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Satyr Abomination Thread #158: Not Yet Dead Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 91
>What is this thread about?
Half human and half pony/other Equestrian species offspring.
>What are the rules?
There are no thread specific rules, do what you want.
>What is the continuity (world/characters/attributes)?
Whatever you want it to be. Everything is a variable, there are no absolutes. Characters, names, genders, personalities, relationships, backgrounds, writing style, genre. If you want to know the common headcanons of certain characters, read some stories or ask the thread.

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Bunker website when?
8 c h a n
But everybody over there is so damn insufferable and seem so up their own ass because they think their site's the cool, secret club version of 4chan. Plus the site itself is slow as shit.
Are we good? We could talk about satyrs now? Satyr & The Protomen crossover when?
I've been there. Not worth it. Everyone there are pretentious shits and super boring.
mods mods mods
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Guys, calm down, rogue mod happens, if it doesn't last more than a few hours then its not a big deal.
All cripchan ever talk about is how much better they are than 4chan. It's almost as if they feel insecure and like they have something to prove. I mean, I'd use it if I absolutely had to, but only if there was no other choice, sort of like sitting next to the guy with legitimate autism on the bus.
Well that was interesting to say the least.

How does Asha talk? Does she talk like her mom or does she usually talk normally and rhymes occasionally slip?
On the plus side, it stopped the arguing cold turkey. I wanna say she has an accent, but does not rhyme... Unintentionally. She has to actually try and rhyme, not have some sort of curse or something. Also, quick question; should this actually be 158? 157 was literally a 2-3 post scruff bait
She talks normally. She just likes to slip in rhyme when she wants to sound smart and important. Just like how Annie would talk in dark omens and prophesies when she thinks something bad is going to happen. Not studying for a test, forgetting her bit pouch. You know, the serious stuff.
158. We were more than 440 posts in, that's enough to call it a full thread.
Wasn't that thread 156 though?
Yeah, it's 158. 157 was the one that ended with the incest argument.

Nope. https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/26866162/
Ohhhh. Saw a 157 during that purge; never mind. Was confused.
Yeah that was that --> https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/26904575/
We need an actual "official" plan B in the event that these threads really do get killed off per neatly. Somewhere that we all know about and can go to continue to talk about cute satyrs doing cute things and argue about literally everything constantly.

I'm personally against that place being 8 c h a n, because as has been mentioned they're all so utterly unbearable despite the site itself having some convenient and interesting features, albeit while being slow as shit.
Just go on /trash/.
There's always mlpg.co.
>per neatly
Phone, I swear to God I'll shove you so far up my ass if you don't stop that shit right now.
If one can help the topic of show discussion, might i take a gambit at that there Sunburst pony. I like him, his concept is great and under utilized, i think. Studying all the magics but not being able to use any of it due one natural limitations. Is good, very good!

In my story with Hope and Norbid that is still totally being written on, Hope's first friend had this similar concept. A unicorn that couldnt do magic and got bullied by other unicorns for it, starts studying super hard with her one friend, and becomes revered by fellow scholars. Later she figures a good use of her talent and gets a job as a magic detective to become one of the best in her field. To which her detective work comes into play for unraveling the mystery of one of the other main characters whom is a satyr.

My prompt is: When we getting a satyr version of this Sunburst guy?
Because im too busy with other work to do it myself.
The thread would get shitposted into oblivion on /trash/ because of how many people dislike this board and anything even vaguely mlp related.

I'm pretty sure this is less about where to post but where we should all go to post. There's no point in making a thread somewhere if all the Anons get lost on the way there.

At the least we should have a PB that links to a forum thread or tells us where to go in case this shit happens again. This panic happened because the generals, CYOAs and such on /mlp/ didn't have a secondary fall back area. Anons are split, and that is how communities die.

