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are the new century arms WASR-10'S as bad as people say?
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are the new century arms WASR-10'S as bad as people say? I saw a nice new one for sale around in a shop, but the owner kind of told me not to expect much (accurate to 150 meters or so in his own words)So i kind of don't expect much but is that a sort of exageration? i hear alot of the scare about these going around originating with the assault weapons bans era ones that had to be mutalated then reconverted, how do theu fair accuracy and reliability wize now?
i mean i don't expect it to par with say, my saiga but how much of a difference are we talking?
>but the owner kind of told me not to expect much (accurate to 150 meters or so in his own words)
Dont go back there, hes a fucking idiot
what kind of groupings u get with urs at distance?

First of all, that picture is a RAS-47, not a WASR-10.

The new WASR-10s aren't amazing but they're a good entry level AK. The guy has no idea what he's talking about. You can expect reasonably accurate groups out to around 300 meters with irons if you zero it correctly and use decent ammo like Golden Tiger.

Who said wasr-10's were bad? They are great entry level ak's
Do your homework and find out how to tell whether you have a new production wasr. The new ones are fine. Inspect it for canting and check the rivets.
if anything, ive heard nothing but good things about recent wasrs. it seems the latest batch has really stepped up their game.
WASRs are the unattractive girl that puts out. everyone like to bag on them but hey, as long as youre getting some, who cares.
yes i kniw ras47 is accurized shit tier crap i just had a stock photo of a ak and that happened to be it
OP I own a 2015 production wasr and can answer questions.

>Yes they are a lot better
>The finish is still shit
>The wood is still shit
>They function fine
>They take mags just fine
i actualy don't like finish thats too shiny desu..are they comparable to other non chombloc/slav level ak's in preformance?
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>are they comparable to other non chombloc/slav level ak's in preformance?
It shoots on par with my zastava m70 folder which is the only other 7.62x39 AK I have.

Accuracy isnt an issue, people were ringing steel with it at 200yd all day.
>set sights too high
>shoot chain hanging plate
>plate falls off
About my only complaint
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Not him, but I picked one up and while I was only shooting at 100m with it, I had zero problems hitting the gong unless I was doing something stupid (like trying to double tap the gong).

Also like the other guy said, the wood is pretty bad out the box, but that was about my only real complaint.
Does anyone have experience with the C39 v2?
I'm considering getting my first ak and that one appears to be alright and at a good price.
Just get a wasr or npap, avoid century made if you want a rifle that is made correctly, century still can not make a proper ak.
This shit confuses the hell out of me
Century sells a npap model, who should I get a wasr or npap from?
Is there a better platform that shoots 7.62x39? That's really all I want.
I own one, and I think the best way to describe it really is fine. Shoots fine, takes mags fine, wood is fine, sights are fine, nothing is really a problem, but nothing is really amazing
What's the complaint with the RAS-47? I've never really had an issue with mine, though I don't shoot it a ton
Century imports wasrs and npaps they are fine they make ras47s and c39s they are shit and made of improperly hardened steel do not buy them.




wait until the after they deal with this shit.
Poorly hardened everything will cause it to eventually go out of headspace and become dangerous to use.
Hmm, is there a visual indicator of this? I do clean the thing regularly but I've not noticed anything too worrying looking
Shit that's way cheaper than a c39 v2
Thanks anon aks have confused the fuck out of me.
I'll Google npap vs wasr and decide after that.
I just want a different caliber I can take to the range and also a habbeding gun
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Nyet. Rifle is fine.
If you put this

Into your rifle and it closes your rifle is a time bomb, if the bolt does not close it is fine.
Thanks anon, I'll have to get my hands on one of those. Is there any way to fix this issue if it arises?

>inb4 buy a new one lol
I want a pump action AK now.
Option one spend about 2-300 for a gunsmith to replace your trunions/bolt/receiver/gasblock/sights not counting part cost.

