8.

That is interesting. They mirror each other almost exactly. Most interesting though is the 50/50 split on both side regarding their attitude to capitalism. If I was left/pol/ instead of /pol/, I'd say a game of d&c expertly played by porky.


We've not yet. But it's a start.

>majority of christians and sikhs voted for leave

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1 in 3 muslim voters voted Brexit. That's the #notallmulsims muslims. The ones most likely to become secular and consider themselves British and not caliphate.

Scarily, that leaves a whopping 2/3, 2.6million #YESallmuslims outright jihadists.

And look, Sikhs really are bro-teir, who knew?

Combine the education level breakdown, it's clear that it's a divide between "people who work" and "people who manage". That's not to slag of managers at all, btw, a good manager is essential for productivity and stable growth.

It's Degrees vs Apprentices, broadly typing.

>that img

>the fire rises.png

>It's Degrees vs Apprentices, broadly typing.

Raises the question of why? For all their 'I'm so smart you should listen to me', I've not seen any Bremainers put forward a solid case of staying, beyond economic speculation. And IMO, sovereignty > economy
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The Degrees havent been subject to "you are racist scum" as much as the Apprentices maybe? Remain's rhetoric didn't work against the Apprentices, but kept the Degrees in line.

They're not generally losing their jobs to immigrants. The foreginers they work with or live next door to in degree level jobs are the high IQ hard workers, not the low IQ mass rapists.

Something like that.
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