Please no. /satyr/ is the only reason I come to /mlp/.
I agree. Just a suggestion. Whatever people think is a good place should probably go in the OP.
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>per neatly
That's one hell of an autocorrect.
>as has been mentioned they're all so utterly unbearable
You could always take a look yourself.
Where has the least shitty native community that won't come in and crap up the thread? I've never used any of the other chans so I don't know.

I'd hate to lose you guys. No homo tho
Not every pony in the show needs a satyr.
I have and I agree. From what I saw, there entire site was basically just a slower, less active version of /b/ with less moderation and the constant threat threat that the server(s) would go down at any moment. At least one post in ten was somebody talking about how much better it was over there than on 4chan and how somehow it made the fact that it took literally minutes to load a page worthwhile.
It's still a board connected to 4chan, easily accessible. People usually stay to their own threads anyway, so there's a low chance of us getting shit posted to oblivion there. I should know, I frequent the Steven Universe generals from time to time.
>H-how do we deal with the influx of /mlp/ and discourage them?!
It's pretty true though to be quite honest, family.
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Does it have to be a pony?
Does it have a womb to plant your seed in?
Impregnate it and add it to your brood herd.
Ew, no, polyamory is pleb tier.
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>it took literally minutes to load a page worthwhile.
Loaded just fine for me
I think at this point the chans in general are out, and not the 4chans. 4+4Chan is out, there are too many others to make rendezvousing possible, not to mention that chans in general are volatile and might not exist when we need them.

I recommend we use a major site, so that there's less of a chance that it will be unusable in the event of a failure.

While maybe not the best place for stories, FimFiction seems to be a stable website. http://www.fimfiction.net/group/210394/satyrbackup/thread/244600/satyr-backup-thread

Here's one on Google Groups.

If anyone else wants to make a thread or group anywhere else, you're welcome to.
What's the problem with trash again? We could do everything we can here, plus we could post porn. Isn't that enough for a back-up site? I met 4 people on the emergency group /mlp/ thread on trash (one of which was pyrefly), so people know how to get there.
Huh, maybe I was just using it when the servers were under heavy load.
8ch is doing a lot better than it did in the past. They found their major code error in the last couple months and rectified it. It still hiccups every now and again but for the most part is fine.
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>Abandoning the place that makes us what we are
Yeah, because it worked so well for the Fluffy Pony/ Milky Way guys. If we leave, we'll doom ourselves and if we don't the fate of the thread will depend on who we follow into the void. Honestly I'm not too sure about cripplechan but I've been seeing a lot of the other generals deciding to go there, mostly the Princess Applejack guys.
That's a cute Hope.
Doesn't change the fact that it's dead inside.
Didn't google stop returning search results for them because people kept (and continue) to post loads of see pee? I don't really want the FBI battering down my door because I used the same site as them for the sake of our adorable abominations against nature and was found guilty by association.
Every time a general decides to move there, what it typically means is two or three guys are going there, while most of the posters remain here.
Most people don't care enough, or are too invested in multiple threads or boards to bother moving sites. Especially one like that.
Between the dedness, the shitty people, the bugyness, what >>26907906 said, and other shit, it's just not worth it.
Shit, in that case I'd rather stay standing
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>stop returning search results for them because people kept (and continue) to post loads of see pee?
I think it was mostly SJW's trying to attack the site, it had something to do with gamer-gate or their /v/ in general. They honestly don't seem to care.

> I don't really want the FBI battering down my door
Then why are you on 4chan?
Oh it's entirely dead inside and /pone/ is just a wasteland with a few anons shuffling about as an excuse for activity. But we might as well be accurate in the reasons we want to avoid something.

Some group was posting cp and reporting it to Google immediately to get it off the search results. 8ch has a large contingent of people that are just determined to fuck with 8ch because they can. CP posted is taken care of relatively quickly by either the normal mods or global mods. There's no risk of getting vanned by being a normal user.

