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Beyonce Rolling Stone Review
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Beyonce's "Lemonade" gets a perfect 5 star rating from Rolling Stone.

The whole thing reads like a giant press release, Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy really set the prescedent for sub-par meme rap/R&B getting over-embellished paid off reviews by major publications kek
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>reviewed by a white male

>one part of the video is about randomly destroying things in an act of urban terrorism
maybe it really is for black people

What does it mean for Beyoncé to drop a new surprise album on the world within days of a giant like Prince leaving us? It's a welcome reminder that giants still walk among us.

Whether Beyoncé likes it or not – and everything about Lemonade suggests she lives for it – she's the kind of artist whose voice people hear their own stories in, whatever our stories may be. She's always aspired to superhero status, even from her earliest days in a girl group that was tellingly named Destiny's Child. (Once upon a time, back in the Nineties, "No No No" was the only Destiny's Child song in existence – but make no mistake, we could already hear she was Beyoncé.) She lives up to every inch of that superhero status on Lemonade. Like the professional heartbreaker she sings about in "6
It's Rolling Stone, it's been an extension of label PR since before you were born
people pushing this piece of pop mediocrity is really cringe worthy
you seem surprised
kind of. this really hasnt happened since MBDTF
it happened with her last album and plenty of others
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The cringe is real
Music criticism is pathetic, wow. Purple prose bullshit that amounts to nothing actually about music.
this shit srsly makes me cringe. are people that desperate and stupid that any "woman power" type of music is an instant 5 stars 10/10?

yay we need her! out champion! omg fuck men those pigs! yaasss queen slaayyy bitch slaaayyyy

srsly so easy to pander to those idiots.
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lol wow 2009 was a shit year for mainstream music. wasted is a great song tho :)
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I’m fucking disgusted at the bribery at work here.

I’m one more unfair memepop review away from ****ing everybody at Pitchfork HQ.

(Nobody cares about Rolling Stone).
not to this scale
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Nobody takes Rob Sheffield seriously. He's entertaining af though and most of us probably look like younger versions of him.
Beyonce hasn't been good since like 2005, what is this bs?
Women are emotionally weak and stupid enough to be easily manipulated. What did you think would happen
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Reminder that this review doesn't count since the author is a white man and can't formulate an opinion on music not made for him.
Beyonce fans sound just like Hopsin fans except even gayer somehow
in all seriousness though, why is this dude reviewing this album? do they not have black writers? wtf.
that hes 50? nigga looks 20 years old
Yes you can see it in just how easily the majority of women on the women dominated website 4chan are manipulated into responding to Beyonce's marketing campaign.
/mu/ definitely has a lot of female posters, to be fair.

Must be nice being a black woman.
Black people are never allowed to talk shit about prog rock ever agarn
i highly doubt this
Guess you weren't around during the camwhore days.
Someone needs to knock this nigger down a peg or two. What a disgrace.
I don't get this shit. "The queen in middle fingers mode", who fucking cares? Why is everything these music journalist hack shitheads put out so utterly fucking vapid and lacking in anything interesting? Why is mediocrity praised so much with these useless buzzwords used to create a bullshit narrative? The queen has made her most ambitious statement yet, and it's powerful too! Too bad the songs fucking suck, though. Jesus Christ, they couldn't even actually get a black woman to review the fucking thing and talk about something relevant or how it has affected her, instead we get this old Rolling Stone dipshit to tell us how brilliant the new big pop record is.
Man how do people not see how pandering this album is? It has a country song on it for fuck sake. It's like she's trying to reach the broadest fucking audience possible here.
Not only does she not experiment on this thing, the album seems safer than anything else she's done.
At least Kanye tries to 'experiment'.
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Who are you trying to fool with this post?

PItchfork was a lot better when they only covered indie music.
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>My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
>sub-par meme rap
Don't you know that all "white" music that involves guitar is directly ripping off Little Richard and blues?
rob reviews the pop stuff.
you can trace prog to blues though. it's a fact that rock music evolved from blues played by black people, it's not disputable. obviously prog has other influences but that shit still came from blues.
Don't you know that all guitars are actually derived from european stringed instruments that Little Richard and the blues actually adapted to their needs?
Is this like the new "God doesn't exist" derail?
bad music journalists always write about lyrics
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Much better review incoming
That's not true though champ
The banjo and other guitar like instruments are more similar to african instruments
Look it up

That's pretty awesome, but who wrote it?

Jesus wept! Oh well, a stopped clock and all that.

is this a kanye lyric

that's not what I think of when I listen to a top 40 pop/r&b album
This is a non-review, this is a rant, likely premeditated before he listened to the album, about the plastic industry created talentless musicians, the same rant that people have been going on for years and years. It just so happens Beyonce is the maypole this Marcel faggot wants to dance around. Not to mention the bulk of his argument is that something is "fake" and not "real", the only measurement of which seems to be his own arbitrary decision.

