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How do we save rock?
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How do we save rock?
You can't save something that's dead.
Shut the coffin
By shitpost on 4chan, good work anon!
we dont
You don't save rock, rock saves you.
By over saturating the market with enough shitty Hip Hop and Electro Pop that rock sounds new and fresh again
Stop consuming bad rock music.

Start consuming good rock music.

It exists.
Are you implying mudvayne was bad?
you don't
I think there'll be a natural push back within the next few years. You can't listen to mu core all day without feeling something missing. Maybe trump getting elected will add enough angst into the collective conscious for a renewed interest in heavier shit.

And hopefully the next batch of musicians will make some genuinely interesting, heavy, grooving shit.
>interesting, heavy, grooving shit.
Sounds like Boris to me
bring back power pop
That was one step above rock bottom. We can do better.
Why try to force something that isn't happening? What does it even matter?

I mean, imagine rock even being made for our time on a large platform. It's kind of hard to imagine anything relevant or vital... it just seems like a stale idea now, like it would be some stubborn, conservative going-through-the-motions just for the sake of doing it.

I mean 'rock' rock here obviously. Things might happen still in the form of a band somewhat derivative of the rock band four member format, etc, but it's unlikely it would just be rock n roll or hard rock now.

Guitar is just another color within a wider production palette now.
I imagine when it happens it won't be forced. I'm pretty sure there's someone out there with enough genuine anger/disdain with good writing chops that'll come out of the wood work eventually. aka my mixtape brehs.
Get a bunch of your friends that can't play instruments together, then half learn a few songs, get on stage pull your dick out, jack off on the audience and set shit on fire.
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Only together.
Then the sjw illuminati will ban you from all events
Well you still see a lot of these guitar based 4-6 member groups getting popular, but they always end up overproducing to the point that it sounds like everything else on the radio. Record companies don't give a shit unless it's going to make money. We need another big band like Radiohead to break the ice before any kind of rock revival happens
Isn't that what indie rock is for? The underground heroes playing the music that people really wanna hear.
yeah but even the underground rock isn't as good as 60s-70s stuff, and I think it's because bands start gravitating towards the pop sound as they get more popular
Correct answers
radiohead's like.. how do i say this, weak? Pussy music? something, that shit's not speaking to the common man. Maybe it speaks to yall middle class white dudes it doesn't ring any bells, doesn't pull any heart strings with real mother fuckers.
being black must be really nice, I bet nobody ever calls you out when you make fucking screaming generalizations like that
Native actually. And they don't. But there's still primal energy within the soul of man. There's something out there that'll speak to that shit. A reiteration of a long dead shaman rattle, tribal drums, anger, ferocity, sadness, purpose. it's hidden but it still exists.

Problem with metal in general is that search for the extreme levels. It doesn't appeal to the outsiders. And that's also the problem with radiohead and their million copy cats.
i think i know what youre getting at. there is not a lot of good rock music with masculine energy. unless you like metal and i cant get into it
because that's what every real artist wants to do right? cater to the lowest common denominator?

fuck off retard. radiohead appeals to people with a functioning brain.
but mainstream trap right now has become more aggressive than mainstream rock ever really was
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So perhaps a Punk or Grunge revival with more of a class conscious approach to lyrics?
exactly. i've read on this board a few times from quite a few people that that masculine shit doesn't fly with 'em. For whatever reason the appeal of a feminine sounding dude is stronger which i personally don't get.

I like when dudes sound like dudes and chicks sound like chicks.

Problem is the cheese factor most of the time is off the fucking charts with most hard rock bands.

You don't have to cater to anyone. i know there's something pissed off in you, i know there's anger in you, i know there's ferocity and sadness hiding in you and when it sees an accurate representation carried by a good enough of an idol it'll wake up and you'll know it.

That's what's missing in my opinion and it's one of the reasons why death grips appeals to so many people, even you crackeree mother fuckers feel it.

Same can happen with rock. We've been going through the shoegaze period for awhile, a lot of seventies nostalgia but the hearts of man don't tend to stay stagnate for long.

I get what you're saying but i personally don't feel trap. I know of some plenty ghetto people who dig the shit out of a certain style of heavy, they have to find it first and it has to appeal to more than themselves ie a group type of event.

