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Hey /mlp/, can we have an autism share thread? A thread wher
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Hey /mlp/, can we have an autism share thread? A thread where we share with each other the most autistic and cringe-worthy thoughts and fantasies we have in regards to the show?

Over the past couple of months I have been frequently having this desire to couple ponies with a particular song and then mentally play out a music video with them and others singing the song. I am typically not an above average autist, but whenever I'm driving and listening to music I can't help but insert ponies into the songs and create music videos to go along to them.

Currently I can't stop envisioning Fluttershy singing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2GOGwB4QYU

The music video I envision is pretty good, I think. Anyone else have similar autism to share?
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>A thread where we share with each other the most autistic and cringe-worthy thoughts and fantasies we have in regards to the show
>Implying that everyone on this board doesn't do this already
You must be new here.
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My junior year in High School I made a slideshow for my Oral Comm class about Derpy and her getting censored
I can never forget the cringe
Only the newest of newfags, friendo. :^)
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You should get into animation as a hobby. Channel your autism for glory.
y r not alone OP
since Im self-inserting like a faggot I am I sometimes imagine what songs I would play to ponis in certain situations
High school wasn't too kind to you, was it Anon?

In high school I was a vestigal member of a group of misfits that were true bronies. I was at every point in time to throw them under the bus if my association to them was ever called into question. We didn't interact in school. I was really quite ashamed of them, even though I too watched the show and came here.
I've considered it, but frankly I would never attain a proficiency in short enough time that would satisfy me. They must forever remain fantasies.

If I could, though, the first one I would make would be a recreation of the 'Floor Show' from the Rocky Horror Picture Show with the EQG Mane 6. Twilight as Frank, Pinkie as Columbia, Appul as Rocky, Dash as Brad, Rares as Janet and Flutters as Dr. Scott. I want this to be a thing SO badly.
>tfw mlp wasn't a thing until 2010, when I was 26
I'm glad it didn't come out when I was in high school.
Shit was bad enough then, man.
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>I've considered it, but
What was the cringy, autistic, MLP comparable thing back in your high school days, Anon?
School in general was a nightmare for me because I'm literally a sperg and it was really bad when I was a little kid who didn't know any better
High School relatively wasn't so bad, but I'm glad to be out of that shithole
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OKhnKdswSE is this you????
I don't think it was recorded, either, thankfully
I had the luxury of being competent enough to keep my autism under wraps. Only a select few would finger me for a 4chan faggot, and fewer still a horsefucker. Accordingly, my school years weren't too bad. Though i have to wonder, my own external normality taken into consideration, what other "normal" people from my class were hidden fags like me.
Lucky you. My photo is immortalized on EQG. I never asked for this...
lets see it anon
Never. Last thing I need is my face on here. My secret identity mustn't be revealed.
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Anime. Good thing I only dabbled in it and refused to hang out with most of the anime crew due to their "So random and loud" humor. If I were to take my hobbies from right now and apply them to my highschool self, I probably would have been fucked and not had anywhere near the amount of friends I did.
A recurring thing I want an edit of is the marching band involved in the battle of the bands because I don't give a fuck how loud a siren screams, a big Brass Section will out fucing play them.
I, too, was an anime fag, but I was part of a generation that had pretty much all watched DBZ as kids so I wasn't really too out of place there. I wasn't part of the "random and loud group" you described. At the end of the day I was far more a theatre fag than anything else.

Why, if only we knew someone who could make and edit things...
Don't worry op, I've written/started at least half a dozen greentext stories off of songs I hear. Here's a few.

Dancing in the Moonlight - Luna and Anon carry out a private relationship through dreams because of hectic personal lives.

Can't Help But Wait - Anon has unrequited love for Rainbow dash who happens to be in a relationship with Soarin.

Earth Angel - Comfy one shot of dating Applejack

Angel - Based loosely off of the story in Ed Sheeran's song The A Team.

Elusive Pegasus - Based somewhat on the song Elusive Butterfly.

Play Among the Stars - Luna based fic I started while listening to Fly Me to the Moon.

On top of that, I recently (past year or two) have been listening to a sort of experimental Electronica that tends to give off a really nostalgic vibe in a sort of bittersweet way.Vaperwave It also fills me with thoughts on waifuing in general as this lovesick delusional (almost to the point of obsession and insanity) thing, so I tend to think of RD a lot while listening to it.

for me, every song I heard I cant help but insert ponies in my head
I really like most of these ideas. Especially Dancing in the Moonlight.

