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>Thread died and no one made a new one
Good work, guys.

So in this thread anon is turned into a little and cute colt by the act of Discord who is now his dad and now our little anon has to learn about his new life on Equestria.

Last thread >>25326336



Hoers (MIA/Dead)
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A'ight was gonna post this idea
>Since anon spread chaos into the very heart of the crystal empire by kinda posing as a changeling Equestria starts a hunt for the hive
>They actually find it and make the changelings go running for a crime they didn't commit
>Chrysallis kinda suspects Discord and anon
>She goes with a small brigade of changelings to face them
>get rekted harder than bethesdadrones when trying to justify Fallout 4 shitty design
>Instead of sending them to Celestia and the other 3 horse mutants Discord accepts them into their home.
>By that he traps them in his pocket dimension
>Now Chrysallis has to live with his neighboors who pranks her all day every day, here hive who doesn't take her seriously anymore and anon who she hates but the dude actually finds her cool
Did you rike it?
This would be neato
im reading it from the pastebins i really liked the laste one of anon tranformed in twilight XD
>Thanks to the whole thing that anon caused martial law is declared on the crystal empire until the changeling situation can be resolved
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> rike
Ooooohhh yes I rike, I rike.
that's an...interesting idea actually.

Could be fun to throw in bugbutt as a mainstay character
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Glad you riked it
I actually wouldn't mind this. I really liked your Chrysallis
Basically this. Ilike the idea of having a dynamic between Chrysalis and Discord. Also her kinda starting to warm up to anon while being super angry at everyone.
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I like the idea that the hive doesn't listen to Chrysalis anymore. I imagine it would go like this

>You! how in Tartarus do you manage to get into my hive every single day!
"Oh, Larry let's me in"
>"W-who is Larry? I don't know anypony named like that. What kind of name is Larry even?
>anon points at Chrysalis's captain who is playing poker with his other changeling compadres
>The captain turns to look at his "Queen" and just smirks with the biggest shit eating grin anon has ever seen and nods at Chrysalis
that last chapter was the only good chapter youve ever written!
Write more!
Nah m8. The story is good all around, and Erf comes here around 11
>The changelings helps Discord and anon from time to time to make Chrysalis lose her shit
I like this idea
As to the comment you said in the last thread about the story being dead Erf, I personally have been here since you began and im still loveing it. However as of late I have been reading it at 12 pm on my lunch break do to being hard at work and not having time to stay up and talk and post as I would normally do.
Can't comment during the day because my phone IP is banned randomly. But I'm reading too.
BTW where are George and Rick? I miss those dudes
Erf where you m8? I want to see the real Twilight's reaction to this whole ordeal and how he maybe fucked an entire episode
strangely enough i have that same problem. My phone IP is suddenly banned. maybe it's due to my service provider.

also...hi everybody
It's not like Twilight's reaction would be immediate. It'd take awhile. in anycase. I'm not in the mood to eat tonight. Dunno why. So just gonna start writing.

If and when we get that far. the plan is to have them shack up with Discord and Anon for.....reasons (my current idea is Discord "needs a nanny").

Like all my reasoning and what I'd say i'd write. This is subject to change. For now...let's see what's up with Anon.

Well then. I thank you , and everyone else too. for the support. This is my longest running Greentext story ever. I dun even know if it's the longest /mlp/ has ever seen. And I do my best to keep things fun,fresh, and all that.
>I dun even know if it's the longest /mlp/ has ever seen
definitely not

theres stories that go on for years son
Namely Fallout in Equestria. Some of them are huge
>Discord "needs a nanny"
Imagine anon's family photo
that'd be fun...in anycase...writing time. I felt a little dizzy so laid down for abit. feeling better now
>Imagine anon's family photo

Do we even have drawfags? If we do, please do anon's family photo
dubs demand it
(these are my dubs btw)
>As you head down, you play the battle out in your head.....christ. It was so much different than fighting Discord or the doofus duo. Shining was pretty competent.....for a cartoon horse. If the portal didn't open. You'd be in the slammer. And eventually you and Discord would have been found out...luckily...they thought you were a changeling....wonder how that's gonna work out.
"Discord?...you around?"
>You go to the living room and peek about, calling his name again. No where to be seen. huh...you'd thought he'd be around to hear the news...but...nope.
>You even sit your butt on the ground for a few minutes....nothing...
>You head back to your room.
>...all you managed to bring back with you was the horn and the map....you even lost the photo of you, Discord, and Chrysalis....but you could probably get another if you asked.
>You take a look about your room. And take notice of the Grappling hook you left.
>...Grappling hook....
>...Well..if Discord wasn't going to show up. That did...give you some free time. And you did just do some espionage. Might be time for some training.
>You go and pick it up, it had two bands under it to attach to your leg. it had a lever with three settings, and a button...hrnn..the settings were "Release,Neutral, Retract".
>The hook itself didn't look anything futuristic or fancy. Most of it was wood except for the hook and rope attached to it.
>You attach the hook. and aim it....maybe the button fires it?
>You press it, aiming at your wall...
>You look at the settings..it's set on retract.
>That could be it.
>You switch it to...release...
>The hook just falls straight down and hits your other leg.
"Gyahh OUCH!...geez..ok...fuck.."
>You shake your leg from it's pain. And get a little frustrated.
"..ok..so release just makes it drop....let's...retract"
>you switch it back to retract. And hit the button. the hook goes back inside.
"..ok..easy..so...if I set it to neutral.."
>You hit the button. And it launches the Hook straight into the wall. cracking it.
"...fuuuuuuu.....ok it's fine..it's fine...it all can be fixed..fuck I can probably fix it myself tomorrow...don't need to be owing dear ole dad any favors."
>You retract the hook.
"..ok...let's see what it looks like out there.."
>You walk towards the portal door, and take a quick glance at your dresser. You notice something. Beside the framed family photo, was a framed pic of the Chrysalis moment....huh.
>You figured it must be just for a collection of special moments or something that were to remain on your dresser. Because unless Discord was around. He couldn't have just put it there at this moment....but just in case..
"..Discord?....you around?...."
"..ok then"
>...you set the portal door to the town hall setting. Number 1. And open the door.
"...hmmm...it's kind of getting late."
>The sky was a orange red. The sun was setting.
"Perfect...Maybe I can visit Lyra and Bon Bon. Check out them hats...but first...I really want to try this....ugh.."
>You slap your face
"Talking to myself again"
>You step through, and start walking about aimlessly. You started to think a little again.
>....hmmm...You wondered if Twilight was going to be involved into what happened at the Crystal Empire. That could either be really interesting..or really bad. hrnnn....Hopefully either one not being bad for you.
>You slink yourself away to and alley between some houses...and then look straight up.
>Your train of thought is interrupted...you heard a noise.
>You look left and right.....nothing..
"Discord?..come on man...if you're following me. Just pop up already. I got the info you want..."
>Still nothing
>...maybe it was just a cat or something. Who knows. You go back into focus, and look upwards. Let's do this...
>You aim your arm upwards.
"...Here we go...."
>You look around...still nothing...ok then.
>You set it to neutral. And press the button.
>The hook launches upwards to the ceiling of the house.
"Ha!..that's pretty cool....ok then...going up!"
>You set it to retract, and press the button.
>But you don't go up. The hook comes down quickly, before you can even react it hits your face, bounces up, and fully retracts back to the hook.
>You cover your face and yelp in pain.
"...d-dammit....ok...ok...next time...gnnn..make sure it's hooked to something... ogh.."
>Attempt two
>After recovering, you aim upwards again, and fire your hook.
>It again hits the roof of the house.
>You grab the rope and pull a couple of times.
>After a few tugs, nothing happens, the hook stays where it's at.
"perfect..ok..let's give it a go,"
>Actually...as you think about it. You probably could have fired this at Shining's face and knocked him out or something..maybe..or maybe you were overestimating how tough your own head was compared to others.
>....let's retract. You switch the switch and hit the button.
>You launch upwards into the air, and slam a few times onto the wall. You then flip and land on your back as you slam onto the roof of the house.
"....g...g...gh......t-this...this is a lot more dangerous than...than I thought..."
>You carefully get up. and look around...huh...the view was pretty nice. You could see the roofs of the other houses. the hills, the farm, and schoolhouse...and Twilight's ugly ass castle.
>You decide to sit down and enjoy the view a little.
>This was nice....you still hurt a little though.
"...hmmm..I could get used to this.."
>The breeze, the sight, the sky, the solitude...yeah..this was cool. you linger a little while longer.
>ok...time to go back down.
fuck...i should have eaten...gimme a moment.
>you even lost the photo of you, Discord, and Chrysalis
This can only end well. Or it can serve as proof that it was a changeling attack and Discord and anon had nothing to do with it. Maybe Discord was at fluttershy's or evem at Twilight's monument to ugliness aka her castle so he could have an allibi?
shhhh...Anon hasn't had his double take that he left the picture there yet. Anyway, i'm munching on some dinner right now.
>You carefully move to the roof and look down.
>....oh boy...falling could be a doozy.
>let's see...you could hook the hook onto some part of the roof. Hit release, and slowly manage your way down.
>Sure you had hooves, but all you had to do was hang on tight.
>Then suddenly....it hit you..
>In your panic, you lose your footing, and fall off the roof.
>...welp....nothing to worry about now. Because nigga, you were gonna die.
>Not like you could take it bravely, you scream like a little bitch as you fall.
>you close your eyes, knowing of your inevitable doom.
>And then you land....
>And you hit something...
>Were you dead?
>Dying didn't seem so bad.....it felt...soft..and warm.
>"You ok Nonny? What were you doing way up there?"
>Pinkie?...were you in heaven?...
>You slowly open your eyes....no
>You were back in the alley.
>You look down, you were above the floor, on something pink and soft.
>You look to your side. Pinkie was looking back at you with a smile "Good thing I was following you. or you would have ended up like an egg!"
"P-Pinkie?...w-what are you doing here?"
>Holy christ thank god...she saved your life. You were still shaken though.
>"I was following you silly." Then suddenly she looked at you angrily "Do you know how long I've been trying to talk to you?"
>You slowly get off of her. and back up a bit. "...what do you mean? Wait....how long have you been following me?"
>"Oh..for awhile now. I've been following you from time to time since you left the hospital. I even followed you when you went to school too. I was the bell ringer!"
>Well...that explains that...But...holy crap...that's...all kinds of creepy. And this was your waifu you were talking about. You flashback to a few greentexts where the main character would always had the admiration of the mane 6...and...geez....did you have Pinkie's...because...oh shit! How much did she know?!
ahh the first anon greentext mistake of the night