Enantiodromia people.
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>fuck off retard. radiohead appeals to people with a functioning brain.
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this >:( fucking sjws
I'll add to this. Many things could have happened to me at a young age. i've seen the withering decay of a first generation materialist culture. It's at the basis of the reservations, i'd wager that it's also happening in the low class areas throughout our country.

Rock music to me gave my emotional energy a place to confide in, it gave my soul wings, it gave me access to a primal area that i thought was long since dead.

Robert L Moore talks about it in one of his books, Facing The Dragon. It's about spiritual grandiosity.

anyway, he talks about how the churches of our culture are dead but the rock stars keep that energy alive. He says he went to.. i htink it was a willie nelson concert and he saw the playing out drama of ritual humiliation.

And that's what rock concerts are, well, metal concerts more so. It hurts to stand. I hurts to hold your place but you stand and fight. You keep your spot. You breathe cold air and feel alive. You suffer. And after wards you get drunk or you throw up in your motel shower.

Anyway - metal saved me from a very shitty life but it ran away from me. I'm not an elitist when it comes to metal or rock but i know what i like and i know what speaks to me.

And that same transformative energy exists. It needs to incubate but i'm certain it will show itself in due time.

That being said - much more rounded with my music choice these days but metal and my own hate/emotional energy is what led me here.
metal and hardcore are alive and well. who gives a shit if rap and electronic music have replaced rock in the popular eye? pop is pop is pop. it's all pandering garbage anyway.
I almost got to see these guys live but they dropped out of that tour right before that show. Fucking druggies
I almost saw them but my car got side swiped in a parking lot. Would have been dope af.
Just for a little background, I grew up with 3 brothers, and hip-hop was my bread and butter (Eminem, Tupac, Biggy, Snoop, Eazy E, 50 cent, off the top of my head). When I was 14 I took guitar lessons at school, and played along to mostly classic rock. I discovered the Beatles, Hendrix, Pink Floyd (though I only like the very short-lived syd-barrett era). Then I got into the Kinks, David Bowie and Queen. Suffice to say, my class rock obsession made me a bit of a anglo-phile for a while. At one point I kind of worshiped the Beatles. At 16 I really began to get a grasp on music theory, and I got into "classical" music. I sampled most of the big names, and fell in love with a handful (Listz, Chopin, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky). Then I really got into classical and spanish guitar, and I learned some basic pieces. After that, for a long while I avoided music, but I knew I found absolutely no merit in anything beyond the 80s.

Then I listened to "Don't Shoot me, I'm only the Piano Player" and soon after "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy". I was 17, and I thought I was fed up with music, and it fucking blew my mind. I'm 19, I've worked shit jobs, I'm trying to get my life on track, and I am absolutely obsessed with Elton John. I still listen to all the things I used to love in the past (except Hip-Hop, although the occasional Biggy track isn't bad).

Anyway, my point is, throughout my entire life everyone around me has had ridiculously bad taste in music, and I've had good taste in music. It's not easy being superior.
Well at least you're straight forward with your narcissism. I'd say your taste is pretty heavy on the old side but if that's what's good to you then that's what's good to you.
I agree on the need for primal energy and release in music (and art in general). As it becomes too detached from our bodies, our basic sensations, emotions, drives, it also becomes a passing distraction, no matter how sophisticated, rather than the fulfilling experience it can be at its best.
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rock never died fags. it just took a nap.
nice point of view anon. I just had an awakening, my peen just got hard.
glad i can help bb grl
I feel like to make a really hot rock album you have to do something different. You could make it guitar oriented but you'd need to come out with a strong sense of melody and rhythm and add some keyboards for more variety.
Good music has to transcend the ideas we have now. Maybe some posts-humanist stuff? Plenty of brutal aliens sounds.
I don't understand any of that stuff. I can't explain myself. It's too complicated. The only thing I can do is follow my feelings and what sounds right to me.
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Before you basically described pic related, which I think is pretty hot shit. It didn't change the music though.
must we really keep beating a 60 year old horse
then we burn THEM
>dope af
>band is made up of druggies

I actually really miss the time where rock stars were basically the lords of pop culture, parental fears, and role models of teens
never seemed like druggies to me. Then again i've never really heard any of them talk. I do know the drummer may or may not be responsible for the alchemical imagery/motifs of the second album and the kaballah references in the first one... come to think about it he most certainly had an influence on the terence mckenna snippets too.

