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>Production Resources: (Links, books, videos, articles, tutorials and stuff...)

>/prod/ IRC is up!
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Remember to use clyp.it to post your tracks/WIP: posting a clyp.it is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.
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Sup /prod/. It looks like I'm moving to a faraway land at the end of the year so I'm making a bucket list of shit to record while I'm still here. I won't have the moneyfunds to travel much but I'm gonna get a few swamps, bridges, shit like that.

If anyone can think of cool locations - particularly to use my contact mics on - I would really appreciate. Already thinking some train tracks, and underwater in a stream or near a waterfall. There's gotta be gold I'm not thinking of though.

get recordings of locals native language singing is what i would do

where are you going though?
Thought I'd post this graphic I made for a friend, just in case it helps someone else out.

It is a method I use for trying to imprint dry horn / brass kontakt instruments with a faux 'vintage' sound. Results will vary depending on what reverbs you use.

Materials used:

-Trumpets, Trombones & Mr. Sax instruments from Sample Modeling (Kontakt format)

-Virtual Sound Stage 2

-Altiverb (Or your convolution reverb of choice, something that contains impulses of smaller-ish rooms)

The general goal is to try to emulate how one may record a real horn section, but using virtual instruments. Virtual Sound Stage is used to pose the horns around spatially, in a configuration you might use to record a real horn section. Just a fancier method than using simple panning. Those spatially posed dry instruments are sent to the convolution reverbs to emulate the sound of the space. The most important being the Early Reflections, since we are talking about a small room here, not a giant orchestral hall.

The Dry and Reverb signals are combined in a later bus, where you can apply faux tape effects to simulate the recording process.

EQ and other corrective measures are required because convolution reverbs are often quite dark.

Example clyp: https://clyp.it/5qos5oaq (embed)

If you want them to be even grungier, go heavy with the tape saturation on the final summing bus. I was sorta going for a (relatively modern) tower or power sound. If you instead want to emulate capturing of a 'mono' signal, you would take only the 'mid' / mono signals out of the Reverb + Dry summing bus.

>The Dry and Reverb signals are combined in a later bus, where you can apply faux tape effects to simulate the recording process.

i have a question here. does the early reflection in the soundstage get disabled and you just use altiverb? also are you using just one instance of the reverb on all the tracks?
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you mean after I go? my bucket list is for before i go... when i get there i'll be making new recordings but since i won't be back i gotta get everything here i can!

>here = New England
>there = Straya
try to find some aboriginal people and to record them tribal singing / playing traditional instruments
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next year, i will probably do that

but for this year we don't have those in new england
i dont know shit about new england and ive never been there

i am from south texas
what's good to record in south texas if i ever get there?
theres literally nothing in south texas its all flat grasslands and a disgusting beach

the best thing you would be able to do down here is find some mexicans and record them lel
you don't get locusts or anything crazy like that? and we actually have mexicans here too. they followed the killer bees and led the way for the lonestar ticks ^_^
actually yesterday there was a thunderstom and a shitload of frogs croaking

lots of loud thunder that sounded like artillery
See now that's pretty interesting stuff! I've gotten some really nice ones of the local frogs but once you get it you got it, and it's done. Also we used to get amazing thunderstorms in the spring but the last couple years they all miss us. this is the best I've gotten so far. Nice, but not noteworthy:

what do you use for recording this it is good quality
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i started with a simple handheld recorder (Tascam DR-40) but over the last couple years I kept putting money aside to add components. So now I don't have to use neither the Tascam mics nor the Tascam preamps. One component at a time with incremental improvements and now the rig is pretty much pro quality.
wait, lemonbro, are you the same guy who put contact mics on a tree?
spooky as fuck

>that creaking sound
no shit! I was hoping I'd see him around, didn't know he was you. you mind if I ask what you were using to secure the contact mics to the tree? I was looking at getting the same kind of stuff.
yeah I wish it came out better (it was my first test with some new equipment) so the signal is a little wonky but yeah, it's so fucking cool hearing the fibers inside the tree. i was standing there watching and couldn't hear any of it, but when the mics touched the trunk it all came alive
do you know granular synthesis?

