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Has there been any research done with transgender people? Seems
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Has there been any research done with transgender people? Seems like the perfect subjects for a nature vs nurture regarding gender roles. What's your say if someone was to use you for science?
>Seems like the perfect subjects for a nature vs nurture regarding gender roles.
Not really, no. The situation with transgender people often seems to be so that since they envy/feel-closer-to/etc. the people with whom they share their felt gender, they will obviously(?) imitate their social behavior.

I mean, the idea that there's something biological behind wanting to wear frilly dresses, make up and high heels is pretty ludicrous anyway, isn't it? (Or am I conflating gender roles with gender stereotypes?)

You can google for some studies by the way. Research on the brains of trans people have shown that there's a biological root to it IIRC. It might always be wrong research though; for instance people have been raving about innate differences in the way women's and men's brains are wired, and then the most recent and biggest research (meta-analysis amounting to 6k brains) finds that the brain is really basically genderless...

Research is hard, often biased, wrong, contradicting each other, and so on.

People also tend to a dangerous black and white thinking, where it must be either nature or nurture, when in fact it could be a complicated mixture. If trans women and men's chosen social/gender roles are biologically rooted, that would only prove that our assumptions about the connection of anatomical sex and social/gender roles is so wrong that some people get literally ill from them. One could easily abuse that research result to say "see, gender roles are inherent in the genders!" when in fact it would mean we should loosen up all the roles and see how different people behave when not coerced.
>What's your say if someone was to use you for science?

It depends on the specifics of the experiment, but I would be open to consider participation in an experiment.
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