But i don't know about druggies. I guess chad gray is probably on something seeing as it's his new band's schtick.

But the actual members seem pretty quiet.

Be weird as shit if gray started using their old style of lyrics on hellyeah songs. Cant imagine him ever using the term ain soph aur on one of their songs.

Now i'm wondering if he ever actually got into that shit back when he was young.
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that's classic fucking dominic, man
This picture is retarded. That's why I like it.
What the fuck is that Darth Maul?
That's one of the best bassists in the game.
Oh shit, wait... Naw that's the guitarist.
sending all the double bass pedals
and distortion preamps to turkey and syria
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Music would be better if rock had never happened.

Rock has done nothing worth saving, it exists solely to satiate the lowest common denominator of "music fans" (lol).

Classical/art music and jazz still obliterate rock in every aspect.
Oh shit boys, the elite otaku have entered and given the final word.

liking anime doesn't make you otaku
i want to start a rock cult

one key thing is complete disconnection from teh internet

internet dulls the senses

rock would be so powerful in an internetless world
damn it must feel good to be this mythical "lowest common denominator"
For one, stop reading the opinions of shill critics and journalists.

Rock is still being made, but there is no publicity behind it now. The industry has moved onto shoveling garbage club music.
>sings like a bitch
not rock chad
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>Start consuming good rock music.
>Rock is still being made, but there is no publicity behind it now.

Name some current good rock bands then.

Pro-tip: you can't. Pic related: the last "rock star", Zorro on donuts.
Deloused in the comatorium
Vanilla AF taste breh.
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With some good Hip Hop Bro YO!
I don't like the Ass Wipes, faggot. And, yes, he was the last "rock star". Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you can't.

Name some current good rock bands though. Or nah?
Kanye is rock star as fuck breh. That's not even sarcasm either.
As Charlie Watts said in a 70s interview, "Rock and roll can't evolve by definition. It is what it is, a couple of guitars playing over a 4/4 backbeat. We're not doing anything different than what Chuck Berry did 22 years ago."
>stupidity's never sarcasm
Rock faded out because its founding fathers became old geezers. It's not like the 80s when the Rolling Stones were only in their 40s, even the original 50s rock-and-rollers like Little Richard were just middle-aged. It stopped being a "young" form of music.
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Fuck this fucking board.
Your taste in music sucks. Basic as fuck.
liturgy and zs are the first to come to mind
It used to be that you’d listen to whatever the local rock radio station was throwing at you. In the glory days of rock – in the prime time of Zeppelin, The Who, The Stones – you only knew what you heard. Sure, there were the magazines like Creem and Rolling Stone, but the only place to actually hear any new music was on the radio, so the chance of discovering something new and exciting was limited. Unless you were turned onto college radio or low-powered community stations, you ended up buying what the major rock stations sold you - and back then, you were sold not only the superbands, but their personalities as well. And those personalities were the key to hooking you into their music.

"In the Led Zeppelin era, music was inextricably tied to an entire cultural zeitgeist,” says George Howard, COO of Daytrotter, Concert Vault, and Paste Magazine. “We can’t really imagine the 60′s and 70’s — in all of their cultural significance – stripped of a musical component. For young people of the 60’s-70’s, music held a similar hypnotic effect as the Internet holds in today’s young peoples’ lives. The Internet, specifically, and technology, generally, is clearly the dominant cultural signifier for today’s young. Certainly, music – as accessed through technological innovations – is part of it, but it’s just a part, and not the whole."
Timothy Rosenberg, Course Director of Critical Listening for Music Professionals at Full Sail University in Orlando, agrees. “[T]he vast majority of the public has become detached from artists because they no longer buy albums and instead buy single tracks. If the public wouldn't be fans for 12 tracks in a row, it’s not surprising that they won’t coalesce around a band such as Led Zeppelin. Believe it or not, I think this is healthy. Fans are becoming more attached to the music rather than an artist’s persona.”

Perhaps he’s right: there’s is a certain detachment now between rock bands and their music. Gone are the days when a band was sold to you as a whole package; the music and the makers of the music. Profiles in music magazines are no longer of the tabloid variety – it’s more about the making of the music now and less about them trashing their hotel rooms or their excesses and eccentricities.
And because we have the means to listen to so many different genres of music today, because we tend to buy singles rather albums, perhaps we don’t become attached to bands the way it happened in Zeppelin’s day. We don’t make rock superstars anymore. The superstars of today, the ones who are sold as personalities, are in pop or country music.