>checks story out
>100 lines long
Guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
I'm obsessed with shipping to the point of it being nearly as important to me as my waifu. I just think some ponies would be perfect together. I dream of the day they'll become canon. Knowing that some of them are never going to happen fills me with physical pain.

Sorry, made a mistake. It's been a while since I've really looked at my bin. Dancing in the Moonlight was a one shot while dreaming of a relationship was the one I was thinking of.
In 10th grade I showed my friends a drawing of fluttershy smiling, the smile at Sunbutts pet Phoenix.
Hey I already do that with songs by Wham to a Equestria Girls headcannon I made up last year after BC.

>Careless Whisper is actually nowhere in the headcannon after Deadpool used it
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The only story I've written based on the song is called "Piano Anon" based on Billy Joel's "Piano Man".

The story is about Anon, who uses his hands to dazzle whoever stops in for a drink at Sugarcube Corner's new bar. In the end, he sings a rendition of Piano Man, but with the lyrics made to fit My Little Pony.

It's one of my favorite greens I've written.

If you read it, please tell me what you think of it.

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BEFORE YOU Give me autism
I guess friendship isn't magic.
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Im sure this has been said a million times by now, but here's my autism.
Everytime I see someone shit talking my waifu or shipping her with someone it just kills me inside. I legit have to walk away from my computer and lie down until the burning feeling inside dies down.
I have written multiple self-insert stories.

Also, I believe myself to be Twilight Sparkle's reincarnation. I mean, I know it's logically impossible, but humans aren't naturally logical.
I write self insert fanfic, and I even think about turning them into fan episodes. But alas, that will never happen, because my voice acting and Flash animating skills are terrible.
Knowing there are people like you fills me with physical pain.
You sound a bit like Cadence.
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I masturbate to ponies sometimes. Sometimes I stop for a while, saying I'll never so it again.... but eventually I always come back.
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This man and these vids will cure your new fagness friendo.
I'm in uni, and for fun I once went down to tutor an engineering class.

One of the students was a turboautist (we know these people; they have no selfcontrol and you feel more sorry for them than annoyed) that was listening to bass cannon on loop on the school computer and the teacher was too beta to do anything about it, and he was like 60 so he had no idea what was going on in terms of mlp and what it was. This student was what we here would call absolute cancer. He wasn't stupid, just ADHD, and he would finish any assignment given to him in like 20 minutes and then open MS paint and draw shitty mlpxFNaF ships. He was basically that cringe guy on YouTube with the rainbow dash backpack incarnate.

Now this was the only high school within like 50 miles, and it just so happened that this was the lunch period. Everyone goes to lunch, except Turbo who brings his own. As I wait for them to come back, I start messing with the schools 3D printer and looking bored as shit.
>"do you know about MLP? Of course you do, it's all over the Internet. My favorite pony is DJ PON3 the DJ. She's so cool and I want to marry here blah blah blah"

This was from across the room, and the teacher looks up with his "what the fuck am I doing not retired" face. i actually am bros with this teacher. We're friends on FB, and he used to be my professor back in the day, and he's a great resource. It's kind of strange being 21 and having a friend in his 60s, but it's worked out fine.

Turbo's comment, however, did not. I lost my speghetti guys. It wasn't fair. I followed all the rules; I didn't bring it up in public, I didn't advertise it, and I only brought it up when someone else did. I bitch slapped this faggot with my knowledge of the show down the the firey depths of furaffinity. I spouted off names of background characters, episode numbers, personalities, fanfics, music, and everything but the porn. Teacherbro had no fucking idea what was going on.
Your a nice person.
Jesus Christ that's autistic, holy shit. That's even worse than most shippers, which is saying something.
Talking with a friend (we're both middle aged) over drinks. He's a writer, and working on a piece that references internet culture. He brings up Anonymous, so I mention the civil wars going on on /b/ at the time over pone. He mentions one of the temps where he works has a pone figurine at his desk. I can't hold back, I have to ask him what color she is. White, he replies. Fucking Rarityfag. My buddy mentions that he wouldn't mind fucking with this guy a little bit. I told him to leave a note on the guy's desk that read, "Your waifu a shit, Rainbow Dash is best pony."
I have a song with my waifu, and gasp out her name everytime I cum.
>vocalizes during masturbation
Kill yourself.
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Not everyone is a numb, inhuman dick like you
t..there are people who don't do this?
Its okay anon, some faggots like >>27596040
must not be able to cum hard enough.
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I bought a guitar and learned the chords for Country Roads by John Denver so I could play it for AJ.

