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Who is right, /pol/?

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Neither, it wasn't Capitalism or Marxism. It was post-scarcity that ruined us and replaced strength and morals with apathy and cowardice.
If the Soviets had won(in this case measured by the amount of wealth you can mass), they would have been just as weak as we are today.

We no longer marry, because we don't need the safety net a family provides, and because we dont have families we no longer need the safety net that community provides. The state is replacing family and community, so we no longer need them. We have faith in the system so we no longer need god.

We won, and now we have nothing to fight for. Our lives are driven by a desire for hedonist pleasures and entertainment. Our image on social media matters more than our legacy. We give our birthright to savages so we can pretend we're good people.

I like Varg a lot better than Argument Jew, but you should really look to other sources for enlightenment.
Most of those in western Europe welcoming immigrants are Socialists. It's my opinion that after living under Socialism in eastern Europe many are now fiercely capitalist.

Beside's you in no way can call countries like Sweden "free market" or even really capitalist, how in the fuck can you effectively be capitalist in a nation with almost 50% taxe's that prop up a Social welfare state.
Capitalism isnt necesarily to blame it's the actual money supply, the fact our currency is fiat, and controlled proves we as nations have no real economic freedom. As long as the currency is controlled and manipulated without oversight we will all work like dogs for ever depreciating value of currency.

This is the single biggest reason why currency is worth less, and people work longer hours, and have less kids.

Business's never geta break, as they have t consistently make more paper, even tho it is declining in value over time, this creates the never ending rat race.

You cannot equate the modern fiat system with free market capitalism. Free market capitalism is assuming you have a hard currency, or a currency that has oversight is audited, and is backed by something tangible, not what we currently have which is monopolized money supply.

In the end we all work for paper, and it's manipulated sitting in our very pockets.
Socialism doesn't mean the same to them as it did to the Soviets. Most people don't understand the difference between socialism and subsidizing, try telling a European that libraries are socialist because they're free, and they'll applaud you for your wisdom.

I know high taxes trigger burgers, but it really did give us great results up until 20 years ago. Mostly because we just throw money at things now and expect them to work without supervision.

Again, the problem is that we have too much so we don't care enough to make something that works when we can just pay for our problems to go away.
Post-scarcity will ruin any ideology or culture, because all the things that make us work become obsolete when you can afford to be lazy, stupid, and worship pretty lies.
Varg is a murderer and a LARPing fedora cuck.
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>implying eastern european countries are still socialist
>implying muslims arnt heading to western countries specifically because they are socialists who'll give them welfare
>implying le ebil capitilist selfishness wouldn't be a fucking improvement on oh muh poor refugees sympathy culture
killing communists is not murder especially if they plan to kill you
That video is absolute cancer holy shit.
point remains though, capitalist countries became degenerate, emasculated, materialist, feminised and anti-nationalist (individualist)

socialist countries destroyed a lot of their traditional culture early on, but in the end became much less cucked and degenerate, still had some semblance of traditional values and nationalism, not feminised.

capitalism doesn't create le strong ubermenchshe, it creates vapid consumer drones who are weak minded and easily led around by mainstream media as they grasp at anything resembling a personality for themselves.
You call it post scarcity, i call it bread and circuses. It's all fueled not by tax payer dollars but by money banks create.

For example, when i hear people say Socialism/welfare is paid for by my tax dollars i laugh. It's like when i hear people say they bought a house and did it themselves i laugh.

No you didnt, the banks print the money the call the shot's they can undo in a dayy what you work a lifetime for, you didnt buy that hiuse you took a loan, you didnt get that retirement or Social security check the banks did.

Banks fuels modern Socialism, one day like Greece they will make you debt slaves, probably us too.

Yes National Socialism is deal, the problem is you are international Socialist cucks, sad to say.
Cool way to start an argument, attack him because his Accidental Biological Cage (ABC, as Stef calls it) happened to be an evil Jewish bitch that he would have killed if she wasn't his mother. i

Next time make an argument without resorting to horseshit and I might watch the rest of your garbage boring not-a-video-just-a-written-article-with-no-audio-or-video-visuals video.
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is... is this an argument?
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