So, the broadening of our horizons has meant the demise of the superstar rock band. The widening of the definition of rock and the creation of so many genres has diluted rock music to the point where one can’t even be sure there’s such a thing as straight rock ‘n roll anymore, in the vein of a Zeppelin or Stones. There are certainly no rock stars that command the cover of magazines the way Robert Plant did. There are no bands that demand attention from the media the way the superbands of the 1970s did.
No wonder old dinosaurs like Gene Simmons are butthurt. Their kind of music is obsolete.
Of course. He's just sore that the concept of rock stars is dead.
I think a large part of the rock star mystique in the 70s was the mystery of it all, that they didn't print lyric sheets and you had a hard time understanding the words to songs on a vinyl record, and there was no social media. As Michael Jackson said, "Successful performers require the power of mystery."
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>liturgy and zs
>rock stars
You didn't ask for rocks stars. You asked for good rock bands.
It's not dead at all, just that nowadays "rock stars" are pop or hip-hop artists. Taylor Swift and Kayne certainly qualify as today's "rock stars", no? Michael Jackson was very much a "rock star" even though he never touched a guitar.
Mudvayne's first two were good for nu metal but they turned straight buttrock, son
I just think rock no longer has the ability to be edgy and scare parents like it did in the 70s. There's no way an Alice Cooper or a Mick Jagger could work today.
>liturgy and zs
>good rock bands
You have to be 18 to post on this site, Squirt.
I don't agree. I'm just sayin'
Rock needs a new, completely alien sound that will send kids into a whipped up furor, and make previous generations of rock fans sneer because they don't get it. It's always been the way.
What scares parents today anyway?
>millennials don't know what rock star means
Top cake, it never ends.
>I'm just sayin'
That you're an underage Shitfork drone? Yea, we got that already.

It's not that anything really changes, it's that the old bands get bloated, tired, and stale like the Rolling Stones did just before punk happened and some new eager young kids replace them.
>That you're an underage Shitfork drone? Yea, we got that already.
why are you so mad?
I don't think it's possible to get much more edgy than the 80s-90s, the era of gangsta rap, death metal, GG Allin, and Marilyn Manson. You'd have to fuck dead babies on stage or something to push the envelope now. We sort of reached peak edge level in the 90s.
Are there any good current rock bands? All I can think of is Clutch, but I haven't even heard their last two albums. Wolfmother's last album was something of a return to form for them, and Death From Above 1975 isn't exactly modern but I never really heard people talk about them til recent years.

The only new rock band I ever hear mentioned is Royal Blood, who're pretty much generic trash coasting on the bass and drums gimmick.
Rock wouldn't want to be saved

I hopes it dies before it gets old
Also I mean the Internet causes people to be less sheltered now. Madonna for example introduced Middle America to various subcultures like gay and BDSM that average Americans in the 80s barely knew existed. Kind of useless now when you can just Google that shit.
>new eager young kids replace them
And Millennials didn't do this because

And consequently everybody hates Millennials including Millennials themselves. Go figure.
I feel like everyone ITT are bleepfaggots who think all rock is
>muh rawk geetar
>twing twang
they hear on the radio and are ignorant about the diverse subgenres under the umbrella that are going strong in local scenes
This changes nothing. If anything it proves that RB is for old people.
And Gene Simmons likes Tame Impala. Proving nothing because Tame Impala is just faux-dadrock.
Nu metal is what killed mainstream rock for all eternity.
Tame Impala? You mean those fags who play ersatz 60s-70s blues rock? Yeah fuck that shit.
The record labels don't want to sign rock acts anymore probably because it takes time to develop them and they want the quick easy $$$ you get from pop stars.
Yeah and they're popular with 50 year old schmedricks who drive a pickup truck and have REO Speedwagon on their MP3 player.
Seems like Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Kanye West or Bieber rustle parents jimmies these days.
More in a "who's this faggot" way than a "moral outrage" kinda way though
Joey Kramer said this when they released Music From Another Dimension:

"This album isn't just for people who were listening to [Aerosmith] 30 years ago, we want to reach out to kids of today. Back when we were growing up, you'd go and see Jimi Hendrix or the Rolling Stones and think 'Wow, I wanna be up on that stage someday!' I feel that music of the kind we represent is due for a comeback."