"....uhmm.....why exactly...have you been following me?"
>Pinkie beamed at you "Oh that's an easy one Nonny. You see, I'm sort of the party planner round' these parts. Any new pony, and event, anytime somepony needs a smile. I'm there! And you...well....I haven't thrown you one party yet. Do you realize how hard to track you are? I haven't been able to throw you a..."
>Suddenly, she took a huge breath
>""Yay you got adopted" slash "Welcome to Ponyville" slash "You're a hero" slash "Get well soon" slash "Yay! you got well sooner than expected" slash "first day at school" party! I had to combine them all because that's ALOT of parties to throw at once. And I do have other ponies parties to plan. But don't worry Nonny, that just means your party is going to be big big big!"
"Pinkie...are you telling me you've been following me just for an opportunity to throw me a party?"
>Pinkie just then...frowned at you.
"....u-uhhh....something the matter?"
>"You forgot the nickname you gave to me already? I really liked it...I know we haven't seen eachother since the hospital and all. But...I thought it was nice"
>ohhhhh...lordie. You almost forgot Pinkie was heavily friend oriented. If there was any pony that was going to auto care about you immediately. It would be her. She was the embodiment of actual friendship...scaringly so..if a certain donkey had anything to say about it.
"I remember. I...was just caught by surprise...by you just showing up...Ponk"
>And instantly she smiled
>"You remembered! And of course I'm good at surprises! I'm actually a master...almost like an ancient master...but not old like one...that's how much of a master I am"
>You chuckle a little. that was cutely endearing...But it only distracted you for a moment until you remembered the picture.
>Pinkie even noticed your sudden anxiety, and gave you a friendly boop on the nose "What's the matter Nonny? You ok?."
>it doesn't calm you down any. Though the tap was appreciated.
"It's nothing, just...something I forgot."
>Something you forgot. You were already thinking of ways to get it before it was seen....you never saw it fall out of the bag. and the bag was invisible...but no doubt as they picked everything up that they would have felt and found it by now.
>"Well, since I'm here. Why don't I help you remember? Do you remember anything about what you forgot?" Pinkie asked, trying to be of help to you.
"I...Ponk look. I remember what I forgot. It's just I forgot it in....actually. Ponk, this is actually a sort of...private thing."
>"Private?...private how?" Pinkie asked, with curiosity.
>...come on Pinkie. You didn't want her to meddle in your business like this. You didn't want to get upset at her for being nosy, She was much too cute and friendly.
"..Just private. Ponk, It's just something I got to sort out on my own. You can understand that. Right?"
>"....Well..yeah but." Then Pinkie gave you a big ole smile "But wouldn't it be more fun if we sorted it out together? And I'll bet it won't be as bad as you think when we...uhm...do what...you forgot that you done..I think" and then she giggled.
>...you kept yourself from grumbling. Maybe if you just changed the subject. Shit...though..you really needed to see Discord.
"...umm..I'm sorry Ponk, it really is a sort of thing I got to do on my own...but hey. Umm, let's talk about that party you wanna throw for me. What exactly is that about?"
>Instantly Pinkie lights up. She did really seem to want to talk about this. "Weeeeeellllllllllll, if you want to know. Since it's supposed to be a big combo party. I was thinking maybe it should be a surprise party. But then I thought, since you really are new to Ponyville and don't have many friends that it'd be more of a "mingle" kind of party where I would get everypony and their kids to show up so they could talk to the hero! But then I realized, since you are going to school, then you probably already mingled, so I thought of it being a surprise party again. But now I've pretty much told you what I thought I wanted to have planned so now it can't be a surprise party, so now I don't actually have a plan. Buuuuuuuut, that's not a bad thing because I'm talking with you now. So that means I could just ask you the kind of party you want and I can make it happen! But then if we're going to do it like that then we're going to need a guest list of all the friends you have made. And maybe some ponies you want to make friends with too! Then I have to ask for the theme of the party, presents you might want, supplies. Then we have to choose a location! I have a few spots you might really like, I can even rent a gazebo in the park if you want. And I also need to know the kind of music you like. Can't have a party without music. And if you're birthday is soon then we can throw it on that day because then we can have lots of cakes and games and all of that good stuff!.....did you get all that?"
>.....holy shit...that's a mouthful. And yet....not any less endearing. Pinkie knew you the least out of any of the other ponies. and..well..besides Fluttershy of course. She was making an effort to throw you the perfect party despite basically being strangers.
"....uhhhhh....I think. Actually, that all sounds really good Ponk...but..you know what I really need right now?"
>Pinkie rubbed her muzzle, trying to make a serious guess. "a party hat?"
>You shake your head. You only needed one thing right now.
"...no. I REEAAALLLLYYY need to find my Dad actually. He's not at home. And, the thing I forgot. He's the only one who can help me with it."
>Pinkie stood still for a moment to contemplate. "ok...but then...can we talk about throwing you that party afterwards? I still owe you one Nonny! Nopony comes to Ponyville without at least one party" Then Pinkies narrowed her eyes at you, frighteningly so. "Nopony"
>....that's...a little scary. It even makes you gulp.
"Sure Ponk...whatever you say"
>"Oki Doki Loki! Now...your Dad is Discord right?"
>You nod
"Yep. But didn't you alrea-"
>Pinkie put her hoof to your mouth. "Shhhh....." She slowly removed her hoof and pondered "....I'd say....if you're dad was anywhere....that'd he would be...At....the Crystal Empire."
>Your pupils shrink....why was he there?..wait....
"..Ponk....how do you know he's there?...Do..you have some sort of super sense?"
>You knew about her Pinkie sense...but holy shit...that's overkill.
>"What? oh..nope! I just overheard Discord telling Fluttershy that he was going there for some "important business". I was hiding inside the cottage waiting for you...but you never showed up there either. I mean, you didn't even show up right after school on your first day. Did you even go to see Fluttershy at all that day?"
>.........holy shit....She was clearly stalking you...for party purposes of course...but still.
"...So..wait..Did Aunt Fluttershy know the whole time?"
>Pinkie shook her head "Nope, that's why it's called a "surprise" party...duh, I mean. Wouldn't it just be awesome if everypony was caught by surprise? But that didn;t work out either..."
"Ponk...why don't you just throw me a regular party? I mean. It could just be me,you, a few friends.....Dad...I mean, you know. Keep it small but still have some fun out of it. Wouldn't that be ok?"
>>Well...that explains that...But...holy crap...that's...all kinds of creepy. And this was your waifu you were talking about. You flashback to a few greentexts where the main character would always had the admiration of the mane 6...and...geez....did you have Pinkie's?...because...oh shit! How much did she know?!
>>oh you bet. You say your goodbyes to Pinkie, who didn't let you go without a hug. She was so sweet....and scary sometimes...and a little of an inconvenience. But in the end she knew where Discord was. If he was at the crystal empire. Then either he got impatient and tried to find out the secret himself. Or he's just hanging about for other reasons. All you had to do was go back home, and then take the portal door. Easy as pie.
dead thread dead writer dead life
So that sneaky cunt actually has a fucking allibi for him
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Twilight's Ego Festival is next day right?
>Pinkie nodded "Mhmmm, that's ok.As long as it makes you happy Nonny"
>You wouldn't mind a small party all things considering. But, nothing would break the tension you felt unless you could get that picture without hopefully anyone noticing.
"It would Ponk. But...can we plan it out later. I gotta go and really talk to my dad. Super important"
>Pinkie nodded "Ok! But one more thing Nonny! Do you want a theme for your party? I can do themes!"
"Surprise me Ponk"
>Pinkie beamed a huge smile "Can do! Ohhhhhhh gosh! You're gonna be really surprised Nonny! You can bet on that!"
>oh you bet. You say your goodbyes to Pinkie, who didn't let you go without a hug. She was so sweet....and scary sometimes...and a little of an inconvenience. But in the end she knew where Discord was. If he was at the crystal empire. Then either he got impatient and tried to find out the secret himself. Or he's just hanging about for other reasons. All you had to do was go back home, and then take the portal door. Easy as pie.

(i have no fucking clue how i missed posting this last post)
if by Alibi you mean she knows Discord went to the crystal empire, and had no idea where anon was at the time of the incident. Then sure.
seems that way
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>You're gonna be really surprised Nonny! You can bet on that!"
>it's a spider themed party
In all seriousness, I expect DT to get involved with the part planning somehow
This is I wired time for you to be posting erf.
can't sleep. theres a single fucking fly that somehow got in my room and i can't kill it. it's driving me bonkers. enough to buy a bug zapper after work just to end it's life
Ahh weel though im not complaining, because I am happy that there's more green, you should rest.
Do you have apple cider vinegar?
Better yet, buy a Jack Daniel's
Yes that would work to. I've been useing watered down apple cider vinegar in a bowl to capture dumb flys in my basement.
I got none of those. it;s fine. i'll deal with it
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>How much did she know?!
>" I know evrything nonny... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!"
Well maybe Discord was watching the whole thing and made his saddle bag dissapear so Shining Armor doesn't find it? And I forgot

>Ever hinting at Flash Sentry
Please don't
Well, if you guys want to know whats swimming in my head for after woooorrrkkk

Discord knew about the baby the whole time. He just sent Anon in anyway to see how good he was at tricking ponies he never met. Discord really didn't have any idea when Anon would change back. Discord didn't know about the photo being left behind. Discord uses this for his tomfoolery
More please.
just have to tell you

your making anon out to be a little cunt always going for the nuts
not cool
Sorry it's ben a while, yall still want me to serve some green?
Who be you
do it nigga
Most of you know me as George but my friend convinced me to put on a name that's the same as my pastebin name.
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/D0wLPdkt

>The train arrived at Canterlot the next morning.
>You didn't get too see much mainly because of the guards standing so close keeping you from running away.
>After a few minutes of walking you all arrive at the castle.
>Inside Celesta and Luna are waiting.
>After a hushed greeting with Twilight they make their way over to you.
>There were no kindness or welcoming sense in their eyes.
>Luna then steps forward to speak.
>"Young colt, from where did Discord get you from?"
>Seems like they found out somehow, either way best to try to find out what they know first.
"How much do you know?"
>"We know that you are not of this dimension. That Discord has plucked you out of your home and brought you here."
"Then why am I here if you already know?"
>"To find out your motive and figure what to do with you. Now answer the question that we have given you."
>Time to get some of this off your chest and just give in a little.
"I'm from a place with no magic, a world where humans are the dominant place, where I'm not a pony but one of them."
>They all seemed surprised to see that you confessed so quickly.
>"Is that so?"
"Yes, it is."
>"And for what reason are you here?"
>Great seems like she wasn't satisfied with your answer.
"I didn't come here on purpose, Discord kind of just pulled me out."
>"And would you like to return home?"
"I'm not sure, I wasn't happy home and even if I was sure Discord can't send me back."
>Luna now seeming to be satisfied loses her serious expression.
>"Then we will just have to help you make this life better."
>Everyone seemed somewhat surprised over this but fine with it at the same time.
>"And I think Discord will make a suitable Dad."
You are already bumped.
You will always be George for us
>I wasn't happy home
Anon confirmed to be a sad house
I like some internal conflict going on at the same time. In this case Anon hasn't really decided if he would rather be home or in Equestria. On one hand, home is a place he knows better but it is also a place he wasn't happy at. On the other hand he might enjoy his new home more but that comes with learning about a whole new world and a whole new body.
tfw the anonfilly thread died
Down the line of succession I guess.
I like the concept, and let's see how far you develop Luna
I put Luna in because she seemed like the most reasonable character to be a little bit more forceful than some of the others. That's the reason why she was asking most of the questions.
Where is Erf?

