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Car Accident Thread
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let's have a car accident thread.

Post stories (your own or else), pictures, and give details about wounds if any.
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OP Here,

Was in a car frontal collision with a SUV about a month ago, on 12/06/2016. Had a concussion, perforations on the intestines, fractured hip and femur, and wounded cervical vertabrae. Should walk again in a couple of weeks, i consider myself very lucky.
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In high school this bitch tried to pass me on the left while I was turning left into my driveway. Hits the soft spot behind the door. Huge dent. I get out and say "what the hell were you doing are you Fucking retarded?". She starts crying. Her mom shows up and the cops do too. Her mom comes up to me and asks if we are ok and then proceeded to bitch at me for telling her retarded daughter how it is. Not having it. I explain in detail why her daughter is retarded. She gets wide eyed and walks away because a 17 year old just tore her a new asshole. Later I find out the cops tried to put me at fault under the table since her mommy knows someone. Insurance companies fought it out after that.
Also my car got totaled when I guy missing his right leg rearended me while I was waiting for someone in front of me to turn.
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Rear ended a bigger truck than mine while making deliveries in an Isuzu NPR. Motherfucker was stopped on a moving highway. Another truck dodged out of the way of it but I didn't have enough time to stop or dodge myself. Firefighters needed 3 sets of jaws to get me out. Those shits don't have any engine compartment to cushion anything so the dashboard went straight into my knees. Came out with two broken legs (left one was hairline fractures, but my right leg fucking exploded because that's what happens when you're jamming a brake pedal in a collision). The surgeons I've had were fucking wizards and they saved my leg.

It's been three months and I'm walking again and almost back to normal. The truck is sitting just like this in our parking lot. My company doesn't drive NPRs anymore.
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pic of my leg from last week
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Tboned in an intersection, lady was texting and speeding and just blew thru a red light. It was 100% her fault and she did 3500 damage.
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>putting the month in the middle of the date.
I'll never understand why you Euro fags do this. So you got in an accident on 6/12/16 not the 12th of month 6 in the year 2016.

Also I'm glad your okay
How was your pelvis? All my doctors were super worried that I mangled it and it's one of the worst things that can happen to bones.
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Lady ran a red and fucked my shit up. She swears she zoned out and didn't realise the red light. Yea right the witnesses saw her on her phone.
1. Took blind corner on highway exit too fast in rain (in my defense the sign for the recommended speed was the same for one a mile down the road that you can take at 75), popped over the grass into a parallel onramp and yeah, I'm retarded.

2. Merging onto clear highway with two people ahead of me, something spooks idiot in the front despite there being no cars and he slams his brakes, guy ahead of my slams his brakes, I slam brakes but it was too late; note everybody was bunched up because people usually are in this situation. Even the guy I hit didn't blame me for that one.
damn son, that was close

My sister fell asleep driving her fucking Volkswagen beetle and hit a parked boat trailer, luckily it was the passenger side that got crushed
>2. Merging onto clear highway with two people ahead of me, something spooks idiot in the front despite there being no cars and he slams his brakes, guy ahead of my slams his brakes, I slam brakes but it was too late; note everybody was bunched up because people usually are in this situation. Even the guy I hit didn't blame me for that one.
Also this tall-ass black dude gets out of the car, I thought he was going to be pissed the fuck off but this was one of the nicest people I ever met.
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That's right, he got in an accident on the twelfth day, of the month June (6), in the year 2016. Not the month of June, on the day of the twelfth, 2016.

Day, month, year. Logical progression from the smallest measurement to the largest.

Month, day, year...... strange. Probably why only a handful of nations measure time in this way.
It's meant to be read left to right.
Not middle left right.
American logic, no quotes, is for sorting documents and other date marked shit

You order by month, then day, and group those orders by year. Get it?
is the yellow car yours lol

Had nothing to my pelvis, fortunately. I've heard you may need a catheter for many weeks if you break it. Damaged urethra can also happen in that case.

Yup, i've been lucky. Next week i'm starting to learn how to walk again :)
OP here, wow i'm happy that it goes well for you mate
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Earlier this year, my friend, being the underage idiot he is, didn't care about a stop sign, and hit a van when doing at least 50 Km/h with his Suzuki PV, (pic), and managed to only snap his left leg
t. Finnfag
It wakes two bad drivers to cause a accident
Never had more than a low speed bump at an intersection or when I scraped a concrete pillar while parking just after getting my license.
The other day though I almost had someone tbone my new car. They were stopped at a give way sign waiting for the car coming the other way to pass and must not have seen me since I'd just come over the hill, which is very close to the intersection. I managed to slam the brakes and swerve in time probably only because I was already watching him since he was stopped almost halfway into my lane and I was watching how much space I had between him aand the car comimg the other way.
Manki vai vp?
I thought a crash wakes most people up, even the people sleeping in their houses around the crash.
Very important and we must know
>on the twelfth day, of the month June (6)
Nobody speaks like that. It's June 12th, 2016.
Wait wait wait. So your saying
that you were turning left
And the girls first thought
was to pass you
On the LEFT
What the fuck. I was the worst driver starting out but I never even thought about doing that. If you were in the US or any right side driving country, then holy shit you have every right to call her a retard
Hell even in left side countries that's still a retarded move. That sucks dude.
About 8 years ago we were going to church back when we were religious as fuck (church sucks) my mom was driving her bright red 2001 Pontiac Grand prix. Nice looking car imo. She stupidly cut off some old lady getting on the on ramp. There was traffic backing up the on ramp so we were sitting there at an angle. Then a fucking fully loading tractor trailer BARELY scapes the side of the rear bumper and drives off. I was sitting in the back seat closest to the scape. I never thought much of it but now, I'm actually very lucky to be alive. Fuck dude.