Personally I'd prefer /anon/ over /pone/. /pone/ is willing to suicide to fight the /mlp/ scourge!
Personally I'd prefer /anon/ over /pone/. /pone/ is willing to suicide to fight the /mlp/ scourge! /anon/ is equally as dead but less self-righteous about their deadness*
Agreed. Unless it has a 12 chapter series with at least 40 posts per chapter explaining the harem, it is garbage.
Huh. I guess I've been in the trash put for too long, but I've gone rather fond of it once you hide the stuff you hate. But I generally agree with >>26907960, it isn't worth migrating to an entirely different site.
>Then why are you on 4chan?
Wait, this is a Cambodian samlor kako recipie exchange forum, right? To tell you the truth, I am getting a little unsure. Am I in the right place?
Yet. This is just plan B. All willing, it will never happen... but that's why you makecplan Bs. In case something ISN'T willing.
>Abandoning the place that makes us what we are
It's not abandoning if we're booted off. Also those groups is just to communicate in case something happens again. We're not moving, not unless we have to.

Also, I forgot to make the Google Groups thing public. Sorry about that.
Okay, so I may not have made it clear, those sites are just for communicating in case the Scrappening 3.0 happens. Sorry about that.
>Wait, this is a Cambodian samlor kako recipie exchange forum, right?

>I am getting a little unsure. Am I in the right place?
If you're doubting yourself now then yeah.
Okay, let's just settle this with a vote. Somebody who's not on a phone with a battery that's about to die make a poll with options for all the viable alternate sites/boards/forums/whatever that are available to us in the event of this thread being declared haram in the eyes of Allah by the mods.

The winning option at the time that this thread 404s should be included in the next thread, if the OP remembers, as the "official" evacuation plan.

Or not, whatever.
I mean all the green generals are back in full force and none of them have been deleted since the purge. I think we're fine as long as we don't flood the board.
Didn't somebody here try to make an entire board for /satyr/ and failed miserably?
Yeah, but it can't hurt to have a back-up plan in place that the majority of us are aware of for when Scruffy inevitably gets pms again.
Not enough people
Yeah, pretty much the only general on this board that would have a shot at making its own would be AiE, since that would include most of the other generals on /mlp/ anyway.
/cyoa/ could probably get away with it due to the format of CYOAs. Any board would quickly start withering as they don't get a new influx of users. All the generals on the board benefit heavily from /mlp/ being the primary pony spot for chans.
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That was fun. Well not really, but at least it stopped the incest argument.

Good night /satyr/, I'll be back tomorrow.
Night bro
>niggers having the same discussion we had almost three years ago.
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Not much to talk about without any new content.
how about commute requests?
Rory and Thistle cuddling.
ref of rory?
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He's also in >>26909914
On the right
Electra of your choice adds this gifts the record to her father.
Role reversal of one of the earliest ships. Timber trying to ask out Mumble.
Big tit satyr teasing the thread. Any big tit satyr, or any random one off satyr.
Sapphire and Cider kissing. Whether a soft peck, hardcore make out, or something in between is good.
Could you do some Half-Pipe porn? Fucking or being fucked, I just really like Half-Pipe
You need to provide him refs for less known satyrs.
I believe /d/ made halfpipe
Sleep tight satyr
If something suddenly went wrong and satyr found their family homeless, how would satyr react and what would be their course of action?

"Well, sweetie, it looks like you're going to have to become a prostitute."
>"But I'm only eight years old, daddy!"
"I know, which means we can charge extra for all the perverts."
"No buts, this is the way it has to be."
>"I... Okay, daddy."
"Chin up, my precious, after all, your mother's been sucking cocks for cash for years."
>Tfw you headcanon rgr, where females outnumber males 8 to 1.
>Tfw female prostitutes are almost non-existent.

