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Why does everything that America touches turn into shit?
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File: iraq-shock-and-awe.jpg (56 KB, 766x511) Image search: [Google]
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Why does everything that America touches turn into shit?

cause they gotta spread

>muh freedom

i.e carpet bomb the place into oblivion, then install puppet government that'll allow foreign american investments to ravage the natural resources of the state, with 0 fucks given to the indigenous/local peoples; all for capitalistic gain.

After the war, so their presence is always known, they install a couple of army bases, station troops, and never fucking leave.

THAT's how America does it. And it's why they're the #1 economy in the world and the default currency. Not because of their "values" or any kike crap hubbabaloo "what makes us american" but due to shady business practices.

Now they're giving China shit for doing what they did 50 years ago. Well fuck em. I hope China supersedes the US as the economic superpower. Then the real happenings will begin.

For once the leaf is right.
that looks like fire not shit, ahmed.

>not dancing in september
because we are not trying to make things better. i cant believe any one would be dumb enough to think any american leader gives a shit about them

pretty sure israel and the saudis are realizing we dont have allies just people we havent fucked yet but saudi arabi bent over so it must want it

You do realise the whole world hates America because of what you did in Iraq right? When 9/11 happened everyone felt sympathy for you but you had to go and ruin that by destroying Iraq and only further destabilising it.
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The American economy has been soley based on Amrs Production since WW2 and Cold War.

The advantage of this is it leads to groundbreaking technology such as GPS, Apollo missions and even Personal Computers.

The shitty problem is it needs to be involved in wars, 100% of the time, or the economy would collapse
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2016-02-10 15.30.41.png
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But you posted a pic of Canada.

Just look at how shit Western Europe became after the Marshall Plan and how shit Japan became after we rebuilt the country.

i didnt do anything in iraq, anon. I'm sure you gave plenty of fucks about the lives of iraqis before the invasion and you're not just looking for a reason to avoid admitting that the USA is superior to your saracen colony in every way conceivable.

stay mad, paki.
What time to be alive. 9/11 and shock and awe are still the most incredible events shown on tv.

I actually did care about the Middle East before the war. We all knew that bombing Iraq would only fuck up country and pave the way for a new group of terrorists to rise to power, Trump said it himself.

You didn't "free" Iraq, you only made it shittier and started the catalyst for what's happening today.

File: paid shill.png (86 KB, 927x587) Image search: [Google]
paid shill.png
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ITT anti-American shills. Your checks will arrive in the mail within 8-10 business days.

>accuses us of shilling
>posts a pic of a reddit post

my fucking sides are orbiting uranus
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