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Rate a country by their members of /int/
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You are currently reading a thread in /int/ - International

Thread replies: 19
Thread images: 15
File: int rates the world.png (97 KB, 1357x617) Image search: [Google]
int rates the world.png
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Well /int/, it is time.

Rev up those opinions!
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argentina = among the worst shitposters if you can speak spanish, the english argentinian posters tend to be ok.

chile = ultimate cucks, try hard to be argentinians but get bullied by argentinians. weeb as fuck.

colombia = bunch of beta fags usually good posters, except by me who loves to shitpost. They always defend the dick of their white masters.

Mexico = mixed bag.

Bolivia = usually cute posters, same as Peru, they're the most bullied on /int/

japs = usually good posters, but they tend to be shy and can't understand proper banter, can get easily angered and try to banter like a 5 year old kid.

burgers = can be good posters, informative and calm and can be absolute retards who only shitpost, usually no middle ground.

Those are the ones that I remember the most.
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irates the world.png
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well, here we go.
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shitposting map.png
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I will never get used to or understand these self-hating people 2bh
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posts on int.jpg
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'ere you go
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Reminder that lesotho is the most based posters.
Someone post the cap
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>people thinking argies are good posters
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Outside /lat/ they're pretty good.
good taste
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too lazy right now to keep editing
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Thread replies: 19
Thread images: 15

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