Cripes, just how disconnected are these old dadrocker fags?
People are laughing at Miley Cyrus, not with her.
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>not listenin to le gaptooth leaf man
Seriously though he's like the only good rock musician I've heard in the last 10 years (Metal doesn't count)
Touche amore's pretty dope.
>good rock musician
>le goofy meme music
>because they no longer buy albums and instead buy single tracks.

>single tracks
Has this cunt ever even spoken to a human being?
He forgets that Jimi Hendrix and the Stones were still kinda new and interesting when he saw them. No kid that's not being forced by his dad is gonna go see Aerosmith live.
Love him, but not really rock.
About as disconnected as Gene Simmons apparently for not understanding how the Internet works or why music today is not obtained by browsing the cassette rack at K-Mart.
>Taylor Swift and Kayne certainly qualify as today's "rock stars"
Not at all. m8

Young Thug or something, sure but Taylor Swift and anye are just run of the mill celebrities.
I like Roger Waters; he does seem to understand how modern technology works unlike some of these dadrockers.
>"Why are people stealing my music?"
>wow you are a disconnected dadrocker
Go to bed, Gene. And no I'm not buying your shitty Kiss coffee mugs.
they are
Tru. Rock isn't bad in its own right but helped with the shift towards pop shit and what we have today
Shouldn't you be in school, son?
by not trying to save it
edgy af
>Taylor Swift
Back in my day we called her Debbie Gibson, then we called her Jewel, then we called her Mandy Moore, etc.,etc.
rocks problem is its associated with being old, people seem to forget about 90s rock bands when you say rock, they think of rolling stones and led zeppelin, none of which are 'hip'

as soon as the word rock is associated with a fresher sound it will be cool again
Are Aerosmith and REO Speedwagon 9 years old?
No, but your wife's son probably is.
Those were all flash in the pan artists who lasted two seconds. TS is on a whole 'nother level than them entirely.
people want new stuff, and rock ruled the roost for decades and you can't change the radio without tripping over 5 classic rock stations
rock will rise again, when people need it again
>taylor swift
>not lady gaga
Aren't rock stars supposed to be fun and grand performers?
Yet Young Thug isn't just a run of the mill rapper?
She's not, and as soon as she squeaks past 35 she'll be gone & forgotten just like they are.
I don't get it.
The thing is, the 90s bands got rid of everything that made rock in the 60s-70s-80s cool, which was kicking ass, fucking groupies, playing awesome solos, wearing silly costumes. Nobody ever listened to Korn or Creed and wanted to pick up a guitar.
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>tfw metal is unironically in better state than rock now
Probably the norm for you.
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>waifu fagging this hard
More like How do we save country?

>Nearly 100 years old
>All modern country is manufactured pop music from nashville
>Very small underground scene
>meme'd to the point where not listening to country aside from a few older albums is considered good
>90s bands
>Korn or Creed
Christ, did you pick the worst 90s bands deliberately or what?

Diamond Eyes is normiecore Deftones album breh
I think Rap music is pretty much universally hated by parents. Other than that I can't think of much, maybe hardcore metal?
I'm saying Taylor Swift is like the Osmonds or some other group who had dozens of #1 hits but are totally forgotten now. Immediate popularity =/= long-lasting impact. Lou Reed, the Ramones, and Black Flag didn't get played on the radio or sell any significant amount of records yet they influenced generations of musicians.
The only country you ever need to listen to is Johnny Cash.
Seriously, some goddamn iconic guitar solos came from the early nineties. Dude's fucking blind as fuck.
I agree with all of this. Did I imply otherwise?
i was talking about soundgarden and janes addiction, not those fucking pleb bands, korn and creed are bands similar to poison and warrant, theyre an exaggeration of a good idea, e.g motley crue (im not a big crue fan but they are one of the more tolerable glam bands)

what often happens is alot of bands come along and try to copy which dilutes the airwaves and makes everything boring,

im just hoping for a new rock band to come through thats original and re-invents the genre much like nirvana did in the 1990s

