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Gaygen: RIP Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 84
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rip gaygen.jpg
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Rest in peace Gaygen. You will be missed


Last thread: >>5718965
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I say we all start hate criming trannies. It's okay because they're already dead inside.
Whos your model husbando GG?

>tfw not on that cancer list
You're a slight annoyance, more like a minor headache.
Those trips are literally cancer.
I'm kind of surprised I am. I've only been name-fagging for a short while.
i know those feels.
but like crank it up a bit.
>drug addict dad leaves mom for heroin addict chick
>mom holding down three jobs
>panics and lives with her insane bf for the easy life
>allows me to get abused by him a fuck ton so she wont be on her own and have to work 80 hour weeks for three kids
>later when i turn 18 try to rekindle things with biodad because why not try you know?
>totally fucked up bipolar mess now with lots of mental impediment bullshit

>tfw no dad
>tfw mom is cool now that she divorced step dad but having trouble forgiving her
>tfw never be normal

eh not really much to share. and i dont think i can handle relationships. 2fragile4life.
but someone to cuddle with every night would probably help me out.

Overusing literal is rhetorical cancer.
i agree with this wholeheartedly
i bet that anon is a masc4masc fag too ha.
"omg guys like im literally masc4masc and trannies and fems need to get out like literally LOL"
>an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate.

Literally you.
like literally guys *sips starbucks mocha frap* *texts on iphone with two inch nails*
so masc guys like literally lol hahaha
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>tfw still no valentine date
I might just pay for a male professional massager just to get some human contact
Im short, balding, and have a small dick. How much of a negative impact will this have on finding a partner?
Reminder to literally ignore triggered trannies at all cost.
Reminder trannies and drags are mentally sick.
Reminder to beat up any tranny you see irl
This, tbqh.

>I would cuddle you at night.
>You're more than cute enough to find a qt to to this for you

If it's really bad, just shave your head. I it's really small, just be a bottom.
Reminder to shoot any trannies on sight.
I hope you make a steady income.

A literal pox upon you.
but you can do that already... but trannies are just extra points. i shoot the fags too.

;~~~~~~~~~~; maybe if you lived near me id take you up on that offer.
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Of course not. See you in hell, or not.
Anon, life is short enough already.
Sure things suck and they may get worse, suicide is an option but you're stronger than you think.
You can live and chances are you'll find something that's enough for you.
The tc is cough literally hoppin
Thanks, but after hearing that kind of stuff for years it has become meaningless to me.
American midwest, bby.

See op
>have bf
>thought I'd be happy on valentines days
>still have my finger on the trigger

I wish I wasn't a loser

At least you aren't Asian.
Fair enough, maybe you can take solace in the miser of others.

I didn't know it was Valentines today until the pizza delivery guy mention, me alone drinking wine and eating pizza in dirty track pants and a Dr Seuss shirt.
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i second this motion
I get to listen to children scream all weekend and i will be sober.

I do not take pleasure in others misfortune. If anything my sense of obligation to help others has ruined me.

I have not done anything on valentines day since 2008.
>I get to listen to children scream all weekend and i will be sober.

My basement is like that too. Drives me nuts.
Just to one up you I've never done anything on valentine but that does sound awful.

I think you should learn to be an ass, just talking out of mine but it sounds right.
Be more selfish and when people call you out as I'm sure they will maybe you'll realise how bad they are taking you for granted and tell them to go fuck themselves.

Just a thought but I can't do much else.
>tfw ugly
i want to die so much right now
>tfw im qt af
thanks guy
your casual cruelty made me smile
And people think it is strange if someone says they do not like being around children.
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hey, I'm from Illinois!
are you in the middle of nowhere like me? ;~;
i bet you either live near Peoria or Chicago.
calling it right now.
How close are you to Granite city? It couldn't be a long term thing unless one of us were willing to move, but I got family there.
>Granite city
4 hour drive. ;~;
Pretty far tbqh. But that's cool that you live sort of close.
i'm like directly north of you.
Well die then
Jk you'll get someone, they won't be pretty but it'll be someone

Also is this femgen or some shit
18 inches tho.
What a stone cold Fuck with his sharp double ended dildo
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which one?
right but much prefer lefts eyebrows
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Tranny chasers confirmed.
nah trannies smell like girls (excuding the smelly lgbt weebs) I am a twink chaser tho
I don't like women
these guys all look deformed
was it the camera lens or something?
looking at this wall makes me feel like im in a ketamine induced nightmare
>chasers confirmed.
You are saying this like it's not obvious
>older brother comes over, brings his 3 demon spawn

>proceeds to irritate and annoy me the entire time.