What about Celestia? I agree with your decision for Luna but for different reasons. In canon she seems super fond of kids
i'm here now...gonna start writing
She just always seemed more on the serious side to me than Celestia. Anyways I'll let Erf take the night shift now.
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Oh yes.
>As you begin searching for a source of water, you reach back to your saddlebag...
>...wait....what saddlebag?
>..in fact...you never even grabbed your map back from the house either. Just the grappling hook.
>You slap your face with your hoof.
"Well, that's just great! I can't believe I forgot it! How am I supposed to get home now! Ugh....UGHHHH....fine...whatever. It'll be ok. I guess I'll just head back and see what Pinkie is up to. Maybe get that party planned and all."
>You remove your hoof from your face...something was different. The ground was a different color...more crystally.
>You look up......
>......oh sweet mother of god.
>....it was Shining Armor and Cadence, looking at you.
>You scream in surprise and turn around, before you can even run you were surrounded by royal guards.
>You duck down and cover your head
"Please don't kill me!"
>Suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted up, and cuddled.
>"Please excuse my son's behavior. He's been very erratic lately. What with those girl issues and all. He's very new to it"
>you lift your head out of your chest and look around, you were surrounded by guards, Shining Armor and Cadence included. But they didn't look hostile.
"W-what's going on? I was just in Ponyville a second ago."
>"See, he was in Ponyville! Oh, I'm so sorry to have pulled you here my son. But when I came to play a little prank I was suddenly surrounded by royal guards. Seems there was some sort of attack and apparently we were involved."
well, looks like we need to reload our save
>Cadence sighs "Please don't worry your son like that Discord." She then shakes her head and gives you a smile "What your father meant to say is we THOUGHT he was up to something..but..." Cadence stopped, and try to think of something comforting to say. As she never thought you were explicitly involved. Well....She did...but only for a few moments. "We started to realize that...well...Actually. Discord, we don't need to involve your son do we? He had nothing to do with this"
>"Ahhhh...he may have had nothing to do with the attack. But the picture certainly proves that the changelings are out to ruin our image. Probably revenge for getting their two sentries eaten in the Everfree Forest."
>...what...wait. Ok, now you went from scared to confused.
"W-what's going on? Why am I here. Why are there royal guards? What..."
>better think of your next words. Because as it seems. They didn't see you as an intruder.
"What...happened exactly?"
>Discord gently put you down and gave you a gentle petting. obviously for show. "Oh not much, just a misunderstanding.It seems those two villains beat in Ponyville were actually changelings. They must have been very high rank because they saw fit to raid the Crystal Empire and try to do something most heinous. And then, and here's the kicker. The intruder dropped various school items, money, and a picture of me, you, and the queen being buddy buddy."
>You cringed hard at the fact they indeed in fact found the picture. But...the two thugs weren't changelings...they were.......oh......Discord was lying...
>Shining Armor noticed you cringing and gave you a smile, and even saluted. "Hey, don't sweat it little guy. Like Cadence said. They tried to make it look like it was you and your dad's fault. But I've gotten my sister's letters about what happened back in Ponyville, I know a little hero like you would never do something so terrible. Nah, you're royal guard material. Takes a lot of bravery to kick some changeling tail. Especially when you're saving somepony else's skin."
>Cadence nodded and agreed "Yeah, but come on. Dropping school supplies and a blatant picture? Why would you even bring school supplies? They made it way to obvious"
>Discord nodded "Indeed, what moron goes around carrying school supplies on a infiltration mission anyway? You'd think they'd bring actual tools for the job. Then again....I guess I wouldn't really know as..." Discord rubs his paw on his talon finger,opening it up like a swiss army knife. "I'm always prepared for anything anyways."
>......holy shit. HOLY SHIT..
>You took a breath. It seems Discord had saved you from your initial screw up and shifted the blame to the changelings. Which...wasn't bad. Because fuck those guys.
"....So...u-uhh..what exactly happened?"
>Discord shook his head at you, and again gave you a pat as he gave you a gentle smile "Nothing for you to worry about Anon. At this time, we we're actually discussing what must be done about all this. I mean..."
>Discord looked up to the sky as a spotlight came upon him "To try to destroy everything I have created. A loving home, a wonderful and brave son, and even amending bridges among the other ponies...why......why..."
>tears stream down Discord's eyes ".....it's...truly dreadful"
>Cadence walks up to Discord and gives him a pat in the back "Discord...It'll be ok. We understand what happened and we'll make sure you nor your son will be blamed for this....."
Well, seems like Discord's sweet little lies will save the day. I actually liked the whole Shining fight. Made me laugh with the whole kitchen part
the abuse of periods in your writing pains me on a physical level
>"And welcome back to our seventeen program, Big Colt! Starring Anon the little colt! With the guest appearance of the queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis!"
>Both of your faces stand in one corner of the screen
>You are wearing a tiny cute outfit to match your mane and Chrysalis is wearing a pineapple costume
>A changeling public applaud and cheer at the sight of both of you
>You seem confused as Chrysalis is right now
"Discord, what the hell?"
>"I DIDN'T SIGN FOR THIS, BESIDES, WHAT'S UP WITH THIS COSTUME?" said Chrysalis from her side of the corner
>"Ta, ta my special guest! Since you and your legion are living in my dimension, you must follow my rules!"
"And what are those rules? Being in a reality show? Besides, this isn't a parody to Big br-"
>Your mouth was shut up by a magical zipper
>"First things first, dear son. FIRST RULE: The contestants shall vote for any other member of The House, the one with the most votes shall be fired! Literally!"
>Discord's snapped his talons and out of nowhere a Twilight replica made of cartoon appeared in the middle of the screen, and then it was covered in flames
"Wmmh tmh fmmm?
>"RULE NÚMERO 2: No curses or the contestands shall be electrocuted! Wanna give it a test, Anon?"
>Once again Discord's talons snapped his talons and your zipper was gone
"Don't you ever fucking do that A-GGAGAGAHHSTTS"
>"Thank you for your cooperation, Anon. Moving on, rule 3!"
>"What if I don't want to be in this thing?" Chrysalis said, annoyed of what Discord wanted to do
>"Oh, then you get three minutes in the cage with the Deathclaw"
>"What is a-"
>Discord's talons snapped, sending Chrysalis out of her corner
>"3.... 2.... 1....." Discord snapped his talons sending back Chrysalis to her corner
>She was shivering a lot
>"Ah.... ah... ah..."
>"Speakless? Ah, that's more like it"

I tried a thing
>>"Oh, then you get three minutes in the cage with the Deathclaw"
yeah, I'll try to cut down on that then. Quads demand it.

>Shining Armor looked to his men with a very serious and militaristic expression "Ok everypony. Dismissed. We'll meet back in the throne room to discuss strategy."
>Shining Armor nods to them, and they all march inside the castle in two lines.
>Shining then looks to you "Hey, Anon. When you're older, if you ever want to try out for the Royal Guard here in the Crystal Empire. Look me up."
>Shining then looks to Cadence, in which they share a kiss before he marches along behind his little army.
>Cadence then looks down at you. She was curious about you. The hero colt that when adopted, even started to turn Discord into such a kind and caring fellow. Or so she thought. "I hope you didn't get too scared Anon, I'm sorry if you did. I wasn't expecting your father to seriously teleport you."
>Discord rolled his eyes "Please, as if you'd have taken my word for it."
>"We would have, it's just you have to understand that it's a very delicate situation. Come on Discord, are you telling me you wouldn't be suspicious if somepony raided your home and left evidence that pointed to somepony you knew?"
>Discord didn't even have to think about he, he responded immediately. "If somepony actually raided my home I highly doubt they'd be able to leave.....at least not intact"
>Cadence cringed at that. It must have not been a pleasant image to think. "Ahrm...anyway...Anon, again, our apologies"
>hmmm, you were out of trouble. And Cadence. She was genuinely sorry. But you couldn't help feel a little guilty about all this. Definitely not the fact that it seemed that the Changelings were gonna get rekt. But the fact you caused her any trouble at all.
"It's alright ummmm....."
>You acted ignorant of her name.
"Sorry, I actually didn't catch your name. I was too surprised by everything"
>Cadence gave you a warming smile, fitting of the princess of love "I'm Cadence, I'm actually Twilight's sister-in-law. I've come to understand she became your social worker and, given her letters, that you've caught her by surprise by not being a little hayraiser. And" Cadence giggles "Being real."
>ahhh...you remembered that. Twilight couldn't believe you actually existed. Also. Now that you think about it. Thank god she never ever went to actually check if the orphanage was real. Discord must have still stayed on top of any letters Twilight sent to it. It was also nice she didn't introduce herself as a princess. Showed she didn't have an ego about it.
"It's nice to meet you Cadence.I haven't heard much about you. But just by meeting you, I can tell you're a really nice pony. Would you be my friend?"
>You give her the cutest look you could. If she said yes. Then you'd have less to worry about.
>Cadence herself couldn't help but smile..no..more than that. She gave you a nice pet on the head, it was very gentle and loving. Just about as much as Fluttershy "I'd love to be your friend. And you don't have to worry about me falling for you. I'm already taken. Though I could see why you'd have filly troubles. You're not only heroic, but you are also very handsome."
>Hahahaha...ohhh....geez. Yeah, you only heard a little blurb of that in the whole conversation. And you knew you weren't around to hear all of it. But that's what it seemed Discord used as your alibi. Filly troubles. Christ.
>Cadence herself. Now that you didn't have to focus on getting a secret from her and pretending to be bookhorse. Was actually one sexy horse. One you wouldn't mind shacking up with if circumstances were different. You couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed though. The whole relationship issue was a little blown out of proportion.
"T-thank you. But uh, I don't think I'm ready for all that stuff yet. It's all super complicated. I just can't understand girls."
>Cadence's joyous smile became a little more devious. "You will one day Anon. One day you'll make that one special mare very happy. And then they'll want to do this to you."
>what? what did she mean by that? why was she smiling like that? She didn't mean...
"W-what do you mean?"
>"Well. When two ponies like eachother, they generally do something like..." She quickly moved up to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek "this with eachother"
>You blush deeply and moved back. Even though it was just a cheek kiss. It felt like it was done by an expert. You were blushing deep red.
>Cadence couldn't stop giggling. Even Discord was having a chuckle from your reaction.
>You didn't say anything however. But you did feel embarrassed. Moreso by Discord joining in on the laughter. Why were you such a sperg? It was probably because you were some basement dwelling slob. Well...a former one anyway.
"Come on, don't laugh. I-I mean. That was a low blow. Just kissing me like that."
>Cadence stops her giggling to a titter, and goes back to a more gentle smile "I'm sorry Anon, I couldn't resist. But. If you ever need any kind of dating advice or help with girls. I don't mind talking about it with you, being the Princess of Love. It is my duty to help those in need in all matters of love. And besides, it's always been a talent of mine anyway"
>"Actually Princess, me and my son really must be going. It is getting late. And I'm sure you have important work to do. What, with all this nasty changeling business" Discord, despite having a laugh. Didn't seem to want to stick around. Which was understandable. He just got away with what was essentially high treason. Well...you both got away with it anyway.
>Cadence did know Discord was right. But she was feeling some sort of maternal instinct towards you. She couldn't explain it. But it was most likely due to her pregnancy. And it was true (not really) that the issue at hand did require attention. "You're right Discord. But my offer still stands. If you ever want to talk about dating Anon, you know where to find me. I'm sure your father can get you here no problem." Part of her friendly offer was also due to the fact that she felt bad that you even needed to be summoned here. Or really, that Discord bothered to summon you there.
>For you however. you realized how really easy it was to befriend ponies. Especially thus far. It seemed as long as you were kind and cute and caught in the middle of circumstance that you could make friends with anybody. Except villains....
>you nod to Cadence
"Ummm, I don't think I'll need that. But I would love just to hang out with you. and that other guy too. You're married to him right?"
>Cadence nodded "Mhmmm. I'm sure he wouldn't mind hanging out." Cadence put a hoof to her belly, she was considering that offer as good practice at child raising. Any and all practice would be welcome. "When we get the chance, we can make a day out of it"
>That didn't sound too bad. As long as they never found out the truth of what really happened anyway.
>Discord did a simple bow "Well then, a pleasant day to you Princess, and if it comes to what I think it will be. Happy hunting"
>"I hope..it doesn't come down to that. I really don't want there to be a battle or a war. I'm sure we'll find a proper solution to all of this."
>. "Oh not much, just a misunderstanding.It seems those two villains you beat in Ponyville were actually changelings. They must have been very high rank because they saw fit to raid the Crystal Empire and try

>you say nothing. No, you just wonder. coming into a full realization that Discord may have just started something pretty fucking big. Something that may have been beyond the scope of the show itself.
>with goodbyes all around. Discord snaps his talons, and teleports you and himself back to the house. To the living room. Now that it was just you and him. You could actually talk about the situation proper. You wondered if within all of this if Discord was ever told the secret you were sent to learn. Well...you were about to find out.

