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What is some spooky shit that's happened in your cunt?
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What is some spooky shit that's happened in your cunt?

We had a few years ago this lady, Elisa Lam, disappear from a hotel in Skid Row (worst part of Los Angeles). After residents of the hotel started complaining about their water being black, the water tank was checked and her body was found in there. This video was released from the night she went missing and is frankly pretty fucking spooky

why is it spooky?

he was clearly stoned
No drugs or alcohol were found in her system
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schizofrenia or other mental issue then

she's clearly confused (pushes multiple buttons) and having an imaginary conversation, also shows paranoia.

so I'll bet for paranoid schizofrenia
she had a pretty serious medical history

maybe not drugs in system but preciously because she was missing her drugs
LA thread?


Read down near the bottom n shiet. She was bipolar, apparently, but she was found naked, drowned in a water tank that seems pretty impossible for her to have climbed into and highly unlikely for her to be able to access in the first place. I dunno, some crazy whacko that killed her might have been following her and she was freaking out.
I remember watching the movie "Dark Water" before knowing about the death.
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I heard about it. Spooky
I've walked around skid row and that place is scary by itself, much scarier than any /x/ bullshit
Yeah that hotel is known for being sort of a haven for that kind of thing

The bathrooms aren't in the room, you have to walk down the hall so maybe someone confronted her when she was doing that and the video is her awkwardly handling that

I remember reading on Misc that the door to the water tank was quite heavy and it would have been difficult for her to open it, also leaving unexplained who closed it
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just because she went into the room doesn't mean she didn't close it doe
The water level is too low for her to have closed the door after going in
Also the US version of Dark Water came out in 2005 however the death of Elisa Lam occurred in 2013. Can someone explain why the death was so similar?

Also the movie was based on a novel.
>What is some spooky shit that's happened in your cunt?

there was a kid who dissapeared in a mountain and came back a year or two after that in the same state with even the same cloths. but that was in the 70's or 80's
we should put these factoids into order
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There was also an outbreak of TB by skid row and they test it using something called the lam-elisa...
Post wiki?
this strain of tb is passed by the ingestion of dead tissues
Idk some years ago were a lot of satanic sects in the canary islands
i don't even know the name of the case. i saw it in the tv some years ago.

dissapearing kids are pretty common thought. there are various famous cases where they can't find nothing.
LA is so fucking bizarre
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where they Spaniards or British?
Many, Dyatlov's expedition is probably one of the best ones.
Also Britain has many weird stories about warlocks and sorcerers. I cant remember any though.
this ones the big one, imo. all those connections and loose trails. who the fuck was this guy? what the hell was he doing before he kicked it?
>Dyatlov's expedition

I love that one. Made a pretty good movie too.

I spooked myself as a kid when I read it until I got older and realized it all made sense.
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You don't even know about the secret underground tunnels built by reptilians. It's strange because Hillary always comes to LA for unknown reasons every month...
Discovering the secrets of the South Australia dairy industry
For people that are into the ufo stuff, this one was a real one, my parents still remember it perfectly (besides the plane incident they passed though my fucking city)


really poor and non-objective wiki page, thought

I always just assumed "spy shit" because that's really the only way to explain all the codes and stuff.
the best part is his unknowablilty
you have the person his whereabouts but you have no idea who he was except a single link to a book

kek. Nah, I don't even mean it in a paranormal way, I just think about LA and having been there a couple times. It's just a weird town man, so many god damn people in that area, all the way from crackhead dindus to the uber-uber rich. Like all the whacked out degenerate shit that goes on and gets covered up. It has a weird feeling to it, like it's all palm trees and sun and shit but there's this underlying seediness that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
less "room" and more so, "closed water tank that wasnt designed for someone to actually enter". she took off a lid to a water tank, slid inside, then managed to close something only designed to be closed from the outside, from the inside, while standing inside it, a water tank that was like 9-11 feet tall with a girl who was like, 5 feet tall? even if, say, she was floating, she locked this behind her while floating, while apparently, so fucked on drugs or mental issues she had trouble using an elevator for a good 15 minutes? she failed to press a button, but managed to close and latch a water tank only accessible from the outside?

plausible, yes, but fucking, statistics wise, outrageously low as fucking fuck. ive yet to see an explanation that didnt rely on some super fucking unlikely of plausible scenarios. might just be one, too.
Wow, had never heard of that one, great read. Thanks for sharing it, that is really spooky
That Thompson woman sounds suspicious AF but unfortunately we'll never know

It's like that one CIA dude admitting to have been involved in killing JFK on his death bed, we'll never know

>On the evening of March 31, 1922, the six inhabitants of the farm were killed with a mattock.
>A few days prior to the crime, farmer Andreas Gruber told neighbors about discovering footprints in the snow leading from the edge of the forest to the farm, but none leading back.
>He also spoke about hearing footsteps in the attic and finding an unfamiliar newspaper on the farm.
>It is believed that the older couple, as well as their daughter Viktoria, and her daughter, Cäzilia, were all lured into the barn one by one, where they were killed.
>The perpetrator(s) then went into the house where they killed two‑year‑old Josef, who was sleeping in his cot in his mother's bedroom, as well as the maid, Maria Baumgartner, in her bedchamber
>It was established that a mattock was the most likely murder weapon and that the younger Cäzilia had been alive for several hours after the assault.
>Lying in the straw, next to the bodies of her grandparents and her mother, she had torn her hair out in tufts.
what about those mexicans in that apparently double murder poison scam? thats ones pretty weird. similar thing. no known reason, no known motive, two guys die in a field
A few months ago I read about some guy found dead near Sydney (maybe Bondi Beach?) and no one knew who he was, the Aussie government had like no record of him, some British guy

I remember it said he lived in an upscale apartment even though he was a furniture mover which raised suspicions