i want to get a recorder and import shit like this into padshop pro becuase its lots of interesting texutres you can play with
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yep i just used a silicone rubber strap that came with my action cam. anything elastic will work great for contact mics, bungees/etc. i feel like flat straps are best probably so they hold it down with minimal roll or movement (bungee cords might move around slightly and it'll sound like an earthquake to the mics)

also this is why i always try to take pics of my setup, even if it's a shitty tato pic
cheers man <3 you're honestly a big inspiration. hope the travels go well for you.
yeah i use reason and it has a pretty sweet graintable (granular/wavetable) synth. record at the highest sample rates padshop will accept so you have more elasticity to work with!
aw brah you're too kind


seriously tho its kind of loud on the drums compared to everything else and i can hear a slight distortion i cant tell if it is intentional or not tho

i think it pretty good overall
The samples the main point of the song. Usually the focal point is the loudest, and it's usually the rhythm! I don't think they're louder than the rest, I'll look into it though.

Yes there is SLIGHT clipping on the bass around the 1:00 mark, but I don't mind it, sounds nice honestly. Might touch it up a little but it was clipping to shit before I compressed/cut some frequencies.

ty familie
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oh also, make sure you have suitable preamps for contact mics. the regular 1/4" inputs on a DR-40/H4N won't cut it and you'll be horribly discouraged.

you need something with at least 2MΩ input impedance. i use of a pair of pic related, $30 each. They have a 4.7MΩ impedance so the contact mics sound fantastic.

contact mics > ADI21 > Tascam mic-in
i agree clipping can be used tastefully it sounds good on that part though it sounds like vinyl distortion imo
thanks man. I'll throw it on the list.
behringer makes some great budget gear if you're not a guitarfag after "muh tone"

Uli Behringer basically founded the company on "why the fuck is all this simple shit so expensive?"
chopped soul sounds comin through
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i agree friend

this peice of gear is godlike imo for how much it cost
you got that right! when i was looking for *portable* preamps/DIs for the very high impedance contacts mics the only shit out there was about $100, each!

granted, some of them are smaller and more portable, but for $30 each those ADI21s are absolute gold. nothing *portable* on the market has a 4.7MΩ input that isn't over $100. plus they have a 20dB pad and all those tone controls if you want them. i generally use it in bypass, with contact mics the -20dB is so awesome to have, and i can use it for guitars/keyboards/etc like it's meant to be used.

i love nice gear, but getting the right tool for the job can be a lot more economical than people think, if you know what you can and can't compromise on
Not here for production reasons, but does anyone have a link to the OP pic? I always see that album in this general and I want to listen to it
op here

ive looked for this album so long and cant find any audio of it
still need to get me one of those for my JX-10, already have the upgraded firmware for it too

I will definitely look into one of those when I start getting into contact miking. I have goals involving turning large metal sheets into plate reverb, using contact mics and those transducers that people use to turn objects into speakers

good luck, we've only found one track
record in a church. near people praying, talking, crying, just walking...
also, a red sox game.
So why do you guys use it as the general pic if you can only find one song from it? Is it because the album pic is just people chilling around in a studio?
omg thanks friend for the track
we want the rest desu
>Is it because the album pic is just people chilling around in a studio?
Basically, yes. Good vibes and beer. Not sure why it stuck, but I like it. It's homey.
It has black men on it, /prod/ is a cuckolding place
bbc makes you a good producer tho
christ, can you keep that shit to porn boards or something?
>tfw your tax refund comes in a couple days, and you can finally get some new gear
Got it. Thanks for the info, you guys aren't nearly weird as I thought you'd be

With love, /gg/
what are you considering buying
>no tax return

i get ssi and i dont have to pay taxes but i cant buy shit because all my check goes toward rent and food
I fail to see the relevance of this
post something relevant then you fucking faggot
who /stonedprodnight/?


i downloaded an 80's synthpop massive patch, so much fun
why are non-whites so edgy?
i am white

irish are 100% aryan
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>irish are 100% aryan
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>tfw financial aid
>tfw pirate all my textbooks

