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Alchemy CYOA Thread #19
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Last thread >>26545611
Archive: https://www.anonpone.com/alchemy/21905131#navbar

Resources: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8E1KAqZl6-xflUxSHJObzhSd3dabHVtSThfVnNwN1EtSEd1YmNpNWNQV3M0bFAyS0VldVE&usp=sharing

List of spells: http://pastebin.com/swHVYzCX
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Last time you decided to travel back to ponyville to pick up some supplies.
Swirl got a little scared by your new spectral friend.
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You try to interpret her meaning.
It seems like she is pointing at something behind you, White Wave assumingly. She’s also is motioning for you to come over.
You decide to walk over.
“Anything wrong Swirl? You look like a you seen a ghost”
>Sand Swirl:”That is not funny Daddy, there is an actual ghost following you.”
“Oh it’s alright Swirl she is a friend.”
>Sand Swirl:”Did you meet her at work at the apple farm?”
Oh right you didn’t tell her where you work to keep her away from following you.
She seemed okay in the hands of your friends, hopefully that stays this way.
“Uh, well not at the apple farm, but yes I met her at work. Why don’t you ask her and Platinum about it when they have some free time. Daddy has to go back to work.”
You give her a hug and leave back for the forest.

After a while you arrive back at the castle, you try your best to find the path that the cultist told you about.
You find it and start following it.
The leaves over the path are thick and your field of vision is limited.
After a while the figure of a pony comes to your sight.
Immediately after it spotted you it jumps into some bushes.
Follow them.
did it run off or just hiding in some bushes? what are you doing out here in the forest cloaked pony?
Have weapon ready.

Are we going after Lucky now?
Yes you have your weapon.

That was the reason why you wandered into the forest.
Will be back in a few hours.
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You keep one hoof on your sword, in case of an ambush.
This is unsettling to you, what is this pony doing here in the forest? Why are they wearing a cloak?
You decide to investigate this matter, after all you don’t want to get backstabbed when confronting this unicorn you are after.
Just like the pony you dive into the bushes, a clear path of broken undergrowth lies ahead of you.
You follow the path until you reach a clearing.
On it you see that the pony encountered some timberwolves.
They are slowly creeping up to it.
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Anon why are you roleplaying as me, don't you know that is against the rules.
Tell the pony to get behind you and you'll protect them. Use your '"DRAGON BREATH ATTACK! " and burn them up.
Sumthin' ain't right with that poner...
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You jump out of the bushes and draw your sword.
“Quick get behind me!”
The pony does as you command.
Something is not right with it, but that has to wait till later.

Now it’s time to deal with the Timberwolves.
Luckily you have the perfect attack for this.
You crank up your sword, the magic potion from the handle flows through the blade and a bursting blue flame shoots out of it.
From the tops of your lung you scream.
Maybe a little silly, but it helps your confidence. You feel awesome doing it.
One of the Timberwolves gets engulfed by the flames, it stands no chance.
The other one dashes to the side and quickly flanks you.
you can't flank something that can fly. Go up into the air and then descend with your blade and drive it into the wolf's skull right between the eyes.
That will hopefully take care of them and then we can talk to the pony with the glowy green eyes.
I was gonna say slash your fuckhueg sword to the side towards it. But hey, If you do combat the flashy way here I won't complain.
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You fly up, easily dodging the wolves incoming attack.
The creature looks upwards, it seems upset.
You drive your sword downwards while aiming for the wolves head.
The impact is heavy, the head and upper body of the Timberwolf are slammed into the ground.
It’s front legs are broken off by the sudden movement.
As you want to pull your sword out again, the blade bursts into blue flames.
You dodge back in surprise, as you did not activate the mechanism to inject the potion.
The fire burns only for a short while after which you retrieve your sword.

Finally you have a safe moment to talk to the pony.
She is the first one to speak.
>?:”Thank you so much, you saved me. Say what brings you to these woods? For a moment I thought you were a bandit.”

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Ask what made her think we were a bandit, do bandits usually frequent this area? Is it out hat?

speaking of knowing the place does she know if there is a house surrounded by a wall around here? We're currently looking for it and we were told the path back there was the way to find it.

also what is her story? What's she doing in these woods. How long has she been out here? (her fur is a mess so it might be quite awhile) does she know zecora and could maybe lead you to her later?
Pretty much this.
safety bump.
I feel sorry, but there won't be an update today.
This feels especially bad since, as usual I won't have time to run on Friday and Saturday, so the next session will be Sunday.
OK Alchemy, it's been a fun read catching up. Looking forward to Sunday.
lightly bump
this is a sneaking mission into the house.
let's ask if she knows of any river serpents. perhaps she has a tooth from them?
do we have a suit
nah, but we have something even BETTER then a suit. a potion that makes us invisible.
If we gave her the spirit bond totem, she could probably get her personal guardian spirit.
that'd be pretty neat
yeah, it would be.
might not be so easy
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“A bandit, me? How did you get that Idea? Do bandits frequent this area?“
>?:”I’m usually careful around ponies in the everfree. So I just assumed the worst. Why a bandit? You look more like a bandit than anything else bad that might wander in the everfree.”
“I guess you know this place. Say do you know if there is a house surrounded by a wall around here? I was looking for it and was told that the path back there was the way to find it.”
>?:”Oh yes, the house is there. I never moved to close to it, the magic in that garden is not the normal one you find in the everfree.”
“So what is your story? What are you doing in these woods? How long have you been out here?”
>?:”I’m researching the natural magic of the everfree. How long? A few months, it soon will be 6.”
“Do you know a zebra named Zecora? Could you show me the way to her?”
>?:”Yes I know where she lives. I guess I could show you the way.”
“That is great. You don’t happen to know if there are any Sea Serpents in this forest?”
>?:”I know of at least one. He lives in some river, you should find it if you follow the trench in front of the old castle.”
“Thank you for the help, say don’t you have a way to defend yourself against the timberwolves? I have this spirit bond totem with which you could get a guardian spirit.”
>?:”Oh I couldn't possibly take such a valuable item from you.”
I'm looking to find the house surrounded with a stone wall because I'm told a horrible pony lives there.
Tell me a bit about the magic. Do you know what it does? We can throw a stone at it.

Oh it's alright. You can take the spirit bond totem, I think it would be much more useful for you then it would be for us.

You're planning on staying in the forest for awhile aren't you? We can always get another one later. It's just been sitting in our pocket collecting dust. I also want to see it work.
I'm not exactly sure why she would need to know this information unless you think we should ask for her assistance in this mission.
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“Tell me about the magic. Do you know what it does?”
>?:”Which one? The one of the everfree or the one in the garden.”
“The one in the garden please.”
>?:”I don’t know anything about it, besides that it’s pushing back the magic of the forest.”
“Could I throw a rock at it?”
>?:”At it, probably not. You could however throw a rock into the garden. Not sure if that would give you anything.”
He is a unicorn, so assumingly this magic should be his doing. You need to be careful when entering that garden.

“Please take the spirit bond totem, I think it would be much more useful for you than it would for me. You can look at it as a sort of payment for all this information.”
>?:”But you already saved me, so I owned you anyway. Besides, I would rather ask you for your assistance in one little problem I have in the forest than to get your totem.”
“Nonsense I insist that you take the totem, it’s for your own protection. It’s just sitting in my pocket collecting dust. We can still talk about that other problem you have later.”
>?:”Oh okay, if you insist. I’ll just use it later.”
“But I hoped to see how it works, couldn’t you use it right now?”
>?:”Well okay, how does it work?”
“First you take it in your hoof and then you are supposed to meditate, but I think you might be able to just call out to the spirits. It all depends on if they are willing to help you or not.”

You give the pony the totem, as both your hooves touch it, it starts to glow.
A green glow gets sucked from the pony into the totem.
The pony itself firstly turns into a pony formed mess of twigs and wood, just like a timberwolf. Then the wood crumbles under its own weight.
That wasn’t supposed to happen.

A-are you okay
Shit. Talk to to totem! Are you in there? Hello? Apologize to her. Say you're going to help her with her problem after you're finished with what you came here to do. Also she was a spirit? That would explain the glowing eyes.
put on the robe.
Go to house.
We gotta learn more about this totem, hopefully we can return her
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“Uh, a-are you you okay?”
You hear the ponies voice in your head.
She doesn’t seem to happy.
>?:”What did you do to me?”
“It looks like you got absorbed by the totem.”
>?:”Well duh, Sherlock. Why did it do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe because you are a freaking timberpony? Listen, I’m sorry about this, I didn’t want it to happen. I going to help you with that other problem of yours once I finished what I came here for in the first place.”
>?:”What about my body?”
“It’s just wood, we can get new wood. I’ll fix it later, okay.”
You put the totem back in your saddle bag, pick up the cloak and continue to the house.

After a short walk down the road you spot the house sitting on a small hill.
Ask the timber pony for their name and ask if they can still sense the magic around the house.
It might be some kind of warding magic and we can deal with that/ignore it. It's only a problem if it can also alert the occupant of our presence.

