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Socialism vs communism
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I'm trying to figure out how socialism is different than communism. The only answer I can come up with is that communism is basically socialism with a violent revolution mentality.
Good lord you are thick, be honest here how much time did you spend trying to figure this out before you made this thread?

I mean even 2 minutes on Wikipedia would give you an answer to this.
They are indeed the same
Communism is "striving" towards a communist society. It can be a movement, or an """""interim""""" form of government, etc. A communist society is classless and stateless. Kind of a pipe dream that might be achievable after decades or centuries of cultural transformations. This is mostly what the hippies believed in I guess. It has never been tried (obviously). The interim form of government is usually socialism (though some have claimed that capitalism could have gotten us to communism much faster than socialism). Many countries or political parties that are socialist referred to themselves as "communist" (because they strived towards a communist society (supposedly)).
Communism is a Marxist economic system, established through a violent revolution.
Socialism is a Marxist economic system, established through democratic means.
>They are indeed the same

An equally retarded claim unless you generalise it to the enth degree
OMG. I cannot believe /pol/ can't into communism!
Both are shit.
General idea is as follows
We assert that the perfect system (communism) has no and does not require a controlling government or authority

However in order to achieve this system you need to build it using a controlling body (socialism) because people wont do it themselves. You have a revolution, install a socialist government and they're supposed to eventually make the country communist, give up power and step down now that their job is done...

Obviously communism has never been achieved.

Also obviously the notion that the people need to be forcibly led to the perfect system using a single party government and "direct democracy" is incredibly fucked up.
I dunno I love only really been thinking about the question for like a week. Thick maybe but at least I'm trying to figure it out so I'm trying. I don't use Wikipedia.
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>I dunno I love only really been thinking about the question for like a week. Thick maybe but at least I'm trying to figure it out so I'm trying. I don't use Wikipedia.

Why dont you use Wikipedia, at the very least you can search its list of citations for secondary and primary sources.

If you just try and figure what these things are in your head without trying to introduce new information through things like reading you will waste a lot of time and not get any helpful answers.

Take a look at pic related, just googling definition of socialism would have saved you a lot of time that could be better spent on thinking about the implication of this and its impacts
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