>"So why are we having to work? Isn't that the mares job?"
"Times are tough, everyone has to pitch in.
>"I guess, dad.
"Remember our pricing?"
>"10 bits for them to suck me, 15 to suck their clit. 25 for vaginal, condom only outside anestrus. 50 to give them anal, nags love anal. Price fetish stuff case by case."
>"Remember I can say no to weird requests, and don't let random girls sob story you into letting them in your herd."
"Attaboy. Now get out there. Your mothers and sisters are counting on us."
Is her mother Arrythmia or whatever that batpony's name was?
Okay, So I remember a day or two ago I asked for trap requests and someone requested Garret sucking his first cock, and this may be a stupid question, but regular Garret or Garret in drag/wig/etc.?
>Satyr does a Q&A about themselves for a project. What do people ask and what do they answer?
Also, the person who requested Pogo in only a ribbon, again, stupid question, but did you want it lewd or non-lewd? i.e. penis out or in?
Her mother is an experience whore of many years, her name is your waifu.

"Sweetheart, take this and sell it to your friends, okay? Thirty bits a bag and no discounts for any boys you have a crush on."
>"I-I don't have a crush on any... Wait, what is this?"
>"I can't sell drugs to my friends, I'll get in big trouble!"
"No you won't, you're too cute to be a suspect."
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Well, until I get those answers, guess I'll just doodle in the meantime...
>"Daddy, some older kids pushed me on the ground and stole that stuff you gave me to sell."
"They pushed you? Oh hell no, not on my watch! Here, take this."
>"What is it?"
"A gun. Go use it to shoot those guys and take back my product."
>"What? Daddy, I really, really don't think I'm allowed to kill people! I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
"Nonsense. I'm the one who decides if you've been naughty or nice, not the police."
>"Well... if you say so."

I love it, but something seems a little off about the final picture and I can't quite put my finger on it. I think maybe she looks a little too much like some interpretations of Laika that I've seen. Or maybe it isn't that. I can't tell.

What ages do you assign to each picture and at what age does she stop being an adorable daddy's girl and start to resent her father for his over protectiveness? Please tell me never.
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>at what age does she stop being an adorable daddy's girl and go full electra?

Fixed that for you, my friend.
>Please tell me never.

>Tfw you're Yuzu's loving father.
>Tfw she's the most precious thing in the world to you.
>Tfw you raised her single-handedly since she was a baby because her mother was out of the picture.
>Tfw you watched her grow and learn with pride, though part of you wanted her to be your sweet little girl forever.
>Tfw you one day see her about town with a boy.
>Tfw you see him touching her fluffy ears.
>Tfw she doesn't stop him.
>Tfw she giggles playfully.
>Tfw only you used to be allowed to do that.
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Why would you write something like this?
No, stop.

>Tfw you one day see her about town with a boy.
Requesting a pic of Anon beating the shit out of this bastard that dares threaten bestbat's purity.
>Yuzu had rarely seen her dad so much as raise his voice before.
>Suddenly going full rage. For her.
>Moist bats
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Nobody touches best daughteru - Exodus 23:19
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We need a satyr version of this.
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>Exodus 23:19
"Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk."
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Her honour remains intact, right? Tell me we're not too late.
So I can't drain chimera waifu's goat udder over chimera daughteru's young body, then fuck the five of them?
Its says "don't cook" not "don't cock".
Fucking your abomination daughter is therefore probably okay in the eyes of The Lord.
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That was fast. Thanks.
>Moist bats
If I were to gather a bucket full of bats and liberally spray them with a garden hose, would you find it erotic?
Maybe. I'm into some pretty weird stuff.
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This is nice.
You mean you wouldn't?
We could use art of a satyr peeking through a door or something asking something "Is it over?"
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I was just about to go to bed.
Yahweh frequently said it was okay to go all the way with incest.

Those two are qt13s. I'm always glad when they get some love.
Jesus, that was fast.

Sleep tight, you glorious bastard.
G'night DJ.

