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Why are Americans so dangerous?
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Why are Americans so dangerous?
Finnish heritage, also, you missed a piece of portugal
They are part galician there
Eternal Slavs
Why does Portugal hate life so much?
What the fug
God D.C. is such a shithole
Is Finland dangerous?
Short answer: Blacks.
They kill each other and drive our murder rates up. It's not all bad though. The herd thins itself.
Because life is bully.
What's wrong with Montana?
Not really. Most of the U.S. murder rate is due to gang crime, regardless of race. You're not really at risk if you're a normal person.
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>missing north Portugal
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Niggers are violent, everyone knows this.
Poor education.
US homicides also take into account police killings and self defense, which is where fund play a factor.

How likely are you to just be randomly shot and killed while walking outside your home? Probably somewhere in the realm of dying in a plane crash.
Probably pretty high if you decide to call the cops
They may have a poor education, but they get jobs.
Only if you're black homie
Police kill more whites than blacks per year senpai
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I checked the real map, it's darker towards the south. Which makes sense because that's where the moors all are.

Why are you cunts not killing moors?
Per capita boi, per capita
Because they eat Mc Donalds.
Why is Russia so dangerous? :O
LOL Michigan. I guess Detroit is more than just a meme.
Not blue = land of pussies

Gee, looks like some West European countries are more Slavic than Western Slavs, derp.

PS Say hi from me to that tub of lard with problem hair, that keeps 1/3rd of you guys hostage. Tell him "keep it up!"
what kind of retard made this?
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We have Detroit and Flint, both of which are violent hellholes. But travel 6 or so hours across the state and you'll find pic related which is top comfy
>My county is the most lit up in my state
Well shieeeet
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You mean there are still some of them left? We need to send some Asturian warriors there in that case.
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There's always new moors. But now they attack from the east, because Viking blood has lost it's power.

But you can't argue with results.
This is not an indirect stab at you, but I'm genuinely curious.

How did that "stop pork being served at school" end up? I remember your politicians advocating for it, but we never hear how the stories end up because they lose novelty.
>rural america
can't kill anybody if no one's around
They discuss this topic a lot, this happens all the time so idk what time you're talking about. There was also a school that forced a muslim student to eat pork. But well they haven't made a law about it so I guess it didn't end up to anything
I see.

Forcing him to eat pork is pretty shitty, but if the meals are listed somewhere every week, he has the right to choose not to eat and to bring something else.

Now, changing the menus of a foreign country is batshit. Especially considering that you guys, like us, eat a LOT of pork, I gather.
There was also a kindergarten that stopped serving pig but then the commune forced the kindergarten to serve pig again. The politicians advocating for it must have been very leftwing. A rightwing politician would never say something like that
It was a nutrition student, it was a part of the education to eat pig and he refused.
Thread replies: 42
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