Chapter end
What bump? Goose bumps?
>Cadence's joyous smile became a little more devious.
Goddamn, I love it
>Discord into such a kind and caring fellow. Or so she thought.
To be fair, he kinda is doing that
>she was considering that offer as good practice at child raising
This has the potential of going to places. Weird fetish places
Well, I believe this whole adventure also would help to separate even further this story with the main show since now anon basically has fucked an entire episode
Anon showing how much of a perma virgi he was back on earth
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Plump bump.
Yo Erf, don't read the last comic. It's even worse now
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except i don't see a storytime
The only good part is that Chrysallis tells Sombra's bitch how dumb she is
While they upload that shitfest. How about some nice green?
....in a moment actually. had a super shit day at work. ...i won't be too long.

oh..i saw that. I thought that was glorious until she was still "clinging to hope"
Hope she gets rekted and turned into a goddamn stone
alright m8. Hope that this makes up for your shitty day
>You take a few steps forward. Yeah, definitely the house.
>You look back at Discord, he looked pretty pleased with himself. In fact, you felt that he should be. He made a damned good recovery from, what you could tell anyway, a gigantic fuckup that you yourself made me.
"That was pretty impressive Discord, amazing really."
>Discord seemed a little surprised by this immediate response "Oh? No complaining, whining, or surprised reaction from my little Anon? You usually would have something to say that would indicate some sort of disapproval."
"Normally...But when I saw all the guards I thought that was it. But geez, you turned it all around. And we got away with it scott free"
>"Oh. Well then. In that case. As much as I'd like to say, I can't take all the credit. None of this would have been possible without you. I didn't actually expect you to change back so soon. And dropping your saddlebag, with the picture inside? Anon, you don't have a knack for chaos. You actually have a true talent for it."
>Dat praise. Unfortunately. As much as you wanted to accept it. It was all just an accident.
"Yeah, about that. I didn't actually mean to drop my stuff. I was sorta cornered. So I threw my bag at Shining's face."
>Discord floated over to you and gave you a genuinely gentle pat "Don't fret Anon, the great thing about chaos is that it doesn't matter if it was on purpose or accidental. Chaos is measured in the mayhem you cause. And..." Discord chortled and rubbed his paw and talons together, making an evil grin "you did cause enough mayhem to incite a battle...oh, I'm going to have to find out when it's happening and mark it on my calendar."
>huh, true. now that you thought about it. That's how chaos generally is. Though, you were just glad you got out alive. Oh, that secret!
"Oh yeah! hey, I learned that secret you wanted to know!"
>Discord was looking through a calendar he poofed up, looking through his "available" days. He didn't even look back at you. "Oh that? I knew about that for a long time. I didn't actually care if you found out or not"
>Discord poofed away the calendar and then turned to you with a half cocked smirk "Imprisoned actually"
>"Ahh, that's one of the few things that disappoint me Anon. You still have trouble figuring out even my most simple plans. This wasn't about the secret, this was about finding out how good you were at being sneaky, using that silver tongue of yours, along with that cartoon knowledge you have. And by my surprise, you manage to surpass all my expectations. Are you really going to be angry at me for doing a much better job than expected?"
>Yes, but then no. Because at this point, it would just lead into the same old run around. So, you just calm down with a sigh.
"It's really hard to tell if I'm your friend or tool at times."
>Discord shrugged with a smirk on his face "Why not both?"
>You just lay down and cover your face with your forelegs.
>Discord's smile turned into that of a melancholic expression as he lowered himself to ground level and looked at you with a dog like whine coming from his person. "What's the matter Anon? I did mean what I said, I am proud of you"
>You raise your head a little, you were aloof about all this.
"I know, don't worry about it. Just need to get over myself. Though, we'd probably get along a little better if you thought as me as your partner once and awhile."
>"I do think of you as my partner, and as my friend, an up and coming trickster, a failure with fillies, and a tool. All rolled into one. I fail to see the issue here"
>All rolled into one, huh? Well, at least he was honest.
>You really REALLY needed to get over Discord's words putting you down. Discord was Discord. He had his own way of thinking and he never ever thinks of others feelings unless he tries or after the fact, and even then it takes a beating in his head for him to get it. And even through it all, despite being called a "tool". He seemed genuinely enthralled in the fact you did more than what he expected, accident or not.
>You slowly stand up, take a deep breath, and let your melancholic aura flow out of you.
"Alright, I'm good with that. As long as you see me as some sort of equal. I've gone through a lot of shit just to keep up this little act Discord. So, thank you for that. I guess. So....what about the changelings then? What's going to happen to them?"
>"Them? Anon, are you actually concerned for them?" Discord asked, with a cat like curiosity.
>You shake your head, fuck no you didn't give a shit.
"Nope, I was just curious. Fuck those guys man, there was nothing about them that I saw that even remotely hinted at them being good. I mean, hell. Their plan was to make everyone worried sick, then bum rush them. That's really low. Hell, I'll sit with you and watch the fight. We can make bets and everything."
>"Oh that does sound like fun. But Anon, if you expect a bloodbath. Then you better be ready to be disappointed. Ponies are not vicious bloodthirsty creatures. They will probably only try to send them all to Tartarus."
>You shrug
"Whatever, I just wanna see a good fight. Twilight versus Tirek was a little bit of a let down. But a good ole brawl of quadrapeds? I'm all for it."
>"Interesting. I'll have to make a mental note of this." Discord smashes his paw into his head, grabbing his own brain and writing onto it with a quill "Anon has a lust for violence when dealing with "Villains" "
>After making his notation, he slams his brain back into his head. Then makes some minor adjustments. You step back and gag, some of his brain juice leaked on the floor. Gross
>You actually have a true talent for it.
I would call that talent something special
I actually pictured pony wars as just horses smacking each other. No kills and the most that can happen is that they imprison someone and then convert them into their friendship ways

Because friendship... friendship never changes
>”And we are back with our show after those long commercials!”
>You both appear again in the screen, you on the left and Chrysalis on the right. She is still wearing the pineapple costume. You don’t know how he is doing this, maybe you are in a room and so is Chrysalis, or maybe it was Discord’s chaotic magic…
>”As I explained before, all the rules are in game. So pay attention to what you say or do!”
“But you only explained two rules!”
>”Any question with the rules?”
>He ignored you, what a dick. Chrysalis didn’t seem to ask anything about the rules; she was still scared
>”Good, then let the games begin!” In one of Discord’s talon, an axe appear and behind him a bow
>”Wait, I have one!” Chrysalis said stopping shivering and back to normal
>”Yes, Chrysi? Is it about the rules or about the creature you meet few minutes ago?”
>”About the rules… you said votes, but we are only two. How does that work?”
>”Oh how foolish of me, I forgot to add the rest of the contestants!” Discord made his bow and axe disappear and a big red curtain appeared, covering everything. Then it faded with 8 changelings in the room “Alright everypony and buggy! Ugh, that sounded lame. Anyway! Time to meet the rest of the crew of The House!”
>Discord walked to the first changeling of the corner in the left
>”Hello! Say your name and describe yourself to the public”
>”Oi everyone! I’m Changeling number 1! I like to go in long walks to the beach and eat lu-“
>”Blah, blah, all right, next!” Discord said snapping his talons. In the chest of the changeling his name appeared in a card, maybe to know the difference from the others? Well… that helps. “Name and describe yourself. Just a bit!”
>”Oi everyone! I’m changeling number 2! I like to stay still sometimes”
>”That’s all” he finally said
>Discord snapped his talons once again and a card was added to the chest of the changeling like the other
"Yeah...and about that mental note. Don't think too much into it. It's really just. Well, since I live in Equestria now. Seeing bad guys not trying to ruin things for everyone else is sort of something that needs to happen. I never understood that really. It's clear she's a threat. But they just let her roam free and do whatever. Infact, I'm probably just did this world a favor. yeah, hey. Actually. Now that I think about it. Snips and Snails mentioned something about being heroes. Discord. You're a powerful guy. Why don't we just face off against any villains ourselves? You know, if they show up in Ponyville. We jump in and kick his ass"
>"Tempting, But I'd rather Twilight and her friends do the heroics. Though, if they failed. THEN I wouldn't mind swooping in and taking all the glory."
"Heh, you just want to knock Twilight down a peg, don't you? What's up with that anyway? You really like to toy with her."
>Discord brought a chair to himself and sat down, as suddenly all the lights go dark except for a single light shining on him. You even saw a subtitle appear under him. it read "Discord, Burn victim"
>Discord closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked into...nothing...with a depressed look. "It all started long long ago. It was a Tuewednesday. The day between Tuesday and Wednesday that is totally not made up. I had woken from my stone prison and immediately began my campaign on chaos. But that dastardly Celestia, somehow aware of my presence. She had called upon her precious "Elements of Harmony" to try and stop me and-"
"Discord.....is this a retelling of the season 2 opener?"
>What the?
>You look around, you were...in an audience of Discords.
>"Can't you see the poor fellow is telling his story?" One of the Discords hissed at you.
"Alright geez..."
>"Ahrm, anyway..to continue" Said the main Discord.
>A subtitle appeared right under him again. "Discord, Wagon Accident Victim"
"...I thought it was burn victim?"
>”Next one!”
>5 changelings later…
>”And our final changeling guest! Let me guess. You are Changeling number 8, right?”
>”No. My name is Bob” all public in synergy greeted Bob at the same time with a big “HI BOB”
>”Well with all the changeling guests in the show and the rules explained… let the games begins!” Discord disappeared from the screen and you and Chrysalis were put back in the middle of the house, with the other changelings
>Then Chrysalis observed you. So you do. You stare, and stare… Even the changelings and Bob join in the stare contest
>You don't say anything. You should start with something... friendly maybe?
"Eh... the pineapple doesn't look bad in y-"
>"Say one more word about the costume and that's the last thing you'll say until we go to commercials"

”Hello, this is yours truly and only Master of Chaos, Spirit of Chaos, Cameraman of Chaos AND Maid at hours, Discord! Reporting from an accident in The House! Seems like the kitchen almost ate one changeling in the process! Let’s get a closer look!”
>The screen focus on a Crying changeling in an empty room with a single camera and a couch in it, this shall be called, the Confessionary Room
“The poor thing saw things that he would wish to have unseen! Let’s interview him to revive the moments of the tragedy!” you snap your talons and multiple cameras and video recorders appear in the room “Tell us everything you saw! And don’t be bothered by the cameras, they are just for decoration”
>”I… I was just trying to investigate the refrigerator… see how many resources we had since we couldn’t eat Love from Anon… “
“Oh that’s right viewers! Anon won’t have any Love to give to the changelings for all the time he is in The House! He wanted to play ‘Fallout 4’ whatever it is and I couldn’t just give it to him for free, so I said no. He went in a kid’s rage and said to me and I’m sorry for quoting the little vulgar thing, but he said ‘you are a casual for not letting me play it you stupid piece of shit’, afterwards, he was shocked and bought here. I’m sorry little changeling, continue!”
>”W-well… the refrigerator… almost swallowed me in one piece… if only I haven’t transformed in a unicorn and used my magic… I don’t know what could have happened to me…
“Right viewers! The House is alive! Our contestants shall be careful once in a while or they could run in danger!”
>A big sign with the word ‘Ohh’ appeared in front of the public. The public oooe’s at the sight of it
“Who will survive at the end of the day? Who will be fired out of The House? Will Anon ever play Fallout 4? That’s for sure a big no!”
>A muffled voice was being heard from the living room. “FUCK OFF DISC-AADASHGFHHHHHHHH” then nothing. Ah, good you added the rule 2
“Tune in next time for more shenanigans! More drama! More action! Nothing of love! Here, in Big Colt!”
>”…Can I have a hug?” the changeling asked you with his big eyes covered in tears. It was the Changeling number 3 by the way
“Ask your queen for them, I’m just the producer and cameraman”
>You snap your talons and everything turned to black

