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Hey /o/, I have a few quick questions: I brought my vehicle
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Hey /o/, I have a few quick questions:

I brought my vehicle to get an oil change a few months ago (it was cheaper than doing it myself and I am poor) and they noticed the two things in the photo. My questions are:
1)what leaks from the crankshaft seal?
2)what are wheel weights, and does not having the balancing done does it impact anything other than a negligible amount of mpgs lost?
3) I have a can of carb cleaner- it has been in the toolbox of the truck in temperatures of about 15-20 degrees Fahrenheit for a week or so. Is it still good?

Thanks dudes
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>1)what leaks from the crankshaft seal?
Engine oil
>2)what are wheel weights?
Small weights that are attached to your wheel through clamping, glue or similar means. They make sure that your tire is rotating perfectly central on a certain axis. With missing weights on the front wheels you'll notice a vibration in the steering wheel at around 45mph to 50mph, depending on the speed, tires, road surface and whatnot. If they are missing on the rear you'll feel a vibration basically in your ass at around the same speed. Severely out of balance tires can reduce your MPGs, but usually not by a noticeable amount
>3) carb cleaner
If it doesn't say anything on the box about temperature then it probably is
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Great, thanks a lot man. Now I've checked the engine oil dipstick a bunch of times and it's always at the maximum amount, I checked it today and it was also full and i haven't put any oil in myself. Can this repair wait? What do you think?
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If its seemingly not going down then it should be ok for now. Leaks like these can be so minimal that it only happens when the oil is at its thinnest/hottest

Just a question to make sure; you are wiping off the end of the dipstick, then sticking it down into the tube fully and then pulling it out again to get a proper reading, right?
>cheaper than doing it myself
Cheaper than $15?
Yeah with a paper towel. Thanks man I appreciate it. I'm gonna YouTube some fixes and see if I can't do it myself I got 2 jacks rated at 3 tons each for Christmas so I'm gonna try and give it a go it's just getting so damn cold out
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I went to the local autozone and it was 15 for a filter and 20 for the oil, I had a coupon for 20$ oil change and tire rotation for Midas
Yeah I clip coupons what of it
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1) oil, which a) you need and b) the leakage of which can potentially fuck other shit up, cause smoking, or just fuck up your driveway

2) zero effect on mpgs, 100% effect on your tires being ruined. get your fucking tires balanced.

3) if you don't know why your tires need balanced, you don't need carb cleaner because god knows you wouldn't even be able to find a carb in a car let alone clean it.
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pic related is what happens when you ignore unbalanced tires
>I got 2 jacks rated at 3 tons each for Christmas

dis nigga gonna crush himself
Why ?
Because you're going to use your two jacks to jack up the car, get under it, and get crushed. You don't need two jacks, you need one jack and two (or more) jack stands.

Jacks are just to get it onto the stands, or for being lazy with things that don't require you to get under the car (e.g. change tire)
Tire shops in the US frequently will mail out coupons for oil changes at or below cost. It's a loss leader so they can get you in the door and sell you on alignments, tires, brake jobs, etc... all the things they make Real Money on.

I still do my own oil changes, though. I'm a bit of a control freak about my car.
>can the crank seal repair wait?
If you aren't witnessing measurable oil loss, underhood smoking, or drips on your driveway, it's safe to ignore entirely.

These guys are trained to mark down any sign of oil residue as evidence of a leak. 100,000 miles of natural slow seepage can build up enough residue to get noticed.

>what's up with my wheel weights missing / should I be concerned

If a tire was mounted without being balanced, there would be no weights. If the tire was perfectly balanced from the factory, there would be no weights even if the tire shop ran it through the machine.

These days most tires are manufactured consistently enough that tire shops are only adding a trivial amount of weight during balancing, anyways. 90% of the time (number pulled out of my ass) you can mount up a new tire with no balancing and have no ill effects. If you do not feel any vibration at freeway speed, the tires are close enough to balanced that you do not worry about the missing wheel weights.
This guy's got it. Don't worry about the oil until you notice it (keep checking it on a regular basis, but don't worry until you notice a problem).

Same with your wheel weights. If you don't notice a vibration when you're cruising down the highway, then your tires are balanced and you don't need the weights.

Though I've never personally come across a set of tires that has been balanced without needing weights. One out of 4 maybe, but that's more like coincidence than perfect manufacturing.
Why would someone get two jacks and no jack stands
Get some jack stands, seriously. Or at least place something under your car in case jack(s) fail(s), like tree stumps.
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