It's show time and we'll only get one shot at this. Drink the invisibility potion and let's find out how it works. Then we go up towards the house and look through a window. Check to see if the back door is opened or locked. We might just have to burst in through a window though.
Let's go fuck his shit.
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You take the totem back out of your saddle bag.
“So I didn’t get the chance to ask you earlier, but what is your name?”
>?:”I’m a timber pony I don’t have a name, however you can call me Brown Bark if you can’t think of anything better.”
“Can you still sense the magic?”
>?:”I can sense the lack of natural magic from the everfree forest. That is all.”

You drink your invisibility potion and take down your hat, only to realize that it is invisible too.
A quick test confirms that your weapon also has become invisible.
You put it back and fly over the small garden wall.
First you check on one of the windows, it’s one with special murky glass, you can’t see anything inside.
Well looks like you have to go in blind.

You fly to the closest door, this house is strange, it has four exact same doors, each of them facing into another direction.
The door seems to be closed, damn.
While you are already starting to think about how to break into the house, the door is unlocked.
You back away slightly.

A unicorn stallion opens the door, he looks exactly how the cultist described him.
>?:”Hello who is t’ere? Ah heard mah bell for visitors ring. No need to hide.”
For a child prostitution ring leader he looks quite feminine.

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Passing over the wall triggers a magical alarm. Maybe we should play along, say we heard of his special "service" and we took an invisibility potion to make sure we weren't seen or followed.

Luck's compound is tricky. There's a phoenix somewhere in the house he keeps as a pet and he can magically transport anything inside the walls to another areas across Equestria he's set. I know for sure there's another in either the Badlands or somewhere similar.
is there anything stopping us from just punching him in the face with our super strength?
Speed has super strength? Anywho, probably his hat. It protects him and he has the magical ability to forcibly rip into our memories and change them.
How strong is his hat? Would he be able to stand up against a dragon breath attack? We have one last shot of those.
Yeah he has super strength. How else is he going to carry that huge ass sword around.
It's also invisible right now so would one good thrust break it?
I don't know. All we know is that it powerful enough to stop a weak crossbow. I wouldn't underestimate him.
well my opinion is speed>weak crossbow.
even if that shield is powerful enough to protect him from impacts it can't protect him from 2,600 to 3,000 degrees fahrenheit of blue fire.

as for the messing of memories speed would be safe due to us controlling him. then again it could really mess up the pony speed.
I would rather face him without his hat just to be sure. Something is just telling me it would be a bad idea to just attack.

So wait a minute... if the house is made of wood could Bark's spirit go into the house and control it?
I want to use the element of surprise though. What if he escapes using the means you described? Maybe a tackle is all that's needed?
Well he can't escape like that. It's everything that's inside the walls that get transported. There's a peice of me that doesn't want him dead. I want him to live and suffer. Besides, if turned in to the guard they might get more information on the child prostitute/slavery ring.
I thought he WAS the child prostitution ring. His death would be the end of it wouldn't it? The only thing we wouldn't know then was the fillies he sold
I suppose the benefit of infiltrating is finding the children faster since he would lead us right to them. We would also gain his trust and we can attack him while his back is turned on us. We'll be able to draw a bunch of glass alchemy circles.

plus it would be bad to burn the house down with the fillies inside. Decisions decisions.
I think it's worth playing along and capturing him alive.
i'm against capturing him because police would be asking us a lot of questions like how we came across this information and not informed them when we did because we're not allowed to take the law into our own hooves or something like that.

There's also a chance of him getting out of trouble because of corruption or connections.
we enforce
We should at least interrogate him ourselves if we have means of disabling his horn. See if we can't find out where he's sold foals.
well i thought of a way to get his hat off at least, just grab and spin him around above our head and then let him go.

I suppose we can just punch his horn to temporarily disable it.
wonder what happened to alchemy.
Tell me about the Speed. How come he is super strong?
good parentage
that'd be funny
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As much as you would love to just punch him in the face right now, it’s better to just play along for now.
That way you might get more information about the foals he already sold, or at least learn where the ones still in his house are.
“I heard of your special service and took an invisibility potion to make sure no one followed or seen me.”
>?:”Oh a pony who rather would stay secret? Interesting. Just t’a be sure, what sort of service are you talking about?”
“The foal thing.”
Even talking about it makes you want to puke.
>?:”All right, follow me inside.”
You follow him into the house.
The inside is way bigger than what the facade would suggest.
He leads you into the kitchen.
>?:”Please take a seat, Ah’ll get you the necessary documents. Do you want a tea while you wait?”
He uses his magic to pick up a kettle from the stove and fills a small cup.
Actually your throat is a little sore, but in no way you would accept anything from him.
“No I’m fine.”
He places it on the table.
>?:”Oh Ah’ll just leave this here in case you change your mind.”
With that he leaves the room.
YES! THERE'S DOCUMENTATION! Let's fill it out to see what kind of questions they ask and see if the information is useful. We'll be able to find those other foals yet.
Your name is "slow rust" and you come from hollow shade.
Draw a circle under the table in the meantime.
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You use the opportunity to draw a circle under the table.
After a few moments the unicorn stallion returns.
He puts down some papers on the kitchen counter.
>?:”So before we can go through t’is Ah have to do something else first. I hope you understand t’at Ah can’t just trust everyone.”
“Sure I understand this. So how will this work? Do I first have to introduce myself?”
>?:”Normally Ah would try to use some magic to read your mind, but for t’at I’d need to see you. Luckily Ah got t’is potion t’at will serve the same purpose.”
He moves the teacup to the side and places a potion in front of you.
We're not drinking that.
Tell him to drink some first to make sure it's safe. How did he make it?
What exactly are you looking for that I just can't tell you? There are some secrets we would prefer to keep.
Does he want the bits or doesn't he?
If he tries to weasel out and say we can't do business then pull the table back and give him a glass spike.
Ask for potion's contents and how it works since we are an alchemist ourselves.
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“I’m not drinking this. What tells me that this thing is not poison. You go first, drink some of it that way I can be sure that it’s safe.”
>?:”It’s just a truth serum. Ah’ll drink it if you want me to.”
He takes a tiny sip from the potion.
>?:”See Ah’m still fine.”
“What are the ingredients of this?”
>?:”The scales of a pike, some leaves gathered from swamp trees, and the tear of a unicorn.”
“Is there anything that I couldn’t just tell you?”
>?:”It’s mostly so I can be sure that you aren’t a guard who tries to put me in. Not t’at t’at would be to much of a problem since Ah could just buy my way out of court.”
“I’m not a guard, my name is Slow Rust and I come from hollow shades. There are a few things that I would rather keep secret, after all there is a reason why I came here invisible. See if I was a guard I could just have tried to ambush you. I didn’t so isn’t that proof that I’m really in for this?”
>?:”But who told you about me? My usually customers are a very particular kind of ponies.”
“Oh some cultist in the castle not so far from here.”
>?:”You know what, Ah believe you. Well if t’ey t’ought that you could be trusted, so do I. Let’s look at these papers.”

He shows you a lot of stuff, mostly on what kind of treatment the foals got to be as obedient as possible.
Rings to block their natural abilities.
Brainwashing to the point that they can’t remember their old families and will love you whatever you do to them.
And a special, how he called it, training.
He also states that he always only trains one foal at a time.
With every new information the urge to bash this guys head in rises inside of you.
The worst thing is that there wasn’t even anything about giving him your position, so no locations of his customers in these documents.
The price for one foal is 1000 bits.
“So you have one here right now?”
>?:”Yes, a little filly t’at is very close to finishing her training. Do you want to take a look at her yourself?”
Stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.

Sorry about yesterday, I had a pretty bad block both art and writing wise.
We still have the rest of the house to explore. Though it looks like the only reason we didn't immediately try to attack him will be for nothing.

The only thing left to do is try to get him to put the memories back on the filly.
I suppose we can ask if there is a "try before you buy" option and it would "excite us" if the filly can be herself just once. After that we kill him.
Alch, your thread is dead
Like Applejack's parents
There should be memory potions that Lucky keeps around, just like his "forgetting" potions. It will likely take more than one potion to restore their entire memory. As long as we can find them it'll be ok.
I thought that was a thing only the master in colorblind had. Because he tried to copy lucky's magic with potions.
I realized that we should ask if this is the only filly he has and if it isn't can we see the others and then just come back in a week when their training is done.
>He also states that he always only trains one foal at a time.
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Well looks like you can’t just get the locations out from him, then your new top priority will be to restore the fily’s memory.
Maybe you can trick him into doing it for you.
“Sure I would like to see the filly.”
He leads you down to the basement, you haven’t realized it before, but in here are no doors.
Also every time he passes a doorframe his horn lights up, until you passed the same frame.
Does he have magical doors or something similar to that?

Down here is some sort of playroom, all sorts of toys are in here, even a little toyhouse.
It’s a very child friendly room, you didn’t expect that.
Judging from his business you would expect some sort of dungeon with cells and chains.

You see a little earth pony filly sitting in front of a little toy oven pretending to cook something.
An earth pony, that poor thing, according to his documents he magically fused a magic blocking ring to her front leg.

