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Would /int/ be better if we range-banned Americans and Canadians
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Would /int/ be better if we range-banned Americans and Canadians from posting here? The reason people post on /int/ is because every other board is filled with yanks and /int/ is supposed to be a safe haven away from them. But since there are so many yanks that post here, non-Americans are forced to stay in their generals and never interact with one another. If we remove yanks from /int/, then it would encourage more international discussion and less circlejerking in generals.

It's not like yanks contribute anything noteworthy to the board. They aren't funny, they're unintelligent and they show no signs of wanting to actually learn. And Canadians manage to somehow be even worse.
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Would /int/ be better if we range-banned British and French from posting here? The reason most people post on /int/ is because every other board is filled with limeys and frogs and /int/ is supposed to be a safe haven away from them. But since there are so many limeys and frogs that post here, Americans are forced to stay in their generals and never interact with one another. If we removed limeys and frogs from /int/, then it would encourage more international discussion and less circlejerking in generals.

It's not like limeys contribute anything noteworthy to the board. Their teeth look gross, they're unintelligent, and pretentious douchebags. And French manage to somehow be even more autistic.
Inshallah brother we shall ban the kaffirs!
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>when a brit posts outside his containment thread
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>It's another butthurt Brit thread
I vote to range ban all the countries that spawned from the British empire
>literally only yank replies because everyone else is stuck in their general and hasn't seen this thread yet

Just proves my point desu
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if you elected a kenyan twice you should be banned imo
I don't know about you, but I'm having a decent conversation with an Israeli right now and I'm learning all kinds of new information.

Everything you just described in your post fits Australians as well, possibly even moreso. This board is 90% banter and 10% discussion... to pin all of it on Americans is a bit silly imo.
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>decent conversation with an Israeli
You're just making yourself look worse.
only countries who don't need permission to use their own nukes should be allowed to post tbpt
It's a North American world, you're just living in it.
Australians are pretty shit tier nowadays. They used to be great but they've really gone downhill. Even Brits are pretty shit nowadays, they're either autistic as fuck or they're just as bad as yanks. Having said that, you still see the occasional aussie and brit post that's actually good. I can't say the same for yanks though.
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We did it bros, we conquered the board

>Hi yes, I'm on this board to talk to Western Europeans not to garner INTERNATIONAL perspective.

Scotland's the only redeeming part of your paki-filled country.
Americans are OK on this board. They're fairly knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics and you can discuss with them unless it's a /p*l/lack spouting LE KEK meme being spouted at every corner.

It's harder to discuss with Brits since they're fueled by hatred against Germans and are quicker to resort to Islam cuck memes and such, even though they're not better off than us.
Americans are ok, cucknadians are cancer desu
Americans are shit-tier posters, true, but they only post en masse when everyone else is asleep, so who cares.
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>i want to speak to a spic
>so i start looking for posts with american flags
Americans are fine desu but Canada cucks have to go

Poor bait and banter

Worse than the people you criticize
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>Poor bait and banter

just like your lifestyle then hernandez.
Brits are objectively the most sensitive, most butthurt, and most closeted homosexual posters on /int/.
You have 2 types of Americans on /int/, generally: Decent posters and the retarded ones.

At least the stupid ones serve as entertainment for the rest of the board.

Come to think of it, I think most sissyposters are brits.
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yiff in hell.jpg
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>range banning north Americans on an American site
>being so new that you have no memory of when this site was North America only
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wew lebron

Do you save images for reasons other than shitposting?


I guess not. Sounds like your autism is well-catalogued.
I agree, I've only ever posted anything hateful if someone attacks us several times out of the blue, otherwise spread fun and joy.

There are a few calm UK posters but also a lot of utterly cringe fedora-tipper and even tophat-tipper posters. Poles seem to have a similar issue along with Swedes (maybe compensating for reputation and memes)
There are quite a few posters, usually political extremists, who repeatedly post exagerrated or untrue information, then get angrily passive aggressive if called out on it.. Like claiming the minority/muslim percentage of a country is 3 times what it actually is, or making up pseudoscience conjecture about the genetic origins of some people/country with no sources
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>literally getting upset by a fucking picture.

what a cuck
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>the filename autist shows up
Daily reminder to stop responding to bait. I'm looking at you fellow Americans.
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>literally reduced to tears by a filename.

cannot make this shit up
Shut the fuck up fagboi

*inzips my pants and grabs u*
*puts my penis in ur mouth and pees a little bit*
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>Born just in time to see the dawn of the North American century, of booming population, economic growth, economic and military dominance, impenetrable to military invasion

We will *literally* live out a century of abundant land, absurd resources, pampered luxury and economic growth lads. It's like playing Civ 5 on easy mode on top of wheat and oil tiles
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>he can't stop taking the bait
Is it true that 67% of british males have experimented with homosexuality to some degree by the age of 25?
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