I made this sacrifice for Erf and the thread.
Maybe I can revive Hoers with this?
I mean, he's alive... right? ;_;
>All the audience Discord look at you with disdain.
"ok ok.geez! I'll shut up"
>"......as I was saying. Those evil elements...all except for Fluttershy of course, They wanted to stop what was ultimately harmless and innocent fun. So my plan was to warp their sensibilities and turn them into angry, hateful, greedy, lying, and disloyal little ponies. And then, let things take their course and eventually corrupt Celestia's perfect pupil. I wanted to break her, I wanted to show that no matter how much friendship and hope she had. That she could be broken down just like anypony else. THAT I WAS SUPREME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Discord cackled, outstretching his arms as he made a triumphant laugh.
>He then immediately calmed down, stayed silent, and took a drink of water from a magically appearing cup.
>"But alas, there was one teeny tiny flaw in my dominance of the purple pony, and do you know what that was?"
>everything goes silent.
>Discord looks over to you, with impatience "Well?"
>oh...you were supposed to say something?
"uhhh, what was it?"
>Discord sighed, then sighed again, then heavily sighed, then moaned, then fell silent, looking down, an expression of being ultimately crushed. "That Twilight, that pony. She somehow.....SHE SOMEHOW. Ahrm... She somehow managed to avoid my influence for zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one seconds more than I thought she would. And for that, she has earned my eternal attention of generally causing her chaos and disharmony. Of course, I still consider her a friend. But old grudges for me don't tend to die. You understand"
>The discords in the audience started crying, clapping, some speaking to eachother to how tortured a soul Discord was.
>You just put your hoof to your face.
"....are you kidding me?"
>a Discord, in a black suit and red bowtie walks up to you with a microphone and holds it to you. "Do you have anything to say sir?"
"Yeah, I do actually. That whole reason sounds like a heaping pile of bull*BLEEP*"
>You narrow your eyes
"...Did I just get bleeped?"
>"Well of course, there are children watching." The Discord turning away, staring at seemingly nothing.
"...yeah, look. I'm saying. I think it's a little more than that. You're...he's...no..you're always touching her al-"
>You look down, you see a subtitle
>it says "Anon, Chaos trainee/Discord's "Son"/Whiny baby who still hasn't got a clue/ Possibly dreams about Spike every night"
>You start to speak in a sarcastic tone
"..oh that's real funny, that's rich. haha."
>A subtitle is added "Humorless doodyface"
"Humorless doodyface?! That's it! Two can play at this game. You're not the only one who's good at insults!"
>Discord just sat there as all the other copies disappeared. His ears started to perk up and grow as he looked at you with a cocky little sneer. "Oh really? Well then, I'll make it interesting. If you can insult me succesfully, then I'll give you...this!" Discord holds up two cardboard wings, connected by a little strap.
"What's that supposed to be?"
>"Wings, they work in the same way as the horn. Imagine it Anon, you could be a cute little Alicorn princess"
>woah, despite him insulting you. Being able to fly sounded pretty damned tempting.
"And all I gotta do is insult you?"
>Discord nodded "Yup! But, be warned, you only get one try"
>You sit on your ass, and begin to think. What would be the best way to insult him?
>You give Discord an evil grin.
"You're gonna regret this "dad". Are you ready?"
>Discord just sat daintily on his chair, and nodded silently. bouncing his dragon like foot up and down.
>You make the most retarded face you can and start walking about
>Discord just sat there, he was silent and unmoving.
>and you stood there, waiting
>Finally, he said something. "What's a c.uck?"
>oh right, uhhh
>You shrug
"You know, it's a guy who's like, subservient to a chick or something. While the chick goes over his head with other dudes. Or something like that. I never really looked it up."
>"Ahhh, ok" Discord tosses the wings towards you "You win then, I certainly didn't expect that"
>Score! Though Discord didn't look the least bit upset.
ha. it got auto fixed there.

>"i'm going to go hang around and spy on what's going on at the crystal empire. See if I can't get a time and date for when they actually go and invade the changeling nest. Perhaps maybe drop a hint on their current location. When I have the information I'll be sure to let you know."
>You call out to Discord, you actually felt a little bad about what you said. And a little worried. He didn't say anything about it. Other than his question.
"Hey wait! Discord. Look, don't take what I said seriously ok? I just got into a serious...thing. It doesn't mean anything really. We're still friends right?
>Discord gave you a nod, then laughed a short laugh "Of course we are. Despite the fact that I did in fact feel insulted. I am not taking it personally, not when I know I can simply get some payback later."
>Well, that's a load off your mind. Still...
"I'll be waiting for it you know, because I think I get it now Discord. You really just do what you do. You could probably make my tail burst into flames, and you'd still consider me your close buddy and friend. Just because, and I think I'm right about this, but, it's just because you just do things on a whim and-"
>You turn your head back.
>Good, your tail wasn't on fire.
"ahrm. And I just never got fully used to it. I mean, I always had the feeling. But damn man, you do gotta relax a little with it sometimes. I still have feelings. And I know you got them too. Think we can work on that a little? buddy?"
>Discord snorted a giggle "pffft, as if. You're simply too much fun. Oh, and don't worry about me getting you back right now. There's better moments I can get my revenge. So, why don't you go out and enjoy the night air? and practice with those wings hmm? I'll be back when I feel like it....oh and I almost forgot"
all dis green

>Discord zapped a ray of magic on the floor. producing your saddle bag. "Here's your bag, if you want to check if your things are all there, then be my guest. You have fun Anon, try not to break any bones while I'm away"
"I'm smarter than that. I'll be fine. Just don't get caught sneaking around."
>Discord snickered "Oh no worried about that." Discord then slowly turned invisible, each limb, eye, and even horns, slowly disappearing separately. "They'll never see me coming".
>Discord then leaves in his usual flash of light. And hey! you got your saddle bag back.
>You also noticed your arm. oh, you never took off the Grappling hook. Huh, you wondered if anyone had noticed. Whatever, it's fine. You slip it off and prepare to put it in the saddle bag. Grabbing the cardboard wings with your teeth as well.
>You open the saddle bag. And are immediately greeted with a boxing glove to the face. Knocking you flat on your ass.
>as you regain your senses, you notice a note float downwards and lands on your nose.
>you adjust your eyes. And read it.
>"We're even now"
Ha nice!
Off topic question. Anyone know where to get an empty container of bleach. Planning to go around drinking out of it one day to see how people react.
easy go to wal-mart start jacking off eventually they will throw bleach at you
>"Discord, Wagon Accident Victim"
>>”And our final changeling guest! Let me guess. You are Changeling number 8, right?”
>>”No. My name is Bob”
>>You open the saddle bag. And are immediately greeted with a boxing glove to the face.
so much kek
if only there was some sort of...mark that could be obtained for having a talent being that special.
>You even saw a subtitle appear under him. it read "Discord, Burn victim"
Yeah, a mark that identifies that something as kind of your special talent
A cute one, preferably.
And I'm loving it. I would have thought that the first one would have been a lewd story, but this is better.
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i just re learned the reason i stay on /mlp/ instead of /b/
Going to grab a piping hot cucumber sandwich, then get writing.
Why would you go to that shithole
Why would you even go there in the first place
>Everyone seemed surprised by this comment for Luna.
>Twilight immediately reacted "You can't be serious, Discord can't take care of anypony."
>Celesta walked forward "I agree with my sister, this will teach him more responsibility and serve as his punishment for doing it as he did."
>Twilight still didn't seemed pleased by this.
>"We would also like to learn more about your world Anon. Since you won't be living here Twilight will serve as your teacher, and she will also be the one writing down what you want to tell us about your home."
>Twilight now calming down seemed to agree with this.
>"We would also like the rest of you to help make Anon's life here better. Hopefully he will come to like his new home."
>With that we were released and sent back on the train to ponyville, this time without guards keeping you in check.
i... i dont know
>We would also like to learn more about your world Anon.
Well Twilight, tell me your fetish and I'll tell you how we do it on monkeyworld
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That got me.
And thus anon discovered that Twilight was in fact, into /ss/
bumps for dumps
dead thread
like some sort of magical tatoo
A cute magical tatoo that serves as a symbol of what his special talent is? That's crazy nigga talk
Might be off topic, but in the Legacy of the Void Starcraft 2, is the VA for the Altarak fella John DeLancie? It sounds an awful lot like the guy for some strange reason...
So, more green? I want to see anon trying to fly and failing miserably like my attempt of raid at the Mojave prison in NV
Haven't played the expansion packs. Plan on buying them once the final one gets released since I loved S1
no clue
in a minute
Spoiler and such for spoilers, but he sounds a lot like our favorite chaos maker.
starting. also, can't you just google it up?
eh two parts lazy, one part wanting something to talk about in the thread. Might be fun to think about since Don't read if you want to be spoiler freeFucking Xelnaga are freaking extradimensional travelers that create sentient life to reproduce by combining two races together. Whole Protoss and Zerg thing is literally a one night stand gone bad
"We're even now?"
>You get up slowly, giving a rub to your face.
"We're even now?"
>You shake your head and raise your front right hoof in the air.
>You sigh
"...yeah...yelling to myself. Gotta, really stop. hrnnn."
>You move over to the cardboard wings you dropped and look at them.
"Could be another trap."
>You give them a nudge. Nothing
>You go over to your bag, and nudge it open again. Nothing happens.
>You peer into it. All of your stuff is there. Even the cash. But the photo wasn't. Cadence and Shining probably took it. That's fine. you had that copy up in your room.
>You grab your saddle bag. And look back at the cardboard wings.
>You decide, against your better judgement, to pick them up again with your teeth. And toss them backwards and catch them with your back.
>in a flash of light. You now had wings matching your coat.
"...oh shit. hey..."
>You try flapping them and moving them around. It's a lot easier to move them than the "Twilight" wings you had.
>You look at the grappling hook attached to your leg
"Guess I won't be needing you for awhile. Sorry Bonbon"
>You look up at the ceiling door to your room. And began to wonder.
"I wonder if these things even work"
>You start flapping, you flap softly, but you don't even lift off the ground.
"Guess I need to flap harder. Let's see"
>You try flapping much harder than before, thinking it will create initial lift. Instead it just lifts you all the way to the door. You slam your head on it, then fall to the ground.
"Gyahh! OWWW nggggh!"
>You hold your head as you turn side to side and whine "Goddammit,that's it. I need to buy a helmet. I fucking swear Gyahhh"
>After some more tossing and turning. You decide to just go up to your door normally. And enter your room.
>You look at your grappling hook. And then decide to take it off and put it to hang. You can see the map and horn on the bed. The horn was still unusuable. So you take your map and put it in your saddle bag.
>You then go to your portal door, and set it to the first setting. Ponyville. And step through.
>It was night. The stars were out. the skies were clear. The air was cool. And nobody was around.
>....Perfect for flying.
"Ok, so doing this indoors was a bad idea. But now that I am outside. I have all this empty sky to fly in. No problem."
>You stand at the ready and begin to flit your wings.
"Here we go, here we go, here we go!"
>You lift off like a rocket
>You go straight up into the air
>You started to curve on your trajectory and fall backwards, before you knew it you were now flying straight down.
>You start falling like a rocket that failed and then exploded, killing everyone inside.
>You slam your hooves straight down, thinking that's going to stop you.
>It doesn't...this isn't a cartoon you know.
>You slam straight into the ground and roll like a kicked ball, before falling to your side. hurting and dizzy.
"h-h-o--ohh...d-damn. G-g-g"
>It takes you a little while, but you manage to stand. shaking. You brush yourself off and then steady yourself. Remarkably. Your wings were fine. Magic wings don't break apparently.
"ok, so. It's not as easy as it looks. Let's try. Not that fast. If I could at least hover."
How good is the actual gameplay
0/10, its Shitcraft
>You start flapping slowly, and then carefully increase speed until you slowly lift off the ground. Hovering a few feet off the ground.
"H-hahaha! I-I think I got it this time!"
>you try flapping a little harder, rising higher with each increase in speed.
"Yeah! Ok! now, Let's just try turning my body. And get some horizontal movement going."
>You carefully lean forward, and then dart forward, fall while moving forward. And then roll on the ground like a ball until you hit a bunch of trash cans.
>you were dizzy from that. Ugh, flying....flying was so much tougher than it looked.
>You might want to trade in Rainbow's flying promise into a training sort of thing. If she'd allow it anyway. This was ridiculous.
>"Wow Nonny! That was really good! You managed to hit them all!" You heard a familiar giggling.
>You look up, as your vision cleared. Pinkie was above you. With a big old smile.
>She nodded, closing her eyes as her grin grew "Yep! You guessed right Nonny! You ok? You look a little dizzy"
>A little dizzy? That's an understatement.
>You shake your head, and begin to stand, you tumble a little. But Pinkie leans to your side to keep you straight "Watch it there Nonny, you don't wanna fall again. Though. You're really good at it! You hit every last trashcan. If there was a record for it. You'd be number one!"
>That was both amusing and insulting. But it was Pinkie just being Pinkie.
"I didn't mean to crash into those trashcans. I was actually practicing to fly. Wait, you aren't surprised that I have wings now?"
>Pinkie shook her head "Nope, doesn't surprise me one bit. Doesn't surprise me that you just stepped into Ponyville from out of nowhere either. If I had to make a guess, I'd say.....Discord, right?"
>Perceptive. Or it was just that obvious.
>You nod
"Yeah, it was him. I actually just got these. I thought flying would be easy. I guess not."
Depends on the genre of games you like. I personally found it enjoyable. I like RTS game usually. If you like games like Command and Conquer, you'd like Starcraft.