You can’t believe what you going to say.
“So is there like a try before buy option?”
>?:”I guess as long you don’t hurt her.”
“Oh nice, you know what would really excite me. If she would be herself for that, could you undo her memory altering spell just for that short period?”
>?:”I’m sorry but that would ruin the work of weeks. I had to start from 0 again.”
Ah, I understand. Hey there little filly, whatcha cooking?
I don't suppose instead of the usual 1000 bits you'd be interested in 1500? That would be worth the trouble wouldn't it? And it will cover any lost time and profit. If he doesn't take that then make it 2000 and call him a thief and you're not offering a bit more.
Then we can attack.
C'mon, isn't Speed an alchemist. He can whip up a memory potion can't he?

He might get suspicious. Wonder how he isn't suspicious as hell of us already.
He can be as suspicious as he wants, this is going to be the last day he lives anyway.

He's probably already suspicious of us though thinks if we were going to do something we would have done it by now and that comment about wanting to try before we buy will make him think we're sick but interested in this.

As for making a memory potion we probably could do it though it would be pretty time consuming and we don't have a place to start.
plus it would just be easier for the guy that did this to her to fix it
I say we get back to the literal bargaining table before springing any traps.
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“Oh I’m sure that the right amount of money might change your mind. Maybe a 1500 bits could do the job?”
>?:”Ah’m sorry, if Ah just turned her back she might try to escape and hurt herself in the process. However if you just want the reaction of a normal innocent filly, Ah can lift the spell from her so she reacts normal for a while. T’at would also require some more attention later on, but Ah t’ink it would make a good compromise.”
You could always try to find another way to restore her memory, maybe a potion could do that.
But you would need to look for a recipe on that first.

Maybe another try. Time to get really disgusting.
“That just isn’t the real deal, I want her to realize in what situation she really is right now. Far away from her family.”
>?:”Ah’m not even sure if she would t’ink about her family, after all t’ey sold her to me. Still the temporary thing is my only offer.”
What kind of parents would do that, subequine monsters.
“Fine, I guess it’s better than nothing.”

While he begins to cast his spell you get ready to attack him.

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Let's ask what this filly's name is.
We should try our sword first correct?
Since this is ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENING I say try for a diagonal slash through his hat and severing his horn.
this. it's important we disable his horn.
i wanted to aim for his neck but if you really want him alive that badly so we can toy with him I guess it's alright.
it's us or us
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You have to make sure to disable his magic early on.
That means taking out his horn.
A quick slash through that hat of his and the horn should do the trick.

You approach them.
He’s right there, just a sword swing away.
Just one last thing to lower his defense.
“So hello what’s your name.”

As the filly opens it mouth to answer you strike with your sword.
It hisses through the air until the blade meets a magical shield.
The band around his hat has expanded to a ring around his hat, it glows and there are strange scribbles all over it.
It creates a barrier that blocks your strike, at least for a short time.
As your sword hits the barrier it fizzles and starts to create blue flames.
The magical barrier soon gives in and you continue with the strike.
It cuts right through the band and a part of the hat itself.
Sadly this little trick gave him enough time to dodge.
>?:”What, are you doing? Are you out of your mind?!”
>Filly:”Uncle Lucky what is happening? Is that ghost guy evil?”

He grabs the filly with his magic and holds her in front of him.
>Filly:”Ow! Uncle lucky you’re hurting me.”
>?:”Damn Ah shouldn’t have trusted you.”
His ears twitch in panic as her slowly backs away towards a wall.
wait for him to back into the stairs, then fly/charge him. no sword out because of the filly, but make him misstep into the stairs and stumble.
We're a pretty trustworthy pony most of the time.
It would have been smarter to run since we're invisible and he doesn't know where we'll attack from.
Fly up towards his right and punch directly into his face.
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“Well I’m a pretty trustworthy pony most of the time, just not when it comes to outright wicked ponies like you.”
You charge forward.
After a short leap you are to his right.
He doesn’t even see it coming as you hit him full force into the face.

The little filly falls to the ground and runs away crying.
She hides in the toy house.

Uncle Lucky, how she called him, lies on the floor in front of you, he is holding his chin while wincing in pain.
horn ownership rights have been revoked.
Draw a mirror and call out to hekate. We're going to finish this guy off in the castle dungeon and away from the filly.
This. Nice and cleanly at the base.
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Time to neutralize his biggest thread, the horn.
With a well aimed strike you snap his horn off, nice and clean at the base.

He starts to scream.
Oh Celestia the screaming.
It’s deafening.

You do your best to ignore him for now.
This is not the right place to finish this, not in front of the filly.
You draw a transmutation circle and turn a small piece of the wall into a mirror.

Again you call out for Hekate, this time she arrives way faster.
>Hekate:”Oh you went after him without me? What if he had bested you?”
“As you can see I had everything under control.”
>Hekate:”Well I see what was once a unicorn, but not how much damage you took.”
“None, thanks to my invisibility.”
>Hekate:”So what now? Do you want me to get rid of this guy?”
“For now we take him to the castles dungeon.”
>Hekate:”What about the fillies?”
“It’s just one, part of the reason why I want him to take there is so she doesn't have to witness anything.”
>Hekate:”Let’s just hope she doesn’t do anything stupid while you are taking care of him.”

With the help of Hekate you transport him to the castle's dungeon.
Cloudy unlike the other cultist Pumpkin is no longer here.
You throw Uncle Luck on the floor.
oh fuck we left the filly alone. have hektake hold him, then go make sure the room shes in is atleast locked or something. also reassure her that we're not going to leave her alone.

Actually, do we need to talk to him just yet? the dungeon is secure. shackle him to the wall and give him a day with an open wound in a dungeon to think about how co-operative he wants to be. In the meantime we can search his house for documents about the other fillies, names of customers, ingredients used in potions and which types were administered, etc.
Well lucky you did a lot of bad things so I have taken it upon myself to correct this. Had you made other choices your life would have ended differently.

But you can do some good before you die. How many foals have you sold and to who?

She shouldn't be going anywhere, at least not soon. Sure about keeping him prisoner? The chains are probably really old and will break. They might also not be there.
I dunno, i just read that line from hektate and its making me paranoid about leaving the filly.

Lets just get it over with now. the last time i looked away from a badguy in a cyoa he got away.
should we offer him the mercy of a quick death for cooperating and if he doesn't we'll burn him?

Don't worry about the filly, I don't expect her to leave the toy house any time soon. She's probably crying and rolled up into a ball from the screaming she heard earlier of her beloved uncle.

The hardest part of this is convincing her that her uncle was bad and we had to take him away.
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You start to talk to Uncle Lucky.
“Well Lucky, you did a lot of bad things, so I have taken it upon myself to correct this. But here is one last chance to do something good before you die. How many foals have you sold and to whom?”

He doesn’t answer.
>Hekate:”He might be in a shock because you broke his horn.”
“Is there a way he can recover?”
>Hekate:”Time and medical attention.”
“Can you not cast a healing spell or something?”
>Hekate:”Nope sorry.”

Maybe he is just ignoring you intentional.
You grab him by the throat.
“Last chance, either you tell me where those foals are or I going to burn you slowly.”
>Uncle Lucky:”f-fuck you.”
That’s it, he lost his chance.

You slam him on the ground and ram the sword in his lower tummy.
The magical energies set it ablaze nearly instantly.

Lucky starts to burn from the inside.
The sound, the smell, his struggling, and the look are disgusting.
Hekate throws up into a corner of the room.

After it’s done you feel bad, he was really suffering in his last moments.
Yes, he was a monster, but does that justify yourself acting like a monster?

Stopping for now, will continue Sunday.

Have a nice weekend.
>Yes, he was a monster, but does that justify yourself acting like a monster?
in this case, yeah sure.
We'll sleep like a baby tonight.
Go check on the foal.
Fuck. I did not want to kill him that way...

You Alchemy players are brutal as fuck. Speed is brutal as fuck.
I didn't want this
One way or another he had to die. Could we have done it gentler? We could have. But let's also remind ourselves of those other fillies that were sold and the kind of life they might be living now. I have no regrets about it at all.
Hey Hekate, you alright?

Time to take that filly to an orphanage and then we can help with our spirit totems problem.
If he hadn't taken the time to explane how he broke the mind of a filly i might have felt bad, but fuck that guy he was an asshole.
You mean the ones that will never be found because we killed the only guy who knows where they are?
well he wasn't talking
given that nobody actually voted to kill him immediately, i doubt alchemy is going to screw us and make them unsaveable. Most likely we're just moving the story along quicker.
We could also give Cleo that secret softer now that we're here. Not like it would take that long would it?
a good stop
i hope hekate is still our side
Well she didn't have any qualms about killing him.
maybe its just the way
be pretty odd if she wasn't given how casual she was about killing guards when we were freeing the changelings.

didnt expect her to be someone who'd get queasy.
we can ask how she would have preferred to do it. Would she rather have hanged him or something else?
She probably would have just stabbed him in the stomach too.
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No, after all he did he deserved this.

