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I'm thinking of buying a used Mazda 323f (pic related, just
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I'm thinking of buying a used Mazda 323f (pic related, just an example) but some people say it's ugly.

IMO it's better looking than 95% of the cars in this price range and has aged very well for a 12 year old model.
I also hear they are very reliable and practical.

What do you think /o/?

bumping with examples

Unfortunately most ads are for silver cars like this one but it still looks fresh.
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I'm with you man. I like how they look. In the US we received those as the Mazda Protegé5.

They have a reputation for being drivers cars. Extremely fun to drive with excellent handling. Obviously pretty practical due to being a hatchback/wagon.

The biggest flaw I'm aware of is they are prone to severe rust. That might be largely due to the road salt we use here. Otherwise I hear they are mechanically reliable.

Ignore the people that don't like the looks. Someone will always dislike what you've got. Just buy what you like and what makes it happy.

Thanks, mate! I fell in love with it immediately. I hope I get lucky and find one in good condition.
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No problem Anon. Post up when you get it. I'd get one myself, but I live in the middle of where there's heavy road salt used in the winter.

Here's a pic of the JDM Sport20 model.
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And dumping photos because I can.
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Sure thing. Hopefully in January or February.

I can't believe they are not that popular. Maybe they weren't sold in my country back then but now there are quite a few imports (most from Germany and Austria).

The only thing I'm worried about is that I'll end up with a silver one which is a shame because they come with great metallic blues, greens and reds.
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I have a friend who works at a Mazda dealer in Wisconsin. He can confirm that most Mazdas (including his Mazda3 and his wife's CX-7) suffer from severe and premature rust.

It makes NA Miatas and AW11's pretty rare here.
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Good stuff Anon.

Yeah, I consider them something of a hidden gem. I do recall them receiving good press in the US. Won some automotive caparisons at the time.

Oh as an interesting side note there was a turbocharged version of the sedan version sold here in the US. The Mazdaspeed Protegé. There's some aftermarket support here in the US. It's something to consider if you decide to mod/upgrade yours eventually.
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Exterior pic.

Yeah, it's a right shame considering how good the cars are otherwise. I've got a 2007 6 right now, and I'm hoping it doesn't rust as I keep driving it. So far it's rust free.

Thanks. I'll watch out for rust as I hear they also treat the roads in Germany and Austria.
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