I imagined Fluttershy singing that and it was really nice. Great song!
I'm going to start doing that now. Thanks, OP!
Any other pony/song pairings?
Bump for friendship
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I don't want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum on her Feet.
Yes. For some reason every time I hear 'Canned Heat' I envision Sunset Shimmer singing. And I foresee Dash Singing 'Electric Love'.

For your listening pleasure:


Also I hear Pinkie singing Katy Perry's "Birthday'.
What's the song and who is your waifu?

I know that feel. I will never be able to disassociate "To Pimp A Butterfly" with Murky Number Seven.
You know, I had a similar idea for a story based inspired, too, by Piano Man, but also 'Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting' by Elton John as well as Canon in D Minor.

The story revolved around Anon who, while a talented pianist, is also pretty much a depressed, yet quirky, alcoholic. Gets fired from his job (like yours, my Anon is also a piano player at a bar) for accepting drinks as tips and being drunk during work hours. After yet another unemployment, his current girl (Twilight) breaks up with him and kicks him out of her apartment. Destitute, he finds a position as a footman/butler at a mansion. After managing to convincingly lie his way through a brief interview, lands the job, and works for the houses sole resident and failing, dismal chellist, Octavia.

Some funny things happen, some sad things happen, after a week Anon is fired from the job, too, for incompetence. However, after Octavia hears how wonderfully Anon plays the piano, decides to give him another chance. Romance ensues. Warm and cozy at the end.

Actually began writing this one, but lost motivation. Only have the very beginning down.
Well, I mean...that's me too....
Can you magic?
I like you.
I had a story similar to your Dancing in the Moonlight. In a nutshell, Anon dreams of being a great piano teacher. Literally dreams. Lives like a normy, though. Through events not yet thought of because a piano instructor for Luna. She is stubborn, arrogant, condescending, and gives Anon a hard time, but he makes the best of it. Relationship blossoms, all the while Anon still dreams of being a great concert pianist. End of story reveals that Luna sat in on everyone of Anon's piano dreams and deeply loves his playing. Sought him out specifically for his talent and composition in his dreams.
Magic by Mystery Skulls

Waifu is pic related
That song is catchy.
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>Be autistic.
>Can't have a job because of my conditions.
>Fluttershy is pretty much the only thing I love in life.
>See the latest episode.
>Fluttershy keeps talking about how important it is to have a career during the episode.
>Have the worst meltdown in my entire life.

Thanks Dave Rapp!
Even Fluttershy thinks you're a loser!
I can't use magic (as is the grammatically proper term). Yet, that is to say.

But I've been looking into it.
Must say that the song sounds good, couldn't quite imagine fluttershy singing to it though ;)
Anyway just do what makes you smile in your own way.
>Also, I believe myself to be Twilight Sparkle's reincarnation. I mean, I know it's logically impossible, but humans aren't naturally logical.
Bumping to share my autism.
I'll add to your autism with mine

If you're really Twilight, do you wanna maybe study ancient magical tomes and chill with me?
I would wish to do it. If I knew of ancient magical tomes, that is to say.
Well there are a couple, and I have had some luck so far, its just not what it is like in mlp/tv/vidyas. Half of what people on the internet say works doesnt, and half of what they say doesnt work, does indeed work.

But there are a number of books, like the clavicula salimonis and such.

jesus christ I'm already sperging h-heh.
I researched the tome you were speaking of, and apparently, it's accessible by the internet. And believe me, you have no idea just how excited I was! I mean, seriously, I was really, really excited.
I have .pdfs of some of the books, still searching for actual copies (I've been told the physical book works better) and I just like the feel of the actual book in my hand

Anyway, I'm trying to well... try everything with magic I can find, and create some sort of empirical system of working magic. Boil it down to an actual science kinda thing, if we can understand how it works we can make it work better... theoretically.

I mean, Twiggy or no, if you're interested I certainly wouldn't mind a study buddy.
Do you mean on EQD?
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magic dorks bump.
You caught my curiosity. Have you had any "magic" actually work for you?
I actually have had a couple things work, yeah.

For example, I was suffering from a chronic auto-immune disease that no medicines were really helping, but after having made offerings to/done rituals for Marbas (5th Demon in the Ars Goetia, has realm over disease and machinations) for arcane knowledge and help with my health, it has since been healing quite well.

Pic related is his seal, for those curious.
I ain't entering into your crazy ass wiz biz, nigga. I don't want no evil upon me.
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That's fine dude, its not for everyone

I do hope that Twilight anon didn't try to summon a demon right off the bat and got possessed or something though.
Why would I try to summon a demon right off the bt? First comes research, after all.
Quite a few people have before, actually. But you got the right idea then, Twiggles.
So, wht do you recommend researching to be able to control demons initially?

