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Why are Americans fat?
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Why are Americans fat?
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>life had been streamlined to minimize physical movement
>big country=long distances=driving everywhere instead of walking
>unhealthy food is the cheapest
>life is bullshit, taking away motivation to actually cook well
>general ignorance of what healthy food actually is
>technology and instant gratification is more appealing to most than doing physical activities for fun

We need to go back about sixty years to correct this shit.
Because we can actually afford food, duh
Why don't you guys just legalize Dance Dance Revolution?
It is legal, but dancing is for faggots.
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Because the seven sins have to be personified on a continental basis, yes, including Antarctica.
Oh, so it has nothing to do with food or driving. You are just lazy.
It's okay to be gay bro
Because the American government has subsidized corn so much that now American companies put corn syrup in fucking everything, making everything nasty and unhealthy.
>sins in Antarctica
you now made me wonder what sort of gay/straight orgies there's between those locked up scientist on those cold summer nights over there
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calories served by capita .png
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>eat high calorie foods every day
>but they don't walk at all
Jesus Christ, I don't even eat 2,000 calories a day, how do Austrians eat so much?
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>Trying to eat 3000 calories a day 4 dem gains
>Can barely get to 2500 with healthy meals and whey
>tfw forever a skeleton
I have failed as an American
>tfw I eat ~1000 a day
>tfw stay same weight forever
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That or just stupid.

>in uni last week
>waiting for the prof to show up
>students talking among themselves
>overhear guy talking about how much he can bench in the gym
>he's a landwhale

>going to the gym

I don't understand.
Austria let's be friends
because there are 12 fast food joints within a 3 mile radius of where I live

>tfw 6'2" and 145lbs
What are those flying commas and numbers? What is this american trying to say?
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