May Scruffy never assfuck us again.
Trappy Garret, please
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Satyrs bathing is so cute.
0. I am the daughteru thy child
1. Thou shalt love no other before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any false waifus
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the daughteru thy child in anger.
4. Remember the birth day, to keep her happy
5. Honour thy Anon and thy waifu
6. Thou shalt not shitpost
7. Thou shalt not steal waifus
8. Thou shalt commit no art theft
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy waifu
10. Thous shalt not covet thy neighbor's daughteru

Thou shalt heed these words, Thou shalt love thy blood and child.
>Being this over protective
This is why she's going to leave you young and not speak with you for a few years. Then, when she finally does, she's not the same girl that left... And possibly has a baby, living with the dad, and if you try that shit again will go another few years of not talking with your daughteru.
>6. Thou shalt not shitpost
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
Oh, hey, look at that. Pinkie's husband is getting a cell mate.

You mean your flawed logic that beating up a BOY(not pedophile or confirmed asshole) she likes somehow is the right thing to do? Then yeah, sure.
You mean like in Roseanne?... Fuck, I'm old.
He had it coming, it was the will of God and Anon was the agent of his righteous fury.
>"So, that's what you told him?"
>"... You know she's just gonna see him now that you're in here, right?"
"She wouldn't! She-"
>"Trust me, I know... If you're lucky, they won't fuck while you're here."
>"And here comes the mace... "

>"Stings, don't it?"
>"Yeah, good times."
>"Hey, who knows? Maybe that boy isn't like the pink and yellow piece of shit my girl's dating."
>"Aww, c'mon. Don't cry. I won't even rape you tonight."
"Like you could..."
>"Pffft, look at me. I COULD. I mean, I won't, but I could."
"My poor baby..."
>"Aww, don't wanna talk about possible prison rape?"
A little surprised no one's asking who the boy is.
looks like Jay or Hotshot desu
Not really. Ear and nose piercings... Actually, couod be Jay. Orrr a random human boy. Steel Cage?
Yeah, the piercings really shout Jay but there are a few pieces that have Hotshot with minor piercings, but the shortness of the hair runs counter to Jay's (and really most other boy's) usual shaggy look but might fit Hotshot nicely.

Random boy does seem pretty likely tho if neither of them fit.
I wonder if Pyrefly is going to run Curwhibbles tonight.
Child, the road to forgiveness and salvation is long and treacherous. You must journey to the land of the equine and find a waifu. Court her, nurture her, so that the seed of man may take root.

Do not be swayed by the lecherous thestrals, do not be taken by the bloodlust of the griffons.

Now go, my son. Go now on this holy mission, so that you may find forgiveness.
I did run into him on the /trash/ thread about the scrappening. He picked a hell of a day to come back.
I like it, good name.
>ponies get high on salt
>humans sweat salt
>all satyrs are drunk by default
I want to claim that I came up with it, but I can't.

So send your praises to Anon, which I guess includes me.