That's interesting, I have a friend with an unidentified autoimmune disease, maybe I should recommend he call upon Marbas. I myself made offerings to Naberius because I wanted to manipulate others more fully, I didn't just want men's minds, I wanted their hearts, too. This he granted to me and now where I go it is inevitable others will follow me. The price is heavy, though, I have his mark upon my body forever, thankfully I had enough foresight to place it on the bottom of my left foot. Nobody's ever noticed.
Depends which route you wanna take in this area, you can take the traditionalist route, for which I'd recommend at least studying the Clavicula Salimonis closely, and the angel counterpart (of which I am not that familiar) in case that goes wrong. Learning "magical/spiritual" shielding is a MUST. (but recommended either way.

Then there's the modernist way, which is basically summoning the demon similar to how you would a pagan god.
You set up your circle, offering, etc etc, call upon them, give them an offering for their time, then bargan for what you want.

tl;dr, control and make them angry, or go the friendlier route. Either way, learn circles and magical defenses, consider reading Edred Thorsson's book on futhark runes as well.

I'm probably going to go to bed soon, but in case the thread dies and you (or anyone else in the thread) have more questions, or want to talk about magic more, just email me at phoximusic @ gmail . com I'd love to talk about this more.
I would definitely recommend Marbas, he is perfect for that.
Can you post a list of some useful/relevant books?
Who is a demon you can call up to get powers in the style of unicorns and pegasi?
I'm still working through a lot of this myself, the only books Ive been through thoroughly (as in tried) are the 'Salimonus and the Futhark runes.

I'm currently working through the Necronomicon (inb4 I lose all credibility for even mentioning it) just to see if any of it does work in any way.

Even if it doesnt its an interesting read, and gives a new perspective on how magic works.

here's a simple list, theoretically all of them could.

Allocer might be able to help, but that was just from a skim through.
I used to pester my friends with pony shit but it was played off as being ironic or just trolling. After doing so for about 4-6 months i decided to back off with it so they didn't suspected i was actually into mlp.

The most cringe thing i do now is i bought an extra large extra poofy pillow, and cuddle it at night pretending it's my waifu. On top of that, not only is my waifu not real, she isn't even canon. Fuck you, Rager, you've ruined me!
>she isn't even canon
Who is it?
Umbra. I guess that could be canon though if you count rule 63 characters as sorta-kinda-canon since only the gender is swapped. I personally don't, especially in this case since both the canon Sombra and Umbra(his twin sister) exist in Rager's fic.
>most cringe-worthy thoughts
How many of you have thought of bible length fanfics
>I like the season 3 finale
>discord is an overrated Q reference (not bad just overrated)
>derpy is just wares waldo there's no reason to like her besides the memes
>lauren faust is a great worldbuilder/creator just don't let her near the actual episodes
>starlight glimmer is a bad redemptive character
>luna is a shit character and not the gamer/ woobie that the internet seems to think she is
>half the showcast needs a psychiatrist I mean holy shit
>the analysis community is actually pretty good as long as you stay away from FUCKING lily peet
>I ship the cannon waters and the noncanon sea is nothing butt shit OCs to me

there i'm done
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Oh, let me count...

>Once wrote fanfiction of The Real Ghostbusters' Peter Venkman and Rainbow Dash, stopped right before lewd happened because I finally realized it was pretty autistic
>Accidentally showed my poni art to several people and small children. In my defense, I'm pretty good at it.
>Sperged out on a thread about ghost ponies right here in this very board
>Drew a video game character as a pony with their pants down
>Sometimes try to sing songs with a Pinkie Pie impression just to laugh at myself

There, hope my suffering brightens someone else's day.
Also, no, I can't find find the fanfiction, I tried.
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I generally shit up waifu threads by insulting the thread's character because I know deep down they wouldn't like me if they were real.

I have such internalized self hate that I physically cringe if I try to self insert into a greentext where the characters are nice to anon. I can only imagine them hating me. I make up an anon for every greentext.

I wrote a green in the comfy board about waking up with Sunset, all so I could secretly place the first couple of verses of "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5 in it. I felt like an autistic ninja.

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I do something like that with Derpy

Every time I hear this song, I kind of envision me and her in something kind of similar to the music video. I never saw this thing until recently tho.

