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Who /Library/ here?? >tfw every library in the state is on
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Who /Library/ here??

>tfw every library in the state is on a network so you can literally order any book you want
>tfw can't go to my library because I'm afraid of poor people
I wish I could bring a gun or something
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>not being poor
My library gets shittier all the time. They never have any books and if they do, they're always abridged. Any time I get tempted to ask a librarian to order the book I want, I take one look at them and then just walk out instead. One of my librarians looks like Ursula and they all have the same awful personality as her. Angriest bunch of cunts I've ever met, and they've all been working at this library for at least 30 years.

I only recently found out about that ebook loaning service so now I don't have to see those angry cunts as often, but last time I went to renew my library card, I got lectured because it took me too long to pull my license out of my wallet (it got stuck against a plastic card holder since I never pull it out).
Budgetary cutback have transformed the local interlibrary loan system into a tarpit.

Just another nail in the coffin of nineteenth century service traditions.

Thank gawd for all the cheap used book search aggregators.
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>Not living in an Italian American union blue state
Pic related is my library
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Just went today. ordered Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas as well. Really nice place, comfy chairs, a den with a fireplace for old people

also yes i'm a newfag and i'm embracing that
THe let you take out all that at once?
Yup. They told me you could check out as many as you wanted, so I exploited it. To be fair I felt like an asshole once I'd actually done it, but it seemed like a good, funny idea at the time
I wouldn't worry about it too much look at >>7662594, people really dont check out books anymore, I doubt they will even be missed

To what? My local library?

No thanks, locational anonymity is important too.

Anyway, not sure how the political zinger is meant to illustrate. The system that flew it into the ground is a blue as blue can be.

dood, the idiot is a great book
My university's library has a collection of all Shakespeare's plays that's edited by the same guy (forget his name). I read almost every play in my freshman year because this editor - an amateur Shakespeare scholar - does a magnificent job at bringing the text to life.

Each play had a lengthy foreword describing the social/political context in which each play was released. He also never altered the style of the text, instead opting to make extensive use of footnotes where a term might be unclear, or had since changed meaning in the last 500 years.

Really good stuff.
I'm a low level library grunt, AMA reddit
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>Constance Garnett
Why do people still do this?
Its 2016, this is the equivalent of shaving with a straight razor just because "its so traditional and classy"
Fuck the /lit/ contrarians P&V are literally objectively better translations
What's the most annoying thing people do, other than kids being retarded on the computers or people putting books back in the wrong places on the shelves?
How much time in a library is considered "weird"
I live in a house with 5 STEM roomates, and its always loud and autistic CoD parties here. I usually just go to a small library down the road, but after reading Sartre's "nausea" I feel like they will think im a predator for spending too much time there.
I realize nobody else really spends as much time there as me and I feel like I am creepy, I am in there like 3 days a week for 3 hours reading and practicing Portuguese
3 hours isn't weird at all as long as you're studying. if you were just reading that might be a little much, but nobody cares about what anyone else does in a library. Stay until they kick you out, basically
Some people like to paw at the book carts as if there's something special about them. It's just fucking more books, wait til they're on the shelf.
Feel free to stay however long, it really doesn't matter. Even if you're that smelly neckbeard that spends hours playing games on his laptop. I do notice when people come regularly and have a thing they do but nobody really cares.
stop posting your frog shit here, robotic moron
What's up with the chromatic aberration in that pic? Looks like VHS but it's too high definition.
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