So thanks.
Are you the same guy that's really, really against the idea that maybe Dawn's dad isn't a huge fan of minotaurs?
No, I'm the guy whose against Anon's being so self righteous in "protecting their daughters honoru" that they think physical violence is not only okay, but justifiable. So basically I'm against hicks. Fucking hicks.
Yes, Violence is not the solution.
You must prove to her that your D is bigger and better than his, so that she will never want to have sex with anyone else ever again.
And what if you know that the guy your daughter is hanging out with is a self-righteous dick who only says what the ladies wants to hear so he can score?
Okay do you "know" or do you have evidence? You know; previous girls, recordings, pictures, etc., because if you only "know", then find something solid to prove it, you speculatory dumb ass. If you have evidence, show her. Save her from being used by a pizza shit. HOWEVER, if you "know" and can find literally 0 evidence that he IS a scumbag (not just looks like one), then trust that your daughteru knows what she's doing. Not all people who look douchey are. Sometimes judging a book by its cover works, most times it does not.
>You fail, MISERABLY
>The other guy has not only bested you; he's taken your daughter and waifu
>As he walks off, a hand wrapped around each prize, he looks back to you
>With his strong, erect, thick dick freely swinging; he grins
>"There's a new king of this pride now."
>Shamefully, a singke tear rolls down your eye
>You tried to go primal in a land that is FAR closer to nature than Earth
>And you lost
>You deserve this
You only thought of a scenario where you won. Don't worry, I'm glad to remind you that you're not hot shit.
boy I can't wait for the cuck patrol to roll in.
Is that a patrol that shames cuckolds or a patrol that enjoys it and mocks the cuckoldee?
Neither. They're the ones that flip the fuck out anytime anything that can be remotely linked to cuckolding is brought up.
Parents/friends whose daughters dated him in the past told you, and you've seen how different he acts when he's not with your daughter and thinks you're not nearby.
Oh. Wouldn't anti-cuck patrol be a better name then?
She'll see through him eventually and come back if he's such a douchebag.
Oh, easy. Witnesses and past "conquests". All the evidence you need.
Not really since they browbeat anyone with inclinations of drawing, writing, or even talking about 'cheating' into silence.
>She saw through him too late
>He dumped her a few days after they shared a special (to her) night together
>They live in completely different towns far, far away
>Getting them all to come to your place, or travelling to them with your daughter, would cost quite a bit
>>He dumped her a few days after they shared a special (to her) night together
>implying she was a virgin
maybe you should have raised your daughteru smarter.
besides, kids have to make mistakes.
I never claimed she was. She lost that to you.
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See >>26917241 . She belongs to him now.
Only until she realizes he's a major douchebag and ditches him.
Good. Cucks have a shit tier fetish.
Yuzu's dad could totally kick Mumble's dad's ass.

>I am the one who rapes.
So, Mumble's dad rapes her and she's not-so-secretly into it?
You wish. You turned into a cump dump, all too well. Now she calls him daddy.
No, Mumble's dad rapes Yuzu's dad. It's prison, bitch. Rape or be raped. Meanwhile, Mumble's riding Timber's dick
This is why you actually fucking listen to your daughters. If you don't, they throw their vaginas around on guys just to piss you off
>All satyrs are drunk by default.
Well, that is part of their mythos.
Holy shit, it actually is.
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The fuck did I just come back to?
Refugees pls go.
So how're satyr crotch supposed to look like?

Well since Starlight was still hung up over Sunburst, that could potentially null Eden out of existence. Though Sunburst seem to be less obsessed over Starlight than the other way around.

Personally I'd like to see some S5 Satyrs more than anything the story I've tried to work on involves two satyrs from Our Town. But that's just me.


I've came up with the concept of two Caribou Satyrs based off Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan I named them Dunder and Blixen. I know Faust wanted Viking Caribou in the show so I just kinda went with it.

Plus a sheep Satyr named George Welish, of course and a female Yak Satyr that I didn't have a name for.

But some of those might fall into the "Too OC," category.
My guess, like pony crotches until that magic genital appearing whatever happens.
Oh, you mean like ALL of the satyrs ever should be? Since they don't go woth canon? C'mon, when has canon ever affected us?
Imagine a horse standing on its back legs, minus dong or crotch tits.
Well, I guess male satyrs would have dong. But not crotch tits.
That depends. Equine satyrs, changeling satyrs, sphinxes, drakes, or miscellaneous abominations crotches?

I at least like to attempt to work within the show yet I'm sitting here with the mindset of "I take what I want to as canon from post S3E13.

I'm just asking would a completely new race be too out there in terms of the thread if we tried to make it work within the show?
Ehh, so long as the parent's intelligence is left ambiguous. We have a timberwolf satyr after all
Yuzu is based off of an unnamed bat pony and we have a bunch of OC satyrs either from unnamed and assumed characters or ponies from the thread (Steel Cage, Murmur, Sweet Dreams, Solitaire, Driftwood, Thickette, D.D., maybe Laika). Though personally, I'm not all that hot about the selection of possible satyrs you just mentioned (...well...maybe that Yak satyr).
I... I don't know, I just got here because the OP pic was hot and I kind if have a thing for satyrs since radian historia

Great jrpg with satyrs

Someone mentioned a sheep Satyr long ago (I don't recall what lead to the conversation), and this video came to my head:


Hence the name George. Then I replaced the Yeti with a Yak Satyr who didn't know her own strength.

