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What do you think about /general/ threads?
Are they really the last option for discussing music genres more in depth than /mu/core, radio pop/rock and p4k BNM?
What generals do you think we need?
djent general
Suicidal General, so all the self-abusing halfwits can stay in one filterable thread.
>What do you think about /general/ threads?
They suck, they create a safe heaven for people and so they never learn.

To someone not become a pleb, a musically cringeworthy person, musically anoying person, they must learn some stuff,and /mu/ is one of the 'few' places they can do it, they wont do it reading mtv.com, watching mtv or vh1, listening to the average radio station, talking with people on the same situation as him,........

While they are here they will be anoying or whateaver but its a step needed to make them learn in the first place.

When you create a containiment place or whateaver here, you create a safeheaven where they can be stupid and not learn without having someone teaching them and telling they are wrong.
they are awful amd with a few exceptions are full of unkowledgable idiots and tripfags
I'd say its the absolute and complete opposite. On the main board all thats posted are the same 50 albums and 10 from each major genre, there is no education, variety, or any way to learn or expand from having the same /mu/core and p4k/fantano BNM spammed.
I think people keep posting them just to try to annoy us all, and people hate this place so much because they're attached to it and can't get away. They're never going to quite kill it completely so they just try to make everyone's life as miserable as possible instead. Once you realise this, you kinda just filter out the crap mentally and just concentrate on any real useful input. They're just troll victims.
I think you'll find its all new people who have recently arrived, discovered there is a new world of music outside of the top 40 and go mad on the whole /mu/core and p4k stuff.
they're the most reddit thing on neo-4chan, creating terrible nofun circlejerks like /sp/
>creating actual music discussions past the same old circlejerk shitty albums

do such a thread, and you'll be happy if you get past five different posters
I don't follow?

Last /bleep/ had 87 posters, /noise/ 18, /classical/ 39 and /metal/ 88.

How many threads are there outside of these generals for these huge-reaching genres now with depth and variety?
>falling for the old switcheroo
these are not music threads though, they're just genre oriented meme dumpsters
just take a look at the current /classical/ for example, only the first few posts make my point valid
So someone else came into the thread to shit it up and then it turned into the only daily thread for 2000 years of classical music on this board. Thats 4chan for you and theres no other classical threads about.
Thread replies: 16
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