Hopefully Hekate didn’t take it the wrong way, she didn’t have anything against killing Lucky prior.
“Everything all right Hekate?”
>Hekate:”Sure, I just couldn’t stand the smell. But Speed, couldn’t you have, like, killed him a little faster?”
“Sure, but he deserved to suffer. Maybe I lost myself in the emotions a little.”
>Hekate:”So do you have any Idea where those other fillies are?”
“Hekate, you are rubbing salt into my wounds. I was hoping to get it out of him, but he wouldn’t talk. He had some documents generally describing the process. If he was stupid enough to keep that around, he might have some sort of customer register or something.”
>Hekate:”All right, maybe we should split up, one takes care and calms the filly and the other searches his house for other documents.”
Alright, maybe there is still some hope.
Oh wait what about Cleo, you nearly forgot.
“Sounds good. But before we go back I have something really quick to do in the castle.”
>Hekate:”Seriously, again? Fine I’ll be waiting here. Again.”
You can’t help but feel a little bad for Hekate.
“I’ll give my best to make it as fast as possible.”

You dash up the stairs back into the main hall.
So how do you even use a secret softener?
Uh, maybe if you just jam it into her mouth…

The liquid flows down her petrified throat.
Soon you see cracks on the stone surface, and piece by piece Cleo comes back to life.
>Clementine:”W-What? Shouldn’t I be dead, what happened?”
I depetrified you, every one else is waiting in the library, you know where that is right? It's down that hall and to the left. Tell numb I'm fine but busy. Can't talk much bye!

Go back to hekate and the filly might not want to talk to us but we can give it a go while she searches.
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“I depertified you.”
>Clementine:”Speed guy is that you? I can’t see you, are my eyes still petrified?”
She panicky starts to feel her face.
“I’m just invisible. Listen I don’t have much time to talk, the others are in the library, down the hall and then to the left. Tell Numb that I’m fine but busy. Bye.”
You leave without giving the perplexed sphinx a chance to question you anymore.

Back in the dungeon you and Hekate move through the mirror back into the basement of Lucky’s house.
“Okay you search the house I take care of the filly.”
>Hekate:”Are you sure? I mean you are still invisible and I don’t know how much she heard of you before you attacked this guy. So she might be especially scared of you.”
“I’ll try my best to interact with her.”
>Hekate:”Okay fine, if you want to do it like that.”
Hekate walks upstairs as you approach the toy house.
You can hear the filly whimpering inside.

“Hello there, everything is all right.”
No answer, in fact even the whimpers stop.
Ask if she's ok. She's not hurt is she?
Tell her that she's safe and that you're not going to hurt her.
Apologize for scaring her and tell her you got a little too rough with uncle lucky but he's alright now. A doctor is seeing him.
Ask if she can come out of the house.
Then tell her that uncle lucky was a bad pony who took things that weren't his. He's going to jail for a long time.
i feel bad for this filly
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“Are you okay? You aren’t hurt, right?”
No answer.
“You are safe, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Still nothing.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I might got a little to rough with Uncle Lucky, but he is all right now. A doctor is seeing him.”
A faint voice speaks from inside the toy house.
>?:”W-why did you attack him?”
“Could you please come out of the toy house?”
>?:”N-no not until I know what is with Uncle Lucky.”
“Listen, Uncle Lucky was a bad pony who took things that weren’t his.”
>?:”Is this why you attacked him? Did he take something from you? Listen Uncle Lucky was nice, he would play with me and take care of me. He even gave me sweets when I was a good filly.”
“No Uncle Lucky was a bad pony, he’s going to jail for a long time.”
She starts to cry.
>?:”But what about me, Uncle Lucky is the only one I have.”
You poke through one of the windows.
The filly is lying curled up in a corner of the toy house.
Don't worry, there are other ponies that will and would want to take care of you.
Do you know what an orphanage is? That's where you will live now. You'll also get to be with other fillies and colts that don't have anyone else either, it'll be like having a lot of brothers and sisters.
And then one day somepony will come along and adopt you and you'll have a mommy, a daddy or both.
We could just keep her.
And have TWO fillies to keep an eye on? I dunno man. Though you're right. We could just keep her. We need to give her a hug as soon as she out of that house.
I suppose we can offer to take her if she really doesn't want to go to the orphanage though we're going to have a lot of explaining to do.
>"where'd you get that filly?"
"Adopted her."
>"you can't just adopt random fillies speed."
"Too late, can't stop the speed train and it's already left the station."
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“Don’t worry, there are other ponies that will and would want to take care of you.”
>?:”Uncle Lucky told me about that, he said that he will give me to a new master that will take care of me. Are you that?”
Another filly to take care for? You like that Idea, but it will be hard to explain this.
”Well, do you know what an orphanage is?”
“It’s a place for fillies like you who don’t have anyone else either. It will be like in a big family with a lot of brothers and sisters. And some day somepony will come along and adopt you and you’ll have a mommy, a daddy or both.”
She is crying even more.
>?:”I-I don’t have anyone else… I want to stay with Uncle Lucky!”
“P-please we can find something for you. So Lucky said that there will be somepony who he will give you to, right?”
“So he kinda gave you to me, didn’t he?”
>?:”Yes, he said that you would play with me. Does that mean you are my new master?”
Master, that doesn’t sound right.
“Yes, kinda, but please don’t call me master. Would you please come out of the toy house?”
>?:”O-okay m- how should I call you?”
“For now you can just call me Speed.”
She steps out of the toy house, still sniffling.
You give her a long hug.
She seems surprised by the sudden invisible cuddle assault.
As you wrap your hooves around her she also turns invisible.
>?:“So, will I stay with you like Uncle Lucky said or will I live in this orphanage?”

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
>Cant have foals with sako
>adopt half of equestria instead
I'm down.
so you're up for taking this filly?
sure. well, we'd have to talk about it with the rest of our family before deciding.
Let's at least take care of her temporarily and after we patch things up with Sako we pitch the idea.
I don't expect them to say much on the subject since they usually tell us to do what we want.
Swirl is the wild card. She will either love the idea or hate it.
She might think she has to compete for our attention or she won't want to share her toys.
Looks like we're getting the filly. We'll take extra good care of her.
we could still attempt to find another home
Something to note is that the reason Honeydrop was colorblind is because of the ring on her horn that canceled her magic. It's a possibility that the ring on this filly might have had the same effect on her vision. Either way we need to search this house.
We could just leave her at the orphanage for that couldn't we? We don't need to personally put the filly in a home.
We need to get that ring off on her right hoof.
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You have to ask Sako before making such decisions, and before you can ask her you first have to come back on good terms with her.
It’s best to at least take care of the filly till till the decision is made.
There is also that ring that is inside her leg, You have to find someway to get that thing off.
“You can stay with me for now.”

You walk up the stairs, halfway up you turn back and see the filly standing in front of the doorframe.
“What is it? It’s okay you can come up.”
>?:”Won’t I get shocked if I try to leave the basement?”
“Wait, what? Did Lucky told you that?”
>?:”Yes, don’t tell Uncle Lucky, but I also tried to go out once. It hurt.”
With Lucky gone the magic might have expired.
“Well why don’t you try to get out, if Uncle Lucky really wanted you to leave with me he should have lifted that spell, right.”
She takes a step through the door and whinnies happily.
Good at least the magic on that thing has gone.

You look around for Hekate when you suddenly hear a bang from upstairs.
Hopefully Hekate is okay, better to check it out.
You sprint upstairs, and enter the first room that has an opened door.
Something is burning on the ground… Is that a phoenix?
“Everything alright?”
>Hekate:”Yeah, just got attacked by this phoenix while I was searching these documents.”
“Found anything so far? How can I help?”
>Hekate:”The documents in the kitchen state that the rings he placed on the fillies can be used to track them. I’m searching for a description on that spell, you could try the other rooms on this floor. But I doubt that there will be anything, this seems to be his studying room.”
You take a moment to look around the room, big bookshelves, a desk, a table with a map, a cage probably for the phoenix, a nice alchemy table, and a still closed door.
>Hekate:”Oh and Speed, your invisibility potion ran out.”
Ponies can finally see our handsome muzzle again. Let's check the books and the map.
Loot the alchemy table.
We can still look around the house later. (maybe steal some bits he has)
Any alchemy recipes?

Check another room and ask filly for her name.
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You begin to search the room.
Of course the alchemy table is the first thing on your list.
Nothing in the distilling devices and flasks, however you find three recipes stashed in here.
One that forces a pony to speak the truth after it was consumed.
Truth serum: aqua - lumen - ventus.
One that makes you lose your memories.
Potion of lost memories(special): honey - effigia - humus - aqua
And a normal health potion one.

You continue your search and find a few basic alchemy ingredients, at least 10 of each.
Not sure which one would be the best, will be a hard decision.

Next thing you decide to look at the map.
This is equestria, though some places on the map are circled.
You’re not sure what this means.
Maybe Hekate could know, but you rather not distract her from searching.

Seems like this room doesn’t offer anymore.
Time to check on the next one.
You open the door and find what looks a lot like a smeltery.
In the middle of the room is a small ring formed casting basim.
This must be where he created the rings.
Besides metal and a couple of other smithing equipment you find nothing of interest.

