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What /int/ think about Georgia?
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What /int/ think about Georgia?
Rightful Muslim clay.
Tip lads shicne they are not here unlike T*rds
It's been around for thousands of years yet nobody gives a shit about it.
I always wonder why.
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putin spoilerOifoYCEAEm7_v.jpg
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Country oppressed by russia.
best neighbour
I don't.
fucking ruskies

a dark version of chechens
I wish to know their non-indo-european language
t. Chechen shitskin sub human
Unironically consider every georgian a subhuman, despite the fact that im half-georgian.
muslim country
thank gott we joined NATO
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>muslim country
t. Mihnadze Papishvili
they can't be more subhuman than t*rks.
t.half-georgian too
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>Russian calling caucasians subhuman

You do realise there's 99% chance you're an inbred mongol ?

Caucasians ( i mean REAL caucasians, not armenians,azeri's etc. have and always will be whiter than russians, it's a fact proven by history
Mongol descent is something to be proud of
good country with nice people
They have a nice alphabet
ramzan pls
I need this fractal version
Golden Horde was mostly Turkic. Kipchaks, Cumans, Bulgars, etc. They were simply ruled by a Mongol dynasty.
We should call all Georgians here Cuckishvilis for being Russia's bitches.
Dorifto kings! RIP Georgi
>REAL caucasians have and always will be whiter than russians
I know, so what?
>Croissant talking about whiteness
west coast >east coast
Only friendly neighbour cunt
Self-hating faggots go jump from window or something.
Good country, good people, good dishes
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he's a filthy chechen di*spora
Georgia would probably last longer in a war against Russia than Ukraine or any other neighbor of Russia.
Do you like khachapuri or kubdari more?
diamond in sea of shit
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georgians are a-okay familia
much better than the mountain jews
cool place and people
Qt but prude girls
I like Georgia
both are shit
t. lobiani
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> bean pies
Georgians are bro-tier t.b.h.
I see no reason why georgia and azerbaijan are different countries, same culture, geography, people, language, religion
whatever though
Armenian clay
This sv*n bullies adjarian khachapuri.
I see no reason why usa and mexico are different countries, same culture, geography, people, language, religion
whatever though
Usa and Mexico are completely different you dumbass.
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basically this, and the fact we have more people than mexico makes it really unbalanced?
t.Pablo in denial
i like but georgia in USA)))
yeah and u were both helped by the iranians in somewhere between 800 AD - 1900 AD I think so u have the same influence and governmentm

actually our georgia is only a state which is like a province but not a real countryy
I'm half Ruskie half Gruzinski and I wish this country cut off all relations with Mexico and black people.
>american education
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everything you've said above is wrong
>this is his only response
go back to cutting meat in a factory shayukrutinov
mah nigga, good lobiani with ham is god tier dish.
trips confirm desu
well ya except the part i'm right? just because u live somewehre doesn't mean u know everything ever?
Do u have a house I can move into with u? ive seen u on here before but never said hello
Georgian food is failed Italian food
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a real american hero.gif
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>that flag
>that post
I asked dadko not u actually?
its dont
no, georgian food is way more superior than italian "food".
i'm serious desu senpai
gib visaliberalisation
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There is also in the East another Christian people, who are very warlike and valiant in battle, being strong in body and powerful in the countless numbers of their warriors...Being entirely surrounded by infidel nations...these men are called Georgians, because they especially revere and worship St. George...Whenever they come on pilgrimage to the Lord's Sepulchre, they march into the Holy City...without paying tribute to anyone, for the Saracens dare in no wise molest them...
Violent and brutish and bearing great resemblance to your typical Balkan country.
Also,Stalin's from there.
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Its alright. Atlanta's nice but the traffic is shitty.
>not progressive
pick one
>azerbaijan 5%
wew lad
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