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Homeworld 1/2 Classic/Remastered Thread #2
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Last one hit bump limit: >>12119915

the rescuing the Bentusi tradeship mission was like Christmas

If the AI is as stupid as it was in the first game, you'll be able to salvage 6 at a time since they require 2 apiece and you need one for bait.

I'm pretty sure I saved my progress every now and then when I played that the first time and got them all over the course of a day or so, but back then you could build 20+ Salvage Corvettes instead of just 14. Also, incidentally, the last time I played that mission in classic I ended up breaking the hyperspace jump since the frigates were not reaching their jump positions due to literally bumping against the edge of the map (I had to Alt-look through a fuckhuge line of Ion Frigates to see what the problem was).
>but back then you could build 20+ Salvage Corvettes instead of just 14.
Does the Salvage Corvette cap affect the number of combat corvettes you can build or is that separate now?
>Salvage everything
>Salvage is currently bugged so that multiple salvagers on one target only causes one to salvage and the rest to follow it like puppies.
You can build a max of 42 Corvettes total, and Salvage counts towards that, so yeah you can only build a true max of 28 combat Corvettes.

That's what band-boxing your Salvage Corvettes is for. It's not like the AI puts up a fight either way.
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Did you guys know that Hiigara now rotates?

No it isn't.
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Alt Mothership.jpg
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Has there been any word about DLC? I wouldn't mind some of the alternate mothership designs.
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It's a nice touch, I thought.
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Jesus Christ, dude, the game came out three days ago! Wait till they get their first patch out at least!
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I ended up salvaging so much that setting them to a formation meant that they actually ended up jumping out 50km UNDER the main fleet.

Not a good thing in the last few missions where they swarm your mothership immediately.
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Hell, the UI breaks after 24 ships of one type, and the counter for one ship type peaks at 99.
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>Wait till they get their first patch out at least!
Just wondering if there were any long term plans is all.
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Give me a Cataclysm races DLC and I'll gladly pay cash money

I want my Fighters combining into Corvettes
They lost the source code to Cataclysm, AFAIK, and I don't remember any announcement towards a Cataclysm remaster.

Well, whatever, given how differently HW1R plays from the original I'm not sure a Cat Remaster would be in the best interests of everyone outside of the better models. And I still have my pirated discs anyways.
I want to see not only the Gundam Mod return but also a mod of Crest/Banner of the Stars.
>Just wondering if there were any long term plans is all.
Remastering a 15 year old game was the long term plan.
I just wish they have a multiplayer ladder system.
>HW2 models are untouched
What a ripoff, especially considering how vastly better the first game's models look now.
what are you talking about? their textures all high res now, with complex pixel shadings and shit.
Yes but the actual models are the same, no fancy geometry like the HW1 ships have.
What's the point? HW2's ships looked fucking beautiful for their time, and continue to look beautiful today. Hard to improve on them without doing a complete re-imagining.

You only really notice the difference with HW1 because the original models were flat textures and had poly counts in the few dozen, if that much.
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Hoping there's some YES DLC

What exactly did they use to replace the end credits song?
MOD is out:
dude, mesh is only a tiny part of how the model looks anyway. only amateur 3D artists would wast their energy in adding tiny details to the mesh when it can be done more efficiently with textures and shaders. especially for games where you would want to save computing power as much as you can so the client won't choke.
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