Option two get a proper ak.
Alright well, we'll see how long I can keep this thing running without blowing my hands off. God, why do I have such a taste for shitty guns?
What's the gun on the left
IMI Galil.
Century BUILDS ras47 and c39v2. They IMPORT the wasr and npap
i have a feeling u guys are sugesting i get it just so u can meme me on here later desu
Where can i find better wood furniture for my wasr 10?
>why do I have such a taste for shitty guns?
Well, you're on /k/, so it comes with the territory.
If the embed doesn't start properly, cut to the 15 minute mark.
They're not the best Ak's on earth, but they're fine.

>muh stamp vs muh milled
Milled is slightly more accurate, but that's about it.
>not getting a mak90
My newer wasr10 sucks... I can barely hit a paper plate at 50 yards...
Thats on you not the rifle.
>I can't even consistently get 12 MOA
Is what I'm hearing. Well done.
With a 2-4 moa rifle.
Apexgun normally has bulk furniture buys. Most is surplus and will show wear or be engraved with a foreign language. I bought a 3 pack for $24 on sale it included foregrip pistol grip and stock. It was all a matching set that had squad 4 rifle 9 engraved on the stock. I replaced the crap wood on my shitty I.o. ak. Couldn't even spare a solid piece of wood I.o. used painted particle board. My $20 Daisy red rider has nicer wood
Yeah, no... I've had three other people shoot it and used at least 4 different brands of ammo... Pretty sure it's just a lemon. I reload for my AR so it actually cost more to shoot the AK... I need to just dump it on gun trader but the type of people interested in cheap AKs scare me...
Unless you are shooting from something like http://www.midwayusa.com/product/751993/lyman-revolution-gun-vise
I'm sure its you and your friends being shit shots.
That's funny op, Wasr 10 are best bang for your buck right now on AK market.

Their barrels are second to none and the guns generally are fairly accurate for 7.62x39 bullet..

The shop keeper you were speaking to is an idiot, also avoid RAS 47 at all costs, it will shit the bed like a fat kid who hasent used the toliet in a few days
"barrels are second to none"? how lol? arsenals and saigas have cold steel hammer forged crome lined ones, the better of which get 2 moa at 100 meters or so.Are they that good?
what about mag wobble, is it as bad as they say?
my wasr mag wobbles some but never had a single feed/mag failure.
how noticible is the wobble? that kind of shit makes me ocd
if you grab the mag and wiggle it you can feel it move slightly. if you just shake the gun lots of other parts rattle and you cant hear it at all
Different anon anon but how much if any mine wobbles depends on the mag, Some of mine have none some have a bit not all mags are the same thickness.

im this guy >>30420844 and >>30420901 is right. some truckbed liner on the outside of the feed lips will stop any mag wobble you have. a buddy of mine does that
realy don't want to bubba up a ak...did so with my saiga and regretted it. I may w8 for something that has less issues but with politics lately idk
Your not doing anything to the ak your adding material to the magazine.
Just buy a Zastava AK. They're made on the exact same tooling as their military export rifles. Century imports them in both pistol and rifle configuration.
you dont do anything to the ak, you modify the mags instead
m8 i dont want to mess with mags that fit fine in other kalashnikova..i was hoping for something that would work out of the box that i could use same mags with other one..i guess it isnt a huge deal anyway and i might still
They will work as is the fix is if you autism is crippling you about 2mm of movement.
then dont buy an ak. even my $1200 meme sht arsenal ak has the same amount of mag movment.

wasrs have been fine since at least 2009.

They exist, they're relatively rare though.
>not using self healing plate hangers
Chain is literally cancer
in short yes, wasrs have cold hammer foraged chrome lined barrels as well. Possibly not as good as what are on the arsenals or saigas but for the money it is an acceptional barrel. The only real problems wasrs have is the qc at century arms and the shitty wood on the new ones. Not saying my wasr is a better gun than my friends slr but for 400$ less IMHO it is better bang for your buck.

my wasr has some wobble with some mags, pmags have about 1mm of play bulgarian mags had about 2mm of play but polish mags I ordered actually had to be fit to be used in the rifle. So it really does vary mag to mag. none of them have enough play to cause malfunctions.
forgot to add that the polish mags would not even lock into my friends slr so it is a mag problem not a rifle problem.

Welcome to the future! I know it's going to be an adjustment seeing your from 1999....
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