Plus I got concepts for like a dozen Satyrs that really have nothing beyond a name, a basic look, and a general idea. I promise one day I'll stop being such a shit and actually write
>Minus crotch tits
But I like satyrs having all their parts.
Go ahead and draw it then. I imagine it'll look pretty darn funny though.

Anyway, found a good example in one of my satyr folders.
Aht is the character that made me realize I had a thing for satyr lolis.

Damn, I still haven't gotten the 100% complete ending yet. The side quests are killing me.

But yeah, RH is one of the best games I've played. It may be the absolute best game I've played.
my man

Yep it is one hidden jewel. If only it had more satyrs, and the main character was more interesting
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Hope - 33.5.jpg
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>I just got here because the OP pic was hot
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petunia hot pants.png
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Does anyone care about satyrs adventuring or taking a more fantasy approach with Equestria? I feel like between the slice of life parent-daughteru feels and the straight laced shipping fetish smut, fantasy and action stuff isn't represented as much.
Ehh, just don't go full autist and I think people would read it.
I've come to the conclusion that this thread is full of homebodies.
Gorgeous fantasy world awaits, and exploring it (with your kids) is something only a few people have bothered to do.
I'd love some adventuring.
I'll be honest, I'd read pretty much anything if it had satyrs in it. If it had satyrs that I'm not all that keen on in it, I'd still at the very least skim over it to get the general gist of it.
Well to be fair, that's not really all that surprising. I personally have a full time job, and when I get time off all I want to do is sit in front of my computer and talk to weird strangers on the Internet. I hate when my family or small group of friendly acquaintances invites me out to do social stuff and it genuinely feels like a chore to me.

No reason to believe I'd act different if surrounded by miniature pastel horses, unless for the sake of the daughteru. She and I would feed those ducks so god damn hard.
Requesting an image of Anon and daughteru aggressively feeding ducks.
Damn, I don't think I ever ran into another RH fan. I wish it wasn't this obscure.

Yeah, yeah. Stocke really is kinda bland. His backstory is pretty interesting though. Still, everyone else was pretty memorable. And the locations. And the music.

Man, the music... Oh man, every track is amazing. Except for the Lazvil Hills theme. I think it was the game designer telling you to hurry up and GTFO.

I find it funny that the area the Satyrs live in is called Celestia. I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional because RH and FiM came out in 2010 and /satyr/ didn't exist till much later.
/r/ Anon and daughteru aggressively feeding ducks CIA-style.
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Just do it
Gumdrop would fit the bill. Secret agent and all that. Probably with Lyra shaking her head in the background
Why is that qt kill?
She is Hope. Lyra's daughter; the first Satyr to live. The first satyr to die.
Severe case of shitposting and butthurt over mundane topics that are beat to the death.

>You watch with pride as your daughter hurls an entire slice of bread directly at the duck that had been minding its own business as it lazily paddled around in the small pond, smacking it squarely in the side of the head and causing it to fly off in a panic.
"Great shot, sweetie, you totally fucked that ducks's shit up!"

And then Alex and her dad were banned from the public park for the rest of their lives.
Close enough, right?
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I work overnight tonight and I'll have time to draw. Feel free to drop a request and I'll pick any that strike my fancy (just because Yuzu is in your request, it doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to draw it).
I will try my best to post any I complete at work, but, as stated before, I only have my phone and a shitty signal there, so it's up to you guys if you want me to post them via phone, or just wait until I come home tomorrow morning.
Can you give Night Light a daughter so the entire Sparkle bloodline can finally be fully consumed by glorious human DNA?
Re-requesting Trappy Garnet bj and requesting a young Timber sleeping with his head on his dad's lap.
Did I miss anything? At all?
The glorious rise of cocksocking.
The Scrappening
So nothing at all?