Or if you already knew all that, then I'll just say the gameplay is pretty good. I never had a problem with it's balance or pace. Though the rebalancing patches they kept making early on kinda kept you on your toes rather than falling back to a default strategy.

>>You shake your head, and begin to stand, you tumble a little. But Pinkie leans to your side to keep you straight "Watch it there Nonny, you don't wanna fall again. Though. You're really good at it! You hit every last trashcan. If there was a record for it. You'd be number one!"
inb4 his cutiemark is a cracked pony head. To symbolize his talent of always falling head-first into every obstacle in his path
>"Well, you could always ask Rainbow Dash for help! She's the greatest flier in Equestria! She owes a flight doesn't she?"
>Yeah, that's just what you were-
>hold on
>You narrow an eye at Pinkie, how the fuck.
".....how...how do you know about that?"
>Pinkie giggled "That's easy Nonny! She told me about it. She's my friend after all. Friends tell each other things."
>And with that Pinkie moves super close to you, bringing her face to yours "Nonny! Guess what!?"
>You got startled there, you moved back some from her darting so close.
"u-ummm....I dunno"
>"You're not even gonna guess?" Pinkie looked disappointed in you not joining along.
"Uhhhhh, I dunno Ponk. Uhhhh. You got a new balloon? something?"
>Pinkie shook her head "No silly! This is about your party! I figured out what the theme is. In fact, I got your whole party planned out in my head!"
>Well shit, that was quick. And made you curious. It was probably something childish. But hey, It's Pinkie. It's no doubt endearing.
"What is it?"
>Pinkie screeched and jumped in excitement "SUPER AWESOME ORPHANAGE PARTY! I got it all planned out. We invite your new friends, some random ponies, and all your old friends...no, ALL the ponies from your old orphanage! We mix and mingle, party games, food and drinks, all sorts of fun! And hopefully at the end. Not only will everypony will have had fun! But there might even be adoptions all around! Hehehe! Happy fun and families all around! Isn't that the greatest idea ever!"
>Your pupils shrink, oh....oh no....nonononoono.
" C-come again?"
>She repeats herself. In the exact same fashion.
"O-oh. That's.....That's what I thought you said."
>Shit. You couldn't even imagine what would happen if Pinkie found out. If she did, she'd tell Twilight. And then...
What will Scootaloo think once she sees that even anon can fly now
That's really low, Ponk
"P-ponk. Uhhh, I actually don't think that's a good idea. I'd rather it just be a small party. Or rather. How about we just forget the party. And uhhhhh. I dunno. Do something else? Maybe?"
>"Something else?" Pinkie was confused, she was sure you'd love that idea "But Nonny. Everypony likes a party. And your old and new friends would all be there. Isn't that great?.....Nonny?" Pinkie started to feel a sense of despair. This was different. She never ran into someone so young who didn't want one of her parties.
>You cringe. All she wanted to do was do some right. And give you an awesome party. But you knew you couldn't let her do it.
"I'd uh. What I meant to say was. How about a party that doesn't involve the orphanage. It can still be fun"
>Pinkie was confused, but, it only took her a moment to come to her own realization. "Anon....Don't you have any friends from the orphanage?"
>oh shit. She called you by your real name.
>You had no choice. You had to lie to her. If you didn't. You were fucked.
>You looked into those sad, beautiful blue eyes, they were filling with tears. Friendlessness. At least to Pinkie, must have been a fate worse than death.
>You'd have to get over it. This lie was just to deter her. It wasn't to manipulate her. It'll be fine. That's what you tell yourself.
>You look down, and make the most depressingly,terribly, emotionally, sad expression you can make
"I never made any friends. Everypony there. They hated me. They called me a loser. That I'd never amount to anything. They bullied me. Not one pony ever came to help me. Not even the adults. Every one of them just let me suffer. I sometimes wouldn't even eat because I was so lonely. They even tricked me into friendship. And when I was at my most happiest. They tossed rocks at me and told me I was stupid to believe I'd ever have a friend....And then. Well. Discord happened. I guess he saw something in me they didn't"
>Perfect, right out of some edgy OC story.
how is it low? She wants to bring smiles to everyone.
Dude, that is really black humor.
>"I never made any friends. Everypony there. They hated me. They called me a loser. That I'd never amount to anything. They bullied me. Not one pony ever came to help me. Not even the adults. Every one of them just let me suffer. I sometimes wouldn't even eat because I was so lonely. They even tricked me into friendship. And when I was at my most happiest. They tossed rocks at me and told me I was stupid to believe I'd ever have a friend....And then. Well. Discord happened. I guess he saw something in me they didn't"
Which is how was your life on earth, faget
oh wait.
I think i just realized what you mean by "black humor"

though, this is the pony universe. more happy endings are possible.
oh...never mind. Then again. It's not out of character for Pinkie to mean something and it turn out not to be the best thing. or just utterly annoying/crushing the person she's talking to.

not quite that edgy
>maybe too perfect
>Pinkie couldn't contain herself. She broke down hard. She was crying . Maybe your story was a little too edgy. It poked a hole right in her mane. It began to deflate. "T-t-tnnmmnnbb.. t-tha...WAHHHHHH!!!!"
>She couldn't even speak.
>You monster. Even if what you said had some semblance of truth. But only some.
"P-ponk. H-hey, it's alright. I mean, ever since I came to Ponyville. Things got better for me. I have friends, a family, and all that good stuff. It'll be fine. We can come up with something else."
>you felt like a heel. Seeing her cry for you like that. It made you feel a little sick in your stomach. No matter what, Chaos really did seem to follow you wherever you went.
>Pinkie couldn't stop. The very idea that anypony was treated that horribly. Especially so young. Hit her at her core.
>You needed something sappy
>And while you did come up with something. It wasn't a lie. It was something you felt was true.
"Ponk...please don't cry"
>You try hugging onto her
"I'm really happy now. I'm happy I've got new friends. I'm happy that I'm in a good home. And you Ponk, I only ever met you once before. And you remembered our nick names. And you spent all that time just wanting to throw me a party and make me smile. You saw me as a friend the moment you laid eyes on me. Ponk, I can honestly say. That I never felt such a wonderful feeling. Even if it was initially a li-"
>You cut yourself off from saying "little creepy"
"Ahrm. Anyway. Ponk, to me. You really are best pony. Ponyville is my home. And I'm glad for the friends I have"
>Pinkie must have heard that. Her sobbing started to slow. She turned a little to face you. And embraced you in a hug as she sobbed slowly. Her mane didn't puff back up though. "Nonny, if you ever ever ever ever ever ever need a friend. At anytime. I'll be there. You just come to Sugarcube Corner and ask for me. And I'll be there in a jiffy."
Shamefur Dispray
>You felt guilty, you had to hide your face in her side. You just guilt tripped your way into getting closer with your favorite pony. This was not at all how you'd imagined it. There was no fun to be had, no endless parties and cake.
>But what else could you do? You couldn't let her reach the orphanage that never actually existed. And she was still hurting inside. completely wrapped up in your story.
"Thanks Ponk...."
>"Hey Nonny" Pinkie hugs you a little more firmly, she wipes her tears, and looks up to the sky "Do you have any dreams that you ever wanted to come true?"
>It sort of already did. You were in Equestria. And although you couldn't have your waifu as a wife. She was at least your friend.
"It already came true Ponk. I'm just happy to be here, for better and for worse."
>Despite those words, you couldn't shake your guilt.
>Though, after those words. You could feel Pinkie's mane slowly inflating around you.
>"That makes me happy Nonny. Do you want to know my dream?"
> You did, whatever Pinkie's dream was. You could bet it was really uplifting.
"Sure Ponk"
>"Well, my dream is to make everypony in Equestria happy. And for there to be no more fighting or meanness or bad feelings. I even want the bad guys to smile, to be happy, and for everypony to be friends with everypony else. Twilight told me once that it was a very nice dream, that she would like everypony to be friends too. But she also said that someponies don't want to be friends, and just want to do bad things. I guess that makes my dream kind of silly huh?"
>You raise your head, no, that wasn't silly. That wasn't silly at all. Not from her!
"No Ponk! That's the best dream anypony could ever dream. I think it's the sweetest thing I've ever heard."
>Or at least, the most genuine, considering who it came from.
dem trips

>Pinkie giggled a little from your words. You wondered what she found funny. Though, you were also glad she was ok.
"What's funny?"
>Pinkie nuzzled you close to her, and smiled "You Nonny. You're really weird. I've seen you a lot of times. I've been trying to learn about you the best I can. And I know you can be a bit of a potty mouth, and cause a little trouble. But that's what's really neat about you. Because you also try to do the right thing, you saved a filly, You got Rarity a whole bunch of those gem thingies, and you actually think my dream is a good dream. You're a good pony. And super unique. You've even made Discord a nicer guy. That's some serious cupcake points!"
>Cupcake points. hahahaha, that's cute. hrn. You know, that wasn't all a lie. Despite the hero thing being false. You did do those other things. And, Despite Discord being a douche. He was being nicer. At least to you...sometimes.
>You felt better, if probably only from Pinkie's cuddles and endearing praise.
>"So Nonny, I guess I'll ask you this then. Do you want a party at all? I don't want you to feel pressured into having one. We can just hold off if you really want to. And then, when you do want a party. You can come to me, and we'll plan the most awesomest party ever! Whatever you want it to be, and anypony you want to invite, I'll make it happen! So you better go make more friends, ok! That way we can make the party super duper huge!"
>Goddamn Ponk.
>You hold your tears in. But you couldn't help yourself in the snuggling department. You cuddled like no tomorrow
"O-ok Ponk. The moment I want a party, I'll let you know."
>Pinkie smiled a smile that could illuminate the sun. She then took a look around, and sniffed. and caught something awful. " Oh...and Nonny?"
"Y-yeah Ponk?"
>"I think we should get up now, it's kinda stinky with all the garbage you knocked around"
>...oh shit. You raise your head, you didn't notice the garbage cans you knocked over spilled garbage,
i cant wait to see scootalo jelousy for anon learning to fly with rainbowndash
>You both decide to get up and clean up the immediate area. You may have been a little dirty minded. But actually dirty? nah, fuck that.
>"So whatcha gonna do now Nonny? Are you gonna try flying again?"
>You nod
"Yeah, I just wanna get a little more practice in. I think I at least got hovering down. Here, see?"
>You flap your wings at the speed that got you off the ground. Hovering in place.
"See? I just kind of have problems..."
>Suddenly, your wings change back to cardboard. "...moving?...oh no"
>You fall, head first to the ground. You put your front hooves downwards and close your eyes and prepare for the usual impact.
>But you don't hit it. You instead feel yourself get caught. And hugged onto a warm belly.
>"Woooo that was a close one!"
>You open your eyes. Pinkie had flipped onto her back and caught you.
>.....Praise be Pinkie, You didn't want to suffer another hit.
>and dat belly. It was soft and warm.
"Thanks Pinkie."
>You look to your back. Yep, cardboard. You sigh.
"Well, that's great. I guess the wings can only be on me for a certain amount of time too."
>Pinkie thought to herself, then she carefully put you on her front hooves and held you up, and made wooshing noises.
"Ponk, what are you doing?"
>"I'm letting you fly again silly! So you can get that little extra practice you wanted!"
>That was. ugh...yeah, it was stupid. But, you felt your heart whine from that too. She was just trying to cheer you up. Yeah fuck it.
>You put your legs out, and close your eyes, and pretend to fly.
"Wooooooosh, wooosh!"
>Pinkie giggled and joined along with you "Woooosh Wooosh!"
>This went on for a little while longer before you felt a little too silly and asked to be put down.
>You looked up to the sky. The moon was up. It was time to go, you were getting tired.
"Ponk, I think I'm gonna go. But, thanks for hanging out with me. And thanks for being my friend."
first Anon greentext fuck up.