Not much of a car accident but it's the closest I've experienced.
>be driving back home hooning responsibly.
>treebeards tree branch falls on bonnet bounces onto the windscreen
>im fine
>car is kill
Thankyou insurance
>Later I find out the cops tried to put me at fault under the table since her mommy knows someone.
That's how it goes in the USA. The mother fights dirty. And so do the police. The term for that kind of police is Corruption. Over here, we have some corrupt judges that always sides with corporations and company owners. A local news article highlighted one judge for dismissing charges because the defendant was a business owner providing jobs for the community. So it would be unfair to jail him.
ausfag here the cops are pretty far up their own ass but fair most of the time if you got done for something stupid you probably deserved it.

Such is life.
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>be just finished taking law enforcement physical training test one Saturday afternoon
>decide to stop for lunch before heading home
>while eating some dank chipotle I decide to browse the chan on muh phone
>keep tabs open on greens I help keep alive until the writefags return
>notice the horsefucker AIE I've been following for over 2 months is almost /kill/
>go to bump
>"sorry, you been banned for posting cheese pizza".jpeg
>mfw some neckbeard got the local cell tower /banned/
>fuck, I've invested too much time in to let this fucker die
>finish eating and go try to find wifi
>thread is page 10 now.exe
>check entire parking lot complex and no luck on finding any intranets
>speed over to nearby Starbucks where I know for a fact they have wifi
>parking lot is small and crowded as fuck
>spy a prime spot near entrance
>go for it but can't make it in without risking wheel damage from curb on drivers side
>begin back out and readjust procedure
>tfw hear loud 'clunk'
>look back and see silver Lexus touching my shitbox
>we both backed out at the same time.png
>pull in to spot and mentally prepare myself for the for upcoming shitstorm that is about to take place
>Lexus driver gets /out/
>no noteworthy damage done to either vehicle
>Lexus driver is one of the rare boomers that's actually pretty chill
>we laugh about it for a second, shake hands, and go our separate ways
>pissed at myself because first accident after have been driving for over 6 years now
>go into Starbucks to bump thread, still doesn't work
>mfw my autism literally caused an accident to take place
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Has been a few months ago, was my first crash. I've been driving through the city and an Opel estate drives out of a driveway while a truck parks to the left of it, blocking her whole view. She hit me only at 20 km/h top but sent me drifting across the road. If I hadn't countersteered I would have hit a pedestrian with a baby stroller.

I thought only the wheel, airbags and those three panels would need replacement, but the frame was also bent and I underestimated the costs of airbag replacements.

15k € damage to a car worth ~12k €. At least she admitted it was all her fault. I walked away with a light pain in the neck. Miss the car though, was my first one.
>raining very hard out in first car and inexperienced driving in the rain
>go to take a left onto a side street
>downshift to second while breaking
>enter apex of corner
>initiate FWD understeer
>understeer right into a curb and fuck my rim up and probably something else on that wheel
>from memory i think i panicked and clutched in while breaking so i coasted more then i should have.
>its still totally drivable only noticeable thing is when you go to full lock like i was you can feel it in the wheel that something is wrong
>drive it to a mechanic today
>they are looking at it
>waiting on a call

Honestly feel retarded desu, shit happened so fast i know that is a meme but really. Didn't feel real for a couple seconds. Lady came out to see if i was okay, and said that every year almost 20 cars almost go through her fence and that it is a bad corner.
Might not completely be your fault if it kills that many cars a year. Some corners have fucked up topology that make crappy conditions a lot worse. Theres a few where I live. I've got fairly good reflexes so shit only gets hektik for a fraction of a second, but it still freaks me out. Nobody else in the car notices we nearly went full dagumi but Im on edge for the rest of the drive.
How hard is it for you to check your tie rods axle and ball joints? I can only imagine how your bill is going to look
There's one corner near me that is literally impossible not to spin your wheels on.
Pulling out onto a main road from a side street, in the wet it just straight up does not matter how careful you try to be, you will always get hektik.

Some corners are just shit, man.
You say "on the 12th of July" and that makes perfect sense m88.
Once I also understeered into a curb. My rim wasn't fucked up, however only the toe needed to be set anew. Don't feel retarded, just learn from the experience what leads to understeer.
Not that I'm thinking about it I'm pretty sure her mom held some county level office. Can't remember what it was though.

It was inexperience desu never really drove in that hard of rain before and was not taking it as easy as i should. That and the tires on this car are not the greatest.


I checked out as much as i could, theirs definitely some sort of damage that has happened. I am only just learning how to wrench and i would like to have this problem fixed correctly. The mechanic is a friend of my dads so hopefully i can get a bit of a deal but still. It is what it is.
It happened in the US. So she was completely retarded.
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