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File: brazil is back.jpg (86 KB, 960x551) Image search: [Google]
brazil is back.jpg
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Prepare your ass for 2018 world cup, germancucks
Is ecuador good ? Against peru
kawaiiti :3
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nice joke
Ecuador is very strong at the moment.
Brazil 7 - 1 Haiti
Berazil 0 - 0 Ecuador
I bet a victory for Ecuador agianst Peru. I hope you're right.
Yes, Ecuador should win
>Using biological warfare
Why is this allowed?
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In fact I did a multiple bet, to win the money I need that these teams win.
What do you think ? For the moment I have Brazil. It was the first game of my bet
rest 6 games
You got it.
Unless the gringos play horribly.
Anything can go, but those are the safe bets.
>Peru 2x0 Ecuador
Brazil is FC Neymar.
He is only talent.
Fucking draw 2-2
Fuck Ecuador
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Brazil is back, baby!
>Berazil 0 - 0 Ecuador
This is why I can't stand soccer
>all scorelines have to look like (142 - 314^43) for them to be exciting
Right, because it's either 142 - 314^43 or 0 - 0, nothing in between is possible?

There should be some amount of scoring in most games, 0 - 0 draws are just way too common.
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There is an amout of scoring in most game, this is what scorlines on 3 random weeks of the epl look like, 0 - 0 games are a possibility but in no way the norm.

Only league and group stage games can end on a draw, and there is a point system to rank teams depending on the outcome of the game, it's impressive how Ecuador could hold out against a side like Brazil, they deserve a point for that.

The side that collects the most points wins the league, because it means they had the most successful run.

Knockout stage games and finals can't end on a draw, you play extra time and if necessary go to penalties to determine a winner.
The two games I watched towards the end of the EPL season this year (because of the Leicester City hype) were both 0-0 draws, that's why I have a bad impression of the sport.

Both times I sat down and invested 90 minutes into giving the sport a chance and both times I was disappointed.

I know you'll probably think "no one gives a shit if you like it, it's the most popular sport in the world", just expressing my opinion.

I don't mind the FIFA world cup though, nothing like an excuse to get drunk and indulge in some armchair nationalism with your mates.
>Leicester City hype
oh I know, Mahrez is their star so needless to say they're worshipped in Algeria.

And most popular sports are like that, the average person watches them because of hype, hype for an underdog, for the local side, the national team, for a player that's having a season of his life.. very few sit around analysing the technicalities of it all.
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Do you ascribe to a particular native footy code?
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Yes, Tiges lifelong here :~)
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