>Pinkie couldn't help herself, she couldn't stop grinning. "You're really really welcome Nonny! Also, this is gonna sound weird. But I hope you don't get your Cutie Mark before we throw your first party."
>That was a weird thing to say
"Why not? Wouldn't that be a thing to celebrate?"
>Pinkie nods "Exactly, and with all the other things we haven't celebrated yet. I don't think I could contain myself. I'd be throwing a party right there, right then. Everypony would be invited."
>Pinkie was really serious about this. Then again, you don't think she's ever had to hold off throwing a party. Especially for not so many reasons TO throw one. She was obsessive, no doubt.
>You chuckle
"I guess We'll just have to see. But I'll brace for fun impact in case I suddenly get my Cutie Mark. Or my birthday. Right?"
>Pinkie snickered sneakily "ohhhhh, I was hiding that one in case that would have to be the reason I would at least have to throw a birthday party. You're pretty smart Nonny! But remember" Pinkie looked at you seriously, and poked your small chest fluff "Everypony at least gets one....no exceptions....ever" Pinkie giggled "Well, I guess if you were super evil that'd be the exception. But otherwise" She goes serious again and pokes you "No exceptions"
>You laugh at that
"I gotcha. You take care Ponk, and pleasant dreams."
>"You too Nonny! Oh, and if you want to know. Your wings were flashing for a little bit before they changed to cardboard"
>They did? Well, you never looked back to notice. You'll have to remember the amount of time you generally kept them on as well. Or maybe......use your horn to make the transformation permanent on command. Yeah, fuck off Discord. You were having near perma wings. For sure.
>You thanked Pinkie, and both had a big huge hug moment before Pinkie bounced back home.
>You walk to the fountain with that happy looking purple stone pony. And grab your map. Tossing it into the water. And return home.
>Tomorrow was another day. As you thought about it. You wanted to hang out with Lyra and Bonbon again. But also wanted to get some flight training. Well, you could get both tomorrow. Rainbow Dash can't just avoid you if she wanted to. Well, you didn't know if she would. But you had a promise to cash in either way. There was also the CMC. Tomorrow was going to be kind of busy. You also wanted to hang with Pinkie again too. Maybe you could get her to come with you to Bonbon's so all four of you could hang. She most likely knows them. Though, you wondered if she knew of Agent "Sweetie Drops". As for you and Discord. You weren't super mad at him. And wanted to hang with him too. But, he was more of the shot caller whenever it came to that. Though, he better keep his word on him and you watching bugbutt get royally kicked.
>You stretch, hang up your saddle bag and hop into bed. Tomorrow really would be another day.

big ass chapter tonight. christ
o well thx erf until next time :D
>You really are best pony
>Implying that title isn't for fluttershy
factually incorrect, flutterfag
Indeed, we all know that Twilight is best pone
>perma wings
You know... with his practical super wings and horn, he could shield himself and turn into a living missile.

I bet with those two things he could take out the next major villain just by plowing into them at mach 3.
Or cause a magical holocaust. Effectively tying this story with fallout in equestria
quints almost confirmed best pony. In any case. It's not to say that Flutters is far off anyway. She's almost tied for me. i've slowly leaned to AJ being worst pone

Silly Anon, Anon's plan isn't gonna work.
In anycase. I'm off to work. Managed to beat Hush in "Binding of Isaac:Afterbirth" on my very first try. Felt pretty good
>Implying Top Cunt isn't worst horse
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>You really are best pony
Anon dude, there's a point where you have to stop telling lies. Pinkie is second best tied with Fluttershy. Best horse is Twiggy
Fluttershit and Top Cunt are factually the worst pones
>Having this much of a shit taste
You must be a Rarity fedora faglord
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>liking Rarara
try again, bucko
listen nigga there are only valid options left. Applejack which means you are the most boring person this side of the galaxy or Twilight which would mean you and I are niggas
flip a coin, m8.
its definitely one of those two
Since you are here I'll bet the boring one and you like Applejack, in which case I feel sorry for you since now she's basically a glorified bg character
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You have no one to blame but yourself Erf. claiming someone is best pony will cause a shitfest no matter what. It has been the rule since the /co/ days
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Whats wrong, Erf?
Have you just realized your waifu was shit?
Says the Applefag