the rolling stones suited teens of the 60s, aerosmith the teens of the 70s, we need a rock band that comes from todays youth
White Pony and ATF are breh.
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All good rock music is goofy meme music
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"Rock music is dead. Rappers are the new rock stars. They're edgy, they have attitude, they flash around big stacks of money, they ride around in a limousine with girls hanging off their arms. I mean, we all love that, right? They make you want to be them. The point is, that rock stars aren't supposed to be ordinary people. And then at some point they became ordinary people and the music got bland, it got boring, it sucked, and people stopped listening to it."
We have a bit of a catch 22 on our hands then, because the only youth that's gonna play rock is most likely wrong-generationers who are not gonna try anything new.
>And then at some point they became ordinary people and the music got bland
wtf gene
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wuts ur opinin bork
which is why stoner and garage rock suck.
Creed maybe, Korn deserves a little more credit as one of the founding fathers of nu metal. They did actually have some talent while the bands they influenced like Disturbed had none.
>And then at some point they became ordinary people and the music got bland
>wtf gene
he means KISS took off their makeup

My dad asks this question all the time
Garage rock is at least energetic and not afraid to get a bit weird. More than I can say for most.
you dont know that, its more likely the band who does bring about the revival wont label themselves rock, but more the media trying to cash in on a 'rock revival' kind of like how 90s rock bands were called grunge, even though they all were different sub genres of rock
>no talent
Checkmate atheists.
The thing he fails to realize is that by the time your band gets to the point of riding around in a limousine, they're already past it. Just about any classic rock act you can name, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Van Halen, Metallica, and yes, Kiss, all made their best and most groundbreaking work when they were just starting out and didn't have a dime to their names. Once you've made it and can afford a limousine, the hunger and creativity isn't there anymore.

As Dee Snider said, "Once I could afford a mansion in Beverly Hills, I remember sitting down next to the pool trying to pen the next teen angst anthem and coming up blank."
>White people use hip-hop and EDM as escapism and rebellion
>Whites used to listen to rock more but the genre changed into softcore sjws, depressed druggies, and sing sappy love songs

Rock stars changed into pussies. It's actually sad
1st album was good, then they got shitter and shitter
But wrong generationers have always existed. In the 70s, there was tons of 50s nostalgia wanking going on and the 90s had lots of 70s nostalgia wanking.
Well the grunge movement was influenced by underground genres going on in the 80s(Hardcore, noise rock, stuff like that). What might the next movement be influenced by?
I thought bands like Nai Harvest were going to bring that shit back man, but the quality of their work went down fucking fast. The type of garage rock i find on mu... eh. I think skramz might be the next route to bring it back. Healing powers got that ferocity, sadness and what have you.

Shit i had some faith in




But... might have to wait for a few more years for something new to come out.
Yeah the angst on the first album was real, after that Jonathan Davis never really sounds convincing again.
its mostly kurt cobains fault. he made being a whining little beta crybaby fashionable and rock has never recovered

pop punk has a lot to answer for too, where rebellion means skateboarding where youre not supposed to
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>Rock stars changed into pussies
Bruh. No.

>Did you hear the one about me being a punk?
>Did you hear the one about me being a drunk?
>Did you hear the one about me losing my nerve?
>Or how I'm just another fucking sheep in the herd?
>Did you hear about the money, how it made me change?
>So funny to me, all the time that they waste.
Did you hear the one about me giving a shit?
>'Cause if I ever did I don't remember it.
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> this thread
Ween, Primus, butthole surfers, Beck, Mr. bungle, They might be giants, Talking heads

yup, pretty much right, the only good rock music or any music, is music that doesn't take itself seriously
Similarly with hip-hop, all the real hardcore stuff like NWA, Public Enemy, and Tupac was _not_ about wearing gold chains and making it rain in da club. It was about being angry because black neighborhoods were hellholes full of crime and drugs. The gold chains and hookers stuff was 50 Cent turning gangsta rap into a parody of itself.
Wow. This is shiiiiiiiiit.
Whaddya want? Pop punk's target audience was 14 year old white boys from manicured suburban lawn neighborhoods where skating where you're not supposed to was the biggest problem you ever had to face.
most likely metal, every local scene in the south of england is either hardcore/death core influenced metal bands or pop punk,

metal/edm/hip-hop are the main current genres so it will take stuff out of that most likely

or for all we know it could come about from the social climate we live, people getting fed up of radio or what ever the media is shilling us these days
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It's impossible for rock to be saved now, as the genre has been fully explored. Its death is welcome. No wave had the right idea.

as cringey as this is, that fucking riff is insane
Sometimes I wonder if I've interacted or passed by them irl and not realize that they were from Mudvayne.