Well then, might as well build a stronger bond with the new filly.
You turn around and realize that she didn’t even enter the studying room.
Instead she sits in front of the room just waiting.
“Hey there everything alright?”
>?:”Uncle Lucky said that he didn’t want anyone else to enter his studying room.”
“Oh… Well, what is your name anyway, it’s only fair that I know it, you know mine too.”
>Cinnamon Sweets:”My name is Cinnamon Sweets, Uncle Speed.”

From the room you hear Hekate shout in joy.
>Hekate:”Got it!”

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Tell Cinnamon that we didn't know about that rule and we're sorry about breaking it. Is there anywhere else in the house that we're not allowed to go?
Tell Cinnamon you'll be right back. Go talk to Hekate and see what she found out. Ask if it says anything about getting the ring off.
Sorry my head hurts, have to cancel today's session.

Good news, I will be home over the weekend so we can have a session on Friday and Saturday.
thanks for the headsup, hope you feel well soon
Hope it's good news
Take care of yourself alchemy.
we'll have to consult on that map later
Think Hekate will carry those ingredients for us? Or maybe we can just ask her to come back here later? Either way we can take that aether and effiga since that's the hardest to find after that it's ventus.
might not hurt to ask anyway
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“Oh sorry I didn’t know about that rule. Say is there anywhere else in the house we’re not allowed?”
>Cinnamon Sweets:”No everything else is alright to go in.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”

You reenter the room, Hekate has placed a scroll on the map and is investigating it.
“So any good news? Did you find how to remove those rings from the fillies?”
>Hekate:”Remove them? I guess the best way would be to consult some kind of doctor about that. I thought that I should find out how to locate the fillies, which I did.”
“Those are also very good news. So how does it work?”
>Hekate:”You’ll need some sort of map, then you cast a spell that turns the map into a grid that scans for the rings specific magic and shows them on the map.”
Magic stuff? Sounds like she kept it simple, still you didn’t quite get it.
“Can you do it?”
>Hekate:”Shouldn’t be too hard, let me try.”
Her horns starts to glow and shortly after, small glowing dots appear on the map.
Three in the everfree, and single ones all over the map, in the middle of the badlands, in the forbidden jungle, in the macintosh hills, in the foal mountains, in the Galloping Gorge.
You are a little stunned by the pure amount of marks on the map.
Fuck Uncle Lucky.
>Hekate:”So what will you do now? Tell the guard?”
“I have to think about it Hekate. It will be hard to explain the authorities how I found out about this.”
>Hekate:”Tell them that you found this house in the middle of the everfree forest, totally empty. Though the filly might be a problem in this, since she saw you and Lucky.”

“Say Hekate something different, could you help me carry some stuff back to ponyville?”
>Hekate:”Depends on what you are talking about, It wouldn’t require too much work.”
“Some of the Alchemy ingredients, maybe a few toys.”
>Hekate:”Sure, I can do that.”
Guess we'll ask Lanika because a hospital doctor is going to ask questions.

I also don't trust the guard that much because of possible corruption. Lucky thought he could buy his way out and "evidence getting lost" would be one way.
We could also write an anonymous letter.

Thank Hekate for helping you transport all these alchemy ingredients. Let's help the other two fillies in the everfree since they're the closest. We can leave cinnamon at our camp?
Tell Cinny that she's coming with us and to gather any toys she wants to take.
camp as in the castle or ponyville?
Ponyville. The castle would be too dangerous.
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You tell Cinny to show you her favorite toys and that you soon will leave.
Back in the basement she insists on taking the toy oven she was playing with earlier, also a tea set and a small group of dolls.
Hekate helps you loading off the stuff into a mirror and transports you back to ponyville.

By now platinum is working on the engine, it looks a lot more complex than before.
Swirl is running towards you.
She is carrying a doll made out of, what seems to be, the old wagon plane.
>Sand Swirl:”Look Daddy, Masquerade helped me making- Who is that?”

Swirl looks curious at Cinny
Sako flies up from Swirls head, landing on your hat.
>Sachiko:”Yeah, who is that?”
its a long story sako.

This is Cinnamon Sweets, I was hoping you could play with her for a bit Swirl while I talk to sako.
What a cute doll you have Swirl. Finish your story first and then I'll tell you mine.

This is cinnamon swirl and we're going to be taking care of her because her uncle isn't able to anymore. Cinnamon this is Swirl and the breezie is Sako. There are other ponies you'll need to meet but we'll take care of that later. I hope you two can get along.

We should put all the alchemy ingredients we got in our inventory. We should also go to ponyville library and ask the little creature if there is a way to cure poison joke.

Or would Hekate like to get to those other two fillies in the forest as soon as possible?
Introduce them and in private tell Sako Cinny's story and maybe we should try to work on patching things up with her. Isn't she still mad over the whole harem thing?
“You got a really cute doll there Swirl, finish your story then I’ll tell you mine.”
>Sand Swirl:”Well I made this doll, that is all.”
It looks actually very good considering the source material it’s quite impressive.
“This is Cinnamon Sweets, we will be taking care of her for a while since her uncle won’t be able to anymore. Cinnamon this is Swirl and the breezie is Sako. Swirl could you play with Cinny for a bit, so me and Mommy can talk.”
>Sand Swirl:”Okay, come Cinny, I’ll show you my toys.”
Cinny looks up to you, searching for approval.
You nod and she runs off together with Swirl.

“Uh Hekate, could you just drop the stuff of next to my wagon? It’s the one with the plants and the oven on it.”
>Hekate:”Sure, what about those other fillies?”
“Do you want to get them out as soon as possible?”
>Hekate:”Well I don’t want to know them any longer than necessary in this sort of situation. At least we should tell the guard or someone.”
“I’m not sure about the guard, they could get out because of corruption.”
>Sachiko:”I’m not sure what your are talking about, but if the guard is bothering you maybe you could try to deliver the message directly to the princesses.”
“Well I was thinking about writing an anonymous letter.”
>Hekate:”If you don’t have the time for it I’ll take care of it. I would be better for that sort of thing anyway, since you don’t even know the exact locations.”
“Just give me a moment to think about it, and tell Sako the whole story, she often has some good ideas.”
>Hekate:”Okay, I’ll just drop your stuff in your wagon and return after that.”
Hekate leaves.

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You begin to tell Sako the story of Uncle Lucky and how you infiltrated his house and saved the filly.
>Sachiko:”How did you find out about this guy and his work?”
You tell her about the cult and the dungeon.
>Sachiko:”Well if you trusted Hekate with this filly, then why not trust her now. I mean you have other things to than to chase after some ponies. Also I rather know you safe, and with these kind of ponies you never know.”
“What about Cinny?”
>Sachiko:”Do you really want to keep her?”
“She has no place else to stay, and I’m always for a bigger family.”
>Sachiko:”I don’t think it’s a good Idea to drag all these fillies with us on such a long journey. Let’s focus on advancing our family once you reached your goal, depending on if it’s still possible leave Cinny in an orphanage in ponyville and adopt her on the normal way once we are settling down.”

Hekate returns.
>Hekate:”So did you made a decision?”


stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Psh, we could take those punks but it's nice to know sako worries.
I was thinking of leaving the fillies at platinum's house once we got way up north anyway. Just ask Hekate to transport her.

Yeah, you can go on your own hekate. I suppose we did enough with alerting her of this problem and giving her a way to track them.
We also gotta help the timber pony, what is their problem exactly?
Then we head to the library and find a way to fix poison joking.
i'm going to miss just walking into mirrors.
still trying to stay in sako's better graces again so it might be best
also gets exponentially harder to keep more fillies, what we need to do is see them to a good home
You're right Sako. I just hate to see foals suffer.
We can also go out to the forest and look for that river serpent we were told about.
That's a good point, I'd forgotten
>Killing Uncle Lucky
Bunch of faggots you are.
I think we're supposed to have two empty bottles because one was the invisibility potion and the other was for the secret softer. Also let's take one of the empty bottles, fill it with water inside the inn and then water our plants.
you could have stopped it
“Yeah, you can go on your own Hekate. ”
>Hekate:”Alright, if you need some help or want to trade, just call out for me like you did in the castle.”
With a flash she teleports away.

You turn back to Sako.
“I was thinking of leaving the fillies at Platinum’s house once we got to the north, but I guess you are right. It’s just that I hate to see foals suffer.”
>Sachiko:”Who would you leave back to keep an eye on the fillies?”
“Uh, right, maybe someone would volunteer.”
>Sachiko:”Right… So will you stay here for the rest of the day or head out again? It’s only around one hour till evening.”
So much you still have to do.
You still need to help the timber pony with it’s problem.
Then there is the river serpent of which you still need the tooth.
Of course you also have to get things back to normal with Sako.
“I still have a lot of things to do, I will see if that can wait or not. I’ll water my plants and think of it while doing so.”
>Sachiko:”Take your time, you don’t mind me staying up here while you go around for that. I don’t want to waste your time by setting me on someone else's head.”
“I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t. So that gives me a chance to introduce you to my second newest friend.”

