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The 00's. Was it was the worst time for music? Or the best time?
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The 00's. Was it was the worst time for music? Or the best time?
The best.
better than the 10s thats for sure.
it marked the end of the explosion of ideas in music that began in the late 50's.

innovation ceased and a massive archiving process began... music became backward looking and self-referential.
We're only halfway through the 10's and it's already been better than the 00's and 90's

you just have shit taste
Prove it!
10s have been boring as fuck. Zero identifiable qualities.
*tips fedora*
*tips fedora*
> Zero identifiable qualities.

mumbling, incoherent autotune rappers
gb2reddit normie

We've had vaporwave and it's great
if you think the 10s are shit you're retarded
sorry i don't make the rules
ok. what makes the 10's so great? try to be substantial.

you're reputation as an anonymous shit-poster on a weeb image posting site is on the line here so don't fuck this up.
holy fuck quads
One of the best if you look below the surface a little bit.
go on...... explain

your post had no substance

The 00s were such an empty decade. When you look back at the 90s/80s/70s you get a distinct feel, attitude and aesthetic but the 00s was just bad fashion choices and pasty white dudes
Not him, but

>Kendricks last 3 albums
>Bowie made a great concept album about his death and then died
>Death Grips (if you write them off as a meme because of their fanbase you're lost)

That's what I think of immediately. Pretty unique stuff that's going to influence a ton of other artists. Someone help me out with some more

I'm not saying the 00's were terrible but I do think the 10's have been better
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You think the 10s were better because of David Bowie? How does that make sense?
Kendrick does absolutely nothing new. He executes his concepts well enough and he's a good rapper but he would be just another rapper in the 90's. It's only through a drought of 'conscious' rappers that Kendrick has risen to deity level among the mainstream.

Bowie made a decent album that would be looked upon as just another late Bowie album if he didn't die.

Death Grips are something pretty unique. I don't like their post TMS stuff but I can recognise they're doing something they believe in.
come on. be fair. He was clearly talking about a specific album made by bowie in the 10's...... not generally about david bowie
But that's exactly what the 00's were. Go watch the video for All Star. That's what the 00s felt like.
its nt just that. You can recognize a clear distinction between, for example, early 90's and mid 90's cultures..... with the 00's and 10's there's no distinction. things have stagnated for nearly 2 decades
what are the best albums of the 2000s?
nirvana nevermind and black on both sides by mos def
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At least Bowie was doing well.
The 10s are better than the 00s because we have Kendrick Lamar, and we have TPAB.
>10s better than the 90s
shit opinion
After 00's things have gone shit, though as example Madvillainy and Animal Collective have been good.
95-05 was the best 10 year period for music.
just gonna exclude 94 like that?
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you "my generation is sooooo boring and bland"-ing here?
Early early 2000 we had the preteen edgy nu metal
eminem lookalikes
dmx lookalikes
early to mid 2000 we had emopop white beta
mid to late 2000 we had the boom of the "scene", all those suicidial mainstream-screemo girls and faggots
we had fucking soulja boy who brought the swag back in mainstream
2010 started and wiz kalifa revolutionised the hip hop fashion just like soulja
hip hop is in its highest growth point, every artist brings something new
rock is irrelevant, more than 10 years ago, compared to 20 years its ridiculous
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