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If I read this, will I become a meme?
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If I read this, will I become a meme?
It would be extremely painful.
That tingling on the side of your neck is your body preparing itself as you consider reading it. You won't regret it.
It's a mainstream novel about gen x detatchment, depression, drug abuse, escapism through entertainment, addiction, and family.
It follows an adult narrative, a teen narrative, and a political terrorism narrative.
It's written in conversational prose full of "like"s, American colloquialism, and the odd big dictionary word shoved in to be quirky.
It's a pretty quick and easy read (2-4 weeks at 1/2 hours a day) and it's a bestseller.

If any of this interests you, you can read it for the time it'd take to read 2 or 3 shorter books, you will probably at least partially enjoy yourself and maybe learn something or feel changed.

I'll let you decide if reading solid middlebrow popular literary fiction makes you a ""meme"".
are you implying that there's something wrong with being a meme?
I am a meme, and yes, it happened to me
If you liked cartoons and harry potter as a kid you'll like this.
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