>not having an entire playlist of specific songs For creating mind pony music videos in your head while commuting
Get on my autism level scrub
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Back in high school, I tasked myself with continuing the MLP club a friend started. One of my friends didn't want me to skip the main theme multiple times, and he wanted us to watch one of ToucanDLM's MLP videos in the host classroom. Jeez...
>everyday before bed I imagine myself living with my waifu doing everyday chores
>eventually ended up dreaming of these scenarios too
>they now encompass my entire dreamscape and I can't dream of anything else

At least I'm always smiling when Rarity tells me I left my wallet at the boutique.
Once I yelled at a guy in an airport that I, and I quote,
>Will shove my hoof up your ass if you hate on bronies!
I sure have come a long way. I hope.
I do the same, except sometimes it's more than a gasp, and I cover my mouth with a pillow and moan her name as loud as I can with some "I love you"'s in between.
That's actually pretty nice, man.

The only dream involving Rarity I can recall involved me roaming around some abandoned, flooded, and completely derelict hotel. I eventually come to a room at the end of a long hallway, it too in a state of depressing decomposition and neglect. As I stare into the room from the door frame I get these quick flashes of how the room once was when it was new and in use. A single word keeps repeating itself in my head the longer I stare: Rarity.

I guess she must have lived there...never actually saw her.
Fuck you anon, I'm addicted to this song now
Now you understand my pain, Anon.
I was talking to someone on the maximum a shop could pay out on a scratchcard before they'd have to contact canterlot. Rather than camelot.

Slip of the tongue.
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I can't download songs unless I put on pony artwork

I have also told my sister I wanna fuck a pony
And I regularly tell my niece i'm gonna marry a pony
beat that

I called Twiggy my horse wife so much my mom put a picture of her in the family album.
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Physical pain from these.
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Jesus Christ
I do the same but with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPYcbMADOt8 and Chrysalis
i was talking about the smiths to someone today and i accidentally called morrissey 'maressey'
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>my mom put a picture of her in the family album.
I'm the anon you replied to and I must say lucky
This whole board is a bunch of autistic threads.
Every AiE fic I've read assumes that the ponies can speak perfect English. My headcanon is that they have their own language, and a proper AiE fic would have the ponies speaking their own language while Anon learns theirs, and they start to learn English. I dream of writing a green where everything spoken in ponytongue is written in ponytongue (as best we can express the words in latin characters), but I don't have the time to spend creating a whole language on my own, and I'm too lazy to look for someone else creating the language elsewhere on the Internet.

Am I alone in this, or do any of you think this is a good idea?
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Seeing Sunset and Napoleon up on the stage singing that would be so great.

Thanks for turning me on to Borns by the way, this guy's great.
The sound reminds me a bit of Chvrches.
The language barrier is always a significant part of different cultures, let alone species, but it is a rather complex thing to do. You would have to pick up on all the subtleties, including the minor stance change or ear twitch or head toss that signals emotions or special meanings or whatever have you. It is hard enough sometimes with people, but an entire different species would be even trickier. There is a long AiE fic I've read on fimfic that addresses this. In it, humans are native to Equestria, though they are more like mildly intelligent livestock or slightly smarter gorillas in behavior. The ponies keep them as pets and so at first do not believe Anon is any smarter than the rest when is he caught up in an illegal human trafficking operation.

For a while, he abuses and uses everyone's low expectations of humans to mess with Twilight as a form of protest about the way he is being treated (and when he snaps from the insanity of the entire situation).
The real Twilight Sparkle would never have so illogical a thought.
>studying "magic"
good luck on that m8.
Do you know any magic thing that works ? I want to know if that's true shit or just bullshit
No problem, m8. Always happy to introduce people to new things. It's rare when people like the same things I like.

For you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z8tpaxaipU
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What's the point of wanting to stop? Ponies are really one of the more tame things you can fap to compared to most of the real, 3DPD shit people you pass on the street every day get off to.
I always was thinking about being a general leading the ponies whit celestia to battle agains mordor.
greatings freainds i here you want autisum so lets have so much autisum that is makes the ppls how clop to grim-dark look normal
hello /mlp/ im traped now welcome me to my new home forever
bump for autism
"No frienddship problem? LET'S MAKE ONE!"

Humans and Equestrians are creatures of emotion, not logic. Inherently, illogical thoughts occur, such as judging Trixie harshly.
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There's a few good language-barrier HiEs on Fimfiction:

There's also the one >>27603867 mentioned: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/111738/your-human-and-you
But I thought it was edgy shit when I started reading it.
The author who wrote Celestia Sleeps In has a couple others where there was a language barrier as well. Sometimes it's been solved, sometimes not.
Which ones? I've looked through the list of his stories before and I didn't see any that looked like that (judging by the description). I know collegepone has it (but she learned English before the start of the story) but that's about all.
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