Lemonade is for black women the same way the Slim Shady EP was for white people.
>she's the kind of artist whose voice people hear their own stories in, whatever our stories may be


So all of a sudden generic radio pop/r&b is "blacker" than TPAB and Black Messiah?
Is Jay on suicide watch?

Has anyone even checked up on him since the album dropped?
He name dropped Grimes, so I decided to see what he had to say about her. His complaint: waahhh Grimes released a pop album normy teenagers might listen to! She doesn't make noise!

I didn't even like the album that much, but shit niggah.

So I looked up this reviewer. He's some 15-year-old autist that's homeschooled. His reviews should be perfect for /mu/.
>world's dumbest richest liberal media microphone
>giving a shit what his wife thinks about men
>Dyed her hair blonde
>Bleached her skin multiple times
Now that it's hip and cool to be black it's real neat how much of a warrior she has become

Because spoken word poetry is the new high art for black people and Beyonce is cashing in before anyone else.

Not to mention TPAB was about contemplating blackness in America and being critical of his culture and that's the last thing a lot of black people wanted to hear about in 2015.
i also checked out his twitter after reading that review and:

>is followed on social media by several music writers, musicians, and labels who i enjoy

and he's actually known too what the fuck
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>before anyone else
I guess Islam is too scary for black normies these days tho, what with the sandniggers and all. A-at least they have Single Ladies, r-right? So b-brave.
Woah! Who let you out, /r9k/?
Away you go.
This review is shit
nice digits :^)
get memed on
yeah except TPAB was an enormous success, who are you to say what black people do or don't want to hear?

The difference is that Beyonce does a complete career 180 with Lemonade and now wants to feign importance after years of mindless drivel pop and is treated with exactly as much, if not more, reverence than Kendrick who actually tried his entire life.
desu i am offended how SJWs have taken over the music industries and their poisonous grasps extends to even print and web magazines. i bid you, young, able, MEN of 4chan to fight against this mutation.

"It is an army bred for a single purpose...to destroy the world of men" - Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
OP is right as can be
I'm not a Beyonce fan at all, but isn't it unfair to complain about the fact that it's eclectic and genre-hopping when many people (around here, myself included) praise an album like Janelle Monae's ArchAndroid for doing the same thing?
American pop is so fucking bad, Kpop world domination when?
soon brother soon

I' also be cool with yuro hip hop and j pop btw
>complaining about American pop but praising "yuro hip hop" and jpop in the same breath
You realize that both of those genres are just a watered down version of American pop, right? I'm not saying that American pop is good because it's obviously trash, I'm just saying you're kind of an idiot if you think those genres are in any way different than the American corporate slop that gets dished out to the masses
no racial bullshit in the other pops I mentioned, or at least not nearly as much
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>falling for the scheme

All I can do is laugh at you
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>Thriller got 4/5.
>This got 5/5.
Where are people getting these huge messages of female empowerment and "unapologetic blackness"?? Did I listen to the same album as everyone else?

It's like TPAB where it was legitimately about empowering the black community but also asking it to do some self-reflection, but then p4k and everyone runs with this narrative that it's about "telling white people to sit down and shut up," and in the same vein it gets dismissed here as "ooga booga kill whitey: the album"

People are just hearing in the album what they want to hear and it's intellectually dishonest
I agree with you on TPAB, while Lemonade seems like an attempt to cash in on the Black Lives Movement.

Yes Beyoncé is black, but she also happens to be rich and thus, insolated from the problems that all poor people suffer in America.
I don't like it because powerful women scare me
faggot rym mods deleted all the negative reviews including my own, despite the fact that all I said was that it was the most uninteresting pop album I'd ever heard and was completely undeserving of praise
not at all, have you heard of azaelia banks?

you fucking trog the only reason you like that bullshit is because you're only attracted to schoolgirlish korean women, race is the reason that shit exists
janelle monae doesnt have an insufferable fanbase
but you people like DG
Monae actually does the genre-bouncing electropop sound pretty well though.

Beyonce's album is an overproduced mess while Monae's is pretty tasteful in arrangements, so being in the same genre is really the only similarity
don't even compare Beyonce to Janelle Monae lol. Monae is fucking incredible, Beyonce's pretty good on her best day.
dg fans arent spewing psedo feminist garbage
This is not a legitimate argument.
she doesn't even write her own music
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>Mfw DG are still feminst
she's literally just cashing in on her blackness because it's trendy. She used to be white washed as fuck because she wanted the fame and money. She doesn't give a fuck about black people.
That review is ridiculously poorly written to the point of being cringe. Something out of a high school English class.
Would anybody care about Bey's album if she were white?
>she's literally just cashing in on her blackness because it's trendy. She used to be white washed as fuck because she wanted the fame and money. She doesn't give a fuck about black people.
[several credible citations needed]
I don't see anything in Beyonce's songs besides the typical tropes of:

>I am sexy, oh yes I am (she is)
>I just want to fuck my man
>My man must see me as Queen
>I am powerful and I am female

They're all good enough themes for pop, I guess, but why are people treating this like anything other than a pop album that's slightly above the rest?
>Muh hypothetical "what if" autistic tier questions

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nobody actually takes him seriously though
top kek marcel. that kid has potential
The Archandroid is actually good.