I wish he could appreciate the things he can have rather continue to fuck up his own life and the lives of how wife and children
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It's the 14th, and I'm lonely again. I'm starting to become numb.


Is love even real?
>Is love even real?
If it is it's only ever temporary. :(
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Everything is only ever temporary.
Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship...
Everything has its time. And everything ends.
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As my brother said to me once everything has a shelf life, even love, but I don't agree with him. Love lasts even in old age.
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>A. P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with five hundred or more partners, with 28 percent having 1,000 or more sex partners.[29]
>In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than 1000 lifetime sexual partners.[30]
Why is being monogamous so god damn hard for you fags? How am I supposed to ever find a faithful husbando this way?
>Why can't I just have what I want without working for it

Because you're a spoiled brat. That's why.
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>abandoned all hope years ago
>meet cool dude
>fall for him
>by the time you get /fit/ & have a stable life he'll already be gone
Okay, so somehow it's my fault that tons of dudes fuck around like rabbits even when in relationships. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
It's your own fault that you don't have a bf. But blame it on everyone else having sex. Whatever help you sleep at night
Men like to have sex that's fact and gay men try to pretend that they don't have to obey straight ideals of being less promiscuous or being prude about sexual antics. I have heard many gay men say to me "we don't have any role models to look at for guidance so we choose our own path we make our own morals". This type of mentality is not only disgusting, but idiotic.

>we're gay we don't have to obey common decency
This is fact and that is why. They're trying to break away from society by developing their own morals and at the same time they want society to accept them and their degeneracy. Don't get me wrong though there are plenty of gay men who are morally sound, prude, believe in strong family values, and don't engage in degeneracy, but usually when their teenagers and mid 20's they act like sluts trying to find their way through their sexuality. Usually these individuals decide to stop these degenerate acts and start acting like a moral based member of society and decide they want to settle down and fall in live, maybe even have kids. This percentage of the gay population is quite small and drowned out by other degenerate gays.
It's true this notion that they "don't have to obey societies rules on conduct and common decency" is why straight people hate the LGBT community.
>Tfw no jew BF to make happy on Valentine's day
whos fault could it otherwise be?

its also my fault that im not going to be the first man to walk on mars
just because something is possible in theory it doesnt mean it will ever happen
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I know jew dick is the sexiest dick ever.
Like this superior cock

You're both at fault now shut up.
girl what in the fuck

this picture is the reason i hate the lgbt community. pull yourselves together ffs

That's so sad.
Circumcisions really are a shame.
Goyem were clearly put on this earth to serve god's chosen people
You both despise this botchery yet you do nothing to stop it. Lobby your congress to stop it. Stop the mutilation of future boys who have no voice in your country.

Purely chosen no doubt.
Anti-Semitic to be honest
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Dude I'm not anti-jew. I'm anti-mutilation, Seriously these little baby boys have no voice in what happens to their OWN dick. Jews can go do what ever they want I don't care but stop mutilating your males! I say there should be only religious figures can perform circumcisions like rabbis and priests. Doctors should be outlawed from performing circumcisions. Because you know separation of Church and State. We won't infringe on your religious rights, but the rest of us NORMAL people who aren't religious deserve our rights to be protected from penile mutilation.
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you sure do have a lot of pictures of fuckable guys
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jews gonna jew just like niggas gonna nig you can't stop it, but you can protect your own kind from immoral influence of the jews and the nigs.
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Another fascist conservative racist egocentric babyboomer down 10 million more to go.
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You two anti-Semites need to stand facing the corner with your legs spread and think about why what you said was wrong
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The number is worse mang. Try 71.4 million babyboomers still alive in the United States alone.
I'm right here bby.
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Wrong by your definition, but you have no actual power. You and all your other religious friends hold absolutely zero power within the law and absolutely zero power in the constitutional supreme court.

Scalia was the only one stopping obama from gun confiscation and is the only one who could stop him running for a third term....

Think about it.
I already have. I don't believe in heaven or hell, but if hell is real I hope Scalia is burning for eternity.
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You seem to be the stupid one. I think there should be a new universal rule of 4chan "Separation of church and 4chan"
Prove ur a jew

But anon
Magic isn't real.
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Skeletons are
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4chan/lgbt/ Rule #1

This board is for the respectful discussion of LGBT lifestyle and the LGBT community.