They're not wrong.
I'm not a rocktivist. But electronic music tropes aren't much better. Hip-hop is also getting tiresome.
i still very much like Godsmack's vocalist for some reason
>its mostly kurt cobains fault. he made being a whining little beta crybaby fashionable and rock has never recovered

Also rock groups weren't allowed to sing about slutty chicks anymore. Rappers could still do that, but not rock people since Nirvana.
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The California kids
Will throw you a lifeline
punk music should encourage people to eat drugs and fight with the police

These guys are good too, seen them live. For buttrock they're awfully fun.
Hey Madonna hasn't been relevant in years and years yet she had a ginormous impact on pop.
Pop punk has a lot of missing potential desu. The energy of punk mixed with good pop songwriting has produced some of my favorite music of all time, but it's been taken over by 13 year old who think they're making a statement by saying "defend pop punk". If pop punk had any punk left in it, it could defend itself. idno, maybe I'm just biased because I'm in a pop punk band.
limp biscuit were so hevy
dude sounds like a walrus
Why would you want to? Rock is godawful and I'm extremely glad that we as a country are past that phase. Sometimes I go to listen to some old stuff and all I can do is cringe
Powerman Suckthousand
Suckdom of a Dork
Kid Cock
Limp Dick Biscuit
Korn (sucks)
Staind (up doo doo drawers)
5 dildo Death Paunch
Tool (that ur mom sticks up her cooze) or FOOL
50 suck
m&M sized testicals
queen (gay feggit)
now im sad
Don't you use Madonna and Taylor Swift in the same sentence. Madonna in her time was edgy as hell and also has an almost encylopedic knowledge of dance moves and classic Hollywood (also European cinema). I don't see how Taylor Swift is provocative or has any particular talent. I'd say she's entirely the product of good marketing.
What do you listen to now anyway? I'm tired of rock as a genre as well.
>Sometimes I go to listen to some old stuff and all I can do is cringe

music is over lads everything that could be done has been stop trying and go outside or read a book instead jeez
Nirvana was actually pretty alpha/beta mix.

Bleach, Nevermind, and In Utero all had testosterone fueled rage

Youre not gonna tell me youd rather listen to Poison and Warrant over Nirvana are you? You would just be a contrarian.
yeah I'm glad our pop culture caters to real artists like Young Thug now
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>electronic music
>hip hop
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You're a child.
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She does have delicious feet though.
early trap was way more aggressive. today's shit is pussyfied.
That's why pop punk is an oxymoron.
fuck no hair meal is the lowest possible form of music but I just dont like angsty depressed 90s rock
>speaking to the common man

so like buttrock? we don't need any more of that common man buttrock shit anon pls
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>Pic related: the last "rock star"
no, pic related is
>blues rock revival hero for indie kids
>implying /mu/ doesn't secretly have Quiet Riot and Whitesnake on their MP3 players and listens to it when no one's looking
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id k or c what /mu/ does but I utterly hate that stuff
Wes was a killer guitarist, shame about Fred's lyrics.
Here's my problem with rock music from my generation (millennial), you had either the big mainstream bands from the mid 90s to mid 00s, and the indie more "experimental" types that propped up throughout the 00s.

The former might have had one or two good albums starting out, but like many others ITT have said they all eventually just started blending in together and making the same bland shit as everyone else was.

The later, the indie rock of the 00s, consisted of effeminate suburban white people who were singing about their toasters or whatever. A lot of the males had these extremely girly voices and sounded like they didn't even want to be up on stage singing. Honestly a lot of times it sounded like whining more than singing. That was for the males. The females all had this folk-rock voice going on and I swear to fucking god they all sounded the same and it drove me crazy. Whenever someone would start raving about a female indie rock musician they'd just discovered I'd just kind of roll my eyes internally

I don't want to listen to derivative mainstream dadrock bands and I sure as fuck don't want to sit around listening to the fucking postal service and being depressed for no reason

I want energy in my music. That's what rock lacked, genuine energy.
Believe it or not, some delusional dadrockers read Youtube comments and think it means all kids now would rather listen to Blue Oyster Cult than anything current.
>"adult" artists are fabricated toys of the music industry businessmen
>"childish" artists directly and fearlessly attack the establishment
>I don't want to listen to derivative mainstream dadrock bands

You mean the Tame Impala faux dadrock kinds of bands.
Why is Evanescence so underrated?
Lithium was a masterpiece.
Yeah you can look at the playlist on any 14 year old's phone and find a lot of Mountain and REO Speedwagon on there. I'm real sure teens in 2016 listen to Grand Funk Railroad over Kanye.