Anyone know what happened with that ?
if she was killed anyway it isn't spooky
this is probably just a mystical search thing like that guyana suicide pact except the leader/giver of the directions wasn't there and they were expecting some kind of something when they put the masks on, the towel and water is probably for the effects of the drugs

at least this is the likely scenario
random killing is pretty spoopy especially in a crowded location with not evidence
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>find foot prints going to your door with no return ones
>hear foot prints in the attic
>don't investigate
no* evidence
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>hear foot prints in the attic
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Sorry I've been up over c24 hours

I should sleep but spooky stories keep me awake
>>hear foot prints
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ever heard of exploding head syndrome? theres a thing about it. its more likely to happen, if you know about it. so ever been up late night and heard someone whisper loudly into your year your name? or a family members name, and you looked and no one was there, or looking?
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That's the hypnagogia

Pretty awesome consciousness state, I've induced it several times. They allow you to experience really physical hallucinations.

In the second one a black shadow got into my bed and raped me. I could feel the cold and dark energy entering my anus, this is pretty funny I know, but it really happened.

If you don't know that it's not real it might be terrifying, thought.
i do some brainstorming in this state but i can't remember most of the ideas
just too good and complicated
>In the second one a black shadow got into my bed and raped me
>If you don't know that it's not real it might be terrifying, thought.
Elisa Lam spooks me like nothing else.

Those fucking hand gestures she does in the corridor, that's not natural.
More than a few times in my life I've thought I was hearing someone hammering outside my window at the middle of the night but no one else in my house heard it, wonder if that was it
I find it interesting

The feelings are extremely intense. You don't experience it in normal state.

You can see a shadow, but you feel the shadow. You feel the evilness, you feel all the negative feelings at the same time. You feel the pure evil looking at you, and you can experience it in a rational way, knowing that it's not real.

It's pretty awesome.

Oh SHIT, so that's what that is, damn. Fuck that shit freaks me the fuck out. I always thought sleep paralysis was what the spainard said, like a shadow man comes and sits on you or some shit. Whenever I got it I just heard a scream and I shot up awake shaking myself feeling like I was being torn between two different realities. I'd have to go smoke like 3 cigarettes and the feeling would melt away. Fucking uncomfortable.
I think that video is slightly slowed, if you look at the real speed one it's not as spooky

Another meme murder from LA that was popular enough to get a shitty band named after it
>In 1922 young American Jack Smith travelled to Munich, Germany
> Upon arriving in his hotel room he turned to his translator and complained about the loud guests one floor above
>His translator then walked upstairs to confront the guests. However, he learned that the attic was not inhabited
>Impatient Jack Smith followed him only to scream "I can hear foot prints"
>be american
>get possessed
>feeling like I was being torn between two different realities
felt it

I literally had "two different pair of eyes" oppened at once

do you know when, an old TV received the same signal from 2 different sources? it was like that

awesome as hell. never experienced it again, but that day i was pretty excited.

I think it might be that the fake mental visual sense and the real eye visual sense were active at once.
I heard this incident was going to become Hollywood movie. I'm looking foward to it.
your mind is at 2 places at once
the dreaming state and the waking one

they thoughts start to merge as your brain gets too tired to separate them
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>be jap
>get tentacled
I was trying to have a lucid dream (I've had a few) but I couldn't. Then I tried to sleep normally and I heard a potent noise in my head that almost made it "explode". Then I opened the eyes and that shit happened. I felt the two realities merging, both images were the same, but one more luminid and greenish than the other. 5 minutes later I came back to normal, there was no awakening.

the fucking noise is the only think that I hate about exploring this things. it happens too when I ger paralysis, the fucking noise appears. but that time it was incredible, almost like an explosion.
Yeah it's pretty surreal here when you consider that there is all sorts of people here and that this city was made on lies and secret cabals
your brain is processing the sound faster than the realization that it happened because of the connections to the brain, like smell

time after all is what your brain imagined to be
You should read James Ellroy
This is that except real and worse

Whenever I get a headache I'm paranoid af now desu.
i should be specific
the passage of time is what your brain considers important

hence when someone asks you if you remember something what happened with great detail you just say not really you weren't paying attention even though all time pass at the same rate they are "compressed" differently

when you are in the half awake state you don't remember the passge of time at that exact moment because your consciousness is in the dreaming time until it somehow works that basic input into your dream because your brain can't get rid off it but it is busy fleshing out the dream-ideas first, basically there is a backlog of stuff your consciousness is trying to process and it needs to make the time compression happen for the waking input during sleeping steam-time

good way to know if you are taxing your brain
I don't understand a shit

I'm perfectly normal and rational in both states, also inside a dream that becames lucid I can think and act normally.

Just noted that disgusting noise in the transition.
you are not in both states though
your body might be but your "wakefulness“ can't be and if it is the attention is not all there but there are some things your brain cannot get rid off because of how not-really-sleeping it is so this thing is basically arrived in your brain at that moment but your realization that it happened came only after because it can't be at both places at once completely

>It was established that a mattock was the most likely murder weapon and that the younger Cäzilia had been alive for several hours after the assault.
>Lying in the straw, next to the bodies of her grandparents and her mother, she had torn her hair out in tufts.

Cäzilia was 7

poor loli ;_;
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>the way in which she disappears to her death
>the inexplicable movement of the elevator door afterwards
>the fact that you never see what's on the corridor

that's some nightmare fuel right there
I get it all the time because of my SSRI
sounds like people are having a conversation but I can't understand them
>"I can hear foot prints"
how do you hear a footprint
stupid germs
>yfw realizing someone was standing there right outside camera vision trying to get her to go to him
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>play CK2 late at night with the music off
>the courtiers start whispering to you
could never get into that game
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