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What was the process leading up to being officially together
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What was the process leading up to being officially together with your bf/gf for you guys? I've been seeing this guy really intensely for about a month and I have pretty strong feelings for him. Not only is he my type looks wise, but he's also really funny, caring, charismatic, intelligent and hard working. I'm pretty sure I wanna enter a serious relationship with him, and even if he wants the same I'm not really sure how to. What are some signs the time is right to become a real couple? How long did it take for you?
>asking lesbians anything ever
For shame OP, for shame.

For me it usually happens after we've started fooling around with each other physically for a little bit, typically just a matter of days at that point before it gets made official.
That's pretty quick. Maybe our cultures are different
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>be friends with dude for months
>talk to him over skype for 12+ hours a day
>over a year into our friendship, I'm having sick bantz with him
>tell him to show me his dick
>he does, says he did it cuz' bantz
>a month later he takes his dick out on cam for some reason (we were talking about how he has a granddad dick kek)
> i'm surprised and he's just standing there touching his dick saying shit like "it's not a granddad dick, famili"
>shit happens and I tell him to start jerking off
> he fucking does it
>cums on cam
>we laugh it off and say never again
>we do it like every fucking day and say we're friends with benefits
>a month into this shit we're talking late at night and I'm high as shit
>tell him that I've always had a crush on him
>he tells me that he's always had a crush on me too
>I spill spaghetti all over and get on the edge of crying
now we're long distance boyfriend & disgusting tranny "girlfriend" and have been together for fuckin' forever. He's planning to visit me soon and I'm super duper excited wew
We fed each other cheap Chinese food at a Christmas party
i love mikey from antm
Jesus, what are you, 12? There's no fucking rulebook for what's "official". If you want to call her your girlfriend then just tell her that.

Grow a spine and learn to talk to people you're fucking, or get used to shitty, confusing relationships with dickheads forever.
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