Seriously? Let me guess... DG is a critique of toxic masculinity by voicing the more negative aspects of male experience as to show its absurdity?

Did I get close?
>it took one reply for /pol/ to take over the thread
not surprised desu

who give a fuck about rolling stone tho?
> DG is a critique of toxic masculinity by voicing the more negative aspects of male experience as to show its absurdity?
What the fuck. No, not even close.

A direct quote from Zach Hill:
>We're feminist, we support homosexuality and individualism, we're in favor of a transparent world leadership.
This is not an argument.
Wow, thanks for the insight OP, I had no idea mainstream media and major label pop were intertwined in a manufactured world of pop culture. Maybe now everyone's aware we can stop fucking talking about it.
In terms of music movies Lemonade is up there with Interstella in terms of quality. Too bad the music isn't great outside of that context.
>Marcel doesn't fucks wit the thugger

d r o p p e d desu my nigger
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>She doesn't give a fuck about black people.
literally just read every lyric for this album and nothing sticks out as politically poignant as TPAB
you're not wrong in that regard but you still only like it because your a pedophile

90% of this board is brainwashed by, so theres a lot of work to do.

People on this board non ironically think Kanye West is an essential artist
Beyonce is literally God lmao lmao
I never understood the argument that only people of a certain race can appreciate certain works of art. It just seems like a form of segregation to me.

white guy detected
Hispanic actually
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the difference is that album is actually good senpai
Music industry puppet gets resounding praise from all major industry owned publications
What a shocker
senpai... they're feminist, in that they love women and want them to be equal to men, not third wave feminist

and besides this is Zach Hill speaking, who knows what Burnett actually believes

and all of /mu/ as well

Just like every Kanye West album cycle
Except Kanye West actually deserves praise for his work.
I got banned from posting reviews on RYM forever because I gave it a .5 star rating even though all I did was talk about the music. Fuck this album.
They're still feminist regardless.
It's Zach speaking for the band. I'm pretty sure if Burnett disagreed he'd certainly speak up against what he doesn't believe in.
Since they're friends and band mates, I'm pretty sure the trio would at least have similar values and views.
No Latino person calls themselves Hispanic.
White guy detected.
has anyone, like, actually listened to this album? I mean I haven't but surely *someone* here did

this isn't bait btw
sup vato
I watched the video, all one hour of it
>they're still feminist regardless

ok, what's your point? since we've established that they're more than likely not third wave tumblrina patriarchy blaming feminists, what exactly is the problem with this
ok dis factual
its not a bad album, but its definitely overrated
is it good?

People give Piero Scarrufi shit, but you know what? He is probably the best rock critic even with Trout Meme Replica as his #1. His stick-up-the-ass insistence on music having an innovative element (even if it sounds like shit) and his sometimes ridiculous views taken up just to be anti-establishment at least have the effect of him not giving shit-pop the same rating as would be theoretically given to the best albums ever produced, which is what a 5/5 star rating should signify. Stuff like this in music journalism is why I support force meming scruffy into everybody's faces.
>Music criticism is pathetic, wow.
You're just realizing this now?

And the scary thing is, he's one of the "best" in his field. They pay him for it. There are people like marsbars and LimedBagels who do it for free.
Just listened

Its not bad. Not amazing, but its alright. Some ok songs. Lots of women empowerment stuff i can't """"relate"""" to
i just realized they removed the comment box for Lemonade on RYM, god fucking dammit
oh god please don't bring up those two, they suck so badly
bruh if you think that the people in death grips are actually not into social justice i dunno what to say
you didn't establish shit for fuck's sake, this bullshit about "tumblrina's" is fucking utter nonsense and I absolutely can guarantee you that death grips don't disagree with third wave feminism.
must have been a lot of triggered /pol/tards vomiting racist things
those are clichéd phrases?
you can say much the same about kpop, even more so than jpop.
Rolling Stone has always been like that. Its whole function is to be PR for record labels
They're ""feminist" in a Stirner-like way.
>disagree with third wave feminism
that thing is a clusterfuck of contradictions and infighting man, you can't just "agree" or "disagree" with it
senpai... feminism is shit no matter how you spin it. The political "movement" has been a cancer on true gender equality.
in all seriousness though, why do black reviewers review albums made by white people? do they not have white writers? wtf.
When do you ever see that happen?
He listened to it once, assumed a bunch, vented on pop music as an industry and failed to point out the good/best parts of the album or even the best songs. His opinions are downright stupid and if it were a less mainstream icon doing the same things he would praise them. 1/10 bad review.
>He is probably the best rock critic
This genuinely makes me angry
The kid's 16 years old and needs to give up on being a critic
never seen someone make such use of the english language to say absolutely nothing. I'm actually impressed. This is p4k levels of amazing. This fuck may have a future.
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