>religion and gay shaming is a violation of rule number 1 of the LGBT community within 4chan parameters. You constantly violate this rule when ever you gay shame everyone here and promote your exclusive religious thoughts in this board. You shall be rightfully banned for your actions.

francisco lachowski hes so perf
Shocking isn't it?
Have I mentioned there's one inside you right now?
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4chan LGBT Rule #1

This board is for the respectful discussion of LGBT lifestyle and the LGBT community.

There are Christian lgbt people here. Don't get it twisted.
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You're being a very bad goy! Apologize right this instant!
Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.

Praise him every day, every hour, every minute, not just this Sunday. Become intoxicated by his glory. Amen gaygen, amen.
I like gefiltefish, potato pancakes with apple sauce, and guys with diverse stock portfolios.
whats up with this being a blue board thats so fucked

gay is about sex
I have the law by my side, you have magic and and invisible or as I like to call it non-existent god by yours. I win ever time.

.. what are you trying to accuse me of?


Anon, you've got it all wrong.
Gay is about love. <3

>posts dragqueen

this isn't LGBTD

Everyone who is really LGBT knows dragqueens are a bastardization of our community and do not engage in their bullshit.
heteronormative oppression

fuck you moot
potato pancakes and apple sauce is German not jewish. try again fag
>>>5723727 (You)
>Anon, you've got it all wrong.
>Gay is about love. <3
tfw all alone hold some strong male from the thread not circe
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>what are you trying to accuse me of?
I'm just saying we all turn spooky after we die.
What are you listening to /lgbt/?

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>strong male
might as well look else where this thread is filled with weak frail feminine boys

You'll have better luck in MascGen

this isn't all of lgbt for that you must make your own thread about music. This is /gaygen/ respectively
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Oh my heart.gif
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My literally first instinct was to offer myself until i finished your post. Why you gotta be like that, anon. <3


.. why don't you have a seat, anon.
Latkes with applesauce and sour cream is absolutely a Jewish thing. Maybe you Nazis stole it from us.
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>make new years resolution to finally break out of my shell and stop being lonely
>2 months+ later
>no date
>no bf
>no valentines
everything just fucking ruined
i dont want to live
Who /has a bf but can't see him because life sucks/ here

>I don't want to live

>implying you ever lived or even know what it means to live

hey sup

Austrian origin. Wrong yet again jew banger.
what does it mean then mr vindictive normie
Why can't you see him?

It means to give your life to christ, so after you die on this Earth, you can be with him forever in heaven. Only than can you no what living really is.

>implying the first potato dishes weren't peruvian.


We're separated because his academic anxiety and generalized anxiety were making him go crazy and he wanted us to spend time apart.
That sucks, I hope you guys get over it
In all honesty I can't believe i'm saying this but Circe might be right. Potatoes come from South America.

Me, too.
I've been thinking of him non-stop since it happened.. his anxiety does awful, awful things to him. It's rare that it's bad enough for him to feel like he needs to be secluded.

Where's your mister?
Yes the first potato dishes were from south america, but the actual dish Potato Pancakes are an Austrian dish adopted by other cultures and countries after the fact.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about him since itd only make things worse.
My man is working, and his parents are homophobes (and we're assuming everyone else is because I'm in Alabama) so its rare ever since we started dating that we could hang out
We're both 18 in high school and about to be in college, I hope we can spend more time together then
Where does it say that? It includes Austria at the start of an alphabetical list of cultures that have variants, not as an origin. At least the Jew section mentions time periods.

No one cares about south america.
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The Ashkenazi Jews didn't arrive in Europe until later in the 1800's where as Potatoes were founded in 1536 by Spanish Conquistadors conquered Peru. Then brought into Europe well before the Jewish community settled into Europe. Therefore potato pancakes aren't of Jewish origin but that of European origin.
Which is totally not even the point, because the whole premise of my argument is that latkes, apples, and sour cream is a Jewish dish. The specific origin of one ingredient is irrelevant.
Latkes (לאַטקע) are potato pancakes that Ashkenazi Jews have prepared as part of the Hanukkah festival[11] since the mid-1800s.,[12] but the connection actually goes back to at least the Middle Ages.[13]

Latkes need not necessarily be made from potatoes. Prior to the introduction of the potato to the Old World, latkes were, and in some places still are, made from a variety of other vegetables, cheeses, legumes, or starches, depending on the available local ingredients and foods of the various places where Jews lived.[14] Numerous modern recipes call for the addition of ingredients such as onions and carrots.[15][16]

>read the whole article before typing please.