Dude we all know that Alien Ant Farm is the savior
If rock is to be saved, that salvation's gotta come from new kids, not old fuckobois like him.
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"Le wrong generation" is a thing for a reason, Anon. It's called a "general consensus".

Millennial rock bands couldn't write a original song to save their lives, who'd blame anyone for choosing Slowdive and Led Zeppelin over DIIV and Tame Impala?

See >>64028931

If these guys were around in 1975, they'd just be wearing a Chuck Berry T-shirt.
Should listen to mixtape. Its acoustic metal without drums. Also is heavy on the synth/atmosphere.
The problem with rock is too much hero worship is making it unrelatable. The Clash sang "no Elvis Beatles or the Rolling Stones in 1977", and the fact that nobody now has the balls to call Kurt Cobain a faggot and tell Dave Grohl and Jack White to fuck off (even if they don't entirely mean, as it was in The Clash's case). Instead rock now is entirely people wanking over "muh influences" and retro shit that nobody outside of a specific hipster subculture cares about. Oh, you sound like early 70s Black Sabbath? Fucking great, you sound like somebody else sounded 40 fucking years ago, fucking kill yourself. I encounter this shit almost every time I try out a modern rock band.
Except the 70s guys were attempting to expand on and improve the formula even if they did sometimes pay homage to 50s rockabilly. Tame Impala et al are just making mock 70s blues rock.
>Fucking great, you sound like somebody else sounded 40 fucking years ago
Precisely. I swear all these bands I've heard before, even ones that people swear are really indie and underground and have a new sound.
You know, that's the big difference between black artists and white artists. The hip-hop scene has very little nostalgia for the past and has this "Ok you had your day, LL Cool JJ. Goodbye. This is our day now. Yeah Ice Cube, my nig, we loved ya back in '95 but new generation."
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>>64029861 is wrong.
>90s had lots of 70s nostalgia wanking

I lived through the 90s, he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. The biggest thing I remember from the 90s was how electronic music exploded from 93-98.
The late 70s (punk/New Wave era) is pretty important because this is when rock underwent that big generational shift from the boomers to Gen Xers. There was this general attitude that the Rolling Stones and Zeppelin belonged to the past and their message wasn't relevant anymore.
I'd say adding the synths is an expansion (not necessarily an improvement)
>The problem with rock is too much hero worship
do you mean fucking classical fans don't worship composers? or jazzfans - jazzmen?
>band has success
>hurr durr they gotta be fabricated muh industry plant
Rock is supposed to be about rebellion and offending your grandma though. You can't offend your grandma if you like the same artists she liked when she was 13.
and both of them are completely irrelevant, which rock will be soon if it doesn't become cutting edge again and drop the nostalgia goggles.
>Seriously though he's like the only good rock musician I've heard in the last 10 years
Listen to more music then. Mac is just a Connan Mockasin/R. Stevie Moore ripoff. He's pretty good though.
You forget how much classical music in Mozart's day was about innovation and doing the next big thing. Bach was antiquated and nobody listened to him anymore by the late XVIII century.
Similarly, the jazz of Duke Ellington's day (40s) didn't sound like the jazz of the 1920s. In fact Downbeat Magazine used the term "moldy figs" to refer to old stick-in-the-muds who said Ellington wasn't real jazz because he didn't sound like the stuff from 20-25 years earlier.
this sadly
"I loved Hendrix and Clapton and Page, but I didn't play like them, I created my own style."

-- Eddie Van Halen
Well, yeah. The punk bands didn't really hate Elvis or the Rolling Stones (that was just marketing glop), they were their heroes actually, but they nonetheless did their own thing rather than do a pastiche imitation of them.

It's one thing to admire Led Zeppelin, it's another to simply play imitation Page licks like Tame Impala does.
so metal meets buttrock? kek
meal n duh buttcock
You go on guitar sites and there's tons of people asking how to play Eruption but nobody's trying to do anything new. It kind of sucks.
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