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[Theory] Starlight Glimmer will Murder Twilight in the Finale
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First, let's establish how often the idea of death has come up this season. There are at least seven episodes that protrude this idea:

The Cutie Map - Starlight gloating about how the girls will "Spend the rest of their lives" without their Cutie Marks twice (toward the end of Part 1, and at the beginning of Act 3 in Part 2) - Establishes a sense of mortality.
Castle Sweet Castle - Twilight and Spike mourning the loss of the Library (destroyed in Twilight's Kingdom) and the others building a chandelier out of the roots, practically as a memorial to it - The idea of coping with loss.
Tanks for the Memories - I don't think I need to get into this one.
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - Explicitly shows the skull of the dead Arimaspi - Definitely confirms the idea of mortality.
Crusaders of the Lost Mark - "If Mom and Dad were here, they'd be so proud of you." - All but confirms the Apple Parents are dead.
Scare Master - Skeletons! Skeletons everywhere! (Specifically, a full skeleton decoration in the window in the beginning, and the Psycho reference with Granny Smith's "skeleton" during Act 3) - Skeletons are almost universally considered symbols of death.
The Hoofields and McColts - A McColt was about to beat a Hoofield to death with a shovel - Pretty self explanatory to me.

The way I see it, if something is done more than once, it's something at least worth paying attention to. But if it's done 8-9 times throughout the course of the season, then there's little doubt it's building up to something.

Of course none of this is to suggest that Starlight will point the trigger at Twilight. Which brings me to Point Number 2: Starlight Glimmer has been motivated by jealousy the whole time.

(Cont. in Part 2)
This is the most autistic thing ive ever read
If you seriously believe Hasbro are going to allow death in My Little Pony, you are beyond delusional. In some countries, they're not even allowed to use the word 'loser'. Take your silly grimdark edgy bait and suck on it.
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I was on Akinator yesterday and one of the questions I was given was "Is your character autistic?" I just thought that was relevent.
Think about it: Jealousy is an idea that has come up even more often then that of death:

Make New Friends but Keep Discord - Discord's jealousy is the driving force behind this episode.
Princess Spike - Hinted to be Spike's unconscious motive in using Twilight's name ("I guess everypony loves a princess.")
Rarity Investigates! - Wind Rider was envious of Rainbow Dash's potential.
Brotherhooves Social - Big Macintosh was somewhat jealous of Applejack's status, especially as "Probably the best Apple of all time!" in Apple Bloom's eyes.
Crusaders of the Lost Mark - Diamond Tiara reveals to be jealous of them being able to explore different talents.
What About Discord? - Again, the driving force of the episode, this time with Twilight.
The Mane Attraction - Rara outright accuses Applejack of this at the end of Act 2.

With seven episodes, there's even less doubt that this is the route they'll take with Starlight.

In fact, I have reason to believe that Starlight specifically chose the date of the Sonic Rainboom from "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" because (and get ready for this) Starlight is the pony Twilight beat out to get into Celestia's academy.

I'll explain what I'm getting at in Part 3.
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Good thing the real Twilight is safe somewhere else
Nigga if you bothered to keep up with anything you'd know Twilight is alive and well in the poster. Plus the book mentioning that she's Twilight's pupil in the blurb.
Let's first ask the question: "Why does Starlight choose that day in the first place?" That question alone should at least be enough to suspect that Starlight knows more than she's leading on. And furthermore, while it's true that Twilight and Spike discuss the importance of that day during the Finale, we don't know if Starlight was around to hear any of it. Even though she's seen waiting for them in the Castle, we don't know if she was eavesdropping or not. So how else could she have known about the connection of the Rainboom?

I have two answers: Either she figured it out while testing the Time Travel spell used in the finale or (and more likely) she was there to witness it.

We know Starlight's primary talent is magic (and not just because she's another Twilight re-namer). So when the opportunity arose to apply for Celestia's academy, there is no doubt she'd be one to seize it.

Of course, the Sonic Rainboom occurred during Twilight's test, so Starlight must have at least been in another room when all this happened. Just as likely is the possibility of her being outside, just as Celestia was that fateful day. That'd make more sense because it'd give her not just a vantage point of the Rainboom, but also a vantage point of what Twilight's magic did to Spike (The very thing that made Celestia discover her in the first place.) Seeing this as a chance to impress the Princess, Starlight runs right in to stop it. Eventually, she enters the testing room just as Celestia names Twilight her personal student. Devastated, she runs off, never to be seen again until "The Cutie Map".

This would explain why Starlight seemed so obsessed with Twilight specifically when the group arrived at her village and why she seems hellbent on destroying the society that put Twilight over her.

But even with all this, I've still failed to answer the initial question: What makes me certain Twilight will be killed?

I'll further explain in Part 4.
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Let's first examine the evidence that Starlight is the one to pull the trigger. Let's first establish that Starlight is one who would resort to murder to maintain order. As we know, Starlight's village fits the idea of a Real Life Cult to a proverbial T. And one of the main features of a Cult is killing for whatever reason. Something proven when Starlight tries to do something to Double Diamond after he stands up to her.

Later on, toward the episode's end, we see that spell used at its full force. The only reason it doesn't affect the resistance is because Twilight blocked it with her shield spell. Considering the spell is powerful enough to take out a bridge, one can only imagine what it can do to a pony.

There are also two further episodes that suggest Starlight will pull the trigger: their uses of Glue. Yes, we've seen glue used on the show countless times before. However, these instances come attached with familiar symbols: This frame is from "Slice of Life" (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Matilda_putting_glue_on_the_page_of_the_scrapbook_S5E9.png). This one from "Party Pooped" (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Rarity_%22Very..._different%22_S5E11.png). As you can see, they both carry "=" symbols with them. A coincidence, perhaps, but one thing that's not a coincidence is the character Starlight was based on.

If you haven't read the short story "Harrison Bergeron", there's a character in it named Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General. It is her duty to ensure that everyone is equal and those who are "privileged" are brought down by "handicaps" so that there's nothing special about them. Sound like anyone we know? The reason I bring her up is because, well, what is the only thing she does in the book, the only action we actually see her do?

"It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and the Empress were dead before they hit the floor."
Okay, by now you're probably thinking "Ha ha, very funny Opie. Go take your ridiculous claims elsewhere for a while." And yes, this theory is utterly wild. In fact, I'd be less inclined to believe it myself.

If they didn't pull this Song and Dance routine before: https://derpibooru.org/470989?scope=scpeb0a53308c65cbc79d9f9b8b4a57fe44c3d7007e8

And furthermore, look at the magic Nightmare Moon used while casting that spell: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Nightmare_Moon_focuses_her_magic_S4E2.png

Does that look familiar?: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Starlight%27s_magic_overloads_S5E2.png

Of course, none of this was EVER to suggest they'd actually kill her off. Not in a million years. I must be crazier than this post made me out to be if I thought she was actually going to die. But with all this in mind, I implore you to confront yourself with the very real possibility that the writers have been building up all season for the most shocking, jaw-dropping, heart-stopping and flood-insurance-depleting payoffs in the history of the entire franchise, something not attempted since G1:

Starlight Glimmer will put Twilight through a Disney Death!
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So instead of "Twilight loses her wings in the finale" we have moved on to "Twilight loses her life in the finale". I think you're mad man
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