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>my most fave'd photo on filckr is the only photo I took
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>my most fave'd photo on filckr is the only photo I took with my phone on there

Just kill me already
post it
It's almost like people who come to look at photos don't give a fuck about what pile of plastic you were holding when you took it...

Do you like a bad meal more if you know the chef used a really expensive oven to cook it?

Are you less upset when your car breaks down when you know that the factory where it was built was really clean and had really nice robots?

Stop looking at what you were holding when you took your most liked photo, and in stead, put energy into thinking about what you were pointing the camera at when you took your most liked photo.
Flickr is all about the irony. Nearly as bad - almost all my most popular photos are sooc, or jpegs pp'd in Snapseed or iPhoto.
>my most faved photo reaching popular staus on 500px is a sooc jpeg
>My most liked photo on Instagram is one of my most hated on /p/
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You win the prize.jpg
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the quality of a camera does not constitute the quality of a photo
>my most liked photo on Instagram in the last year is just a super-basic deadpan shot of a wall that took zero effort or thought

But why
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>My most viewed photo on flickr made /p/eople laugh
/p/, and to a larger extent everybody on social media, doesn't know shit about photography as an artform. Shoot to please yourself first and foremost; explore your creativity, break the rules, find what makes you happy and continue to do that. Everyone here only tries to drag you down to their muck of gearfaggotry and bitterness over leaving the house to take pictures. You don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you took a photo, especially on an anonymous chinese rice farming forum.

But on the other hand, don't be a trend slave, don't do things just for the likes and faves and whatever bullshit pandering approval system for some "vast audience" that doesn't really care about your photo for more than 2 seconds.

Then again, I shouldn't be trying to inspire you faggots who didn't even have the balls to post your actual photos.

Lol wut.
kill yourself
>>my most liked photo on Instagram in the last year is just a super-basic deadpan shot of a wall that took zero effort or thought
>But why

you accidentally into the latest insta meme. insta is a collection of memes, people who realise this just echo whats trendy and they become massively popular.

lammee guess... And it is a photo of female?
I know its frustrating when your most liked picture is the one you shot without a second thought on your phone, and not meticulously crafted from a dslr to Photoshop. At the end of the day, the photos people like most are of things they like or can relate to. Them not favoriting it doesn't mean it's bad; I can acknowledge the technical merits of a well done photo, but seriously loving it is subjective.
great advice.

no, I don't do models
>doesn't know shit about photography as an artform.


im sure only you are qualified to say what is art.
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>Then again, I shouldn't be trying to inspire you faggots who didn't even have the balls to post your actual photos.

pic related is the photo I was talking about here: >>2843888

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