Sooo more green? Or we actually triggered you?
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We need our dosis of green or we go crazy mang
sorry, i was trying to beat a level in mario maker to get it uploaded. made a fucking toughy. Even added two checkpoints.
I still can't believe how fast my hype for Mario Maker died
>The morning comes
>or whatever time it was.
>Your alarm didn't go off, it wasn't set.
>Discord's alarm didn't go off, it wasn't school.
>So you get a good night's rest.
>You open your eyes slowly and yawn.
"....uhmmmm, yeaaahh, I feel good"
>You roll off the bed, and stretch.
"Time for a fun day, fun fun fun. Lesse, CMC first. Then see if I can get Ponk to join me with Lyra and Bonbon. See if I can work Fluttershy in there."
>But then, a certain something comes to mind.
"Oh yeah, almost forgot!"
>You grab your horn, and slap it on your head. Then toss your cardboard wings onto the bed.
"Time for perma wings....wait"
>A thought occurs
"Why just perma wings? I could probably make the horn permanent too. I wonder if that'd make me more powerful than Twilight or Celestia."
>You nod to yourself
>You figured you didn't actually need any actual magic words. But, whatever. You tossed it in for good measure.
>Your horn started to glow erratically.
"Ohhh shit, it's happening! It's HAPPENING!"
>The horn blasted a beam directly at the wings, then back to the horn.
>You weren't sure if anything happened.
"Huh....Did it work?"
>Before you could try using another spell. The horn glows again and lets out a giant bubble that hovers in front of you. Discord slowly becoming visible.
>"Hello? Hello? hrnn, I can't tell if I'm actually recording this. Buuuuut, Anon. If you are seeing this then that means you tried to bypass my limiters that I put on your magical items. Now I can't be mad since I'm simply a recording. But I can tell you that it didn't work. But don't fret, your horn will still have it's charge so you don't feel cheated. Oh, and one last thing. This message bubble will self destruct in zero point ze-"
Ah, first kek of the night.
>Before you even had time to react, the bubble explodes violently. Leaving you in black soot all over the front of your body. You spit out some smoke, and cough as you wave your hoof in the air.
>You cough
"Fucking Discord. mnn, well. At least my horn still works."
>You cough again and start rubbing the soot off with your hooves, patting yourself off. It takes a little while. But you do a decent job.
"I wonder if he's here. Probably is."
>You open your floor door and look down into the living room.
"Discord? You around?"
>No answer, but you spot a bowl of oatmeal on a small table and a note.
>Must be breakfast.
>You walk down the invisible gravity stairs. And stare at the bowl. Like all his other food. It looked legit. Smelled of sugar and cinnamon. Yum.
>You take a look at the note.
>The note read as follows "Anon, If you are wondering where I am. I am hiding around Twilight's castle. All four princesses are around and having a rather serious sit down on what to do about the changelings now that "They have become more active and vicious". How drool. You don't need to come if you don't want to. I don't mind. But if you wanted to meet Princess Luna, now is your chance. I should have a date on when they will strike down on the changelings by the end of the day. See you soon, or later. Or whenever. - Discord"
>Meet Luna huh?
>You crumple the letter and toss it. The princesses were obviously doing something important. And you really had no reason to see Luna, despite curiosity. And besides, you being there would only be a risk. No, you'd just continue on as planned.
>You eat your breakfast, and leave the bowl on the table as you walk back into your room.
>You remove your school supplies from the saddlebag. and pack in the horn and wings.
>The horn, you had a charge in it for the day. You wondered what you would use it on.
>You open the portal door and step through. And head over to the clubhouse.
>You wondered what crazy plan they'd have for you today. You also knew Diamond Tiara and even possible Silver Spoon would be there. As long as the whole break up thing went through as smoothly as it seemed. Then there shouldn't be too big an issue.
>Though the idea of two females fighting over you was a little enticing. But eh, that ship had sailed.
>But as you begin the pass by the farm and to the clubhouse. Something in the inbetween catches your eye.
"what the fuck?"
>There was some sort of Boxing ring set up. Two tents on two sides. And even some bleachers. Though there was. Wait....was that Lyra sitting on one of the benches? It was. No Bonbon though.There was also a few ponies you didn't know with hard hats.
>Curious, you approach the ring. And as you get closer. You notice another familiar, but much smaller, animal on the benches.
>The hell was going on?
>As you walk closer, Out of one of the tents is Sweetie Belle, the moment she notices you she waves her hoof to flag you down.
>Whhhaaattt the fuuuuuuuccckkk is ggoooiinnggg ooonnnn
>It seemed Lyra and Angel hadn't noticed you. They seemed to be waiting patiently for something.
>You hesitantly head over to the tent Sweetie Belle was at. She goes inside as you draw near.
>You reluctantly enter the tent. In it were Scootaloo,Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon....but no Applebloom.
"G-girls? What's all this? What's going on? What's with the fighting ring outside? Is something important going on? Where's Applebloom."
>"Woah, calm down Anon. One question at a time." Scootaloo said, unable to keep up.
>"If you're wondering what's this all about. Well, it's got to do with getting your cutie mark." Sweetie Belle said
>You look around, there was a ppunching bag hanging, and some weights, and all that stuff meant for training. Da fuuuuuck.
"What does this all have to do with getting my Cutie Mark? How did you even get all this stuff here?"
>Diamond Tiara stepped up, with a proud smile on her face "That would be me. I asked Daddy if he could have some of his workers set this all up. We couldn't get a trainer though, so we we're going to try training you. But, we're almost out of time to even try all of this out"
>All of what out? what the fuck?Were they going to have you fight? this was all really elaborate.
"Diamond, was this your idea? Are you girls going to have me fight somepony or something"
>Then Silver Spoon spoke up, pointing to herself with a little pride "Actually, having you fight was my idea. I thought about how you saved Diamond Tiara from two stallions. And I thought, well. Nopony could never do that. And that means that's special. And you know what that means right?"
>Special talent
>ahh fuck. It always goes back to that doesn't it? You already knew you couldn't really fight. Or maybe Shining was just better than most.
>Still though. Where was Applebloom?
"It means it could be my special talent. Yeah, that's pretty smart thinking."
>Silver Spoon nodded with a proud smile. "I thought so too. Though I couldn't have gotten any of this done with Diamond Tiara. She got it all to actually happen."
>"Well, when your rich. You just have this certain way of getting things done." Diamond Tiara chuckled to herself.
>You looked to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo
"So, what did you guys do? Where's Applebloom?"
>"What did we do? Ha! Something just as important. Me, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom managed to get you the perfect opponent and get the permission to set the ring up here by the farm. Without us, we'd have no where to fight and no opponent to fight"
>"oh! and Applebloom in the other tent Anon" Sweetie Belle said, giving you a pat on your back "I hope you're ready."
>Hope you're ready?! What the hell! You just got here and they already expect you to fight?!
"I can't fight Applebloom! She's a girl! You're not supposed to hit girls!"
>Or to be exact, your not supposed to hurt girls who are family to ponies who might beat the shit out of you for it.
>Sweetie Belle giggled "What? You're not gonna fight Applebloom."
>You weren't? Then who?
"Who am I fighting then? I mean, did you guys stop to think maybe I shouldn't be fighting at all?"
>They all look at eachother, and give you a collective no
>of course.
>You sigh, so. The first thing you were going to do for the day....was fucking fight. This was really really unexpected. What if you got clobbered? or if you clobbered whoever you were fighting? Dammit....hopefully your opponent was Snips or something.
"Ok....then who am I fighting?"
>"Applebloom's brother, Big Mac. But don't worry Anon, He's been training not to demolish you. To keep things fair." Scootaloo gave you a confident smile "You'll do fine if you just fight him like you did those two other guys,"
>"And don't worry if you have an easy time. Big Mac is also training with Applejack to fight harder if you fight harder. That way you won't beat him easily either!" Sweetie Belle gave you a cheer "Yeah! You'll do fine!"
>BIG MAC?! FUCKING BIG MAC?! HOW THE FUCK WERE YOU EVEN GOING TO HURT HIM?! HE WAS GOING TO TURN YOU TO PASTE! Well, he would if this was a serious fight. Still, you didn't know if he'd still hurt you or not.
>You gulp
"S-sure. So, if Applejack is a part of this too. How did, well. What exactly did you three say to convince them to make this happen?"
>"Oh that's easy Anon" Scootaloo said with a smirk "I actually came up with the idea"
"Well, what is it then?"
>"Simple, we offered to help with the farming for a whole month. Well, me and Sweetie Belle anyway. Applebloom already does farm stuff. We are all pretty sure this is gonna get you your cutie mark."
>Sweetie Belle cringed at Scootaloo's words "Yeah...we hope so anyway. I'm not exactly keen on farmwork if it turns out this was all for nothing. But" She sighs "We have our own Cutie Marks now, which means we have a new responsibility. So, we gotta do whatever we gotta do to help anypony get theirs too"
>Ohhhh, god. Sorry Sweetie Belle. But that was probably most definitely was going to happen. But then...
>You turn to Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon
"You guys aren't part of the farmwork thing?"
>Silver Spoon shook her head "Are you kidding? That's backbreaking labor you're talking about. I'm not doing that!"
>Diamond cringed a little, it didn't don on her that she essentially dodged a bullet at the cost of her new friends having to suffer "Y-yeah, daddy was nice enough to get this done for us. But I don't think he'd want me doing farmwork for a month. Not without being paid at least."
>Diamond's reason was better than Silver Spoon. Probably still bullshit. But it was clear Silver Spoon was a slacker. But...you had bigger things to worry about.
"So when's the fight then? Can I get a little time to check things out?"
>"Sure! We'll go tell Applebloom that you're not quite ready yet." Sweetie Belle said
>Scootaloo held up some sports shorts, kind of like boxer shorts to you. "Oh, and put this on. Since you're gonna be fighting. You're gonna need fighter shorts. I dunno if their clean or not though. They came with the tent."
>gross? Maybe. Hopefully not.
>You reluctantly take the boxer shorts.
"So is your dad actually here Diamond?"
>She shook her head "He wanted to be, He's been wanting to talk to you for a while now actually. But he's been busy. And he doesn't want to bother you."
>Busy dad. But at least he cared about Diamond more than that bitch of a mom.
>You look at the boxer shorts in your hooves. And take a sniff. Smelled clean. Ok.
>as you start to put them on. You notice that four pairs of eyes were staring at you.
"...uhhhhh, some privacy please?"
>"Oh, uhh. Right right. Umm. We're gonna go see Applebloom now. When you're ready, just call for us. haha" Sweetie Belle was blushing when she said that.
>In fact, all of them were.
>As they exited. You realized how initially stupid it was to ask for privacy for just putting on shorts. Especially since you were already naked.
>But then again, things like this happened in the show too.
>you wondered if the "Ponies are sexier with clothing" thing from the board was actually true.
>Then it donned on you
>Holy shit, did they all get lewd thoughts or something?!
>You nod to yourself
"Yeah, I'm sexy and I know it"
>You chuckle as you put on the boxer shorts, and peer outside the tent.
>Those ponies in hard hats must have been the ones who set up the fighting ring.
>But then there was Lyra and Angel. You were curious as to why they were there.
>You step out to talk to them. Well, talk to one of them. With Angel it'd be near one sided.
>The moment Lyra notices you she smiles happily and waves and yells. She was sitting...oddly humanish. "Anon! Anon! over here!"
>You walk over to her, and smile at her as you greet her.
"Yo Lyra, uhhhh. What are you doing here? It's kind of weird just to see you randomly like this."
>"Oh, well. I was going to see Bonbon. But when I got to her house. There was a note on her door. It happens sometimes. She goes and does "Things" "
"What kind of things?"
>Lyra realized she probably shouldn't have said that "o-oh, you know. Mare things...that mare's do. um. But uh. Yeahhhh. Since she wasn't there, I had a lot of free time. So I thought I'd give my friend Pinkie Pie a visit, since the train to Canterlot is down and all. But when I saw her, she was running over here for some reason. So I followed her and saw alllllll of this! So I just decided to sit down and see what happens. No idea where Pinkie went."
>Huh, so she had no idea what this was all about.
"So, you don't know anything that's going on?"
>Lyra shook her head "Nope! and. ohhh, those are some snazzy shorts. Is this some sort of fashion thing? If it is! I already vote for you! I just need to know where to vote!"
>You giggle, cute as ever. A little more ignorant than Pinkie too. You also wondered where Pinkie was, since apparently she came here in a rush.
"No, it's actually some sort of fight, or spar. Or something. I'm gonna be fighting a pony named Big Mac"
>"Oh! I know him. But. Anon, if you're gonna fight him? How do you plan to win? Actually. Why is a colt fighting a stallion? That seems pretty wrong."
"I think it's more of a spar really. I don't think any serious fighting is going on. It's just a plan to get my cutie mark."
>"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it. Well, you can count on me to root for you! I'm really good at that. But don't get distracted by it. I wouldn't want you to lose due to my hopping around."
"Thanks Lyra, and thanks for coming. I dunno if I need the support. But it's definitely appreciated."
>Lyra Giggled "There you go sounding like an adult again!" She gives you a pat "I'd say not to grow up too fast, but in this case. It could actually help you in this fight. Ahh, I'm sure nothing bad will happen. And if it does. It'll be on your opponent! Good luck Anon!"
>You couldn't help but smile. She was a real sweetie. and cute.
"Thanks again Lyra."
>You then walk over to Angel, you weren't enthused to see him. Why was he even here? How did he even know to come here? hmm. Unless you wasted your horn to understand him. You'd probably never find out. Still...
"Shouldn't you be at Aunt Fluttershy's?"
>Angel shrugged, he had a small cup with him with an orange liquid. Carrot juice?
"I'm not gonna even bother to ask how you knew to come here. But, why are you here?"
>Angel smiled at you. He pointed at Big Mac's tent. Then pounded his paw into his other paw, then pointed at you.
>you understood that. That was universal for "I came to see you get knocked the fuck out"
>you groan
"I should have known. Whatever, you don't know if I'm gonna lose. I could very well win this thing, you know?"
>And at the end of that sentence. Angel started to laugh. And laugh hard. He was rolling around in uncontrollable laughter.
>Fine, whatever. Who knows how this was going to go. Who knows. You might actually get your Cutie Mark in this. You couldn't use any cheap tactics obviously. No nutsack hitting. Big Mac didn't deserve it.
>Besides the farmwork thing. You could also only think that the Apples are also doing this for the same reason they were. To help you with a Cutie Mark. No doubt they knew about the incident as well. Probably agreed to also make sure the fight wouldn't get out of hand..or hoof in this case. But this was all speculation.
>You climb up to the ring and stand at the center. And call out to Sweetie Belle and the others. Who you could presume were your team. Since Big Mac got his siblings on his side.
>you took a breath, and stood at the ready. Hopefully. You weren't going to get laid out. Maybe you could win? As you wait. You drop your saddlebag to a corner, and begin hopping from side to side, and try thrusting your front hooves forward as you balance on your back hooves. Not as easy as it looks.
>After a little shadow boxing. Big Mac's tent opens, Sweetie Belle,Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon stepping out and moving behind the ring where their tent was.
>Following them, was the Apples. All of them. Even Granny Smith.
>Big Mac had his own set of fighting shorts. And given his expression. He seemed pretty reluctant to fight you.
>"Remember Big Mac, he's just a little fella. Ah know he beat two stallions and all. But there ain't know way he can take one of yer hits. Be gentle with him" Applejack warned her brother.
>"Yeah! And uh.Try not to step on him either. Anon is kind of jumpy." Applebloom gave caution.
>"Why are ya both tellin him to be careful? Do ya see that bear? One wrong step and it'll tear him limb from limb!" Granny Smith hollered.
>"Uhhh, Granny Smith. Big Mac ain't fighting ah bear. That's a colt" Applejack said, bobbing her head towards you to show Granny Smith to where she should look.
>"hrrnnnn...I coulda sworn it was a bear. Why is Big Mac fightin a youngin' again?" That don't seem right fair"
>"It's not really a fight Granny Smith. It's more of a friendly tussle. We're just helpin' the fella earn his Cutie Mark. Applebloom and her friends brought up ah pretty good point. Beatin two varmints is pretty special." Applejack said, she too was pretty impressed by your false victory.
>"Eeyup!" Big Mac said, agreeing with her.
>"Well, ah guess. Seems a little one sided to me. But I'm always willin' to watch a friendly tussle. Let me just go get mah rockin' chair."
>"I'll get it for you Granny Smith!" Applebloom cheerily said as she jumped into the tent to get her chair.
>Big Mac stepped into the ring, and stood before you at the ready. He didn't say anything really. Just towered over you.
>this...was gonna be a hell of a fight.

chapter end.
Why not just slap the horn on and get some artificial enhancements
I'd do that. Anon didn't think of doing that. That's cheating and a waste of a charge
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Pfft, nonsense, theres no such thing as wasting charges if it means humiliating the Apple clan
This. Let's bring eternal shame to them. First we took the heart of the youngest one, now it shall be the honor of the older ones
Nah lets do it honest like...And get the shit knocked out of us for it
B uhh nmp
dead thread
> starting to think your the same 1 guy
I am
ok welcome back jack
Thank you.
Anon is the son of chaos. Shitty moral faggotry like not cheating and having an honorable fight shouldn't apply given how amusing it will be that big mac gets his shit slapped by a little kid. The same one who made his little sister cry

>As you wait. You drop your saddlebag to a corner

just remember guys. Depending on how I write this. his bag of trips is on a corner of the ring incase he needs to cheat
>. his bag of trips

I swear, I don't know why i write words over other words. It's weird
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just watched new episode all i got to say is they are inbreed af
Anon will let Big Mac live. Just so he can bring shame to his family
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First we break Applebloom's heart and next we break her brother. It's only a matter of time until we break her farm
Sorry I didn't get around to writing tonight. I've ben reading Frankenstein lately and I wanted to do an exercise. The creation of the monster wasn't really detailed so I challenged myself to try to add some. Sorry about that.
That actually sounds neat
no it doesnt, stop sucking writefag dick

If you could end me, I'd let you.

Otherwise. I'll be writing soon
Your quads say I can, Erf.
How do you wanna die? I promise itll be gentle and loving.
your 69s say it all.
let it be done then, Erf.
let it be done.
(Damn I didn't remember that I got trips)
Should I continue this?
I don't got time today, but maybe this week I could update it

Quads of true!
Jesus people sure are violent.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes.

But I feel that anon being paranoid of standing out too much or having his lies build up into a fragile house of cards, while chaotic-ish, is also the kind of cartoon villainy he wants to avoid.

Also he's already been shown to have morality to really only fuck with villains, versus Mac and Bloom who aren't. Plus, he was out of sorts enough just stopping a childhood crush, let alone beating up and shaming someone's family.

I ain't sayin' he get his ass kicked, but I say that he doesn't cheat either. Maybe just get a few good kicks in, or see how funny it is when his teeny colt body bounces off the tank known as Big Mac.
Maybe Anon CAN actually buck surprisingly hard, harder than anyone in the Apple clan. Good buck to the chops or the side and Big Mac could throw in the towel. That would screw with them.
Nigga, don't tell me it wouldn't be fun to watch the Big Mac getting his ass kicked by a little kid
After your little adventure. Can we have some green?
my adventure is over. just read the newest comic. nightmare fuel aside. It's a goddamn mess.>>25470382
Remember gents. I get final say. and the story situation is always peculating and changing in my head while i'm at work (which i wasn't today. Day off)

But since you all seem so enthralled. Shall I?
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