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Does Equestria Girls really need the portal/Equestrian Magic
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Does Equestria Girls really need the portal/Equestrian Magic to be the conflict of every film?
Do you want boring high school drama?
it is probaly the worst MLP movie i have ever seen because unlike in classic episodes in MLP where twilight plays a normal funny nerd in this movie she just wears a blue skirt and grabs things with her mouth it was very boring and there was annoying pop music the whole time like it never ends. sunset was hot but she was boring, there is no cool scene like in the show when trixie embarrases the mane 6 in. it happens in this movie too but in that episode it was funny and in this movie she died it on the phone like a pu*sy and second of all twilight goes to high school and nothing happens there is no sex or anything and second of all it makes no sense first she is in the library then she meets the mane 6 then they are dancing in a lunch room then they are preparing a party and they are trying to get a dum fuc*king crown for this dum fuc*king movie i hated it i give it zero stars out of a billion go watch the show instead. i would rather watch a butt give poop to myslef
Yes, otherwise it would be shit.
The next one takes place in summer camp and the villan is some magic forest lady. So there.
Why do so many web artists feel the need to put fuckhuge watermarks in the center of their image files ruining what might otherwise be decent art?
Well i'd love to watch russia invade CHS ... wonder how that'd work out tho ...
Red Dawn 2: Equestria Girls Boogaloo.
In which the girls prevent world war 4 by outperforming the Ruskies in a dance competition.
Sunset and Co. escape to the mountains and begin waging guerilla warfare against the invading Ivans.
That's probably still magic in some form, which I don't count because it is very likely that it is producing the same kind of magical energy that exists in Equestria.

How about magic isn't the conflict at all?
So just high school bullshit then?
So they are essentially breaking the no magic in the human world rule by saying "OH LOOK NOT THIS PLACE"!
Yes. It's called "Equestrian" Girls for a reason.
Well I guess you're right at least the magic is actually coming from the human world.

I was thinking of something more like this.

No mundane shenanigans, but I guess fantastical that doesn't require magic.
It is also called My Little Pony.
That is certainly....imaginative.
Ahhh, I see. You don't mean boring high school plots you mean something magical that isn't magic...so science fiction.

It would certainly be a change of pace, but I feel like Hasbro would be too afraid to make EQG anything else than a watered-down FIM.
It be like from mw2. Remember, no hooves.
That doesn't seem appropriate for kids.
I said like, it can be changed to be kid appropriate.
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If by chance, the setting is a college, what degrees do you think the Mane6 counterparts would take?
Didn't Twilight want to study mathematics?
That sounds like the setup for a fun horror flick
>Until Dawn 2 : Equestria Grills
But instead it is the cliché "Save the summer camp from closing!" story.
Cyber Waifu When?
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Wow, story of the century. (That would be hard btw, pic related)
Go watch Friendship Games then.
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>You must save the summer camp from closing after some demonic forest lady is terrorizing them
>She's also powered by friendship based magic, so yall lazers cant do shit
>Find out more on My Little Pony, Equestria Girls: Legends of Everfree
>You'll N-Ever be Free from it (tm)
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How exactly would teenage girls wage guerilla warfare against anyone ? Could try shooting Pinkie from a cannon i guess.
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>Tags: Gore, Humans, Dark, Crossover, Adventure, Sex, 2nd Person
>Characters: OC, Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer, Other
Are you drunk?
How can you do that really?
fuck off autist.
Japan pls.
So the conflict of only 1 film
It has been the conflict of all three films so far.
literally kill yourself
it should focus on the creatures that Equestria dumped into the EqG universe
why were they dumped there?
what happened to them since Equestrian magic is now a part of that universe?

something like a cross between Buffy, Supernatural, Angel, Grimm, etc
They've graduated high school and are trying to find themselves, but they need to investigate monster sightings/ attacks that have ramped up
those monsters are really banished Equestrian creatures much like the Dazzlings

the "monsters" could only get enough magic "radiation" to get by with, and on occasion, turn into their real form (the sightings over the centuries)
Now that magic is a new element in the world, they can start to wreak havoc in the EqG universe and may even try to get back to Equestria through other portals (we saw that other portals CAN be opened in FG) or even other portals like the statue base that have been dormant until now

it's up to them to stop the creatures while they learn to get along and about each other, trying to balance a normal life and get/pursue life goals (similar to the ponyverse)
Fluttershy to run an animal shelter
Rarity to have her own shops
Dash to become a rock star or daredevil stunt person
Pinkie Pie world class party planner for any and every kind of event imaginable and she'd always be the clown at the kids parties
Applejack to run or start her own farm and make it a world wide name brand (visits her families other farms)
Sunset Shimmer to figure out how magic affects this world, now with Scilights help
Twilight Sparkle (human) Study the effects of magic or find a way to harness the energy successfully

Some people (like Trixie) would suddenly be able to harness that magical energy, but is untrained and causes mischief and such that the girls need deal with as well
or some even grow wings and fly

some creatures may even be offspring that had no idea what they were until the "Magic Big Bang" happened (rainbow blast on Sunset Shimmer)
You're missing the point that the OP was asking if EQG could work without magic/the portal.

I'd like to believe that Starswirl didn't dump everything there.
Seems too dark for EQG
Imagine all the computer game references they could make.
Oh yes yes yes yes!
buffy, angel and supernatural are quite comedic
It would be preferable over "Magic!"
Twilight: physics
Rainbow: athletic
Pinkie: culinary
Fluttershy: veterinary
Rarity: fashion
Applejack: botany

Maybe it will turn out to be a Scooby-Doo style hoax?
I would seriously love that.
>Movie ends with Gloriosa's businessman uncle revealed to be the Treeshade Terror all along
>Humane7 leaves the camp on the schoolbus after a heartfelt goodbye with Gloriosa and the camp counselors
>Fluttershy (who had bonded more closely to Gloriosa than the others) takes a long sighs as she eyed over the Everfree Forest's horizon of trees as the bus speeds up, reminiscing the precious time together in nature
>Her eyes widens when she saw an equine like figure running alongside the bus from behind the trees. Its clearly not a horse since it had not with one, but two horns on its forehead (bicorns)
>Fluttershy is visibly confused with her discovery but opt to ask Rainbow Dash about her book instead of alerting the others, letting the unknown mysteries of the Everfree forest remain unknown
>Movie ends with an exclusive song by Sabrina Carpenter, who is also Gloriosa singer voice

"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling girls and your stupid dog!"
Reminds me of .hack
Has that VA been confirmed.
This can be another Sunset development story, since it reaffirms her leadership skills she would spend the story moping because her lack of computer skills makes her useless to help the others. She could think that she only worked well because her previous conflicts could be solved with magic or friendship.
Good idea.
Which she will prove she has what it takes in the ending.
That could be for the opening credits!
Writers can't make it interesting without the portal.
Just have Sci-Fi.
So no one steals it.
That's basically where EQG has to go without the magical portal.
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>villan is some magic forest lady

two movies out and still no return of the Dazzlings in sight.
They are never coming back.
>thinking they will ever return
Well, probably not.
It's been establish in the 2nd movie that teh Equestrians used the portal as a penal colony.
IT looks like the 4th movie might explore the actual world a little more.
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