Goddamn European leeches


If your guys' college experiences are anything like mine and his, you'll have a lot of schedule shenanigans to coordinate
And.. yeah. Yeah.


Except for like the entirety of south american and probably unwittingly everyone who uses south american exports.
Or anyone who cares about corn, too.


i don't even care about the argument i just wanted to point out potatos were peruvian.
You are sadly mistaken if you think origin of things isn't relevant.
They call it Maize in europe circe.
I'm going to a community college so im hoping it won't be that time consuming
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what race even are you circe
>tfw nazi grand-parents living in Argentina already told me this
>new years resolutions
community colleges are worse because students who go there have nothing to lose. They don't go to a prestige University so they don't care about fucking up their grades.
>nazi offspring
No wonder I hate you so much.
Circe, no one who lives in south america is a person. They are just human refuse.

>the origin of one ingredient decides the origin of the entire dish
You are literally arguing at a Circe level now, anon. I guess you win, I can't compete with that iron clad translogic.
You're life is pathetic you really should end yourself.

Have you been saved /gaygen/?

All you have to do is confess with your mouth that you're a sinner and believe with your heart that Jesus paid the price for our sins when he died on the cross and rose on the 3rd day. If you do this every sin you ever committed will be blotched out in the book of life and you will get to join Jesus in heaven after you die. He will snatch you up after you die and save you from hell.

That is all that is required of you. The false doctrine that repentance is needed and you must not sin anymore is a lie. All those who are saved are saved forever even if they sin again!

Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. He truly gave us all the greatest gift ever. Amen.
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Actually i usually call it maize, too
I think being on 4chan makes me feel extra american


what're you guys studying for?


wow, shots fired
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*tips fedora*
>implying it matters who we come from so long as we make the world a better place
Also hating someone on an anonymous imageboard shows your emotional immaturity anon.

I hope Christians have found their way to those tribal people and told them about Jesus and all his glory.
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Fuck you Imma staying in my coffin after I die.
It's your pathetic life you're living not mine. I could give less of a shit. I just think you should end yourself and now.
What do you look like senpai
As ugly on the outside as I am on the inside.
But r u manly


Rise out of that coffin boy like Jesus rose to the heavens and hear the bells ringing.
No, sorry anon.
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lol okay anon enjoy your shitty masclet existence.
>super handsome man
>jesus freak
Fuck christ on a pole why are the cute ones mentally ill.
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Nope I'm good.
if i go to wal mart and buy a cucumber do you think ill get a weird look

maybe three cucumbers
>posting Cyrillic on an American website
Kill yourself.
>do you think ill get a weird look
Only if you also buy vaseline and possibly condoms.
But that's so common that nobody will act surprised anymore (that's the worst part).
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How are you coping, /gg/?

>tfw listening to Zarah Leander

Just dare to believe in him.
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the best part of speaking to you is I know who you are; necause your the most anal autistic retard i've ever had the pleasure of baiting into discussions ever. You unironically take imageboard posts seriously, probably because of your inferior masclet genetics. Nevermind that the image I posted is an inside joke and has nothing to do with cyrillic other than it being a placeholder for inventive comedy.
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I'm dead why would I care?

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You're a cute little fuckslut, Circé. Why don't you have a Valentine's? Do people just not date trannies?
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You can praise God and fight evil and do whatever the fuck you want.
I'll just be chillin in my coffin.

Why are ugly twinks always the most spiteful?

is it insecurity?
where did you find that picture of me
The catacombs.
The concentrated bile mixed with >tfw no bf
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Man, you sure are a dickhead.

I bet your parents would be proud of you if they could see that post.

I have plenty of people who'd come over and cuddle me and fuck me nice and give me a good time, but I just want my mister.
He's trapped in an internal anxiety crisis and wants to be alone and i can't help but be wracked by worry.

I'd trade places with you. I won the bad mutation lottery and from family history there's a dazzling array of cancers, coronary disease and early cognitive decline after me. The last two are the current leaders of the pack.

Get off your ass, take a shower, and go outside and practice smiling at people. Keep pretending to yourself that you're happy until it sticks.

Compared to me you've got all the fucking time in the world. I envy you.
>dazzling array of cancers
That's the most articulate and pristine thing that has ever been posted on this board.

