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>tfw you are currently living in a country with a rich Catholic
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File: Mariazell Basilica.jpg (4 MB, 2299x1664) Image search: [Google]
Mariazell Basilica.jpg
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>tfw you are currently living in a country with a rich Catholic tradition and culture
>Calvaries everywhere, to stop and pray
>Even small chapels are well decorated and ancient
>You prayed at places where Saints prayed and ministered to the flock

Only Austria and Italy would be better desu
Fuck the Catholic church.
First they try to get you in with their architecture: That's how they got Evelyn Waugh
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>country full of churches
>they are all empty
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Oh please.
Our churches get slowly converted into rich family homes, eventplaces and other profanities.
The catholics need to step up their game, their constant flow of money from the religious statetax made them complacement and they are now an incredible washed down hippiecult trying to stay relevant by pathethic virtue signalling.
diddling boys hasnt helped.

How do you manage to stay catholic like people were catholic 40+ years ago?
Europeans who abandon god will face the consequences
Why? They will embrace God 2.0 aka Allah.
Muslims are part of their punishment
But you are literally Austria and Italy
t. East Australian
comfy af
Religion is a joke

Chapels are nice though
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You ain't seen nothing yet tbqh.

His cunt is so irrelevant it's left out of maps
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Bled_otok_zima_ Ferjan_087.jpg
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>forgeting to green text
New Zealand isn't even worth that much tbqh. I bet Kiwiland doesn't even have churches.
Please do not bully us big strong Slovenia ;_;
This is proof that God doesn't love New Zealand.
Post some more French ones.
>tfw American Protestant
>tfw Protestants don't build fancy churches

I get why we don't do fancy churches, but man, I like fancy churches. The Notre Dame at Reims is probably my favorite.
Chartres is also fancy. The inside is way cooler than the outside though.
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mistr jan hus.jpg
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>tfw you tried to reform corrupt Catholic church and they killed you for it
Did you know that one of the stained glass of Chartres was bought by prostitutes of the city ?

This is what I love about cathedrals ; They aren't just big, fancy constructions. They're really a common building, where every group of the society are working together to build the same shrine to God. Even whores.
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>France pretending they're religious

Fuck off fedora scum.

git gud
>pic related
>not mudslime
Pick one
well memed
Wasn't Pius IX almost lynched in Rome by an angry mob once?
Ooh, this is the best one
That's pretty neat. I had no idea there.
لا مشكلة يا صديقي
>born in Romania with great old orthodox churches
>moved to america and i can only see shitty bland and modern looking protestant """""churches"""""
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Catholic churches>Orthodox churches tbqh
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Still, Orthodox churches can look quite nice. The big one they're building in Belgrade looks quite glorious from the inside and it's not even done yet.
Then again, based Catholicism led to even our town halls having church towers. I'd like to see Orthodoxy beating that.
>pic related
File: Lyon-Basilique-de-Fourvière.jpg (4 MB, 4368x2912) Image search: [Google]
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Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourvière in Lyon. Massive basilica on a hill so you can see it from everywhere.
Any particular reason why people are Catholics instead of Protestants? I mean, with that doctrine of Papal inability and the Church's bad rep and modernism.
Protestants? kek
File: Sveti_Vrh.jpg (2 MB, 3789x2196) Image search: [Google]
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Protestants were driven from our lands a long time ago. There is only a community in the part which used to be under Hungarian rule.

I think that you mean "infability".

Where is the fun on Protestantism?
They get rid of all the magic, and religion without magic is just a boring tale.
evangelicals are spreading everywhere

I'm sure they do in your country now. They are like cancer.
I don't know, they're pretty small compared to the Catholic Church.

>posting every church in Slovenia but not posting the gorgeous Plecnik's churches ?!?!?!
Alright, since you asked for it. It's the only one I have and it's not really of a good quality.
Here's the pic.
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