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How do you call this game in your "country"?
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File: jogo da velha.png (13 KB, 200x178) Image search: [Google]
jogo da velha.png
13 KB, 200x178
How do you call this game in your "country"?
kisses and hugs
>Jogo da velha

i never understood that meme
The Battle of Gridlington
Noughts and crosses
Križci pa krožci
(Little) crosses and (little) circles
tic tac toe
Pizdy i chuje
= Twats and Pricks
kółko i krzyżyk
a circle and a (little) cross
tic tac toe
Boter, kaas en eieren. It means Butter, Cheese and Eggs
x looks like two mouths touching, aka a kiss
o looks like two sets of arms embracing each other
xoxo means hugs and kisses
Cross and ball
It's quite fun as well...
'Krestiki-noliki' which means 'crosses-zeroes'. Both words mean small zeroes and small crosses just like in >>61842282.
4 gewinnt.
Also "Tri v vrsto" (three in line)
Jogo do galo
Gato, which means cat. Not sure why is called that...
Literally "Rooster Game"

Of course, cock doesn't mean penis in Portuguese, so it's perfectly innocent.
Ristinolla which means crosszero
Tris, as in series of 3
morski shakh (Sea chess)
tic tac toe.
noughts and crosses

X's and O's
"Jogo da velha", meaning "old lady's game" (seriously)
Hadn't actually thought about it, but why the fuck is it noughts? Certainly nobody actually draws a nought when they play.
File: 1467753780767.gif (478 KB, 500x348) Image search: [Google]
478 KB, 500x348
o's and x's
circles and crosses
zeros and multiplications
x^2+y^2=1 and abs(x)=abs(y)
tic tac toe


Križić kružić
X și zero
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