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You pull out your totem.
“See in here is the spirit of a timber pony. She said we can call her Brown Bark. There is a problem I promised to help her with.”
You can hear her voice echo from the totem.
>Brown Bark:”Oh good you didn’t forget.”
“So what exactly IS your problem?”
>Brown Bark:”Well- Oh- There is a place in the forest, a clearing, and on this clearing is a rock with a sword stuck in it. The sword is magical and spreads corruption through the forest, making normal forest spirits go mad, you know those spirits as timberwolves. It is protected by a spell, so you can’t just simply remove it, but I think with what you did to those timberwolves in the forest you might have a chance.”
“Alright, how urgent is it?”
>Brown Bark:”One or two more days won’t hurt anything, but I would like to get my body back as soon as possible.”
Right, you’ll also have to take care of that.
You finish watering the plants.

Would it be hard to find? We can just fly to it, land and then shoot it with magic fire. We should still have one shot left in our sword unless we used it on uncle lucky.
If that's the case let's use the overcharged mana potion.
It is kind of a tricky situation
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“So Timber Pony, is it hard to find? I could just fly there, land, and shoot it with magic fire.”
You still have enough mana potion in your magical Sword for one more attack.
>Brown Bark:”No, there is not much that is stopping you from doing that. You still have to pull the sword out of the rock after it.”
Looks like it could be done quickly, but do you want to do it right now?
we'll stay here. tell swirl and cinnamon a story and then we can get rid of that sword in the ground.
We'll also head to the castle and finally activate that hidden switch, put a mirror inside and then close it again going there the next day.
Might still be better to prepare a little first too so we're not caught flat-footed after expending the charge.
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It’s probably best to stay here, prepare, and head out later after you put the girls to sleep.
You put the totem back away.
“Hey Sako, guess what, I’ll spend the rest of the evening here.”
>Sachiko:”That is great.”
It’s a little too early to tell the fillies a bedtime story, so what should you do next?
Suck up to Sako.
Let's devote some time to Sako, it's been a while
Make a fire breathing potion
Fire lizard teeth ( Igni ) + Firefly ( Lumen-Ventus )
yep. we've been busy for awhile, havent had time to hang out and be a couple.
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"So Sako is there anything you want to do, I'd like to spend some time with you."
>Sachiko:”They have a theater here in ponyville, we could go watch a movie.”
“Sounds good, let me just quickly fix up a potion.”
You combine a lizard tooth and a dead firefly to create a fire breathing potion.
After stashing the potion into your inventory, you head out for the theater.

They have three movies running right now, downtown endurance 2, falsehood, and lathy moniker.
The first movie poster shows a bunch of ponies standing in a urban cityline.
On the second one there is a family locked inside a house with purple mushroom monsters outside of the house.
The third one shows a unicorn with strange markings, attached to some strings, and three ponies at the ends of those strings.
“So Sako, any preferences.”
>Sachiko:”I don’t know any of them, I’m alright with whatever you choose.”e to spend some time with you."

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
watch falsehood since it's about a stallion protecting his family and we can relate to that.
when the movie is over go to the inn.
We have to wait for the book pony to actually leave the library in order to get those books because they're camping there now. Think if we make a mirror there we ask hekate to make a portal and we can tell him "oh just read the rest in ponyville where it's safe"
I could go for Falsehood because I liked the mushroom quest. My second pick would be the one with the strings, that sounds interesting.
I hope white wave doesn't wander around the streets and scare someone.
“Let’s watch Falsehood, I like that it features a family.”
You buy two tickets for the movie and enter the theater.
The movie trailers start,
One sticks out particular, royal guard endurance 2, it seems to be about a by humans occupied equestria.
The ponies are suffering, but there is an underground resistance.
Which somehow comes into the possession of an old spaceship to fight back..
You heard about the first one, a classic, this one seems a little strange and dumb in comparison.

Finally the movie starts.
It’s a normal farmer family, earth pony father and mother and a very active pegasus daughter.
She reminds you slightly of Swirl, which only immerse you more into the movie.
A hole opens in one of their fields and soon fairies, mushrooms and other evil spirits start haunting the family.
One of the fairies even slightly resembles a breezie, though it’s a bad guy.
>Sachiko:”Ofcourse the one time a breezie appears in a pony movie it’s evil.”
The father manages to defend his family thanks to his batpony friend, but as the more and more monsters appear they finally decide to run away from their home.
On their way to the next city they encounter more twisted forest spirits but manage to fend them off.
The movie ends with them setting up a camp to sleep for the night, reflecting about what happened to them and that even though they lost their home, they are happy to still be alive and together.
It was a good movie, the relations between the characters were very well fleshed out, and you were thrilled by every monster fight.
However you kinda felt left down by the end, it was a little unsatisfying.
The director probably left room for a sequel.

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You leave the theater.
“So Sako did you enjoy it?”
>Sachiko:”It was kinda scary. Not in a oh my god this monster is so horrifying scary but in a I hope nothing happens to the characters scary.”
“Yeah I know what you mean. Anything else you want to do or do you want to walk back to the inn?”
>Sachiko:”Let’s get something quick to eat on the way so we can eat together.”
“Alright, are hayburgers okay?”
>Sachiko:”I would rather have some Chineigh.”
“Fine with me.”
You take a short stop in a Chineigh restaurant and order some grilled rice with vegetables to go.

After a short walk you arrive back at the inn, the setting sun paints the sky in a beautiful red.
ask masquerade how she is. Ask what's got her looking down.
lovely evening isn't it
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You approach Masquerade.
Form the distance she looked down, but as you get closer you realize she is just measuring something.
“Hey Masquerade, how are you?”
>Masquerade:”Oh hey Speed, I’m fine thanks. Platinum asked me if I could take a look at the woodwork of the wagon. Say what do you think if I would carve a mask into the outside, maybe that could give us some form of protection magic.”
“Well I don’t see a reason to not take an advantage, is there any downside?”
>Masquerade:”It might be a waste of time, especially if we don’t get wood that can sustain the mask with magic. Also you know what my masks do, I mean all of them have beneficial abilities but they also can be negative. I think casting the pride spell on the mask could make the construction a little more resistant. However being inside the wagon might put us under the same effect as putting on a pride mask.”
You remember the last time you put one of those masks on you, not a pleasant memory.
The spirit in our totem might know about putting magic in wood. Ask her where we can find such wood. We might also be able to figure out a way for the magic to not effect anyone inside the wagon.

swirl will want her story soon. better go tell her one.
hmm, it is a bit risky, isn't it
Might still come down to removing the corruption first, though.
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“I might know someone who knows where we can find wood for that purpose.”
There is also the wood Platinum wanted from the castle, the one in Luna’s bedroom.
Once again you consult your totem.
“Hey Brown Bark, I was thinking, do you know of any magical wood?”
>Brown Bark:”Sure, how about I tell you about it once we dealt with my problem in the forest.”
“I already promised you to do it, can’t you just tell me?”
>Brown Bark:”No can do.”
“Oh great. Anyway, Masquerade, I think it’s a good Idea as long we can figure out a way for the magic to not effect anyone inside the wagon.”
>Masquerade:”Any Idea?”
“Maybe some form of seal? By using the principles of magical flow used in alchemy circles we might be able to redirect the magic, or keep it out of the wagon completely. If White Wave knows how to store magic in crystals than we might be able to use that.”
>Masquerade:”Sounds amazing, maybe we have to sit together and work at that at some point.”
“I’ll see when I’ll find time for that, probably not till the day after tomorrow. For now I’ll have to look after the fillies, bye Masquerade.”

You walk into the inn, and up to your group’s room.
First you check your own room.
Jitter and the two fillies are here.
Somehow they moved the toy oven up here and are playing with it.
>Sachiko:”Let’s eat before you bring them to bed.”
You share what little you got with Swir, Cinny, and Sako.
It’s not really satisfying your hunger, but still nice to spend some time with the family.
After that you place the two fillies in the bed, they don’t mind sharing the same bed.
“So what kind of story would you like to hear?”
>Sand Swirl:”Not sure anything about Ghosts?”
You quickly scan through the book till you find a Ghost story, it’s a story about a friendly ghost who is searching for his shadow.
He makes friends and races against the time on the way.
The fillies fall asleep before you can finish the story, looks like they spend all their energy playing.
If we're hungry go eat the chips that we have in the wagon. We can also eat those pack noodles.
If we're tired go to sleep after eating.
If we're not we can take care of that thing in the woods now and then just sleep at the library castle when we're done.
Gosh they're cute! Really need to find a way to get that ring of her.
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“Okay, I’ll be heading out again, Sako you wanna stick around?”
>Sachiko:”I’ll stay with you for the rest of the day.”
>Jitterbug:”You leaving already? Can I join too? I would like to stretch my legs a little.”
“I guess you can come along. I will just do something in the forest.”

On the way out, you grab a bag of chips from your inventory.
Platinum and White wave are still working on that engine.
You wave them as you move past.

The flight through the forest is hard, you have to avoid some storm clouds, but with the guidance of brown bark you arrive at the clearing.
The whole sword and the ground around it are covered in thorny vines.
They are spreading from the sword to some mountain, covering it completely.
This mountain looks foreign compared to the scenery.
It's times like these that I wish green was here.