Yeah, I haven't been on the board in a few days and that was my first time seeing a sticky
Aw shit man, all the neckbeards had one simultaneous heart attack. ALL the generals began to go poof. /satyr/ was one of them. Princess Applejack was also booted but the new thread was spared for some reason and it still exists.

I'll admit, it was a pretty scary moment.
Did you just call yourselfa neckbeard? Cause that's not something to be proud of.
That's pretty shitty
I remember the draw thread disappeared too, which is when I decided to stay on trash
I know, but I don't do anything on 4chan anymore. Just observe.
Unrelated, which satyrs would enjoy this tune?
Trash isn't bad
I have nothing left in my life other than the badge of neckbeard.

Nah, but really. I did get a little worried because I actually did like the /satyr/ community and the Scrappening happened suddenly.

I'm glad it's over though.
Family Cuddle puddle. Preferably the sparkle or Apple family.
>Family Cuddle Puddle
>Spike, Fem, and Thistle are there instead of Glimmer and Twilight
>The Apple family is just a large series of dots, until zoomed in on
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Glimmer doing pic related
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I was in a drawpile with some friends and one of them requested a small Pogo... so, here
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>Cherry Popper sips her shake
>Lil Mac spies
That is a small Pogo

>C.P. Looks to be a woman
>Lil Mac looks to be a boy
Nice get, nice pic

Holy FUCK! That cleavage! I think I like Cherry Popper now
This please. >>26919531 >>26919575 >>26919719
Did you make Venus look like Tomoko on purpose.
We need more Cherry Popper art and stories. I can only bring to mind that single greentext with her that had her working as a prostitute at her parents brothel. It was pretty hot, fampai.
Ask /d/non.
I kinda see it, though.
Why would Cherry Jubilee own a brothel when they have a successful business in the cherry industry? And why would they even allow their daughter to go into prostitution?
Oh shit, for some reason I could have sworn I saw DJ in the name field of your post. I should probably go to be if I'm starting to see things.
Because money.

>Praise the sun
Stopped reading there.
As it would happen, work is busy. I won't get to draw today, but hopefully tomorrow will be more lax.
Why Hasn't anyone mentioned that Pyrefly has started his quest??
>> 26924211
Did he forget to tell us again?
That's funny, I was just stepping over to see if anyone had. He only alerted the cyoa side for some reason.
Ow shit nigga.

Here we go.
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dumping requests I forgot to post
I like these two
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we talked about talking about heart flurry s name but we never actually talked about it.
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I wasn't really around for this ship.
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>That kinda bulge
U-Udders? Unf~
you know it !
Half-Pipe's been a bad girl. I like it.
I remember her first pic, where you gave her big dick sucking lips. http://m.imgur.com/a/ZMMXC Every time she isn't gargling cock, sucking dick, or giving head is a missed opportunity.
To be clear, is she a futa or something. 100% sure I saw a dick.
Kawaii desu

... How old was her mom when babby was made?

You really got Mumble's look down. For some reason, timber remind me of Wheelie.

that isn't the good kind of teasing, it's the bad kind! Tge kind where there is no sexual

Fuuuuck. Does HP got the booty?
She is indeed a chick with a dick.
Is her dick touching her boob?
>You can make her tit-fuck herself as you ass fuck her
Ohhhh fuck... And udders?! /d/, bless you.
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Hot damn! She dooooo!
Cider looks shocked/uncomfortable. First lesbian kiss, or did Sapphire just force her into it?
Satyrs fighting against Scruffy.
Is the new guy doing anything with the dropbox?
I don't see any of the new art from the past few threads
Been conputer less. Waitibg for my machine to come home, then going to pick up my slack
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 91

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