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How shit are my mixing skills lads? Here's a little snippet of a Thom Yorke song I'm deconstructing. Any criticism welcome.

pretty good imo
snare/clap a bit too front in the mix

me likey all in all
more feedback plea
i recently did an installation for uni where we covered a walkway on the floor in cardboard with contact microphones we made placed underneath them. We coated the cardboard in grass and leaves to give the impression that you were almost walking through thick grass. Each step you took triggered different patches on our computers, we had them in potted trees, buckets of water with stones and sand that could be dropped into it. lots of cool stuff.

basically made a room completely interactive
Go to Province Town in Capr Cod and record. Record in the monument. Record some kid playing the accordion on the sidewalk. Record migrant workers. Record the gays. Record the foot steps. Record the restaurants. Record the beach.
I dunno about 2 million as a minimum, you could probably get away with less
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hi fellow prodders

been playing around with this pitch vst on vox today and made this lil thing

>funky break

just got mine. Might get a volca finally or two. Or get a small mixer and monitors to kickstart production for me
I haven't posted here before, and know practically nothing about making music, but can you guys tell me what you think about this ambient track I'm working on?
Cool man, where in Straya? I'm a local in upside-down land.
well I have preamps wit 1.5MΩ input and my contact mics are def acceptible though it but they still don't get the juicy low rumble. it probably cuts-off around 80Hz. The expensive DIs made for piezos are 7-10MΩ (Fethead and Radial Engineering for example). I also have the pic related which is 1MΩ and it sounds pretty weak. The 4.7MΩ ADI21 was the perfect solution though.

Should be in Sydney!
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all good ideas bro! especially the monument idea... i wasn't aware of that! it's on the list.
Fuck yeah man, I'm in Sydney too. Good music scene, and loads of audiophiles (me being one of them)

can i get some feedback on this? i feel the second part sucks big and have no idea how to make it better
Any tips on programming decent beats w/ just software? No money for hardware atm

I've been trying loading samples in a regular workstation drum mapper without results... was interested in what methods you guys use (if you don't need samples better, and the more mangling you can do, better)
Are you talking the technical side of things or the actual beat side of things?
listen to some venetian snares and learn
his understanding of rhythm is charlie parker-tier
Also, what DAW are you working in?
Mostly Ableton, but i'm open to new suggestions.

I've had my time with Cubase too.
I was asking more on the more audible side of things.

I'd like to be able to lay down a beat as fast as you can with a Machinedrum or any other hands on drum machine for example. So mainly looking for ways of producing quality beats with software (ie which software, treatment and procedure recommendations, etc.)
Try to start working with the standard piano roll in Ableton, fix a standard drum machine. Learn some basic patterns, link below is really helpful. To be completely honest different genre's beats vary immensely, and you'll need to have a look at different drum sounds for your beats to sound authentic.

Hey, thanks. This can be useful as far as the technical side goes.

Still interested in unique software / VSTs / producing techniques

I used to do a beat with my hands, loop it and then add lots of effects to it to the point it sounded digital but still really organic. But it gets kinda same-y after a while.
That sounds rad

That's good to hear, if you want to speed up your workflow try working mathematically with your note durations then introducing some "swing" to the mix, putting stuff a tiny bit before/after the beat. One other thing that works very well in trap/some other techno is varying your highhat hits between triplets and standard beats, this can work especially well in rolls and towards the end of sections.

Also, in regard to effects, try to be minimal until you're sure the beat itself is well written. FX can sound good but it is very possible to overdo it, and early in a mix this can mask serious issues if left until the track is more busy.
Currently working on a trap/cloud rap influenced instrumental for a rapper I'm collabing with, anyone got thoughts on it? Super early WIP

I'm also already aware that bass needs to be brought way back

I'm really interested and inspired by the synth work in this track.


How can I achieve this? purely through analog or nah?
Plenty of plugins/VIs can pull off these soynds no sweat, some of the modules for Reaktor come to mind.
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Thanks, it was pretty cool. Here's a pic of it about 1/3rd of the way done. Took two days working 8-8 to put it together physically and then weeks to make everything
pan your drums more, it feels as if it's all in the centre
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