Point your sword at the sword and unleash a magical fire wave. It will hopefully be that easy.
Tell us when we're done brown bark.
After that we head to the castle.
I'm so curious about this
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You unleash your final burst of mana potion towards the sword.
The flames consume the vines and lay the sword free.
”Tell me when we are done Brown Bark.”
>Brown Bark:”Yes very good, now just pull the sword out, but you have to be fast, it will try to consume the magic inside you and grow vines out of it.”
“Wait, what? Gotta act fast in that case.”
You sprint up to the sword and grab it.
The vines start bursting out of your hooves, the pain is enormous.
Even worse the sword doesn’t even budge.
Damn you have to put all your strength in this. You rip your hoof away from the sword, and stem them against the ground.
You grip the sword with your mouth and pull with your full body strength.
The vines start to rip up your cheek but the sword finally gives in and comes out from the stone.
You try to drop it, but it’s already grown close to your head, so you yank it off with your front hooves.
That leaves your face ripped open.
Hopefully it’s just the skin, you wouldn’t want permanent scars on your face.

You hear the sound of grinding rocks coming from the mountain.
As you look at it you see a door opening.
Before you can react a ball of blue fire flies from the door and hits you.
The pain is enormous as the flames hush over your side.
You fall to the ground, rolling around to suffocate the fire.
This is bad, you are in a pretty bad condition.

As you look to the mountain again you see a skeletal pony stepping out of the door.
stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
Refill sword chamber with overcharge potion we presumably brought with us (It was suggested earlier), then consult your companions on whether to flee or fight.
welp, it would be dangerous like that
Why the hell is there a skeleton here?
Ask brown bark if they know anything about the skeleton.
Attempt to communicate with Skeleton. Like asking who they are.
Retreat is preferable
skeleton is probably related to the sword
Geez, that's nasty.
So which would be better, lanika's bandages or going to our wagon, making a health potion, putting an aether in it and then drinking it?

I think we should go for lanika. It's easier, it's closer and mostly because I want to see speed's face wrapped up
It's just a flesh wound
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You have to get out of here and get to Lanika, but you doubt that you will manage that without a fight.

“Are you okay Sako?”
>Sachiko:”I’m fine, but what about you.”
“My wing might be damaged, also my face is torn up.”
>Sachiko:”Do you have health potions with you? Is the wing so bad that you can’t run?”
“No, no health potions. About my wing, I’m not sure, I would need to stress it to know.”
Jitter jumps in front of you.
>Jitterbug:”Speed, are you okay? What is this?”
“I’m roughed up, but that won’t stop me. About that thing, no Idea, but I know who just might know about it.”
You pull out your totem.
“So Brown Bark, what is this skeleton doing here.”
She sounds happy.
>Brown Bark:”That is my master he was imprisoned in this rock for over 200 years. The sword you just removed from the stone was keeping him imprisoned. Do you know how hard it is to find someone who can cancel this sort of magic, I must thank you for that.”
Damn she tricked you.

You struggle back to your hooves and change the empty bottle in your sword for the overloaded mana potion.
“Do you guys think we should run, or fight?”
>Jitterbug:”You should get out of here, just run, I’ll try to buy you some time.”
No way you would leave one of your friends behind.
I'm glad we never took her out of that totem.
We don't need to move a lot to use our flame thrower sword. If you can't lift it with your right hoof lift it with your left.
Now point and shoot and see what happens.
Bye skeleton.
Coaxed into a snafu. Can't trust all the girls. Guess we've got an evil totem.
Speed's pretty fucked up. What's the worst shape he's ever gotten into?
This is probably it. While wrestling though his wing was knocked against a post.
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You try to lift your sword, luckily your legs were mostly unharmed by the fire.
“Jitter, step aside for a moment.”
She does like you told her.
You point your sword at the skeleton and fire.
A stream of white fire shoots out of the blade.
The heat is so high that your own hoof gets seared by it.

A few meters away from you the skeleton gets hit by the flame, at least it looks like that.
After the stream of fire ends you see the remaining flames getting compressed into a small ball.
The skeleton itself is completely unharmed.
For the first time the skeleton speaks.
>Skeleton:”Oh you can still stand? Interesting, the soul fire should have ignited your inner magic and burned you completely.”
He throws the fire back, but you manage to duck behind your sword.

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
well I'm glad not to be dead yet
i had a feeling that would happen but i was hoping it wouldn't.
It can always get worse
we have two choices. run now. or splitting up from jitter and come at the skeleton from two directions.

we can also start drawing a circle and make a mirror and bring hekate into this.

I'm personally for splitting up and attacking from two directions.
I suggest a tactical retreat. Head back to get ourselves fixed up and more prepared.
what if he follows? he's loose now
I want to retreat too but I also don't want an evil skeleton walking around on my conscious.
if we die we have no conscience
yeah there aren't many scenarios I can imagine where we win this.
what can we do to get help
make a mirror, call out to hekate, have her take us to ponyville while she and jitter keep an eye on the skeleton, bring platinum and masquerade and run to the mirror in town.
Call out hekate again, ( i hope she doesn't have to be on our side to open the mirror) she opens the portal again and we jump in and now it's 5 on 1.

we can also make an invisibility potion and health potion while we're in town.
If you want to make a potion say which ingredients you want.
good thing we got those basic ingredients recently.
Lumen+humus= health potion + aether added
drink as soon as it's made.
make another two for others just in case.
effigia + ventus=invisibility + aether added

put magical fire gem away and the plushie.

aqua+ventus= agility potion+ aether for jitter.
This is bad, really bad, you can’t fight in this condition.
The thought of a skeleton just running around wildly, makes you uneasy, but you rather live to fight this thing another day than to die here.
After all Swirl is waiting for you at the inn.
You quickly draw a transmutation circle on the ground, and activate it to create a mirror.
Right in time for it to block a blue fireball that was thrown at you.
Luckily the mirror is unaffected by the fire.
You call out for Hekate as Jitter dodges another fireball that was meant for her.
The mirror starts to glow just as yet another fireball gets hurled at you.
It flies right into the mirror.
Damn, your really hope that didn’t hurt Hekate.
You see a flash of light right next to the skeleton, a moment later, Hekate is standing right next to it, a sword in her mouth, piercing through the skeletons body.
“Hey great to see you Hekate, could you please open a portal to ponyville? I’ll get reinforcements and some more supplies.”
Another flash and she stands next to you.
Is her hair singed?
>Hekate:”You look pretty bad, just go through the portal.”
“Thanks. Jitter please help her keeping an eye on that thing.”
You turn around and pass through the mirror as a fireball straight up flies through Hekate’s magical shield.

Back in ponyville you limb back to the inn as fast as you can, your wing isn’t able to lift you anymore.
In the inn you burst into Platinum’s room and rouse her up.
>Platinum Nut:”Speed, what happened to you?”
You only manage to pant out the basics.
“Evil Skeleton in the forest. Need help. Get weapons.”
>Platinum Nut:”Uh, alright.”
Next one is Masquerade, this time you have a little more breath to describe the situation.
Masquerade:”Alright, just let me heal you, I might not be as good as Lanika, but at least it will patch you back up a little. ”

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You give them the full story as you prepare some potions.
First a Healing potion for which you take the basic ingredients.
You throw a piece of aether in it to overload the thing, right before you drink it.
It feels good, the pain in your hoof and Wings is eased.
You make another two for the other just in case.
Next thing you make an invisibility potion, which you also overload.
Last you make an overloaded agility potion for Jitter.

Resupplied and with new allies you make your way back to the mirror.
You prepare for the worst as you step through it.

The clearing is a battlefield, mirrors are sticking out of the ground, some parts of the rock have been turned into reflecting surfaces.
The grass on the ground is mostly burned.
On the ground lies what you suppose to be the racks of the skeletons robe, it looks like they just went through a shredder.
You don’t see any skeleton, only Jitter and Hekate who are standing next to each other.
They are partially covered in sooth and Hekate’s hair was burned down to a shorter cut.

Wow. I'm speechless. I thought they would have been stronger then that.
Ask if they're ok. do they need a health potion or a heal from masquerade? Give jitter a hug. Thank hekate for the help. Offer invisibility potion for calling her suddenly. Maybe she can find a use for it in her future. We were going to use it in the fight anyway.

ask brown bark where the magical wood is since were here in the forest anyway. our part of the deal has been completed.

let's go back to the inn and apologize for calling masquerade and platinum for nothing. We can just go to bed now.
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That is surprising, yes you took some time to finish up those potions, but you expected the skeleton to be stronger.
“Hey girls, are you okay?”
Jitterbug:”I’m fine, most of the fireballs only brushed me.”
>Hekate:”My hair, it’s a total mess. Do you know how long it took to grow it to this size. Though seriously, I’m mostly fine. My philosopher's stone broke, but at least no one was hurt to badly.”
“I’m sorry about your stone. I know it’s not of equal value, but you can have my invisibility potion.”
>Hekate:”Well I’m sure I might come across a situation where it will come in handy, thank you.”
You give her the potion.
>Hekate:”If you don’t mind, I will search his cave for anything useful, liches tent to collect some rare stuff.”
“Yeah sure, could you please leave the portal open for a moment?”