>thinking you will make the decisions after death
>thinking you make the decisions now in this life
I don't give a shit.
I won't leave my coffin.
pleskun always

looking up at home remedies for earlobe cysts, boutta boot up wow and do my garrison chores
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>get someone, they won't be pretty but it'll be someone

Dan Savage calls them unconventionally attractive. His advice is they might want to look for other unconventionally attractive people to date.
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>And everything ends.

Fuck that. I'm planning on surviving the heat death of the universe and I'm bringing my husband with me.... even though he's being a fucking little shit because LSATs

PS, who is that in the picture? We've got the same glasses but other than that by comparison I look like this
>5.8-magnitude quake hits Christchurch, New Zealand

He surely is coming. I hope you're all prepared.

Dave Goldenberg.

How do I get ready for anal sex?
Do I need to get looser with a dildo beforehand?
Will enemas/douche irritate my anus

Enema, non-salted/medicated.
Don't drink any coffee.
Loosening up might be beneficial but probably not necessary.
>"the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500."

They must be counting things like someone having their wing-wang touched. In a bath house maze that's practically the same as shaking hands.

PS. I've been in a monogamous relationship for eight years. It's not all it's cracked up to be. My guy's sex drive is about forty times less than mine. I pray that my balls don't implode and generate two blue ball atomic explosions.
omg i made a irl friend today

Tell us about it, friend.
>tfw bf had the modal gay experience
If I could go back in time, I'd probably try to experience more of those things tbqh
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>All the members of Uk Band, Viola Beach died in Sweden after their car plunged 82ft off a bridge into a Swedish canal.

>tfw 0 sexual partners
why cant i even get one and everyone else is having literally hundreds?
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>tfw just had a dream about my crush
>we didn't even kiss or have sex
>we just did qt things like cuddling and hugging each other

Feels weird man
has rugby posted here recently? he seemed to just stop posting without his usual big announcement of leaving
Get on Grindr, lower standard & expectations & use protection

That's a porpoise, not a turtle

He found love and doesn't come to 4chan anymore. Doesn't even skype much anymore either. He & swede are apparently engaged.
nm nm we were just hanging out on our lunch break had some bantzz talking about qt boys n shit but were fb friends now and she wants me to come out partying with her
trip on rugby
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>This type of mentality is not only disgusting, but idiotic.

Oh My Fucking God

1) Smell that? It's all the stodgy, gay sex hating bullshit flying out of your asexual ass.

2) "Other degenerate gays?" omg, you're the same guy that has been posting this crap on 7chan for what, five or six years? God you've gotten bitter.

3) Go away. Just go away. Asexuality.org is full of people that feel the same way you do. Go be with your own kind and leave the humans alone.

4) I'm really fucking old. My advice to young gays is ignore this asshat and have as much sex as you can while you're young, because you've got about a ten year window of easy opportunity to explore your sexuality. Not so much opportunity after that.


Ooh, a partymate
That's a good type of friend
isnt rugby only 18? still though, im happy for him
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Who is he gaygen?
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like who tf cares hopefully his neo nazi piss drinking ass is dead

If you miss him reevaluate your life
Oh shit my b, I forgot about this thread
I'm going for psychiatry and he's going for art.
>4) I'm really fucking old. My advice to young gays is ignore this asshat and have as much sex as you can while you're young, because you've got about a ten year window of easy opportunity to explore your sexuality. Not so much opportunity after that.

Not even that guy, but that's pretty disgusting. I'm monogamous and lucky enough to have a boyfriend who's the same so I don't have to worry about being cheated on or getting HIV or some awful STD.

desu that mentality of "muh bathhouses muh wild orgies and fucking 500 men in a year" is one of the most awful things ever on so many levels, from a gay rights perspective to a health one.

I literally don't understand or comprehend it.
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Soooooooo, what about medical circumcisions?
>You're a good hoo-er

oh hey thats a picture of me

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Dr. Feynman.jpg
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"What do you care what other people think?"
- Dr. Richard Feynman.

- Nobel Prize winner.
- Key member of the Manhattan Project.
- One of the greatest theoretical physicists in history.
-Reputedly God himself used to come talk to him about certain points of Quantum Electrodynamics that He found uncertain.
-Safe cracker.
- Formulated theory of the utility and equality of theoretical physics and sex.
- Olympic class pussy chaser.

