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How does /lit/ feel about Pulp! The Classics editions?
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Thread replies: 19
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How does /lit/ feel about Pulp! The Classics editions?
The taglines are bad, and not in the ironic way they're going for.
Wuthering Heights is terrible. That's not a joke. Choosing Humphrey Bogart can maybe be seen as pulpy, since I guess they shared the same era? But then you get that dumb fucking line that's just snowballing off the already bewilderingly unfunny joke. Same problem with the Othello one, which is by far the worst. The jokes have nothing to do with the content.

Pride and Prejudice and Romeo and Juliet are subtle enough and their taglines are generic (like they ought to be for a genre joke) enough that they work.
for what purpose
the fuck is that ryan gosling as dorian gray?
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To make redditor normies spend money classics you can get for almost nothing literally everywhere
Cool idea. You selling them on amazon?

clean up typos and formatting errors or you're bound for hell
>redditor normies
>buying classics

most readers only read grrm etc.
then again most people only watch movie/series adaptations thereof
If you're in U.S. gatsby not public domain
what? how?
>redditor normies
You are on the wrong board, autist.
land of the free
>implying it isn't a perfectly valid social critique
He is exploiting them for profit. Allowed, nay, encouraged.
Pulps are my junk food and I love them in short bursts. It is fun to take a break from more serous and better written stuff for pulps about hardened detectives that don't fallow the rules or a space explorer saving the galaxy from an evil ruler from the outer reaches. It is all in good fun
Thread replies: 19
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