You pull out the totem.
“So where is this magical wood you told me about.”
She is suddenly very timid .
>Brown Bark:”you can use any of the woods that grow in this forest, they all have magical properties.”

“Sorry everyone for wasting your time.”
>Masquerade:”How about you invite us to some dinner as a form of amend, nothing too fancy of course.”
>Platinum Nut:”You don’t need to do that.”

You step back to through the portal and arrive back in Ponyville, where you walk straight back to the inn.
You don’t waste too much time and go to bed.
The wounds still hurt a little, but you fall asleep rather quickly.

You begin to dream.
In your dream the moon speaks to you.
>Moon:”Little Pony, I have come to ask you a question. How did you met the filly Cinnamon Sweets?”
uh, what's happening?
Answer the moon. I met her in a basement, in a house in the everfree forest that belonged to a bad pony.
Easily answered, I suppose
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“I found her in a basement, in a house in the everfree forest. The house belonged to a bad pony.”
>Moon:”Where is that house?”
The floor below you transforms into a map of the everfree.
“Well it was here, you point at the place where you found lucky's home.”
>Moon:”I have to thank you Speed, you might just have saved a lot of fillies.”
“Uh thanks, moon.”
The moon bursts open and princess Luna appears.
>Luna:”It was me princess Luna, if you haven’t already realized. What are your plans for Cinnamon Sweets?”
“I wanted to make sure that her hoof is treated correctly, then I would probably left her at the orphanage here in ponyville.”
>Luna:”I will send you some of my personal guard who will take care of her. Say what happened to this bad pony you spoke about?”

stopping for now, will continue tomorrow.
well that's one relief
You thought it was the moon talking to you but it was actually ME, Luna!
Not sure if we should tell the truth but I can't lie to Luna so let's just say " Oh, we dealt with him and he won't be a problem for anypony anymore."

We have someone with a spell that let's you track the fillies from the rings they're wearing and they should be writing an anonymous letter with their locations on it. The spell should also still be at the house.

Ask Luna if she has received any letters recently from somepony named "sand swirl" and if it would be possible for her to write a response that her personal guard can bring when they pick up cinnamon. Please.
We made him "un-alive."
something else i wanna ask is how she's doing. we're asking for a friend who used to work at her castle 1000 years ago and is a ghost.
Sorry no session today, lost track of time playing videa.
Will continue tomorrow.
see you tomorrow
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“It’s really a relief to know that she will be in good hooves. About the pony, I kinda made him uh, un-alive.”
>Luna:”I see. Be warned Speed Thrust, I can understand your action, but such vigilante acts will only lead you to despair.”
“Well, I know someone with a spell that let’s you track the other fillies, they should write you a letter with their locations on it.”
>Luna:”Very well, thank you for that too, I will watch the mail extra carefully.”
“Talking about mail, did you receive a letter from somepony named Sand Swirl?”
>Luna:”Oh yes, your little daughter, I visited her dream earlier to thank her for the letter. Then she told me about Cinnamon Sweets, which was the reason I visited you. She is a very nice filly.”
“Yes, she really is. So how are you doing? I’m asking for a friend who used to work at your castle 1000 years ago, she now is a ghost.”
>Luna:”Oh a pony from that time still remains? Tell her that I’m fine, and that I would love to meet her personally.”

>Luna:”Fine, Speed Thrust if you have nothing else to ask me I’ll let you rest for the remaining night. Two ponies of the night guard will visit you tomorrow evening.”
I guess we can give the gem to the guards as well. Or would luna have time to come with them if she wants to meet white wave? She's kind of bound to it.
Does she know anything about fighting wendigos?
That's the only thing I can think of to ask.
Bow to Luna and wish her a good evening.
this is good for me
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“If you want to meet White Wave should we hand her gem over to your guards? She is bound to that thing. Or would you have time to come with them if you want to meet her?”
>Luna:”I will give them a letter for her, with that she should be able to get to my private rooms.”

“Do you know anything about fighting Wendigos, Luna?”
>Luna:”The fire of friendship can be interpreted either figuratively or literally. Fire will hurt them, I remember the pact we agreed with the dragons. Their fire helped us secure the borders of the north. Harmony and friendship will keep them away from you, but as long you don’t have anything to channel the harmony you won’t be able to hurt them.”

You bow before the princess of the night.
“Thank you for your time Luna, I wish you a good evening.”
Your dream consciousness fades, and you return back to harmless dreams.

The next morning you are woken by Swirl.
She is hopping next to your bed.
>Sand Swirl:”Daddy, Daddy, guess who visited me last night.”
“Uh, let me guess… Princess Luna?”
It seems like she is surprised at your answer.
>Sand Swirl:”How did you knew that?”
It was a lucky guess! Did you enjoy talking with her? Let's go take swirl to the bathroom and then have some breakfast.
after that head to the library and ask if they have a book on how to treat poison joke.
Then we can head to the castle one last time.
“Oh just a lucky guess. Did you enjoy talking to her?”
>Sand Swirl:”Yes very much, sadly I didn’t get an autograph from her.”
“Who knows maybe you’ll have another chance someday.”
>Sand Swirl:”That would be awesome!”
“So how about we each take a shower and then have some breakfast.”
>Sand Swirl:”Alright Daddy.”
>Cinnamon Sweets:”C-can I come too?”
You hop out of the bed.
The burns aren’t hurting anymore, your wing also seems to be just fine again.
You take the fillies to the bathroom.
>Cinnamon Sweets:”Will you help me shower like uncle Lucky did?”
Probably not exactly like Lucky ‘helped’ her.
“Uh- How about this, you do what you can and if you need help I’ll assist you.
>Sand Swirl:”Let me help her Daddy!”
“Well if you are so eager.”
Everyone showers without any major troubles.

Breakfast also goes normal till Platinum shows up.
>Platinum Nut:”Good morning Speed, I need your help with the new engine. Can you make a potion or liquid that conducts magic? A little like a mana potion.”
“Sorry I don’t know how I would create such a thing.”
>Platinum Nut:”Maybe the librarian knows about it. I wanted to pay her a visit today.”
“Hey, that is where I wanted to head next. What else did you want to get from there?”
>Platinum Nut:”I wanted to learn where I could find some gems around here in ponyville. Read something up on how magic is influenced through symbols and circles. Maybe they have a book that tells me how I can transform magical energy into electricity, or physical energy.”
“Alright, looks like you got some magic on your mind. Where is White Wave?”
>Platinum Nut:”She is keeping an eye on the wagon.”

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You finish breakfast and head to the library together with Platinum, Swirl and Cinny stay with the others.
A unicorn opens the door for you.
>Twilight Sparkle:”Oh hello, you must be new in town, my name is Twilight Sparkle how can I help you?”
“Do you happen to have a cure for poison joke?”
>Twilight Sparkle:”Sure, I have this book called Supernaturals that contains a cure for it. Oh, there was this one time where me and my friends were affected by poison joke and…”
She tells you the story how she and her friends were afraid of a zecora, and she ignored the book because of it’s name, while getting the book.
The little lizard thing is also here.
>?:”Uh Twilight, this guy already rented a book.”
>Twilight Sparkle:”Oh really? Sorry, you can only rent one book at a time.”
“I don’t really need the book, I just need the recipe on how to cure the poison joke.”
She gives you the recipe, it’s a bath additive. You’ll need some tried fern, spruce bark, pink berries found from special bushes in the everfree, and the pedestals of a daisy for it.
>Twilight Sparkle:”They should have an already prepared mixture at the spaa.”
After she is done with you, the unicorn moves on to Platinum, it seems like they are caught up in nerdish magic and engineering talk.

Surely they wouldn't mind if you left.
Anything you want to visit before you leave for the castle?


stopping for now, will continue Sunday. Have a nice weekend.
go buy the mixture at the spa because screw collecting it.
we should also give a heads up to masquerade or jitter and tell them that guards are going to show up to take cinny. I wish luna gave us a time instead of "tomorrow." after that we can leave town.

on the way to the castle though we need to make one more stop.
have brown bark guide you to where she said the river serpent would be. We're getting that fang!
>last reply 7 hours ago
>page 3
gonna have to be wary
bumping to the top
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You decide to pay the spa a visit, it’s better if you just buy it than collecting the mixture.
After asking the spa ponies happily give you the mixture for the low price of 20 bits .

Next you move back to the Inn where you tell Masquerade and Jitter about your dream, and how guards will show up to take Cinny.

Finally you leave for the forest.
On your way you consult Brown Bark.
“So, now guide me to this river serpent you told me about earlier.”
Her voice is faint and fearful.
>Brown Bark:”What are you going to do with me now?”
“Eh? I’ll have to think about it. Just show me where the serpent is and you will be safe, for now.”
She agrees without further complains.

The path she shows you leads away from the castle, through a ravine.
She leads you along a small trickle, which grows bigger and bigger as you continue.
Once you leave the ravine it has turned into a wild torrent.
>Brown Bark:”It’s living in here.”
I was just going to leave her in that totem honestly. Maybe give it to zecora since she lives in the everfree and it might be useful for her. She could also loan her to ponies.

We need to get it out of the water. Jump on the bump and then fly up.
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