"Ask them if you buy them a drink will they sleep with you?" Success rate was only 1%, but he could work through a barroom in less than half an hour and only needed to buy one drink. - Mid 1940s

Guess who's my hero. Stick up his ass or Nobel Prize winner?

tfw no feminine bf who can play the harp

I used to be able to play the harp
I probably still can, i don't know
It's been years.
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My crush of course.
Who is probably spending Valentine's Day hoping he will die.
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2016-02-01 22.16.06.jpg
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you forgot
-professional bongo player in Brazil

but yes, he is my idol too. i bought pic related for $200 or so 2 weeks ago.
What instruments can you play/ed?
If not what instrument do you want to?
>I play trombone in my high school marching band (I'm 18 BTW, mods)
>I play bass guitar in my free time
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>what instrument do you want to?
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>Why are ugly twinks always the most spiteful?
>is it insecurity?

Possibly, but I tend to lean more towards spite stemming from jealousy about others' sexual success
I've had time to think about it.

Left is obvi hotter

Cello grade 5
piano grade 5
bellyre in a military band
I want to have sex with a silver fox
I always knew you were into bestiality

didn't you and slutboi already have sex?

you already caused your bf great anxiety by sleeping around and being a easy hoe

what you need is some moral guidelines to live by

Trying to bite deep, anon, shame on you.
There's always something you can do to fix issues instead of cutting the whole thing off. You can do minor circumcisions that correct phimosis or other problems and if there is cancer of the foreskin etc., but that's out of necessity. Circumcision just because you want your kid's dick to be mutilated for your own pleasure is unnecessary therefore should be banned. Unless your from a religious freak family then you and your family therefore have the right be be freaks and mutilate your penis. Etc. etc. etc.
>I literally don't understand or comprehend it.

Exactly true. You are blind to that particular aspect of humanity. No shame in it, but it would probably be nicer for everybody if you just shrugged your shoulders and walked away.
Nice pic!

Why did it cost $200?
I have a question, /gaygen/.

Do you think Grindr is ever appropriate for a first time ? Or is it a complete nah ?

Ty for your time
Then do explain to me, why would someone want to fuck hundreds of other people, regardless of risk of STDs, and often times while they're in a romantic relationship with another person?

What... drives a person to do that and engage in that sort of behavior? I'm very definitely gay, but like I said me and my boyfriend are monogamous. Is shallow sex and fucking really better than a relationship and health for those people?

I mean, personally, i just have a hard time not being sexually attracted to my friends.
I think somewhere inside my head, friendly intimacy and sexual intimacy are really the same thing.
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Grindr is kinda shit
Just use CraigsList.
If you use grindr. You deserve death desu
you disgusting whore

Better than broadcasting my location in order to have spotty blueball sessions with mathc4mathc.
Why don't I have a tripcode
I find it so funny that you queens think we (actually masculine) men are pretending and literally have lisp girly voices. Someone definitely is over compensating and it's not us. it's you.

I don't use grindr yet, it's just that I'm slowly approaching 20 and while I'm far from depressed, I think I have bad luck

I end up not developing affection for hot, friendly guys in my college because my first two real crushes (whom I even dare to go and try my luck) were straight, so I'm afraid of another delusion in the future
>we (actually masculine) men are pretending and literally have lisp girly voices.
>bear community
>VA pays me to go to school
>18 credit hours this semester
>Only one course on campus on M & W for two hours
>Go to the gym
>Sit around the house and drink coffee all day
>Do assignments and spit tobacco in a little bottle

I have hobbies. But man do I have zero desire to go out in the cold and hunt or go fishing at this time or anything else. Hell even video games have gotten boring.

I guess I have to make friends.
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Just chilling and playing stalker trying to figure out what happened to this general, it seems worse than usual.

What about you bruh?
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I abandoned the thread, and yea basically I live in central IL.

That just how much it costs.

have you ever had to buy your own textbook before? shits expensive.
>implying all bears are masculine
>implying all masculine men are bears
You're stupid if you believe this mentality.
>you queens


>slowly approaching 20

No one's slowly approaching anything. The sum of your life is minutes of mind, and to make those minutes pleasant to remember you've got to get what you want ahead of time.
I was just giving an example that those who are 'masculine strong men' can be the most whining sissy girls on the planet.

If you get butthurt because people don't think you're masculine, they're right.
Do you even read what you type. Man you are retarded.
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You sound so faggy.
Thread replies: 255
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